Summer Camp Guide 2015 1 Summer Camp Guide 2015 Specialized Camps for Individuals with Disabilities Table of Contents Day Camps: Adam’s Camp- Early Start, Pathfinder, Trailblazer 6 Aurora Recreation Therapeutic Programs 6 Beyond Classroom Walls 7 Breckenridge Outdoor Center (BOEC) 7 Camp Paha and PAT (Paha Adults in Transition) 7 Challenge Aspen 8 Children’s Hospital- Camp Little Tree and CamPossible 8 City Surfers (Spectra Center) 8 Colorado Acts 8 Colorado Foundation for Conductive Education 9 Colorado Jr. Wheelchair Sports Camp 9 Continuum Summer Camp 10 Denver Parks and Recreation Camp 10 Durango Mountain Camp 10 Easter Seals 11 Expand – Boulder County Program 11 Firefly Autism 11 Garden Autism Services 12 Gold Star Learning Options 12 Highlands Ranch Therapeutic Recreation Program 12 HighPointe Summer School/Transition Program 13 Local City Programs 13 2 National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) 13 Parker Recreation Summer Programs 14 The Rhythm Within 14 Santa Fe Art Gallery 14 Sewall Child Development Center 15 South Suburban Parks and Rec. - S.T.A.R. Program 15 Spectra Autism Center 16 Special Olympics 16 Wilderness on Wheels 16 Wellspring Work and Enrichment Programs 17 YMCA Denver 17 Zuma’s Rescue Ranch 17 Overnight Camps: Adam’s Camp- Adventure and Urban Adventure 19 Aspen Camp 19 Camp Cerebral Palsy/CamPossible 20 Camp Colorado 20 Camp Courage 20 Camp Little Tree 20 Camp Wapiyapi 21 Camp Zenith - Children’s Hospital 21 Champ Camp 21 CNI Cochlear Kids Camp 22 Colorado Lions Camp 22 Colorado Summit Weekender Camp 22 Easter Seals - Rocky Mountain Village 23 Extreme Sports Camp / Ascendigo 23 3 HILLS Camping Trip 23 Jason's Camp 24 Joseph’s Journey 24 Junior Adventurer’s Camp 24 Mile High Summer Camp 25 Teens Kayak Camp - National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) 25 Cowboy Weekend – (NSCD) 25 Pinyon Ranch Horse Seminar 26 Ramah 26 Rock n' Rally Summer Camp 26 Round Up River Ranch 26 Sky High Hope Camp (American Cancer Society) 27 The Tikvah Program at Ramah Outdoor Adventure 28 Wilderness Camp 28 The Summer Camp Guide 2015 was created in partnership with the following agencies: *This resource is provided as informational only. We do not endorse any services listed. Please use your own discretion when utilizing services from any providers and contact the camps directly for more information. 4 Day Camp Directory 5 Adam’s Camp- Early Start, Pathfinder, Trailblazer Website: Phone: (303) 563- 8290 Email: Ages: Children ages 1- 18 Cost: Varies by program- check website or email for more information Dates: Multiple sessions available- check website or email for more information Additional Information: Early Start, Pathfinder, and Trailblazer programs provide an intensive, multidisciplinary therapy program in a fun camp setting for children with special needs. Aurora Recreation Therapeutic Programs Website: Phone: (303) 326-8410 Email: Ages: 14 and up Cost: Email for pricing Additional Information: Summer full day programs Monday- Friday from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Leisure activities for people with intellectual disabilities aged 14 and older. Beyond Classroom Walls Website: Phone Number: (303)-330-3309 Cost: Call for specific pricing Dates and Times: Half-Day and Full-Day camps available, call for specific dates and times for summer 2015. Additional Information: Camp options include: Light Rail Adventures and a Day Camp. Light Rail Adventures takes individuals out on the Light Rail and teaches social skills, language, academics, and thinking skills. The Day Camp provides individuals with natural learning opportunities to practice communication and language, problem solve, interact and work with peers, grow social skills, and become independent all while having fun. 6 Breckenridge Outdoor Center (BOEC) Website: Phone Number: (970) 453-6422 (Toll Free Number: 800-383-2632) Email: Call or email for dates, costs, and additional information. Camp Paha and PAT (Paha Adults in Transition) Website: Phone Number: (303) 987-4866 Email: (Megan Schoenbein, Programs Director) Ages: Camp Paha is for children ages 6-17, while PAT is for young adults aged 18-25. Cost: $25-$60 registration fee, $725 per session for Lakewood Residents, $930 per session for non- Lakewood Residents, $1,450 for seven-week session for Lakewood Residents, $1,860 for seven-week session for Non- Lakewood Residents Dates: Session 1: June 15th - July 2nd Session 2: July 13th- July 31st Full Summer: June 15th – July 31st Additional Information: Register by May 1st! Camp Paha provides safe, challenging, and fun educational opportunities. PAT is a summer day experience tailored for young adults, and is focused on skill building and independence. Challenge Aspen Website: Phone Number: (970) 923-0578 Email: (Jessica Palen) Ages: Outdoor Adventure Camp is for ages 8-25 with cognitive disabilities. Camp Champ is for children with autism. Magic and Music of Dance is for children 5 and up with any disability. Just for Teens Camp is for teens aged 13-20 with any disability. Cost: Varies- contact Jessica Palen for more information (scholarships available) 7 Dates: Outdoor Adventure Camp: June 15-19, Champ Camp: July 6-10, Magic and Music of Dance: July 20-24, Just for Teens Camp: August 3-6 Additional Information: Each camp is geared towards a different age group, but all strive to enhance social and life skills. Children’s Hospital- Camp Little Tree and CamPossible Website: Phone Number: (720) 777-3456 Email: Additional Information: Camp Little Tree is for children ages 8 to 12 with sensory integration impairments, learning, and attention deficits. CamPossible is for children ages 8 to 12 with Cerebral Palsy. Email or call for pricing, dates, and additional information. City Surfers (Spectra Center) Website: Phone Number: 303-665-6800 Email: Ages: 3 – 6 yrs. old (Itty Bitty CitySurfers); 7 – 21 yrs. old (Original City Surfers) Dates: 1st Session: June 1st – July 2nd; 2nd Session: July 13th – August 13th Cost: Please contact camp for more information. Additional Information: CItySurfers Summer Program provides therapeutic and recreational experiences for children, and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and related Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Activities include music based activities, visits to museums, aquariums and zoos; water and nature based activities, sports and games. Colorado Acts – Shining Stars Website: Email: Ages: Ages 5-18 Cost: $100 per session Colorado Acts Dates: 8 Session 1: June 22nd -26th from 1:00PM-4:00PM Session 2: July 13th -17th from 1:00PM- 4:00PM Additional Information: Shining Stars is a drama camp experience for children with special needs and provides students the opportunity to expand their communication and social skills. Colorado Foundation for Conductive Education (CFCE) Contact: 970-667-0348 or Web site: Dates & Costs: All camps run Mon - Fri; 9a.m. - 2 p.m. in Denver or Loveland Denver: June 1 - 12 (2 weeks) All abilities; all ages; Cost $1350 July 13 - Aug. 7 (4 weeks) All abilities; all ages; Cost $2500 July 13 - 24 (2 weeks) Children Under 5; Cost $810 July 27 - Aug. 7 (2 wks) Hi functioning walking camp; $1350 Loveland: June 15 - 26 (2 weeks) All abilities; all ages; Cost $1350 July 6 - 24 (3 weeks) All abilities; all ages; Cost $2025 Ages: Typically 2 – 15, (however if you’d like to enroll your older teenager please call us). Additional Information: Camp offers an intensive alternative approach to traditional therapy for individuals with motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, Parkinson’s disease, stroke or head injury. There will be an evaluation as to whether conductive education will provide maximum benefit for your child. Colorado Jr. Wheelchair Sports Camp Web site: Contact: Mary Carpenter Phone Number: 303-985-7525 Email: Dates: June 8, 2015 – June 12, 2015 - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost: Free - Registration deadline is May 13 Ages: Grades 1 - 12 9 Colorado Jr. Wheelchair Sports Camp Additional Information: Camp is organized by Colorado Sports for the Physically Challenged, Adaptive Adventures, and Aurora Central High School. Campers have a physical disability that prevents them from participating equally with their able-bodied peers. Sports include: archery, basketball, bowling, quad rugby, softball, swimming, tennis, road racing, track, and many more. Recreation & leisure activities may include bocce ball, theater movement, and power soccer. Camp is held at Aurora Central high School. Continuum Summer Camp Website: Phone Number: (303) 214-3370 Ages: Ages 12-18 Cost: Call to reserve your spot and get more information about dates and cost. Additional Information: This day camp held in Aurora provides site and community based activities. The camp starts June 8th and runs for 8 weeks. Denver Parks and Recreation – Adaptive Recreation Website: or iveRecreation/tabid/443643/Default.aspx Phone Number: (720) 865- 0820 Email: Additional Information: Programs are offered for a variety of ages and abilities throughout Denver. These programs include adaptive aquatics, horseback riding, water skiing, teen night out, dances, camping, rafting and more! Durango Mountain Camp Web site: Contact: Joyce Bilgrav 970-385-7713; Zane or BJ Bilgrav – 970-385-1778 Dates & Ages: Half Day Camp - ages 7 – 13. Operates June 27 – Aug. 2, 2015 Cost: $3,900 10 Dates: & Ages: Full Day Camp - ages 9 - 13 operates June 27 – Aug. 2, 2015. Cost: $5,550 Additional Information: Camp has hand-picked professional therapists to help students with dyslexia issues. Activities may include mountain biking, wild Colorado, Horseback riding, Technical Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Scuba (12 & over). Camp location is 44000 Highway 550 N., Durango, CO Easter Seals Website: Phone Number: (303) 233-1666 (extension 235) Email: Ages: Yay! Camp is for children ages 6-18 of any and all abilities. Cost: $75 per day/camper (discounted rate of $35 per day for Developmental Pathways Community Outreach and Family Support clients) Dates: Email or call for dates. Yay! Camp Denver runs from 8:30AM-4:00PM Monday-Friday Additional Information: Yay! Camp also has a Summit County Location for children ages 7-18. Yay! Camp Summit is from 8:30AM-4:30PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Expand – Boulder County Program Website: Phone Number: (303) 413-7269 Email: (Cory Lasher) Additional Information: Contact directly for dates, pricing, and information about programming. Firefly Autism Website: Phone Number: (303) 759-1192 Email: Ages: Children ages 3-18 with autism Contact for dates and pricing. Additional Information: The Social Skills Camp is a 5-day intense camp with a structured scheduled of fun activities that promote social and life skills. 11 Garden Autism Services Website: Email: Ages: Day Camp for children ages 8-21 with autism. Contact for pricing and dates. Additional Information: Activities and outings are based on social engagement and adaptive living skills. Camp runs from 10:00AM-3:00PM on Mondays- Thursdays. Gold Star Learning Options Web site: Contact: Rachel Corbridge Phone Number: 303-327-9738 Email: Dates/Times: June 1 – Aug. 7, Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 9:30 a.m. till 2:30 p.m. Cost: $75 registration fee, 1:1 enrollment $125/day, 3:1 enrollment $75/day Ages: 5 - 21 and adults 21+ of all developmental levels. Gold Star Learning Options Additional Information: Summer Adventure Program - Our community based program offers safe, fun, and exciting experiences for our adventurers. Groups are customized according to age & developmental level to maximize opportunities for positive interactions. Come enjoy parks, museums, water parks, and more and make new friends along the way. We encourage confidence, self-expression and acceptance of each other. Near Franklin and 58th in Denver. Highlands Ranch Therapeutic Recreation Program Website: Phone Number: (303) 471- 7043 Email: (Summer Aden) Additional Information: Contact for dates, pricing, and more information about programming. 12 HighPointe Summer School/Transition Program Website: Phone Number: (303) 221- 3222 (Ask for Ken) Email: Ages: Ages 16-21 Additional Information: Contact for dates, pricing, and information on programming. Local City Programs Lakewood - Website: enter “Rise Above” in search area for information on R.I.S.E Above camp. City of Longmont - Rec. Center Web site: Phone Number: (303) 774-4800 Email: Ages: Scope Teen Camp for ages 13 – 17. There is also a camp for 6 to 12 yr. olds. Dates: June 1 – July 24, 2015, runs 8 weeks from 9-4. Cost: $150 - $188 per week Thornton - Wheat Ridge - Arvada - National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) Website: Phone: (303) 316-1518 Additional Information: NSCD provides many day programs & activities such as rafting, rock climbing, biking, horse riding, canoe & kayaking, team sports, and more. Locations include Winter Park, Grand County, Tabernash, Eldorado Canyon, Bear Creek Lake Park or South Platte River, Lakewood & some metro only programs, and even more locations depending on the activity. Contact or see website for dates and pricing and information regarding ages. 13 Parker Recreation Summer Programs Website: Phone Number: (303) 805- 3208 (Terry Bickel, Coordinator) Email: See website or contact for session dates and costs. Additional Information: Various therapeutic camps offered over the summer (including one on one sessions). The Rhythm Within Website: Phone Number: (303) 827-418 Email: (Jonah Berger) Contact for dates, costs, and ages. Additional Information: Your child will be picked up from a designated location on the agreed- upon days. Sessions can run from 2-3 hours to full days. Sante Fe Art Gallery Website: Phone Number: (303) 777-0797 Ages: All Ages Cost: Varies, but about $3-4 per class (scholarships available) Dates: Year round workshops Additional Information: Workshops engage the community by opening doors to creative and educational opportunities for people with disabilities to access the arts. 14 Sewall Child Development Center Website: Phone Number: (303) 399-1800 Email: Ages: Children ages 3 to 12 Cost: Prices vary per week (depending on half-day or full-day) Dates: Contact for dates Additional Information: A series of inclusive, weekly summer camp programs for children with and without special needs. Please visit the website for more details. South Suburban Parks and Rec - S.T.A.R. Program Web site: Contact: Mary Kaminski, Program Coordinator Phone Number: 303.708.3518 office, 303.435.8242 cell Email: Date: Variety of dates depending on the program Cost: Ranges from $25/day to $50/day Ages: Depends on program, but generally between 5 & 14 Additional Information: Everyone gains from inclusion. Individuals gain new friendships, new recreation skills, and a better understanding of one another. Our goal is to provide an environment where individuals with disabilities come together with their peers participating in any recreation class or activity that South Suburban provides. In some cases, individuals with disabilities may bring a friend or family member to assist the participant in class. If this is not possible, a trained volunteer or staff person may be provided. Summer Camps are at Lone Tree Rec. Center, (10249 Ridgegate Circle, Lone Tree, CO) or Goodson Rec. Center (6315 S. University, Centennial, CO). 15 Spectra Autism Center Website: Phone Number: (303) 665-6800 Ages: Itty Bitty City ages 3-6, City Surfer Original ages 7-21, City Surfer Horizons ages 18-21 Cost: Itty Bitty City costs $75 for one session or $100 for both sessions. City Surfer Original and Horizons both cost $100 per session, or $150 for both sessions. Dates: Session 1 is from June-July (Fridays only for Itty Bitty City), and Session 2 is from JulyAugust (Fridays only for Itty Bitty City). Additional Information: Check the website or contact for specific dates. Special Olympics Website: Phone Number: (720) 359-3100 (Toll Free Number: 800-777-5767) Email: Additional Information: Session dates and costs vary, contact camp for more information. Wilderness on Wheels Website: Phone Number: (303) 403-1110 Ages: All Ages Cost: No cost- donations are welcome Dates: Call to make a reservation Additional Information: Pitch your tent on a deck elevated to the height of a wheelchair- a natural environment made accessible. 16 Wellspring Work and Enrichment Programs Website: Phone Number: (303) 660-1935 Email: Ages: High school students through adults Additional Information: Call for session dates and cost. YMCA Denver Website: Phone Number: (720) 524- 2730 Additional Information: Call for more information on session dates and pricing. Zuma’s Rescue Ranch Web site: Contact: Lauren Munger 303-346-7493 Dates: June & July 1st & 3rd weeks Cost: 3 Day Camp - $350; 5 Day Camp $435 Ages: 6 & up but depends on the child Additional Information: Zuma's Equine Assisted Learning Program (ZEAL) – Our purpose is to guide and support people through difficult life transitions, in a group setting, using the evidence based Experiential Learning Model. Camps help children struggling with mood disorders, learning differences, mental health issues and self-regulation. We will assist in the development of successful life skills such as: respect, mood regulation, self-esteem, creative expression and communication. Our program is run by Animal Assisted Coaching Specialists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Practical Counselors. Camp activities could include pony rides, hay rides, horsemanship classes, games, arts & crafts, gardening, movies field trips, tutoring. Camp is in Littleton, near Chatfield Reservoir. 17 Overnight Camp Directory 18 Adam’s Camp- Adventure Camp Website: Phone Number: (303) 563-8290 Email: Ages: Young Adults with special needs Contact for dates and pricing. Additional Information: Our Mountain Adventure Camp provides an experience that is fun of fun, challenge, and adventure. Aspen Camp Website: Contact: 1-970-315-0513 Email: Dates and Ages for Deaf Campers: June 16 - 29; Ages 13 – 17, July 7 - 20; Ages 10 – 15, July 21 - Aug. 3; Ages 8 - 12 Dates & Ages for KODA Campers: June 2 - 8; Ages 8 – 12, June 9 - 18; Ages 13 - 17 Cost: $699 - $1,199 - Scholarships & payment plans may be available. Additional Information: Activities may include rafting, crafts, camping, games, high robes, low ropes, hot springs, bonfire, ASL development, reading, swimming, & making friends. Camp is 4 hours west of Denver. Aspen is 25 minutes north of camp. Camp Cerebral Palsy/CamPossible Contact: 720-777-3456 Web site: Date: June 19- June 21 Cost: Scholarships Available Ages: 8 - 12 yrs. Additional Information: Three day camps designed to meet the unique needs of children with cerebral palsy. Activities will be adapted to foster success and a sense of achievement while camping with peers in the mountains setting. Location is near Breckenridge. 19 Camp Colorado Web site: Contact: Emily Fay, 720-855-2201 ext. 7015 Email: Dates: June 28- July 3, 2015 Cost: Non Refundable deposit of $50 - Residential Camp ages 9-14, $560+ $50 deposit - Teen Camp ages 15-17, $600+ $50 deposit Ages: 8 - 14 camp; teen camp ages 15 - 17 Additional Information: Camp for children with diabetes. Eagle Lake Camp is 9 miles from Woodland Park and near Colorado Springs. Camp Courage Contact: 720-424-2940 Website: Email: Dates: June 14 - 18 Cost: FREE Ages: 9 - 17 Additional Information: Week long camp for children with cancer and their siblings. Activities include challenge course, zip line, archery, fishing and hiking. Camp is located in Jamestown, CO. Camp Little Tree Web site: Contact: 720-777-3456 Dates: June 8 – June 12, Cost: $625, Ages: 8 - 12 yrs. Additional Information: Little Tree is a special camp for children with sensory integration (SI) impairments, as well as learning and/or attention deficits. Location is near Breckenridge. 20 Camp Wapiyapi Website: Contact: 303-534-0883 E-mail: Dates: May 30 - June 3 or June 4 - 8 or June 9 - 13 Cost: FREE Ages: 6 - 17 Additional Information: Camp designed for pediatric oncology patients and their siblings. Kids enjoy the opportunity to escape the hospital and doctor offices. Camp is located in Estes Park. Camp Zenith via Children’s Hospital Website: Contact: 720-777-3456 Date: July 19 – July 23 Cost: $625 Ages: 8 - 18 yrs. Additional Information: Camp Zenith 5 day overnight program is intended for children who have sustained traumatic injuries to the brain. Champ Camp Contact: 303-388-4327 Web site: Date: July 19 – July 25, 2015 Cost: Please contact camp for more information. Ages: 7 - 14 Additional Information: Champ Camp is an educational program and week long summer camp for children with asthma. Children gain confidence in themselves and their ability to take control of something very important, control of their own lifelong condition - asthma. 21 CNI Cochlear Kids Camp Website: Contact: 303-806-7416 Date: June 18 – 21, July 30 – August 2, 2015 Cost: Please contact camp for more information. Age: 3 – 18 years old (18 years of age who are senior in High School and graduates in 2015) Additional Information: Children with cochlear implants and their families will come together at CNI Cochlear Kids Camp in Estes Park, CO for a long weekend of summer camp activities, networking and education. Colorado Lions Camp Website: Phone Number: (719) 687-2087 Email: Ages: Ages 8 through Senior Adult Cost: Non-Refundable registration fee $100; $550 per session Dates: Session 1: May 31- June 5 (Ages 19-30), Session 2: June 7-12 (Ages 30+), Session 3: June 14-19 (Hearing and Vision Impaired), Session 4: June 21-26 (Ages 30+), Session 5: June 28- July 3 (Ages 13-18), Session 6: July 5-10 (ages 30+), Session 7: July 12-17 (Ages 19-30), Session 8: July 19-24 (Ages 8-12), Session 9: July 26-31 (Ages 30+), Session 10: August 2-7 (Ages 19+, must be highly independent). Additional Information: Several weeks of traditional camps and one week for vision and hearing impaired. Contact the camp to be sure this is a good fit for your child. Camp is located in Pikes Peak National Forest; just west of Colorado Springs & north of Woodland Park on Hwy 67 N. Colorado Summit Weekender Camp Contact: Michael DiLillo - 1-888-550-3111 Email: Dates: April 24 – 26 (Weekend Camp, Buena Vista) $425 Ages: 11 - 19 22 Colorado Weekender Additional Information: Colorado Weekender is a school year program designed for students with learning disabilities, high functioning Autism/Asperger's, ADHA/ADD who would enjoy and benefit from guided recreation weekends. These "youth group" like experiences offer opportunities for peer interaction, fun and friendships in what is almost a 24/7 social skills group. Camp is in Buena Vista, CO. Easter Seals Website: Rocky Mountain Village Location: Empire, CO Phone: 303-569-2333 (Krasimir Koev) Dates & Costs: 13 separate one week camps from May thru August - check web site for specific dates per disability & costs as there are so many options! Additional information: Camp is fully accessible. Campers enjoy swimming, fishing, outdoor cooking, crafts, sports, hiking, dances, music, drams, horse-back riding, zip line, day trips & more. Beautiful mountain environment just off I-70. Extreme Sports Camp / Ascendigo Contact: 970-920-3695 or 970-927-3143 Web site: or Dates: 8 Sessions from June - August Cost: Overnight $2,300; Day $1,250; Weekend $500 Ages: 7 yrs. and older Additional Information: Overnight sports camp that provides the opportunities and supports for children and adults on the autism spectrum to progress in active sports. HILLS Camping Trip Website: Phone Number: (303) 875- 9149 Email: Additional Information: Contact for costs, dates, and more information 23 Jason's Camp - Epilepsy Foundation - YMCA of the Rockies Website: Contact: 303-377-9774 Email: Dates: July 8 – 12, 2015 Cost: $550 (Scholarships Available) Ages: 13 - 17 Additional Information: Camp for teens with epilepsy that teaches how to shift the focus to what they can do such as zip line, rock climbing, horseback riding, arts & crafts. Camp is at YMCA of the Rockies neat Estes Park, CO. Joseph’s Journey Website: Contact: Kim or Vickie Steuart, 303-989-5710 Email: Dates & Cost: Contact for specifics as experiences are tailored to the child Additional Information: This is a wish granting organization and is dedicated to providing wilderness experiences to children with terminal and life-threatening illness. Adventures include hiking, fishing, camping hunting, climbing and more – it’s up to the child. Only experienced, qualified guides are used to lead these journeys, and all safety requirements and rules are rigorously followed. Junior Adventurer’s Camp (Breckenridge Outdoors Education Center) Website: Contact: 1-800-383-3632 Email: Dates & Cost: Call or email for 2015 info (last year cost was $475) Additional Information: This 3 day program is uniquely designed for children ages 8 – 14 with developmental disabilities. Campers are provided with the opportunity to boost self-esteem thru skill building and are invited to develop inner strength and courage through canoeing, white-water rafting, cycling, a ropes course, and more. Location is near Breckenridge, CO. 24 Mile High Summer Camp Website: Contact: 303-724-2309 Dates: Please contact for more information. Costs: Non-Refundable $75; Approximately $1,000 (Scholarships Available) Ages: 7 - 18 (6 year olds may be accepted on a case by case basis) Additional Information: The purpose of camp is to learn about bleeding disorders, develop skills, and have fun! Teens Kayak Camp - National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) Website: Contact: 303-316-1544 Dates: Year Round Camp (visit website for more details). Cost: Contact camp for more information. Additional Information: Camps range from 2 to 4 days and are designed for individuals with physical and/or developmental disabilities. Grand County, CO. Cowboy Weekend (NSCD) Website: Dates: June 12 – 14 Cost: $300 full weekend Ages: 10 & older, must be independent Program Information: Exciting weekend of horseback riding, cowboy cookouts and campfire sing-a-longs. Participants must be self-sufficient in personal care. Location is Grand County 25 Pinyon Ranch Horse Seminar Website: Phone Number: (954) 242-4733 Email: Ages: Young Adults with developmental disabilities ages 18-30 Contact for cost and dates. Additional Information: This is a 5-day overnight program that will teach about the care and grooming of animals, and develop independence and social skills. Ramah Website: Contact: 303-261-8214, 300 Dahlia St. #205, Denver, CO 80246 Dates: Visit website for more details. Cost: $2,100 - $4,000 Ages: 8 - 17 Additional Information: 2 & 4 week camping experience for Jewish Children who have I/DD that allows camp participation along with typical peers. Rock n' Rally Summer Camp Website: Contact: 303-337-9774 E-mail: Dates: July 24 - 26 Cost: Based on ability to pay Ages: 8 - 12 Additional Information: A youth program of the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado. This is an overnight weekend camp designed to help children learn what they can do during a seizure. A team of licensed medical staff is on site at all times along with peers and experienced counselors. Camp is located in Jamestown, CO. 26 Round Up River Ranch Website: Contact: Eileen Hall Phone Number: 970-524-2267 Email: Dates: 1st session begins June 7 Cost: FREE Age: 7 - 17 Additional Information: Camp designed for children with chronic and life threatening illnesses. There are 6 different one week sessions; each week is disability specific. Activities include boating, fishing, music, horseback, riding, and challenge course. Location is near Gypsum, CO. Sky High Hope Camp (American Cancer Society) Website: or Phone Number: 303-861-1754 Email: Dates: June 21 – 27 Cost: FREE Ages: 8 - 18 Additional Information: Camp for children with cancer and their siblings. Summer sessions include archery, arts and crafts, rock climbing, rafting, water front activities and more in a medically safe environment. Winter sessions include snowboarding, skiing, ice skating, and tubing. Camp is in Golden, CO 27 The Tikvah Program at Ramah Outdoor Adventure Website: Phone Number: (303) 261- 8214 (extension 103) Email: (Elyssa Hammerman, Director) Ages: Adolescents ages 11-17 with mild to moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities. Cost: $2,300 for one session, $4,350 for both (discounts are available for former campers, and scholarships available for first time campers) Dates: Session 1: June 23rd – July 6th , Session 2: July 7th –July 20th Additional Information: At Camp Ramah, all participants must be Jewish. The Tikvah program is integrated with the greater camp, and the chalutzim (Tikvah campers) will participate in elements of the camp program such as meals, evening programs, and Shabbat. Individual chalutzim will be integrated in other activities around camp according to their abilities. Contact us or see our website for more information. Wilderness Camp (Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center) Website: Phone: 1-800-383-2632 Email: Dates & Cost: 4 days in July (last year cost was $850) Call to get current information Ages: 16 – 25 Additional Information: This is a multiday, 23 mile flat-water canoe trip down Ruby and Horsethief Canyons on the Colorado River. Program requires all participants be independent with self-care. Emphasis will be on having fun in a structured, supportive setting. This is a mobile course based in Grand Junction and entering Utah for a few miles via canoe & river. Students will be involved in paddling, navigation, camp set up, cooking, cleaning and River & camp equipment care during the course. 28
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