Dear Friend of AutismUp, One in every 68 individuals is diagnosed with autism today - a staggering increase of 1,000% since 1980. It’s estimated there are 10,000 individuals living with autism locally, including more than 2,000 families supported by AutismUp. You likely know one of these families facing the inevitable question, “What’s next?” It’s the question that has shaped the evolution of AutismUp for a decade, and it propels everything we do to create a model of support as our children with autism grow to be adults with autism. AutismUp is helping these families today, and providing hope for tomorrow. Yet, there is much more to be done. Our direct programming, support services, awareness and advocacy efforts must continue to grow. We need your help. Your sponsorship will help expand programs and support services for thousands of families, grow our scholarship program to insure opportunities for all regardless of financial means, and build a multi-sensory learning environment where children with autism, and their families, can access support and services in an appropriate setting. In addition, your sponsorship is an opportunity to further promote your business to guests of the gala and thousands of members and supporters, while illustrating a commitment to fostering the development of our community. We will happily recognize you with related benefits at each sponsor level. Won’t you please pledge to help us today and provide hope for tomorrow? Our 10th Anniversary Spring Gala will be an epic celebration where we will unveil our bold new destiny for the next decade. I’d like to invite you to become an event sponsor and support our efforts in 2015. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to seeing you on May 2, 2015! e v a S e t a D Presenting Sponsors & Honorary Event Chairs Mark and Roberta Chaney the invite you to join the AU-some efforts of AutismUp by pledging your support. AutismUp 10th Anniversary Gala Saturday, May 2, 2015 Rochester Riverside Convention Center Dinner, Drinks, Raffles, Auctions & Entertainment Mission AutismUp (formerly known as UNYFEAT) supports individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and their families, by expanding and enhancing opportunities to improve quality of life. Founded in 2004, AutismUp has grown to include more than 2,000 member households in the Greater Rochester and surrounding areas. As a 501c3 not-for-profit, AutismUp relies on donations to support its mission. Your donation remains local. Visit for more information or to make a donation. 5 1 0 2 , 2 May SIDE VER R RI R E EST OCH CO NVE NTI ON CEN Questions or More Information Lisa Ponticello Marketing and Development Director | 585-248-9011 Beth Ciardi Special Events and Fundraising Manager | 585-248-9011 Celebrating a decade of inspired work on behalf of local individuals living with autism. Sincerely yours, Join us in providing help for today and hope for tomorrow. Sarah Milko Executive Director Join us in providing help for today and TER AutismUp 10th Anniversary Gala Sponsor Opportunities Choose to partner with AutismUp as we celebrate a decade of inspired work on behalf of the local autism community, and help us to meet our 2015 gala fundraising goals as a “10th Anniversary Gala” event sponsor. Platinum Partner____$20,000 Receive recognition as a major 2015 gala sponsor while choosing to extend your support thru the year as a Platinum Partner. Platinum Partner Sponsorships include corporate recognition at all 2015 special events and on related event materials, plus: Two (2) reserved tables of ten (10) each - total of 20 guests - in a premium location for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment VIP Cocktail Reception with live entertainment for your party of twenty (20) prior to general admission Preview of Silent Auction Name mentioned as Platinum Partner in press releases leading up to the event Two page color advertisement in the interior of the event program (two 8.5”H x 5.5”W pages side-by-side) or single 8.5” H x 11” W spread) Name/logo included on all pre/ post event e-communications One (1) mention per month (April – May 2015) on AutismUp main Facebook page Platinum Partner Sponsors will be recognized as such prominently, and hyperlinked, on the AutismUp website and in communications in 2015 Corporate name/logo and link to website included on AutismUp’s Gala page on website Corporate logo included at bottom of AutismUp homepage and on gala e-communications Prominent signage throughout the event site Corporate name/logo looping during event on monitors Special thanks and recognition as a Platinum Partner Sponsor during gala event Sponsor listing in event program book Individual table sign Diamond Sponsor___$17,500 Prominent recognition as Gala Entertainment Sponsor, opportunity to introduce act, and name/logo displayed on stage, plus: Two (2) reserved tables of ten (10) each - total of 20 guests - in a premium location for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment 20 tickets to the VIP cocktail reception prior to general admission Preview of Silent Auction Full page color advertisement; interior of the event program (8.5”H x 5.5”W) Prominent signage throughout the event site Sponsor name listed in the event book Sponsor logo/ name looping on event monitors Individual table sign Diamond Sponsor will be recognized and hyperlinked on the AutismUp website in 2015 VIP Sponsor________$15,000 Prominent recognition as VIP Cocktail Reception Sponsor and opportunity to distribute branded promotional item to VIP guests, plus: Two (2) reserved tables of ten (10) each - total of 20 guests - in a premium location for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment 20 tickets to the VIP cocktail reception prior to general admission Preview of Silent Auction Full page color advertisement; interior of the event program (8.5”H x 5.5”W) Prominent signage throughout the event site Sponsor name listed in the event book Sponsor logo/ name looping on event monitors Individual table sign VIP Sponsor will be recognized and hyperlinked on the AutismUp website in 2015 Gold Sponsor_______$10,000 Two (2) reserved tables of ten (10) each - total of 20 guests in a premium location for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment 20 tickets to the VIP cocktail reception prior to general admission Preview of Silent Auction Full page color advertisement; interior of the event program (8.5”H x 5.5”W) Prominent signage throughout the event site Sponsor name listed in the event book Sponsor logo/ name looping on event monitors Individual table sign Gold Sponsor will be recognized and hyperlinked on the AutismUp website in 2015 the event program (4.25”H x 5.5”W) Prominent signage throughout the event site Sponsor name listed in the event book Sponsor logo/ name looping on event monitors Individual table sign Bronze Sponsor______$2,500 One table of ten (10) for sit down dinner Four (4) tickets to the VIP reception Quarter page black & white ad in the interior of the event program (2.1”H x 5.5” W) Bronze Sponsor name listed in the event book Sponsor logo/ name looping on event monitors Sponsor table sign Table Sponsor_______$2,000 One table of ten (10) for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment Individual table sponsor name listed in the event book Yes, I’d like to support AutismUp’s efforts to help all those living with autism by becoming a 10th Anniversary Gala Sponsor! Join us in providing help for today and Please select your sponsorship level: hope for tomorrow. May 2,Platinum 2015 Partner $20,000 Diamond Sponsor $17,500 VIP Sponsor $15,000 Gold Sponsor $10,000 Silver Sponsor $5,000 Bronze Sponsor $2,500 Table Sponsor $2,000 Patron Sponsor $750 Friend of AutismUp $225 Entertainment Sponsor $7,500 Sponsor Reception $5,000 Program & Invitation Sponsor $3,500 Photography Sponsor $2,500 Event Signage Sponsor $1,750 TOTAL CONTACT AND PAYMENT INFORMATION Please provide the following: Patron Sponsor________$750 Two (2) seats for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment Two (2) tickets to the VIP reception Patron name listed in the event book Friend of AutismUp_____$225 One individual gala ticket includes seat at a community table for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment. Sponsor Name: Contact Name: Street Address: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Email: Payment Method Invoice Req’d: Credit Card or Check via mail or email Credit Card #: Security Code: Silver Sponsor_______$5,000 One table of ten (10) for full service dinner, dessert, auction and entertainment Ten (10) tickets to the VIP reception Half page black & white advertisement in the interior of Underwriting Opportunities: Entertainment________ $7,500 Sponsor Reception____ $5,000 Programs & Invitations_ $3,500 Photography_________ $2,500 Event Signage________$1,750 Expiration Date: Name on Card Signature: AutismUp will provide a confirmation of your commitment by email. Please provide an ad (if applicable) and guest list to AU by 4/10/15 at Sponsorship purchases may also be made on-line at . Thank you!
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