Technical Report: Auto-Scaling Attacks and Price Evaluation A NALYSIS AND F URTHER E VALUATION 7 Analysis We begin by analyzing the EDoS attack vector; the analysis for the DoS attack is similar. First, we deal with the question of how much damage can an attacker cause, using different attack strategies. 6 Avg. Cost per Hour (USD) In this technical report we continue the analysis of the auto-scaling attacks and defenses presented in our main paper, submitted to CCS [1], discuss additional empirical results, and present CDN-on-Demand pricing evaluation and comparison with commercial CDN providers. 5 4 3 2 1 0 1. Without Attack 2. Attacked 3. Attacked, R-Measure Deployed 60 Let ri represent the system scale level with i unjustified resources (e.g., number of servers); in particular, r0 is the scale level in benign environment. Next, let ρ represent the attacker’s resources that need to be applied on the system in order to scale it up once, i.e., from ri to ri+1 1 . Hence, in order to repeatedly scale-up the system n times, from r0 to rn , an attacker has to apply a total of at least ρ·n·(n+1) of his resources. 2 To maximize the impact, the efficient attacker predicts the measurement intervals; he wastes no resources while the system is in ‘cooldown’ and applies just enough of them to trigger a scale-up during the measurement interval. We simplify and assume that the attacker’s resources are replenished linearly with some steady rate ξ; i.e., over interval of length t, attacker receives ξ · t resources. Denote by m and c the length of the measurement and cooldown intervals respectively; note that m < c (e.g., Amazon EC2, the defaults are m = 1 minute and c = 5 minutes). Then, in order for the attacker to cause n consecutive scale-ups, he must start with − ξ · (m + c) · (n − 1) resources. at least ρ·n·(n+1) 2 Next, we turn to the question of which system scale rn is sustainable by the attacker. Suppose the attacker can no longer scale-up the system once the latter allocates n resources (e.g., when the attacker exhausts his resources, or after reaching the system’s upper scale limit). The attacker may now choose between pressing on the attack, or recover his resources by letting the system scale-down. In order to keep the system at rn , the attacker needs to replenish his resources at a substantial rate of ξ ≥ ρ·n m ; we assume this rate is unsustainable by our weak attacker. However, the attack is feasible even for a much weaker attacker (with a lesser ξ). This attacker chooses to temporarily lift the pressure to regain his resources, followed by renewal of his attack, causing fluctuation. Let φ be the fluctuation size, 1 Notice that ρ does not depend on i, since the metric is system-wide, rather than per-instance. 80 100 120 Upper Threshold (Number of Clients) Fig. 1: EDoS attack and defense. Effect of threshold on system cost. measured in consecutive scale-downs after which the attack renews. We have seen that ξφ=0 ≥ ρ·n m . For φ = 1, the attacker launches his attack to bring the system to rn , and then lets it scale-down to rn−1 before renewing the attack; hence, ξφ=0 ≥ ρ·n ξφ=1 ≥ 2·(m+c) , and in the general case mρn − ξφ=m ≥ m−1 P i·ρ i=0 2 · (m + c) = 2mρn − ρm · (m − 1) 4m · (m + c) (1) We see that the fluctuated attack requires significantly less resources as φ grows, and is feasible even for weak attackers. The average effect, or damage, of a sustainable, fluctuating attack that lasts T minutes is therefore T · (n − φ2 ), measured in needlessly spent resources by the system. Lastly, we analyze the probabilistic defense, to identify which values of measurement probability p will make it infeasible for the attacker to cause the system to allocate rn resources. The probabilistic defense measures the system’s performance with probability p every measurement interval. Hence the attacker is expected to launch the attack p1 times until he succeeds to manipulate a measurement. Before the attack begins, a single cooldown period is followed by probabilistic measurement intervals, which provide the attacker with m (c + m p ) · ξ resources. However, launching the attack p times requires replenishment of (c+ m p ) m p ·ξ = c·p+m m · ξ resources per interval; therefore, a scale level rn for which n ≥ infeasible. c·p+m m·ρ · ξ is 7 1. Attacked 2. Attacked, R-Measure Deployed CDN Provider Out Traffic cost (USD/GB) SSL fee range (USD/month) Use-case Cost (USD/month) Akamai not published not published Refuses service to smaller sites Cloudflare 0 200 200 (costs are reported to grow in case of DoS attack) Amazon Cloudfront 0.08 600 680 Microsoft Azure CDN 0.0725 39 111.5 Fastly 0.08 100-1500 + initial fee of 500 180 Cdn77 0.0395 58.25 97.75 MAXCDN 0.0575 39 96.5 Cachefly 0.2945 99-409 393.5 CDN-on-Demand, DoS / flash crowds 5% of the time 0.0619 0 16.605 CDN-on-Demand, no DoS / flash crowds 0.0504 0 5.04 6.5 Avg. Cost per Hour (USD) 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 400 800 1200 Attacker Power (Number of Bots) Fig. 3: Pricing Comparison of CDN Providers. Collected during June-July 2015. Fig. 2: EDoS attack and defense. Effect of attacker’s power on system cost. offer various DoS-protection plans. These pricing models are contrasted against CDN-on-Demand which leverages selected public clouds only when handling a flash-crowd or DoS attack; in benign scenarios, CDN-on-Demand is dormant running only watchdogs to monitor the content-origin server and incurring minimal costs. Additional Experimental Results To further examine the effectiveness and efficiency of the EDoS attack vector, as well as the proposed defense, we conduct several additional experiments. In the measurements below we use the setup described in the main paper. a) Methodology: To estimate the expenses of using commercial CDNs and CDN-on-Demand, we collected the advertised pricing data from different CDNs, presented in Figure 3. The figure shows the costs of the following key services, provided by CDNs: outgoing communication (incoming traffic is typically free) and SSL/TLS support. For CDN-on-Demand we also measure the cost for operating the cloud machines (watchdogs and proxies), which is low when the system is dormant (since we only deploy watchdogs) and higher when under heavy-load. In order to compare the price-tag of existing CDNs against CDN-on-Demand, we measured the total cost of using a CDN for one month. We assume a small/medium HTTPS website (i.e., requiring SSL/TLS support), using defenses against DoS attacks (if provided), and serving 1TB of data to legitimate clients (if the CDN charges according to client location, we assume that only the nearest ‘most low-cost’ clients connect). We measure the cost of operating CDN-on-Demand under two scenarios: (1) a benign month without flash-crowds or DoS attacks (i.e., CDN-on-Demand is dormant), and (2) a month with DoS floods or flash crowds happening 5% of the time. First, we examine the effect of changing the threshold values. When the average metric being measured (such as CPU workload or network traffic) surpasses the upper threshold value, the system scales up; hence, raising this threshold should decrease the attack effectiveness, as the attacker must use more of his resources to achieve a scale-up. This is demonstrated in Figure 1, where we measure the average hourly cost of renting cloud machines for different threshold values. We note, however, that increasing the threshold also results in mapping additional clients to each server, causing heavier workload and longer latency. Second, we examine the influence of the attacker’s strength. We measure the system cost with several attackers; starting with the weakest attacker that has no zombie machines and gradually increase the number of zombies under attacker’s control. Figure 2 demonstrates the results; we observe that even a relatively weak attacker, controlling 200 zombies, causes a 30% increase in cost. In this experiment, we limit the maximum number of cloud servers; after reaching this limit, the attacker does not benefit from additional (over 800) zombies. We also notice that our R-Measure defense successfully mitigates even stronger attackers (compare lines 1 and 2 in Figure 2). b) Our Results: Our price survey shows that CDN-onDemand’s price-tag in benign months is at least an order of magnitude lower than the ‘next in line’ CDN service. In the second case, where the system handles flash crowds and DDoS attacks, CDN-on-Demand’s cost is 5.8 times lower than the following commercial CDN service. This is expected, since optional services such as CDNs’ SSL/TLS support and traffic filters incur significant costs, while most clouds support these services without fee (in particular EC2 and GCE where we deploy CDN-on-Demand). In addition, CDN-on-Demand is only deployed when the need for extra servers and robust infrastructure exists (e.g., 5% of the time). We note that despite the fact that some CDN providers offer ‘free’ DoS protection, there have been complaints that the free service is limited Pricing: Survey and Comparison In this subsection we provide a pricing survey for commercial CSPs and CDNs, and compare these usage costs to the estimated cost of using CDN-on-Demand. CDN providers offer a variety of pricing plans and optional services; in particular, some providers have only fixed-price plans, while others offer elastic pay-per-use services. Prices may also vary according to the geographic location of deployed services and connecting clients. Many providers also 2 (e.g., see [2], [3]). Finally, we note that some CDN providers, including Akamai, the most popular provider, do not reveal their pricing plans. We also contacted Akamai to query about their prices and found that they refuse to provide service for our small website (this paper’s focus). R EFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Cdn-on-demand: Fighting dos with untrusted clouds. Submitted anonymously to ACM CCS 2015. EASTDAKOTA . How much traffic is too much traffic for cloudflare?, Jan 2013. HOSTGATORHOST . Cloudflare free plan can be good for save ddos attack?, Mar 2014. 3
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