Sponsorship Package

3rd Annual Autopro Automation
FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament
and Silent Auction
Sponsorship Package
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Miskinaw Golf Course
MacDonald Island
Fort McMurray, Alberta
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
For additional information, please contact Nancy Murray (nancy.murray@autopro.ca or 403-569-6493)
The Robotics Program
Autopro is very proud to be a major supporter of the Fort
McMurray Public School District Robotics Program.
2015 marks the school division’s fifth year of providing
more than 2000 children in grades 5 - 12 with access
to the program, and an opportunity to showcase their
knowledge and skill development in the technical field
of robotics. The mission of the program is exploring
solutions for today and tomorrow by providing children
a platform to nurture their creativity, and allow positive
engagements in team environments by solving
technological obstacles.
The robotics program has enjoyed great success since
its inception. In 2013, three Fort McMurray students
took the first place provincial title at the Regional VEX
Robotics Competition, then travelled to California
to compete in the VEX Robotics High School World
Championship where they placed in the top 5% worldwide.
Since then, students in the program have continued to
compete and place at the provincial and international
level. In May, a team of Junior High students will join 63
other teams from Egypt, South Africa, Taiwan, Israel,
Japan, Haiti, United Kingdom, and the USA, as one of
two Canadian teams invited to attend the FIRST Lego
League Razorback Invitational competition.
The proceeds raised through this tournament continue
to provide resources and tools to assist students’ skill
development in science and technology through hands
on activities, allowing our youth to become critical
thinkers as they explore new challenges in the world
around them.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
The Tournament
In 2013 Autopro created the Autopro Automation
FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction,
an annual event that brings our local customers together
with members of the school district and the community
to raise funds to support the FMPSD Robotics Program.
The fun-filled day starts off with an 18 hole Texas
Scramble golf tournament at the Miskinaw Golf Course,
followed by a robotics display and silent auction. The
event wraps up with dinner, prizes and announcing the
silent auction winners.
The tournament is growing every year. The number of
golfers at our 2014 event was almost double that of the
year before, raising more than $10,000 for the program.
This year we’ve increased our target again. With your
support, we hope to raise $20,000 for the FMPSD
Robotics Program, making this our most successful
tournament yet.
Tournament Agenda
Modified Shotgun Start
Noon - 12:50pm
Robotics Display &
Silent Auction Bidding
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Dinner & Prizes
7:00pm - 9:00pm
To register as a golfer, visit www.autopro.ca/golf.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Sponsorship Packages
Banquet Sponsorship
Our fun day on the golf course wraps up with a casual
barbeque dinner, prizes and announcing the silent
auction winners.
To thank you for your support as the exclusive
tournament Banquet Sponsor, you will receive the
following benefits:
• Golf registration and dinner for four golfers
• Recognition on Autopro’s website as the exclusive
Banquet Sponsor
• Your company logo prominently displayed on all
event signage
• Your company logo on all dinner table signage
• Your company logo on the golf tournament package
that each golfer receives the day of the tournament
• Thank you from the podium during the banquet
Only one Banquet Sponsorship is available.
An invoice for the sponsorship amount will be sent to
the contact listed on the Sponsorship Agreement form
included with this package.
Autopro will coordinate production of all signage.
Please send a copy of your logo (EPS or high resolution
jpg) to Julia Clissold at julia.clissold@autopro.ca no later
than May 15, 2015.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Sponsorship Packages
Cart Sponsorship
Powercarts equipped with GPS are provided for all
golfers. As the exclusive Cart Sponsor, your company
name and logo will be highly visible to golfers for the
duration of the tournament.
To thank you for your support as the tournament Cart
Sponsor, you will receive the following benefits:
• Golf registration and dinner for two golfers
• Recognition on Autopro’s website as the exclusive
tournament Cart Sponsor
• Your company logo on all event signage
• Your company logo on all carts
• Your company logo on the golf tournament package
that each golfer receives the day of the tournament
• Thank you from the podium during the banquet
Only one Cart Sponsorship is available.
An invoice for the sponsorship amount will be sent to
the contact listed on the Sponsorship Agreement form
included with this package.
Autopro will coordinate production of all signage.
Please send a copy of your logo (EPS or high resolution
jpg) to Julia Clissold at julia.clissold@autopro.ca no later
than May 15, 2015.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Sponsorship Packages
Hole Sponsorship
Part of what makes a day on the golf course so much
fun is the chance to win great prizes on the hole
To thank you for your support as a Hole Sponsor, you
will receive the following benefits:
• Recognition on Autopro’s website as a tournament
Hole Sponsor
• Your company logo on hole competition signage on
the course
• Your company logo on the golf tournament package
that each golfer receives the day of the tournament
• Thank you from the podium during the banquet
An invoice for the sponsorship amount will be sent to
the contact listed on the Sponsorship Agreement form
included with this package.
Autopro will coordinate production of all signage as well
as purchasing prizes.
Please send a copy of your logo (EPS or high resolution
jpg) to Julia Clissold at julia.clissold@autopro.ca no later
than May 15, 2015.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
Sponsorship Packages
Silent Auction Donation
Auction Item
During cocktails before the banquet, we also hold a
Silent Auction to raise additional funds for the Robotics
Program. Your generous donation of an auction item will
add to the success of this fun and anticipated portion
of the event.
To thank you for your support as a Silent Auction Donor,
you will receive the following benefits:
• Recognition on Autopro’s website
• Your company logo on silent auction table beside
your donated item
• Your company name on the golf tournament package
that each golfer receives the day of the tournament
• Thank you from the podium during the banquet
Autopro will coordinate production of all signage.
Please send a copy of your logo (EPS or high resolution
jpg) to Julia Clissold at julia.clissold@autopro.ca no later
than May 15, 2015.
Please contact Jerome Rice at jerome.rice@autopro.ca
no later than June 1, 2015 to arrange pick-up for all
silent auction donations.
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
A special thank you
to everyone who
supported the 2014
tournament & silent
Sponsorship Agreement
Please complete and return this form to Julia Clissold by email at julia.
clissold@autopro.ca or by fax at (604) 419-4355.
Company Name:__________________________________________________
Contact Name:___________________________________________________
Billing Address:___________________________________________________
City:__________________Province:___________ Postal Code:__________
Email Address:____________________________________________________
An invoice will be sent to the above address for the sponsorship level(s) chosen.
Sponsorship Level
Banquet Sponsorship and four golfers ($3500)
Cart Sponsorship and two golfers ($1000)
Hole Sponsorship ($500)
Silent Auction Donation*
Cash Donation
*Please contact Jerome Rice at jerome.rice@autopro.ca to arrange pick-up for all silent
auction donations.
Amount $_______________
Sponsorship Golfers
Golfer 1:_________________________________________________________
Golfer 2:_________________________________________________________
Golfer 3:_________________________________________________________
Golfer 4:_________________________________________________________
Banquet Sponsorship includes registration for four golfers. Cart Sponsorship includes
registration for two golfers. Any other golfers must register online at www.autopro.ca/golf.
_______________________ ________________________ _____________
Authorized Signature
3rd Annual Autopro Automation FMPSD Robotics Golf Tournament and Silent Auction