August 2009 Volume 18, Issue 8 W OOD C HIPS Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association I This Month’s Double Event! f it is August then SWWA heats up with a double event this month! What? The first is our normal monthly meeting on Thursday, August 6th. This meeting is focused on you, our talented and wonderful members! It is our annual Super Show & Tell session. I encourage each and every one of you to attend this fun session and to bring in items for this special night. The entire night is dedicated to explaining and answering questions about your special projects. Are you afraid to speak in public? Summarize your project and someone else will talk about it! Can’t make it but want a new project talked about? Send photos and an explanation by 7pm on the 5th to and it will be presented! During the meeting we will also have our usual 50/50 and we complete our 3 month raffle for the Bill Bush Finishing Kit donated by Brian Leary of Lakeshore Hardwood. It includes his new video and one of his package kits. See you all on August 6th (don’t disappoint me!). O ur second big event for August is our Annual Family “Pignic”, named as such because we do roast a pig! As this newsletter is written, our count for this FREE event is very low with just over 50 signed up to attend. Remember this event is part of your membership. Unlike the other woodworking groups, we do not charge for attendance. All we ask is that you bring a dish to pass. We also suggest you bring your own tableware – plate & silverware. There is plenty of time to register – call Bob Casey at 455-2593. Remember, this is a FAMILY picnic. You, your partner, and children & grandchildren, they are all invited. The club provides drinks and the meat, rolls for the meat, and the normal condiments. If you need special drinks, please let Bob know so we can purchase what folks like. Oh, don’t forget the recipe to your dish. We’ve had requests in the past and can easily make a copy if needed. Charlie will run a 50/50 and we ask that your bring several of your projects. Why, you ask? Well for our Instant Gallery of course! This is a great place where everyone can showcase the vast array of talents in our club. Many ideas are generated here and you never know, a new tool may be in the wings. If your honey sees something they like, you may be able to convince them you need a new tool! There will be 3x5 cards available for you to identify anything special about your projects. See you there! You never know what you might find fun there this year!!!! Monthly Meeting Information Thursday, August 6, 2009 – 6:30pm SUPER SHOW & TELL Featuring You & Your Projects Members & Guests are ALL Welcome! Reminder: Meeting is held at the Canton Woods Senior Center in Baldwinsville. Directions are on the back page and on the website. EXTRA AUGUST EVENT! ANNUAL FAMILY “PIGNIC” Saturday, August 8th – 1-5pm Bring A Dish to Pass – No Charge See Page 3 For Details Bring Projects for Instant Gallery Inside This Issue This Month’s Double Event! President’s Corner Renewals, New Members & Visitors Membership Information Officers & Board of Directors SWWAL Pignic Information 4th Annual Woodworker’s Challenge! July Meeting Recap Scrolling Interest Group & News Road Trips July Meeting Photos Upcoming Events Board of Directors Meets Shop Time – A File for Tight Corners Shop Time – Revolving Finish Station Upcoming Meetings Toys for Disadvantaged – Small Parts Regulation Community Bulletin Board General Notices & Other Stuff Meeting Reminder & Directions 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 WoodChips – August 2009 Page 2 I President’s Corner t’s Saturday evening and I am late getting the newsletter done. Our grandson Jason was with us much of the week so my evenings were full. And then there was work. Ugh! I did manage to take a few days off earlier in July after completing a major project for work. As a result I got a couple of projects nearly completed. They will get done shortly as they are entries for the 2009 NYS Fair competition. Charlie continues to turn and is continuously challenging himself with larger projects. I am still waiting on a few frames and hope to see them soon. The first 5 cords of wood arrived and need to be stacked. Another 5 will come shortly. Let’s hope it is enough! On Saturday, July 11th we had our first sale of ornaments for 2010 at the Seneca River Days. Unfortunately, traffic at this year’s event was limited so we only made $107. We also were home by 2pm as the event was called off due to the incoming storms which dropped tons of rain on the area. Luckily we were packed up and gone before the rain hit. We only had to deal with a light shower. Thanks to Bob Casey, John Mielcarski, John Meloling, Jim Wolnik, and Don & Sue Vanderveer for their help with setup, selling, and shutdown. Ornaments are always accepted and anything is great! Our next sale is the Holiday Shoppes on November 13-15 with setup on the 12th. For those new to the club, our annual family pignic is on Saturday, August 8th. Yep it’s a pignic because our resident chef, Roland Pearson, roasts a pig so we can have pulled pork sandwiches. The rest of the meal is provided by the members and we LOVE creativity there also! That’s this coming weekend and I hope you can join us. It’s free to all members and their families (and extended families). We just need to know how many so Charlie and I can purchase the drinks and Bob pickup the rolls. Don’t forget that we have a silent Show & Tell during the event – members bring in projects to display and entice family members! The pignic happens just 2 days after our Super Show & Tell at the August 6th meeting. The Board met on July 29th. On page 6 you will find a short summary of our meeting. We were together for about 1½ hours. In addition to discussing meeting topics, we also discussed membership losses. We need to know why folks did not renew. Charlie says he will make some phone calls to those who did not renew last year. But, if you are considering not renewing, can you please let him know why. Also, we will be getting some business card size cards made with information about the club. Members will be encouraged to take some to give folks when they run into people who aren’t members. More later when they are ready. Denise is writing an article about the club that can be submitted to the Eagle Newspapers and the Post Standard. Hopefully that will spark interest. We are also investigating educating school children about the club. If you know who the tech ed/shop instructors are in our schools please let me know. A reminder, elections are coming up. Don’t get scared, but do consider getting involved in the club management. Well, it’s time to close so … Keep on creating! Barbara Renewals, New Members & Visitors S tan received no new memberships and we had no visitors at the last meeting. We did get to meet Wayne Grevelding who joined last month without ever coming to a meeting. We have, at newsletter press time, a total of 166 paid 2009 members. If you know of someone who is interested in the club and should receive a newsletter, please call Barbara or send her an email. T Membership Information he SWWA membership runs from January to December. From July to November, we run a half year membership sale when new members and renewing members are eligible for a membership at half price for the rest of 2009 (July through December). If you are sitting on the fence, now is a good time to come on board! Full year new memberships for singles are $28 including $3 for a badge and $41 for couples. Renewals are $25 & $35 respectively. Checks should be made payable to SWWA. All memberships must have the form completed and the liability statement signed [the form is on the website and available at all meetings]. While we understand that in many cases nothing changes, each year we like to verify that the membership database contains accurate information. Also, we must have a signed liability statement completed each year to financially protect all of the SWWA membership and everyone involved with the SWWA. So, it is not enough just to send a check, we need the completed and signed form as well. Renewals and checks can be sent to our treasurer Stan as follows: SWWA, ℅ Stan Wiley, 4122 Abbey Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Do not send cash. Officers & Board of Directors – 2009 President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Program Chairman: Publicity Chair: Special Events: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Scrolling Group: Barbara Raymond Charlie LaPrease Tony Baleno Stan Wiley Brian Leary Denise Richer Bob Casey Greg Bogardo Mic Jenkins Bruce Meissner John Meloling Bob Norton Roland Pearson Don Vanderveer looking for chair 638-1217 638-1217 492-2795 492-3197 298-6407 635-9227 455-2593 451-6573 635-7661 699-3671 638-1153 451-1178 488-3643 635-6409 Page 3 WoodChips – August 2009 SWWA ANNUAL FAMILY ‘PIGNIC’ This Month! Save the Date – Saturday, August 8th – 1-5pm!! Our sign-ups continue at the August meeting. This is a family event. Bring the kids, parents, partners, uncles, aunts, etc. Everyone brings a dish to pass and the club provides wonderfully roasted pork cooked by our own chef, Roland Pearson. The club also provides some hot dogs, rolls, condiments, and drinks which is why we need to know the numbers. Also, if you prefer specific drinks, please tell us so we can purchase the correct ones. Also at the picnic, we hold a Silent Show & Tell. Tables are lined up where members and guests can show their works. It is a great way to show family members projects by others as well as yourself! Plan now to attend! Bring your own plate and table service! Don’t forget the spoon (or whatever) to serve your dish to pass! Can’t make it to the meeting? Call Bob Casey at 455-2593 to register! 4th Annual SWWA Woodworker’s Challenge At the November meeting we will hold our 4th annual Challenge. All members are encouraged and eligible to participate. The sign-up is available at each meeting with final sign-ups by September. The rules: Any member or group of up to 3 people will design and construct or construct from a plan (with or without modifications) a wood project of their choosing. You furnish the materials; the type/kind is up to you. There is no limit on the maximum or minimum amount of wood that can be used. All projects must be finished with any desired finish. Projects will be displayed and judged by those in attendance at the November meeting. Each attendee has one vote. Three prizes will be awarded – 1st Place of $50, 1st Runner-Up of $30, and Honorable Mention of $20. DON’T FORGET TO ENTER!!! WoodChips – August 2009 Page 4 July Meeting Recap A smaller than normal group attended a wonderfully intimate and informative session on lamination techniques by Charles Trabold and Bruce Meissner. Did you miss it? Well if so, it was a bad one to miss. Both presenters provided a wealth of knowledge and experience about their process for laminating wood. Charles brought in the replica 1951 Wagner sawback chair he showed in January to use in his explanation of lamination whereas Bruce brought a cherry table. Thanks gentlemen. Comments from folks as they left reinforced the great job you did. Our Show & Tell was fun and informative as usual. Mic Jenkins started us off discussing two boxes he built, one for his grandson to commemorate his graduation. Made of cherry, both used box joints for the corners. He had his grandson’s box engraved at Memphis Lumber. During the past year or so, Jim Ireland has been experimenting with and perfecting his skills with carving using the kolrosing technique. At this meeting he showed three new photos he recently kolrose carved. The carving is on basswood with each framed in either maple or cherry frames. Jim will be demonstrating his procedure at a meeting early in 2010. At the June scrolling meeting, Bill Noroski showed the Porsche Panamera portrait he designed from promotional documents he received as he is a Porsche owner. A similar one was entered in the annual Porsche show, this year held outside Denver where he placed 2nd. The label showing the car name was cut by William Killabrew. Thanks for showing it Bill. In between trips to the Caribbean and rides on his motorcycle, John McNamara found time to complete the Kathy Wise-based intarsia wreath with cardinals of aspen, bloodwood, lacewood, and red cedar. John is an intarsia specialist who created the sign that adorns the front of the podium which the club donated to Canton Woods. The June demo included John Meloling quickly completing a dovetail corner cut by hand. John showed the completed joint to the group. A reminder … In last month’s newsletter your editor challenged everyone to use it or loose it – in other words, combine the information learned in June about dovetailing with that learned in July on lamination into a single piece. Your result is to be presented at the August meeting. I know one person trying to do it. Are you??? Like Mic, Jerry Sweeny has a grandson also; he is 9 going on 20. Like most kids, he has some treasures that needed a home. Jerry created the spalted maple lock box he showed at the July meeting for just this purpose. When the piece was finished, Jerry did not like the color and added some fruitwood stain to his finishing of the box. Our final presenter at the meeting was Charles Trabold. The turning bug has nibbled at Charles. The result? He showed four recently completed pieces. The first was a bowl made from a piece of lacewood that started at 2” thick. The grain of the lacewood makes the bowl even more dramatic. Ever thrifty, he removed a ring of lacewood from the bowl as he created it. This ring was added to a maple base to create another bowl. The third bowl he showed was of a dense wood he didn’t know the name of. Attendees believe it to be wenge. The platter he showed was created from a section of a tree. It was an end grain slice which made the turning more difficult. Charles indicated that it was horrible to turn because of punkiness interspersed with stable, more dense wood. But, he beat it into submission [with his cane]! Charlie LaPrease recently completed a frame to house a 2-sided laminated memorial of a friend’s mother. The frame was of walnut and maple and allowed the memorial to sit between turned rods. The photo of this frame is shown in the photos on page 6. The 50/50 of $41 was won by Dave Peckham. Five backscratchers demonstrating lamination techniques were distributed to lucky winners based on the same tickets. Page 5 WoodChips – August 2009 SWWA SCROLLING INTEREST GROUP Leadership: Barbara Raymond, Temporarily – NEED ONE Meeting Night: Third Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm - At Canton Woods Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 16th at Canton Woods Senior Center Focus Topic: First Ever SWWA SIG Scrolling Challenge Also: Discussion of Scrolling Problems and Show & Tell 2009 SCROLLING CHALLENGE The first ever SIG Scrolling Challenge will occur at the September meeting. The rules are: Each participant can use one board foot of a single piece of wood to construct something using their scrollsaw. The item can be finished to provide contrast. The wood can be resawn; however, no hardware (like hinges or handles or clock faces) can be added to the piece unless the hardware is made from the same 1 board foot of wood. Scrolling News For scrollers that own RBI Hawk scrollsaws who worried about their warranties and parts, there is a notice on the RBI website ( indicating that on April 13, 2009 “Bushton Manufacturing has purchased Hawk Woodworking Industries. Parts are available and production will resume in the near future.” Bushton Manufacturing looks to be located in Bushton, Kansas and is owned by Loren & Nilus Orth (620)562-3557 or Fox Chapel Publishing ( recently issued 2 new books which are compilations of patterns over the years – Wooden Puzzles and Wooden Clocks. They also issued the Zodiac Puzzles book as well an updated version of Animal Puzzles. Two books for non-scrollers are Great Book of Wooden Toys and Turning Vintage Toys. For scrollers looking to communicate with other scrollers on many different topics, consider joining the Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Message Board. It is a online scroll saw forum community where you can join thousands of scrollers from around the world discussing all things related to scrolling. The address is and it is free. The free pattern area formerly in Absolutely Free Scroll Saw Patterns relocated to this message board. The Scrollsaw Association of the World (SAW) will again host a SAW EXPO in 2010 at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington, Ohio on July 10 and 11. EXPO is seminars, demonstrations, and vendors attend. A huge Scrollsaw Contest is also held with prizes that make the trip to EXPO a valuable experience. Roberts Centre is located in the middle of three of the largest cities in Ohio: Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton and features a Holiday Inn that is adjacent to the Centre. The trip is about 9 hours from Syracuse. Road Trips Places to go this for woodworking shows … Know of one, I missed, let me know! October 2-4 – Woodstock Woodworking Show, Woodstock, CA October 2-4 – Woodworking in America Conference: Hand Tool Techniques in Valley Forge, PA November 13-15 – WoodWorks in York, PA January 8-10 - WoodWorks in West Springfield, MA February 19-21 – The Woodworking Shows in Somerset, NJ March 5-7 – The Woodworking Shows in Reading, PA March 27-28 – The Northeastern Woodworking Association Showcase 2010 and Totally Turning 2010 in Saratoga Springs, NY June 18-20 – The American Association of Woodturners 2010 Symposium in Hartford, CT WoodChips – August 2009 Page 6 July Meeting Photos Board of Directors Meets July 29th Upcoming Events Sept 19-20 – Turning Workshop sponsored by CNY Woodturners (held at Canton Woods) Kurt Hertzog, a respected turner, will present a Saturday Demonstration based upon advanced pen making and making a lidded box. The Sunday Hands-on Workshop will be your choice (limited to 12 participants). You will have a chance to make your own version of something that Kurt demonstrated. You must provide a mini lathe for the Hands on Workshop and a minimal supplies fee must be paid on Sunday morning. $30 for demo; $75 for workshop; $100 for both. Flyer at August Meeting or contact Larry Prunotto at 652-3605 Oct 17 – Saturday Seminar – Jointer Setup & Tuning presented by Greg Bogardo. Greg returns to share his skills and experience for those who need to understand how to setup and tune their jointer. $5. Sign-up at August Meeting Nov 13-15 – Ornament Sales at the Holiday Shoppes Dec 3 – Christmas Party @ Doubletree Hotel Dec 5-6 – Ornament Sales at St. Rose’s Church T he Board met July 29th to finalize the 2009 meeting schedule and begin work on meetings for 2010. See page 7 for the remaining 2009 meetings. Topics outlined for 2010 (not all firm) include Jim Ireland on kolrosing, Jerry Grant on Shaker furniture, Jeffrey Cheramie on rose engine lathes, John Witherbee on steam bending for Windsor chairs, and Jerry Wright on tool steel. We may also bring Mike Daniels back for another session on Stickley furniture and might convince a talented member to discuss and demo inlay techniques. Hopefully what you want is in that list. If not, talk to a board member with your idea. The Board also discussed Saturday Seminars. Greg Bogardo offered to present one on tuning jointers. Others are on hold due to questions as to interest on the part of members. Maybe we should raise the cost from $5 to $25 so you believe you are getting a better value? You tell us. We talked about the need to increase our membership as well as find out why members do not renew. We also are re-investigating our cost for liability insurance. Page 7 WoodChips – August 2009 SHOP TIME … A File for Tight Corners W hen smoothing curved profiles, consider using a fine-cutting file to get into the inside corners that a sanding drum can’t reach. But the thick square edges of the file can get in the way and sometimes even damage the workpiece. So rather than abandon this method, simply modify the tool to fit the job. As you can see in the drawings at right, grind a bevel on both edges of the file to give more clearance in tight corners. You can make this modification with just a few minutes work at the bench grinder. But you want to be careful to not let the file get so hot that it loses its temper. Keep a container of water close by to quench it and this won't be a problem. MORE SHOP TIME … Revolving Finish Station O ne of the biggest challenges in a small shop is having room to apply finish to a project. Everyone needs something that wouldn’t take up much room but would still provide easy access to all sides of the project. The station you see here is the solution. First, the top sits on a lazy Susan. This allows you to rotate the project and apply finish easily on all sides. Second, the hinges allow you to set the station up and tear it down quickly. And third, it can be set up in a corner of my shop out of the way and without taking up a lot of valuable space. The base consists of two side panels made from 3/4″ plywood and connected by a hinge. Another hinge connects one side panel assembly to the turntable, which is made up of two plywood disks and the lazy Susan (right). When you set the station up, swing the two side panels open. The top will rest on the side panels and fit down onto a dowel pin (drawing above right). The dowel acts as a safety catch to lock the station open and adds stability. When you’re done with the station, all you have to do is lift the top up, fold the panels together, and hang it on a wall hook, as you see in the drawing above. UPCOMING MEETINGS: September 3 – Carving a Bailey Twist; Avoiding an Shop Explosion with Lazlo Gigaczi October 1 – Coopering: A History Lesson & Demonstration with David Salvetti November 5 – 4th Woodworker’s Challenge December 3 – Christmas Party @ Doubletree Hotel WoodChips – August 2009 Page 8 T Toys for Underprivileged – Small Parts Regulation hinking about getting started building the toys you will donate to charity at our December 3rd Christmas Party? While the rules for testing toys are still not clear, the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) has regulations that you should comply with regarding small parts on toys and products intended for children under 3 years old. Mel Taber was kind enough to give your editor some information that we are sharing below. This is excerpted from the regulatory summary found on their website – The regulation is contained in 16. C.F.R. Part 1501 and 1500.50-53. The small parts regulation is meant to prevent “deaths and injuries to children under three from choking on, inhaling, or swallowing small objects they may “mouth”. It bans toys and other articles that are intended for use by children under three and that are or have small parts, or that produce small parts when broken.” The “regulation covers products that are intended for use by children under three. These products include a wide range of articles such as toys, dolls, and puzzles, nursery equipment, infant furniture and equipment such as playpens, strollers, and baby bouncers and exercisers. See 16 C.F.R. Part 1501.2 for a more detailed list.” What is defined as a small part? A small part is any object that fits completely into a specially designed test cylinder 2.25 inches long by 1.25inches wide that approximates the size of the fully expanded throat of a child under three years old. [See figure right.] See 16 C.F.R. 1501.4 A small part can be: (1) A whole toy or article. (2) A separate part of a toy, game, or other article. (3) A piece of a toy or article that breaks off during testing that simulates use or abuse by children. If a small part fits completely into the cylinder, and the toy or product from which it came is intended for use by children under three, the toy or product is banned because the small part presents a choking hazard. Are any toys and products exempt from the small parts regulations? (1) Yes. Balloons, books and other articles made of paper, phonograph records, writing materials such as crayons, chalk, pencils and pens, modeling clay and similar products, and finger paints, watercolors and other paint sets are exempt because they cannot be manufactured in a way that would prevent them from breaking into small parts when subjected to use and abuse testing. Children’s clothing and accessories such as shoe lace holders and buttons, and grooming, feeding and hygiene products such as diaper pins and clips, barrettes, toothbrushes, drinking glasses, dishes and eating utensils are also exempt because they need to be small to perform their intended purpose. See 16 C.F.R. Part 1501.3&4(b). (2) Rattles and pacifiers are subject to their own small parts requirements. See 16 C.F.R. 1510.3 and 1511.4(d). (3) A product intended for use by children under three must meet the requirements of the small parts regulation unless the product is one of those items that is specifically exempt from the regulation. What testing requirements for small parts must toys and products for children under three meet? These toys and products must not release pieces that fit completely into the small parts cylinder after impact, flexure, torque, tension and compression testing. These tests simulate the forces that toys and products can experience during normal use and abuse by children under 3. If these forces cause parts to break off that fit in the cylinder, those parts present a risk of choking, aspiration or ingestion to children under 3. Are there any other requirements intended to protect children under 3 from choking on small parts? Yes. Toys and games that are or contain small parts as manufactured and that are intended for use by children from 3 to 6 years old must be labeled to warn purchasers not to buy them for children under 3 years old because those children could choke on the small parts. Marbles, small balls, and balloons also require similar warnings. See 16 C.F.R. 1500.19 So … If you have pieces with your toys that do not meet these guidelines, label as notfor-children under 3. The ASTM also has standards on toy safety. See … And … keep on working on those toys! Page 9 WoodChips – August 2009 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD WANTED: Seamstress to put neat hems on tableclothes for ornament sales. We have some decorative green fabric with sparkles that needs its edges hemmed to look spiffy. Looking for someone to complete before November sale. Call Barbara at 638-1217. Want to build a recliner? FOR SALE - recliner mechanism, rocks as well as reclines. High quality mechanism, used but in excellent condition. Double leg supports and wooden base. $50. Contact Joe Coppola at 684-8598 or WANTED: Dick Raaflaub has 4 chairs that he needs some help replacing the caning on the chair backs. Wants to use the rattan cane available in sheets. Looking for a quote. Each back is about 14x17”. Contact Dick at 454-9441. FOR SALE – 2 3/8” Forstner bit originally $24; asking $20. Perfect for clocks. Books: Scroll Saw Farm Puzzles $12. Contact Barbara Raymond at 638-1217. FOR SALE – Sears 10” Contractor Style Table Saw with accessories. Make an Offer! Contact Stan Wiley for more details at 492-3197 or FOR SALE – Craftsman 12” Band Saw . $125 or B.O. Contact Bill Sakran at 471-1637 FOR SALE – Makita 10 inch Miter Saw - Model LS1030 with laser aiming and 50 tooth blade - Asking $150. Dremel Scroll Saw – Model 1671 with 16 inch throat, 4-legged table, setup with 18x22 Formica top Asking $100. All in Good to Excellent condition. Contact Bill Noroski at (315) 457-1839. FOR SALE – Bench Dog ProTop Contractor Bench Top Router Table – Assembled but NEVER used. Top is 24” x 16”. Depth is 15” and can accept any router. Paid $230 plus tax – asking $150 or best offer. Contact Bob Valentine at 6568331 or at Lakeshore Hardwoods – We specialize in KILN DRIED hard wood for Cabinet Makers, Furniture Makers, Woodworkers, and Hobbyists. In stock: cherry, maple, oak, ash, butternut, birch, hickory, walnut, figured woods including curly maple & curly cherry, western red cedar, aromatic cedar, mahogany, basswood, lyptus, bloodwood, padauk, bubinga, lacewood, purpleheart, yellowheart, Peruvian walnut, monkey wood, and unique natural-edged boards. Many thicknesses and lengths available including thin stock and turning squares. Also available: hardwood flooring, moldings, stair parts, plywood, Bush Oil, and Miller Dowel Products. Call Brian Leary (298-6407) for free price sheet or visit – 30 minutes north, just south of Pulaski. The Sharpening Shed, Inc. at 8907 Shellman Drive, Cicero (699-2513). Don Kelly, who runs the shop, gives 10% senior discount and guarantees his work. Club Deal – Woodline – 10% discount off advertised prices for all products. Call 800-472-6950 to order and identify yourself as an SWWA member. Check for product info. Club Deal – Klingspor – 10% discount off all non- powered merchandise in catalog. Call 800-645-5555 and identify yourself as an SWWA member. Check for product info. New list to be sent by Stan this month. GENERAL NOTICES Meetings — Meetings are great with everyone helping to either setup or tear down the room. Keep up the hard work since it makes for a better experience for everyone! Barbara gets there around 5pm if you can help! Snacks — The club provides coffee and purchased snacks for meetings with Charlie Wright coordinating this task. Your homemade goodies are always welcome! For those of you who have generously brought food during the past months, we thank you. I know there are angels out there whose names I do not know. Thanks again and as always, we welcome your help! Other ‘Stuff’ And then there is the annual Christmas party on December 3rd. If you don’t know about it, check out old newsletters on the web or at meetings in the binder. We donate toys. It is time to start thinking. December 3rd comes quickly! Put it on the calendar now! PLAN NOW … Coming March 12-13 – John Wilson returns for his annual Shaker Box Workshop – beginners and advanced. If there is enough interest, he will stay for a Sunday class on making planes. Interested? Contact Bob Casey at 455-2593. Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association c/o Ms. Barbara Raymond, President 821 Fairway Circle Baldwinsville, NY 13027 TO: NEXT MEETING WHEN: Thursday, August 6th 6:30pm WHERE: Canton Woods Senior Center 76 Canton Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 WHAT: SUPER SHOW & TELL DON’T FORGET: Your Show & Tell! FAMILY PIGNIC! WHEN: Saturday, August 8th 1-5pm WHERE: Canton Woods Senior Center 76 Canton Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Your Dish to Pass, Silverware, Plate, & Items for Display DON’T FORGET: Directions from Syracuse & Suburbs: Take 690 West to Thruway, at which time 690 West becomes 690 North. Go two exits north past Thruway-Exit 1 to the exit named Route 31 – Baldwinsville & Jordan. This exit drops you onto Downer Street (Route 31). Make right onto Downer Street. About one mile east on Downer Street is Canton Street. [There is a sign for the Museum & Canton Woods at the corner.] Make right onto Canton Street. Travel about ¼ of a mile. Canton Woods Senior Center will be on the right just past a stand of trees. Lots of parking! See you there!
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