Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March News: Wirral Speech and Drama Festival - Children from the Avalon school competed in the Wirral Speech and Drama Festival, held at Birkenhead School Academy on Saturday 14th March 2015. UPCOMING DATES Mon 23rd Easter Experience at St Bridget’s Church Wed 25th Nursery & Reception Easter Sing-A-Long at 2pm Mon 30th Spelling Competition Wed 1st Apr End of Term 12 noon The Wirral festival is a speech and drama competition affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech. The children who entered the festival from Avalon School had been working hard selecting and preparing verse speaking and prose reading pieces of literature to enter in to the festival. Not only was this fun for the children, it encouraged and introduced the children to enjoy new literature as well as teaching the children good technique and skills for public speaking. The children’s hard work paid off with fantastic results. The results were as follows: Freddie Steepe Emma Ryan Emma Ryan Isabella Hackett Harriet Brown Nikki Khalatbari Year 5 Year 3 Year 3 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 verse speaking 1st place prose reading 3rd place verse speaking 2nd place verse speaking 2nd place verse speaking 3rd place prose reading 2nd place The children performed their prepared pieces in front of a large audience, with adjudication at the end of the class. The classes were large with an average of 28 children in a class. The Avalon pupil’s performances were all excellent; they are all a credit to both the school and themselves. Congratulations to everyone who entered. – Miss Cottier Solar eclipse – like many children up and down the country the entire school went out onto the playground at 9.30 this morning to experience the full solar eclipse. The children were using pinhole cameras and reflective surfaces to see what was a very exciting experience. The birds stopped tweeting and it went very dark and cold for about 20 minutes! Peripatetic Concert – Mrs Keenan and the peripatetic teachers have arranged a concert at 9am on th Monday 30 March 2015. All parents are welcome. Comic Relief Red Nose Day – Grand total raised £687.83. Well done everyone! What a fantastic achievement. Nursery and Reception Easter Sing-A-Long – On Wednesday 25th March the Nursery and Reception children would like to invite their parents to their Easter Sing-A-Long at 2pm. Could we ask that all Nursery children are in school ready for the performance at 1.30pm. Thank you. @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March Aladdin Rehearsals - Mrs Keenan will be holding rehearsals every Friday after school for the children who will be appearing in the upcoming “Aladdin Jr” The rehearsals will be from 3.40 until 5pm each Friday. Children will need to bring a non fizzy drink and a snack with them to have during the rehearsals. This week, Mrs Keenan would like whole cast to attend please. No NUTS Please – may we remind all parents that children should not bring any products that contain nuts into school. Thank you. Parking – as you may know, there was a meeting held at Wallasey town hall on Friday regarding the proposed parking restrictions outside Avalon School. I attended the meeting along with our Chair of Governors and a number of local residents. After much discussion and negotiation, the panel did not reach a satisfactory conclusion with the proposals in their current state. There were some amendments suggested, namely a slight alteration in the timing of the restrictions which means that the proposal will go back to consultation. As before, I will endeavour to keep you posted with any updates. Ski Trip reminders – Mrs Brew would like to collect all the children’s passports and EHIC cards before we break up for Easter to make things easier on the morning. I would like them all in by Monday 30 March. If anyone needs their passport or EHIC card over half term, please let her know as soon as possible. Spending money – The children may take a maximum of €80. Each day, the children can have up to €10 to spend as they choose. Please hand in pocket money in Euros a named envelope to the school office please. It is much easier for the children if it is in small denominations (eg €5 and €10 notes). We will look after their money bag for them and each day at “bank” time, they can take €5 and €10 as they wish to spend in the shops or the hotel. Any English money brought is the child’s responsibility. You may want to send them with a small amount for the airport. Flight Details Outbound Sat 11/Apr/2015 12:00 MON4182 Manchester (Terminal 2) Inbound Sat 18/Apr/2015 18:50 EZY7264 Grenoble Grenoble 14:55 Liverpool John Lennon 19:50 Junior PE Kit – just as a reminder, in the interests of hygiene, all junior children must bring a change of socks for PE lessons. PE socks should be white in accordance with our uniform list. Ski Lessons - We have booked a Ski Club at the Runcorn Ski Centre http://runcornski.weebly.com . The lessons are booked on: Sunday 15 March, 10 – 11am Sunday 22 March, 10 – 11am Sunday 29 March, 10 – 11am @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March This club is not only for children going on the ski trip to Le Corbier and is open for children in years 1 – 6 and we can take a maximum of 20 children in the club. The course will be £30 per child and includes all ski hire and 3 x 1 hour’s instruction on the beginners slope. If we get 8 or more children wanting lessons, the cost will go down to £24. The standard is likely to be pitched at beginner skiers and those wanting a refresher. This group is ideal for children who have never skied before and would like to experience of simply putting on boots and skis. This often saves days of struggling in resort if you were to go as a family or with school. Ski Club update: I was delighted to see the progress of the children in the hour that they spent with the instructor. If there are any parents who are bringing children this week (22nd) that were unable to make it last week (15th) please let me know via email as soon as possible as I will need to arrange an additional instructor. Upcoming PTA Events - more information will be coming home soon about these events but please make sure that they are in your diaries! May Ball Strawberry Tea Saturday 16th May Friday 19th June Well done to this week’s certificate winners @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March Avalon May Ball Saturday 16th May 2015 Caldy Golf Club 7pm Tickets £45 each Black Tie Champagne Reception 3 course meal by Pickled Walnut Fantastic raffle & auction prizes Live music from ‘Entourage’ Carriages at 12.30pm Please inform the office or contact the PTA Secretary victoria20vj@gmail.co.uk / 07887 556055 before the end of term with your ticket requirements. Menu pre-orders required by 4th May @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March Avalon Ball – Saturday May 16th 2015 at 7pm Menu Prosecco or Elderflower spritzer on arrival To Start Soup of the Day served with warm crusty bread roll (V) Chicken Liver Parfait, country toast, fruit chutney & dressed leaves Naturally Smoked Haddock Fishcake served with dressed leaves and a homemade tartar sauce To follow Pan seared fillet of Sea Bass sat on crushed new potatoes 5 Hour Braised Beef, horseradish pomme puree, rich red wine jus Wild Mushroom Stroganoff & braised rice All main courses served with a medley of seasonal vegetables To Finish Rich Chocolate Tart served with an orange crème anglaise Peach and Apricot Crumble with vanilla bean ice cream Local Cheese, homemade chutney, grapes & biscuits Coffee and mints Please provide your selections to the office or the PTA Secretary on 07887 556055 / victoria20vj@gmail.com by Monday 4th May – Thank you @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March London Marathon – Children with Cancer Mia and Layla Jones’ Mummy, Daddy and Auntie are running the London Marathon in April to raise money for the charity “Children with Cancer”. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause please follow the link to their Just Giving page. http://www.justgiving.com/gemdangray/ @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March Older news: WANTED for Gardening Club! – children’s wheelbarrows that you no longer need. We plan to plant them up with flowers and vegetables. The club starts on Wednesday 11th March at 1pm. All junior children welcome! Please see Mrs Ham if you have any questions. Chess Club - Chess Club will recommence on Wednesday 4th and then on the following Wednesdays 11th, 18th and 25th March. The chess club will now be held in the science room. Children can still be collected from the same point. Easyfundraising - The PTA have updated their shopping portal to help raise money for Avalon School PTA. Every time you shop online you could help raise some money without it costing you anything. There are over 2700 retailers participating in the scheme including Amazon, Tesco, Debenhams, John Lewis, and Ebay. To participate in this and help the PTA please follow this simple process - Register at www.easyfundraising.org.uk When you’re asked to choose your cause, select Avalon School PTA, Wirral Then you’re ready to go shopping. You will be asked if you wish to download and install the ‘Find and Remind’ toolbar, please do this as you will then receive a handy reminder each time a donation is available when you shop online. Thank you for your support. Sainsbury Vouchers – we are collecting Sainsbury’s Get Active Voucher again, so if you, your friends or family shop at Sainsbury’s please remember to pick up the vouchers and deposit them in our collection box in the lobby of the school office. Thank you. Instrument Storage – could all the children who have music lessons please store their musical instrument in the music room itself, not the food storage room next door. Thank you. Parking on Caldy Road and Mount Road – As you may be aware, Wirral Council is currently considering a range of amendments which will affect the availability of parking outside of school during morning and after school drop off. The situation as it stands is that our Chair of Governors has registered an objection, which we believe means that the restrictions will not be passed straight away, but will be referred to a committee. This means that they will look at the issue in more detail, and should consider various options before the proposal is considered again. It is difficult to predict how long this process will take and we will need to assess their findings before considering any responses. The next step is to wait for the outcomes of the objections and then we will hopefully be able to open a dialogue with the highways agency to find a solution that is suitable for all parties. We will, of course, keep parents informed as we have more information. @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk Avalon School – In Touch Week ending – Friday 20th March Weekly Menu (week commencing 23rd March 2015) Monday 23rd March Homemade Soup of the Day Savoury Minced Beef with Mixed Grains Cheese on Toast Yoghurt and Fresh Fruit Tuesday 24th March Homemade Soup of the Day Turkey Roast Dinner Pasta with Dolmio Sauce Homemade Rice Krispie Cake and Fresh Fruit Wednesday 25th March Homemade Soup of the Day Pizza with Salad and Potatoes Scrambled Egg on Toast Sponge Cake and Custard with Fruit Thursday 26th March Homemade Soup of the Day Homemade Lasagne with Salad and Crusty Bread Baked Beans on Toast Yoghurt and Fresh Fruit Friday 27th March Homemade Soup of the Day Oven Baked Cod with Garden Peas and Fresh Potato Chips Selection of Sandwiches Homemade Rice Pudding and Fresh Fruit @Avalon_Prep www.avalon-school.co.uk Telephone: 0151 625 6993 Fax: 0151 625 0332 E-mail: schooloffice@avalon-school.co.uk
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