Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship Scheme of Work Theme Number and Term Theme Title 1. Autumn 1 Relationships 2. Autumn 2 Citizenship 3. Spring 1 Health 4. Spring 2 Lifestyles 5. Summer 1 Growing up 6. Summer 2 Safety Key Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Addressed • Empathy • Self-awareness • Motivation • Social skills •Managing feelings • Empathy • Social skills • Motivation • Self-awareness • Self-awareness •Managing feelings • Empathy • Self-awareness •Managing feelings • Empathy • Motivation • Social skills •Managing feelings Children are provided with the following Breadth of Opportunities during Key Stages 1 and 2: During Key Stage 1 pupils are taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through opportunities to: 5a. Take turns and share responsibility (for example, for their own behaviour; by helping to make classroom rules and following them: by looking after pets well) 5b. Feel positive about themselves (for example, by having their achievements recognised and by being given positive feedback about themselves) 5c. Take part in discussions (for example, talking about topics of school, local, national, European, Commonwealth and global concern, such as where our food and raw materials for industry come from) 5d. Make real choices (for example, between healthy options in school meals, programmes to watch on television, what games to play, how to spend and save money sensibly) 5e. Meet and talk with people (for example, with outside visitors such as religious leaders, police officers, nurses/dentists) 5f. Develop relationships through work and play (for example, by sharing equipment with other pupils or their friends in a group task) 5g. Consider social and moral dilemmas that they come across in everyday life (for example, aggressive behaviour, questions of fairness, right and wrong, simple political issues, use of money, simple environmental issues) 5h. Ask for help (for example, from family and friends, staff on the playground, older pupils, the police) During Key Stage 2 pupils build upon their earlier experiences and are taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through opportunities to: 5a. Take and share responsibility (for example, for planning and looking after the school’s environment; for the needs of others, such as befriending younger children in the playground; for looking after animals properly; for identifying safe, healthy and sustainable means of travel to school) 5b. Feel positive about themselves (for example, by producing portfolios of achievement; by having opportunities to show what they can do and how much responsibility they can take) 5c. Participate (for example, in the schools decision-making process, relating it to democratic structures and processes such as councils, parliaments, government and voting) 5d. Make real choices and decisions (for example, about issues affecting their health and well-being such as smoking; on the issue of scarce resources; how to spend money, including pocket money and contributions to charities) 5e. Meet and talk with people (for example, people who contribute to society through environmental awareness or charity work; people who work in the school and the neighbourhood, such as religious leaders, community police officers) 5f. Develop relationships through work and play (for example, by taking part in activities with groups that have particular needs, such as the elderly; communicating with children in other countries by email or letters) 5g. Consider social and moral dilemmas that they come across in life (for example, encouraging respect and understanding between different groups of people and dealing with bullying) 5h. Find information and advice (for example, through help lines or the internet) 5i. Prepare for change (for example, transferring to secondary school) The overview is used to plan specific discreet lessons and the other aspects of PSHE and Citizenship are covered throughout the year through cross curricular links in other subjects. Practitioners in Nursery and Reception respond to children’s developmental needs and progress in PSED as appropriate on a daily basis throughout the year. Therefore, in addition to the activities in the above table the following principles are followed: For children, being special to someone and well cared for is vital for their physical, social and emotional health and well-being. Being acknowledged and affirmed by important people in their lives leads to children gaining confidence and inner strength through secure attachments with these people. Exploration within close relationships leads to the growth of self-assurance, promoting a sense of belonging which allows children to explore the world from a secure base. Children need adults to set a good example and to give them opportunities for interaction with others so that they can develop positive ideas about themselves and others. Children who are encouraged to feel free to express their ideas and their feelings, such as joy, sadness, frustration and fear, can develop strategies to cope with new, challenging or stressful situations.
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