Placement Test Taker Technology Guide

Placement Test Taker Technology Guide
Avant Assessment’s Placement test does not need to be delivered in a proctored environment. In some cases, the school or
organization that is sponsoring the test will provide a lab where students can go to take the test on computers that have been
prepared for test taking. However, in most cases, Placement test takers take the test “on their own” and are responsible for
ensuring the readiness of the computers they will be using, in connection with the school/organization that is sponsoring the
Due to the large number of possible combinations of different hardware, software, operating systems, browsers, security
systems and settings, it is difficult to provide computer configuration support from afar. Please check with your school or
organization to see if they will be providing any technology support (Avant does not provide direct technology support to test
This document provides information to help you prepare your computer and troubleshoot any problems that you may
Placement Technology Requirements
Operating Systems
One of the following:
Windows XP
Adobe Flash Player 10.3
Internet Explorer 8
Windows Vista
Internet Explorer 9
Windows 7
Adobe Flash Player 10.3
Mac OSX 10.5
One of the following:
Mac OSX 10.6
Safari 4
Mac OSX 10.7
Safari 5
Using a supported browser is needed to ensure compatibility with flash player
PREPARING THE COMPUTER-The Avant Technology Check
Run the Technology Check, located at: For more information, see the Using
the Avant Technology Check Guide at:
Test the recording functionality by taking the Listening/ Speaking sections of the STAMP4S sample test, locatedat:
Firewalls and Security Settings should be set to NOT proxy, filter or blockor block Avant Assessment IP addresses.
Allow all inbound and outbound traffic for the following applicable IPs:
Web Servers (TCP 80, 443):, (,
Flash Media Servers (TCP 80, 1935) ( and
USB headset with microphone. For more information, see the Headset Guide at:
All computers must be set to accept cookies
If testing in Arabic, Chinese or Japanese, ensure that the necessary writing input system has been activated.
For more information, see the Writing Input Guide at:
Troubleshooting Recording Issues
If you are going to experience any recording issues, they are likely to first appear when doing the Avant Technology Check
or viewing the STAMP 4S Sample Test.
Possible error messages that you may see while viewing the Sample Test for Speaking or during the Speaking section of the
Placement test include:
Low microphone level
Netstream error
Error in controller initialization
In nearly all cases, these messages are due to an issue with the computer or network setup. Some suggestions are:
Be sure to use a supported browser; please note that Firefox is not a supported browser
Make sure that you have the most recent version of Flash Player
Make sure that pop-ups are not blocked
Check the operating system’s sound configuration
Go through the Technology Check again
For error messages that are different than the ones listed above, Google the message to see if you can find an
explanation and online help in a tech forum
Make sure that security settings and configurations are not blocking access to Avant’s Flash Player servers
Security settings and configurations are probably the most difficult setup issues to troubleshoot. Your network, hardware and
software may have come with presets that you are unaware of and have no experience with. If that is the case, and you do
not have someone locally who can help you, we recommend that, if possible, you complete the Reading and Writing
sections of the test on your computer and network, then use a different setup for the Speaking section of the test.
For example, you can try:
A different computer
Your computer on a different network
A different computer on a different network
A computer at a friend’s house, library or other facility
If further help is needed, please contact the organization that is sponsoring your test.
Students: For more information, contact the organization sponsoring your test
Test Administrators: For more Information, contact our support team at:
1.888.713.7887 or email
Avant Assessment, LLC
940 Willamette Street
Suite 530, Eugene, Oregon
Support Representatives
phone: 1.888.713.7887
M-F 5:00am - 5:00pm Pacific