Avicenna Event 5 Barcelona

Event 5
4th – 5th June 2015
Participant Information
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
Welcome to Barcelona
Welcome to Barcelona, Spain, for the fifth and final Avicenna Event. We look
forward to working with you to finalise the writing of the roadmap for in silico
Clinical Trials. In this document we hope you will find all the information you need
to attend the event. However, should you have any further questions or if you identify
any issues then please don’t hesitate to contact us at the details given below.
Contact Details
Avicenna Team
Email: events@avicenna-isct.org
Telephone: (+39) 333 3657828
NH Hotel Barcelona Diagonal Center
Email: nhdiagonalcenter@nh-hotels.com
Telephone: +34 933 09 06 29
NH Hotel Hesperia Del Mar
Email: hotel@hesperia-delmar.com
Telephone: +34 91 398 46 61
Email: lynkeus@lynkeus.com
Telephone: (+39) 06 8440801
Your Destinations in Barcelona
4th June:
AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya
Carrer de Roc Boronat, 95 08005 Barcelona
NH Hotel Barcelona Diagonal Center
Carrer de Àlaba, 94-96, 08018 Barcelona
NH Hotel Hesperia Del Mar
Carrer d’Espronceda, 6. 08005 Barcelona
5th June:
AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
1. Travel to the AQuAS
The AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya, is located in
22@Barcelona, the Innovation District, three Metro stops from the Plaza de Catalunya and
the Ramblas.
Address: Carrer Roc Boronat, 95, 08005 Barcelona
Public transportation from Barcelona Airport (El Prat) to the AQuAS
To reach the AQuAS by public transportation from the airport, the best solution is to take
the Aerobus. The bus stop is located right at the airport terminal and the bus will take you to
Plaça Catalunya (last Stop).
From there, take metro line 1 in the direction of Fondo and change to the Yellow line (L4)
at the Urquinaona stop, travel in the direction of La Pau, then get off at Llacuna station. At
Llacuna station go along Carrer Pujades and turn left at Carrer Roc Boronat (click to see
map). The trip takes approximately 50 minutes.
Taxi from Barcelona Airport (El Prat) to the AQuAS
You can reach the AQuAS by taxi from the airport. It will cost about 40€.
The trip takes approximately 30 minutes (depending on the traffic).
Public transportation from Sants train station to the AQuAS
From Sants Train station take the Red metro line (L1) in the direction of direction Fondo, at
the Urquinaona stop change to the Yellow Line (L4) travelling towards La Pau and get off
at Llacuna Station. At Llacuna station go along Carrer Pujades and turn left at Carrer Roc
Boronat (click to see map).
The trip takes approximately 30 minutes.
Public transportation from Barcelona Airport (El Prat) to the NH Hotel
Barcelona Diagonal Center
Address: Carrer Àlaba, 94-96. 08018 Barcelona.
To reach the NH Hotel Barcelona Diagonal Center by public transportation from the
airport, the best solution is to take the Aerobus. The bus stop is located right at the airport
terminal and the bus will take you to Plaça Catalunya (last Stop). From there, take metro
Line 1 (Red) in the direction of Fondo and change to the Yellow line (L4) at the Urquinaona
stop, travel in the direction of La Pau, then get off at Bogatell station. From Bogatell station
go along Carrer Pujades and turn left at Carrer d’Àlaba (5min walk) (click to see map).
The trip takes approximately 50 minutes.
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
Walk from NH Diagonal Hotel to the AQuAS
From the Hotel turn right onto Carrer d’Àlaba and right again to Carrer des Almogàvers,
when you get to Carrer Roc Boronat turn right to reach the AQuAS (8 min walk) (click to
see map).
Public transportation from Barcelona Airport (El Prat) to the NH Hotel
Hesperia del Mar
Address: Carrer Espronceda, 6. 08005 Barcelona.
To reach the NH Hotel Hesperia del Mar by public transportation from the airport, the best
solution is to take the Aerobus. The bus stop is located right at the airport terminal and the
bus will take you to Plaça Catalunya (last Stop). From there, take metro Line 1 (Red) in the
direction of Fondo and change to the Yellow line (L4) in Urquinaona stop, in the direction
of La Pau, then get off at Poble Nou station. At Poble Nou station go along Carrer Pujades
and turn right at Carrer Espronceda (9min walk) (click to see map).
The trip takes approximately 50 minutes.
Walk from NH Hotel Hesperia del Mar to the AQuAS
From the Hotel turn right onto Carrer d’Espronceda until you get to Carrer de Llull, then
turn left until you get to Carrer Roc Boronat and then turn right to reach the AQuAS (19
min walk) (click to see map).
2. On arrival
On arrival on June 4th, at the AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de
Catalunya, please mention that you are attending the Avicenna Event: a member of staff
will help you with your Event registration, present you with an Avicenna Welcome Pack
and provide travel reimbursement information (See the relevant pages in Section 8).
On June 5th at the AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya, a
staff member will also be there to help you.
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
3. Agenda
Day 1 - Thursday 4th June
09:00 – 11:00
Press Interviews at Sala d’Actes
11:00 – 12:50
Registration, welcome buffet lunch
12:50 - 13:00
Welcome from the director of the AQuAS Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de
13:00 – 13:45
Chair: Adriano Henney
Alignment Optimisation driven discussion on the roadmap
13:45 – 14:15
Keynote Lecture: The roles of patents and research and development incentives in
biopharmaceutical innovation.
Alistair McGuire, London School of Economics, UK
14:15 - 15:30
Thematic talks - In silico Clinical Trials: research and technological development
The concept of model credibility in the ASME V&V-40 draft standard
Markus Reiterer, Medtronic Corp., USA
The role of physiological modelling in the reduction, refinement, and partial replacement
of clinical trials
Robert Hester, University of Mississippi Medical Centre, USA
Monitoring physical activity: a very tricky “simple” problem
Claudia Mazzà, Insigneo Institute, UK
From BiomedTown to VPH-Share: policy and governance issues around data and models
Rod Hose, coordinator VPH-Share project
From individual to populations and return: an amazing journey
Matthieu De Beule, FEops bvba, Netherlands
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 – 18:00
Chair: Marco Viceconti
Breakout sessions – RTD challenges (Sessions maximum 15 seats, first come, first
Beyond validation: model credibility - Markus Reiterer & Marco Viceconti
Reducing, refining, and partially replacing clinical trials - Robert Hester & Anders
The physiological envelope, the deployment envelope - Claudia Mazzà & Karen El-Arifi
Individual-based population models - Matthieu De Beule & Adriano Henney
Policy & governance frameworks for data sharing- Rod Hose & Martina Contin
Alternative IPR models for biomedical industry - Alastair McGuire & Edwin MorleyFletcher
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
18:00 – 19:00
Cocktail lecture - Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine: rules for assessing the effectiveness of
Mona Nasser, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
20:00 – 22:00
Optional Social dinner at Restaurant La Fonda del Port Olímpic Calle Moll de Gregal, 7,
Metro Stop Ciutadela Vila Olimpica – click to see walking map from Metro stop
Return to Hotels
Day 2 - Friday 5th June
08:00 – 08:30
Coffee and registration
08:30 – 09:00
Chair: Adriano Henney
High Resolution Models of Cardiac Electromechanics for Wall Strain Analysis
Slava Gurev, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, USA.
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
Big data analytics and in silico research: The challenges and opportunities of applying
advanced analytics in pursuit of transforming healthcare research.
Matt Goss, SAS
In silico Clinical Trials: a socioeconomic perspective
The role of technological innovation in the long-term sustainability of universal health
services Gregor-Konstantin Elbel, Health & Life Sciences, Deloitte Germany.
10:00 – 10:30
ISCT: socioeconomics Challenges
Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Lynkeus
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30
Chair: Edwin Morley-Fletcher, Lynkeus
In silico assessment of cardiotoxicity: from Noble’s model to an industrial solution
Alphonso Bueno, Professor of Computational Medicine, University of Oxford
11:30 - 12:00
Synergistic use of experimental and computational methods in the pre-clinical evaluation
of orthopaedic implants
Luca Cristofolini, University of Bologna, Italy
12:00 - 12:30
The Avicenna research roadmap: the challenges ahead
Marco Viceconti, Insigneo institute for in silico Medicine, UK
The Avicenna Alliance
Adriano Henney, VPH Institute, Belgium
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 – 14:30
Buffet lunch and networking and end plenary event
14:30 – 16:30
Chair: Adriano Henney
Avicenna Alliance: Open discussion and formulating our way forward
End of the meeting
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
4. Avicenna: Questionnaire
Please help us by completing the short questionnaire below and handing it in when you register at the hotel, or
on the morning of the event.
Your Name:
Your Affiliation:
Are you willing to provide input to the Avicenna Roadmap (either by writing, reviewing or
Yes ◻
No ◻
How well do you understand what is meant by the term in silico medicine?
Very little
Very much
How big an impact might in silico medicine have on the biomedical industry?
Very little
Very much
Technologically, how close are we to being able - partially - to test the safety and efficacy of a
new biomedical product via computer simulation?
Very little
Very much
How important is the compilation of a research roadmap for in silico medicine at this stage?
Very little
Very much
How high are the chances that the organisation you represent might join a pre-competitive
alliance aimed at promoting the development and adoption of in silico clinical trials?
Very little
Very much
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
5. Travel Expenses Contribution Claims
Claimant Details
Number and Street:
Post code:
Description of travel expense
(If not €)
Amount €
Total Claimed
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
Bank Details
Account Name
Bank Name
Bank Address
Account Number
Additional Information
I, the undersigned, declare that this statement of expenses is true and accurate.
(Signature of the claimant)
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).
Travel Expenses Reimbursement FAQ
If you come from a not-for-profit organisation, you are entitled to receive a reimbursement of travel expenses up to a maximum as
shown in the table below:
Distance to travel
Max. Travel Allowance
< 500 km
€ 200
500 km – 1,000 km
€ 400
1,000 km – 1,500 km
€ 600
1,500 km – 2,500 km
€ 800
2,500 km – 5,000 km
€ 1,200
5,000 km – 10,000 km
€ 1,600
> 10,000 km
€ 2,000
Required documents for reimbursement
Signed reimbursement form.
All the supporting documents mentioned on the form (air tickets, boarding cards, train tickets etc.).
A copy of your passport or identification document.
Reservations cannot be considered as valid supporting documents. Only tickets or invoices can be accepted. However, in exceptional
cases reservations can be accepted if accompanied by the boarding cards and a proof of payment of the ticket such as the credit card
statement, agent coupon.
Claim reimbursement submission information
At the Avicenna Event you can hand your reimbursement form and travel documents to the Avicenna team. You can also send your
claim after the Event, together with all relevant supporting documents, by mail to:
Avicenna Team,
c/o Lynkeus Srl,
Via Livenza, 6
00198 Rome,
Please note that the documents must be sent no later than 1 month from the date of the Event.
If you have questions concerning the reimbursement of your expenses, please contact:
Partially funded by the European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies Programme (Contract Number 611819).