Start moving from Hokkaido, , n u s e h t r e d n u y l n ! o n t o o No m e h t r e d n u o s l a t bu Agricultural Robots Unmanned Agricultural Robots can perform agricultural labor. While people sleep, land plow and crop harvest can be carried out. This Japanese Agriculture, the Young People's serio Average Age of Farmers Choice. 59.1 Agriculture supports Japan's food, and protects the land and the environment. Although state 65.8 63.2 61.1 is a agric us for ultur e! it's an important industry, the number of farmers keeps decreasing; there's an aging problem with farmers having an average age of 66 years old. Agriculture is a heavy 4.82 M labor, susceptible to weather factors, and learning agricultural technology takes a long 4.14 M 3.89 M 3.35 M time. Affected by this impression, leadership shortage is a serious issue. To solve this problem, "Agricultural Robots" is one of the key technologies. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2.60 M 2010 Number of Farmers Nationwide Hokkaido was First! Ministry of Agriculture statistics (2010 survey) Position measurement C o m p u t e r sensor (GPS) Successful Operation of an Unmanned Tractor In modern agriculture, tractors and other agricultural machinery are essential. The Laboratory of Vehicle Robotics (VeBots) of Hokkaido University School of Agriculture has succeeded conducting researches on unmanned tractors and Attitude measurement uipped q e r o t A trac ravels t s r o s n with se ! rmland a f e h t in sensor (IMU) developing new technologies. Sensors are installed on a tractor, and its position is measured by satellite (GPS). A computer commands its movement, replacing manual operation and thus giving birth to robot tractors. lizing i t er p Operations are Possible weeding but also can be programmed to complete all kinds of so w market research and other important work. in g farming tasks. By entrusting the field labor to the Robot Tractor, farmers can focus into product development, ha r sting ve A Robot Tractor not only moves in the fields accurately, ide spr c i t a es g yin for 1 year, these Farming wing o l p f By Supporting Farmers Research Faculty of Agriculture Laboratory of Vehicle Robotics Start moving from Hokkaido, Agricultural Robots Power up! Using multiple Tractors for "Labor Cooperation" Satellite Positioning and Wireless One farmer operating a single Robot Tractor is not really efficient. Communications are the Basis of Therefore, "VeBots" laboratory has developed a management system for simultaneous operation of multiple Robot Tractors by using a wireless Agricultural Robots communication system. This "labor cooperation" is close to practical use. positioning technologies are vital for agricultural robots . Moreover, in order to monitor the productivity unmanned manned The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System "Michibiki" and other high-precision GPS satellite linked is t n e m e v o r imp (plowing) on to cost reducti ( s o wing) work of multiple robots from a remote control room, geospatial information and wireless information and communication technologies are very important. R o b o t C o n tr o l R o o m E x a m p l e o f L a b o r Co o p e r a tio n Qu a si - Ze n i th Sa te l l i te Syste m "M i ch i b i ki " R e m o te Se n si n g ( a g r i cu l tu r a l ve h i cl e s tr a ve l i n g ) Remote Sensing (ground sensor) Smaller Tractors are Environmentally Friendly Tractor size can improve operational efficiency, but it affects the crop growth due to L a b o r R e co r d ( Ag r i cu l tu r a l m a ch i n e r y a u to m a ti c r e co r d ) soil compaction. By using multiple small robot tractors, the "labor cooperation" scheme is a good prospect. Also, by sending information from a computer, it's possible to adjust the amount of fertilizer, harvest only mature crops, and perform other tasks concerning the environment; which is one of the goals of precision agriculture. Futuristic robot concept for ultra-precision farming work Ready, S et, Go! But it's n ot a race, it's cooperati 1 person can manage multiple tractors thanks to agricultural robotics . By using Labor Cooperation, efficiency improves significantly. It has shown a good performance in wide agricultural lands. Research Faculty of Agriculture Laboratory of Vehicle Robotics on. Start moving from Hokkaido, "Big Data" to Support Farmers now and in the Future The reason behind the good flavor of vegetables and rice is an adequate agricultural environment, supported by the joint efforts of farmers and people related to agriculture . Accumulation of Big Data takes place by gathering the know-how from every point of view concerning the "Hokkaido Agriculture", cultivated both naturally and by humans. By using the appropriate data it's possible to support daily farm labor, and help Japanese Agriculture by carrying out a variety of researches about Agricultural Information. Geographic information (Weather, cultivation environment, etc.) Experienced Farmers Cultivation Records Agricultural Robots More and more delicious food! Tractor Labor information But, can (Soil, growth state, etc.) Data Analysis ・Know-How abstraction really it become Smart Accumulation of Big Data Useful for Japanese Agriculture Agricultur e? Smart Agriculture aims to n o i t a m r Info n o i t c e l l co help Japanese Agriculture by combining the know-how Data utili zati on of experienced farmers with agricultural robots. Achieve Precision Agriculture with Artificial Satellites + UAV With the gradual expansion of farming lands and paddy fields, soil and moisture states change, showing a discrepancy for the growth of crops. Thus, the concept of Precision Agriculture has got the world's attention. Artificial Satellites and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are combined to obtain precise large-scale agricultural information, and to adapt the crop growth to the environment. Fertilizers and pesticides are not wasted, Future Trends of Japanese Agriculture: towards Unmanned "Smart Agriculture" Labor Tractor Cooperation Use of Big Data in Agricultural Labor creating a link to safe agriculture. A pe hel ic re rf op o m rm ot te s e r th se ns e in g Since 80 percent of the agricultural labor accounts for tractor operations, the Laboratory of Vehicle Robotics "VeBots" focuses in the research of unmanned Robot Tractors, but it's also engaged in agricultural remote sensing and information technologies. The laboratory aims to achieve "Smart Agriculture" as the goal for the future of Japanese Agriculture, through collaborative efforts of farmers and related personnel. Through S m a r t A g r i c u l t u r e this research, we are hoping to attract attention towards agriculture, and involve young people in agricultural work. Research Faculty of Agriculture Laboratory of Vehicle Robotics C o l o r s i n d i c a te th e c r o p s g r o w th s ta te
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