GENERAL ELECTIONS APRIL 2015 AV U TA Candidate Statements First Vice President - Kristy Croft Having served in many positions in AVUTA, including First Vice President for this year, I feel I am important part of our leadership and would like to continue to be if you so choose. As always I will always be FOR the teachers above anything else. First Vice President - Greg Williams No statement received. OPEN POSITIONS • FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT • TREASURE • RECORDING SECRETARY • HIGH SCHOOL SEGMENT DIRECTOR • PS-8 SEGMENT DIRECTOR Treasure - Janet Ambe My name is Janet Ambe and I have served AVUTA as High School Segment Director, site representative, member of the Political Action and Organizing Committees, and as current Grievance Committee Chair. As the threats to teachers’ unions increase, so does my desire to serve AVUTA in a larger capacity. Please allow me to serve you by electing me as Treasurer. Although I have been an English teacher for over twenty years, I have also worked as an accountant in a government agency and in city government in the office of the City Manager. These positions required working with budgets, various accounts, maintaining accurate records, training and travel expenses, and meeting financial deadlines within the fiscal year. I recently attended the CTA Conference in Manhattan Beach during which I received treasurer’s training. Treasure - Lance Arnt My name is Lance Arnt, and I am asking you to vote for me to be your treasurer, a position I have held for 16 years. We need to have a person who is both highly-trained and honest as a treasurer, and I have always served AVUTA well. Every year we pass our audit with no problems. As a member of Executive Board, I work hard for all of our members. Because my wife, Anne, is an elementary teacher at Vanguard, I understand the needs of all of our members. I am also serving our members as the chairperson of our bylaws committee and as a member of our political action committee. Please vote for me so that I can continue to serve the members of AVUTA. APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION AVUTAELECTIONS@AOL.COM GENERAL ELECTIONS APRIL 2015 AV U TA Candidate Statements Recording Secretary - Christine Ross Dear Apple Valley Unified Teachers Association Members, My name is Christine Ross and I am running for Recording Secretary in our upcoming election. I have decided to run for this position after not only much thought and consideration, but a strong desire to serve in this capacity to an organization that has not only committed themselves to what is the best for the teachers in AVUSD, but have proven they are diligent in this commitment. OPEN POSITIONS • FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The abilities that I possess for this position is that I am not only highly organized, and effective in taking and compiling notes, but I am familiar with AVUTA’S history, the bylaws, leadership and policies and procedures of the meetings. Thank you, • TREASURE • RECORDING SECRETARY • HIGH SCHOOL SEGMENT DIRECTOR • PS-8 SEGMENT DIRECTOR APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION AVUTAELECTIONS@AOL.COM Christine Ross High School Segment Director - Jessica Cooley Apple Valley is my home and my family. I am a firm believer of being the change you want to see in the world (Ghandi) and want to put myself in a position of change within the union. Thank you. High School Segment Director Tayari Kuanda My name is Tayari Kuanda. I welcome the opportunity to serve as a Segment Director. After 8 years in the district, I continue to be a dedicated member of AVUTA. I have prior experience serving our membership as a Segment Director and Site Rep. I serve and promote our membership on the Bylaws and PAC committees. I actively research policies and stay abreast of issues pertaining to the livelihood of our profession. If elected I would bring the experience and knowledge I have acquired to the Executive Board with the mission of further enhancing our status as educators. It is my firm belief that I have been given a gift of a voice to serve others. I hope you will allow me to offer myself as a servant to you. GENERAL ELECTIONS APRIL 2015 AV U TA Candidate Statements PS-8 Segment Director - Michelle Roland For those that are just getting to know me I would like to take this time to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been a site representative for phoenix academy for the last two years. During this time I continue to learn and educate myself with the laws and rights of all educator’s. I have also had the privilege of getting to know our AVUTA leaders and representatives. I would love this opportunity to continue my involvement with AVUTA, being a leader that represents you voice. Thank you. OPEN POSITIONS • FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT • TREASURE • RECORDING SECRETARY • HIGH SCHOOL SEGMENT DIRECTOR • PS-8 SEGMENT DIRECTOR APPLE VALLEY UNIFIED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION AVUTAELECTIONS@AOL.COM PS-8 Segment Director - Wendy Kelly My name is Wendy Kelly and I have been an AVUTA union member for 24 years. I have enjoyed being a site rep for the last two years, and a segment director this year. I have dutifully attended all rep council and Executive Board meetings during that time, and would welcome the opportunity to continue being your PS-8 Segment Director. In doing so, I will continue to make informed decisions and advocate for our best interests. Please consider me again for this position. Thank you!
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