Student Planner 2014-2015 Purpose- Through a respectful and collaborative learning culture, we will establish common goals and high expectations to ensure all students are successful. Vision- High expectations are communicated clearly and consistently throughout our learning organization, and positive relationships are paramount. Values- Through caring relationships and a supportive environment, our students will develop a passion for learning. Goals- High performing teams will be reflective in practice and utilize shared purpose and data to ensure student learning throughout AWCPA. As a student at A.W.C.P.A. I will… ● Respect myself ● Respect others ● Respect the school This agenda belongs to Academics Standards Based Grading and Work Habits A = The student consistently and independently meets the standard. In a variety of assessments and assignments, the student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in grade level concepts and skills and when the opportunity exists, the student demonstrates highly developed knowledge, skills, and thinking. B = The student meets the standard independently In a variety of assessments and assignments, the student usually demonstrates proficiency in grade level concepts and skills independently. C = The student meets the standard with teacher support. The student is able to demonstrate understanding and application of the most critical grade level skills and concepts with teacher or peer support. D = The student demonstrates limited understanding.. With teacher or peer support, the student demonstrates limited understanding and application of the most critical grade level concepts and skills. F = No Evidence / Missing Work There is insufficient evidence to accurately determine the proficiency level. (No credit) I = Incomplete Work or learning has not been completed at the end of the grading period. S = Satisfactory Progress The student is making satisfactory progress toward the standards. U = Unsatisfactory Progress The student is making unsatisfactory progress toward the standards. The following marks will be used to report a student’s work habits during a grading period. The work habits consist of the student demonstrating: Effort – Works hard and attempts quality work Engagement – Participates and listens Homework – Completed and on time Responsibility – Follows rules and direction; manages time; advocates for self. On the students grade card these work habits will be reported by: 4- Consistently 3- Frequently 2- Sometimes 1- Rarely 0-Never Credit for High School Graduation As per A.P.S. guidelines, students earn ¼ credits for each term completed successfully. Successful completion earned by having a grade of A, B, C, or D at the end of a term. Grade Reporting Progress reports will be given to parents at conferences or carried home in the middle of each quarter. Report cards will be carried home at the end of each quarter. Each grading period stands alone and the student earns four grades in a core subject throughout the school year. Conferences Term 1 9/18/2014— Parent/teacher Progress Reports Carried Home 9/19/2014 10/9/2014 Report Cards Carried Home 10/16/2014 11/21/2014 12/18/2014 1/9/2015 2/20/2015 3/12/2015 3/29/2015 4/24/2015 5/20/2015 Mailed Home 5/29/2015 End of Term 10/16/2014— Student lead/Report card pick-up Term 2 Term 3 2/19/2015— Parent/teacher 3/19/2015— Student lead/Report card pick-up Term 4 Homework Homework is an important part of the learning process at Aurora West College Preparatory Academy. Students are expected to turn their homework in on time, complete and accurate. Students who do not meet this expectation could be asked to stay after school to complete their homework. Honor Roll Aurora West College Prep honors students at the end of each term for performing at a high standard in each of their classes. The two following awards are given. Principal’s Honor Roll 3.50 to 4.0+ grade point average Honor Roll 3.0 to 3.49 grade point average Students of the Month Each month teachers select two students at each grade level (one boy and one girl) that demonstrate hard work in the classroom as well as respect for others and themselves. Students of the Month demonstrate outstanding character based on being SHARP (Safe - Honest and Trustworthy - Accountable - Respectful - Persistent) Academic Brillance Award Winners Each month teachers recognize two students at each grade level (one boy and one girl). The AB Award recognizes students who demonstrate one or more of the following criteria: Advance or Proficient in CSAP Growth on the Interim Assessments Sustained effort & contribution in academics College Readiness The emphasis at AWCPA is on academic success for every student. Our school counseling program helps all students achieve success in school and develop into contributing members of our society. Counselors have designed programs and services to meet the needs of students at various growth and developmental stages. AWCPA students will complete the tasks below to help prepare them for college: Enroll in Naviance and College in Colorado Career Interest Inventory Initiate Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) Write Career and Academic Goals Write Contextual and Service Learning Goals Portfolio Check Identify Colleges of Interest Identify Careers of Interest Write 5 year plan of study Prepare and take the ACT Take the Do What You Are Survey Create a Resume Complete a College Application Submit Scholarship Applications Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Apply for Internships, Shadowing etc. Attendance Guidelines and Procedures Attendance Policy Students enrolled in the Aurora Public Schools are required to attend classes, unless excused for good reason in accordance with the Colorado Compulsory Attendance Law. Absences reported by the parent to the attendance line at (303) 326-1660 such as illness and injury, or extended absences approved by the administration are regarded as excused absences. Parents must call the attendance line to excuse all absences. Students with excused absences will be given a reasonable amount of time to make up their work. Regular school attendance is a key to school success. Poor attendance results in poor academic performance. Excessive Excused Absence A student who is absent, including excused absence, 4-days in a month or 9-days in a year is considered excessively absent. The school will address these issues on a student-by-student basis and a doctor’s note may be required. Truancy/Unexcused Absences A student missing school without a reason that meets the criteria for an excused absence according to the building procedures will be considered truant. Appropriate consequences will be assigned for absences that are not approved by the parent or legal guardian. Students will be required to make up the work for the time they were truant. Procedures Three (3) unexcused absences in a quarter will result in a “Truancy Letter” sent to the home of the student. Six (6) unexcused absences in a quarter will result in a phone call, home visit or a parent conference to develop an attendance contract. Nine (9) unexcused absences in a year will result in a legal letter, which informs the parent or guardian of a referral to the Community Attendance Review Board (CARB). This board reviews all attendance cases and makes recommendations to truancy court in Adams and Arapahoe Counties. Tardy The school day at A.W.C.P.A is 7:25a.m. – 3:10p.m. for high school students and 8:30a.m. – 3:57p.m. for middle school students. Wednesday (late start) begins at 9:06a.m. for high school and 10:00a.m. for middle school with end times remaining the same. The bell will ring five minutes before first period begins and students will be allowed to go to lockers and get materials in order to be prepared for the school day. Students who are late should go directly to class. Parents should either call the attendance line at 303-326-1660 or send their student with an excused note for the attendance clerk. During the school day students are to be in their seat ready to work when class begins. Excused and unexcused tardies can become excessive and will be dealt with on a student-by-student basis. Four (4) or more tardies in a month is considered excessively tardy. Students tardy to class will receive consequences. Behavior Expectations and Procedures A great school has an environment that is safe and supportive, where students can learn and teachers can teach. It is a place with high expectations for student behavior and students and adults act respectfully at all times. It is a school where the rules are consistently and fairly enforced. SHARP BEHAVIOR Students at Aurora West Prep have a responsibility to themselves, classmates, and the school to demonstrate appropriate behavior. At Aurora West College Prep Students are expected to be: Safe Follow classroom rules. Walk in the hallways. Put trash in trashcans. Dress appropriately for school (Dress for Success). Solve conflicts appropriately. Honest and Trustworthy Do your own work at all times. Speak the truth. Accountable Have homework finished and brought to class. Leave distractions (all non-school related items) at home. Be on time to school/class. Work cooperatively with other students. Respectful Be polite to all students and adults. Use appropriate language. Follow all directions given by any adult in the school when given. Act with honor or esteem at all times. Persistent Bring a positive attitude to class. Finish all work accurately Participate in class in a positive way. Be in charge of your learning. Do not give up. Discipline Code A.W.C.P.A. Discipline Code is a listing of behavior offenses and consequences that result from poor student behavior. MINOR BEHAVIOR PROBLEM Occasional, impulsive MAJOR BEHAVIOR PROBLEM Serious, Habitual Classroom Managed Office Managed Behavior Not prepared for class Definitions Student is missing materials or work needed for class Behavior Fighting/Physical aggression/Assault Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco Weapons/ Combustibles Off task inclass/Does not complete assignments Student is not working on classwork or completing assignments Bomb Threat False fire alarm Serious Bullying Sexual Harassment Racial Harassment Threats Disruption of learning/Disobedie nce Student engages in low-intensity, but inappropriate disruption Gang Activity Serious Vandalism (over $20) Serious Theft (over $20) Robbery Food/Drink Student has food or drink in class. P.D.A. Inappropriate contact between students Serious Academic Dishonesty Profanity to Adult Repeated Defiance (Only after Teacher Interventions completed) Repeat Offenders / Habitually Disruptive Students Continued and willful defiance and/or disruptive behavior are not acceptable at A.W.C.P.A. When a student receives his or her second office referral the student will receive an appropriate consequence and the parent/guardian, and counselor will be notified. If suspended, a conference with the parent, student, and administrator is required. Students who continue to be defiant and disruptive will undergo further behavioral assessments and interventions. Continued defiance and disruption could result in an expulsion from school. After School Detention Students assigned after school detention stay after school the following day. When the detention is assigned, the student is given a citation/referral to notify the parent. Students who cannot remain after school are to notify the person who assigned the detention so that other arrangements might be made. Students who do not serve their detention are considered insubordinate and will be referred to the office for further consequences. Teachers may extend a student's school day for up to 10 minutes after school without parent permission or prior parent notification. However, the teacher will make a reasonable effort to notify the parent prior to the extension. In-Team Students are assigned in-team for violations of the Discipline Code. Parents, teachers, campus monitors and administration will be notified that students are assigned in-team. Students must comply with all school rules and will be assigned a “nocontact” table or eat with their teacher during the lunch hour. Students must bring a book to read or work to complete after eating lunch. Students will be assigned After School Detention when on in-team. Suspension Students who are suspended do not attend school due to a violation of the Discipline Code. During the suspension students may not be on Aurora Public School grounds at any time. Students who do come on any Aurora Public School campus will have trespassing charges filed. Parents must accompany the student back to school and meet with an administrator prior to the student returning to classes. During the conference a Remedial Discipline Plan will be developed. Student Dress Expectations Dress for Success The focus at A.W.C.P.A. is high academic achievement for all students. High academic achievement occurs in a safe environment with a positive atmosphere for learning and freedom from distractions. One way we at A.W.C.P.A. accomplish this is to have all students follow the Dress for Success campaign. Specific Dress for Success guidelines are: Shirts: o Collared shirts in solid colors of white, black or grey o High school students wearing maroon is acceptable o Logos are acceptable o College shirts are acceptable if white, black or grey Pants: o Solid color black or khaki pants or jeans o Capris, skirts, jumpers, and/or walking shorts of same colors (appropriate length) o Pants should not reveal skin o No sweatpants Sweatshirts/Hoodies: o Same colors as approved shirts (i.e. white, black, grey) o Logos fine (as long as appropriate) o May not wear hood while in the building o College sweatshirts are acceptable if white, black or grey Shoes: o No slippers Hats: o No hats, do-rags, sweat bands or inappropriate headgear Coats/Jackets: o Not to be worn to class *No jewelry, eye contacts, belts or clothing by color, trademark or special attribute that can signify gang membership or distract from the learning environment. College Friday In an effort to support positive choices students have the opportunity to wear any college t-shirt/sweatshirt on Fridays. Student ID Badges APS Policy requires all students visibly wear ID badges at all times while at school or at school events. Students are issued one free ID when individual student pictures are taken at the beginning of the year. Replacement ID’s are available at a cost of $5 in the dean’s office. If a student acquires twenty dollars or more in student ID debt, parents will be required to make a payment prior to an additional ID being made. Campus Expectations/Principal Pass th Middle school students and 9 graders are not allowed to leave campus during the school day for any reason. Students in grades 10-12 may leave campus for lunch with a principal’s pass. The following criteria apply: ● 3.0 GPA ● 95% attendance (this includes tardies) * Students that come back late from lunch will have their principal’s pass revoked. Public Display of Affection Students should not engage in open public displays of affection while on school property or at school related events. Food in School Students are not permitted, except in the cafeteria, to have food or drink in the school. Students are not allowed to bring cake, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. to share with friends unless previously given written permission from the building administration. Telephone Usage During the school day students are to ask permission from a teacher or office staff member before using the classroom/office phone. Students who are ill are to report to the nurse who will call parent/guardian. Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices Students are prohibited from using their cell phones (and other electronic devices) anytime during the school day unless directed by a teacher. Electronic devices cannot be charged in the building at any point during the school day, including lunches and off periods. At the start of every period cell phone and electronic devices must be put away. Leave electronics (headphones/ear buds) in your locker/pocket. The teacher will turn the sign over to allow electronic devices when/ if educationally appropriate. The school will not be responsible for lost/stolen electronic devices. Bicycles, Skate Boards, Scooters and Inline Skates Students who ride their bike or skateboard to school are to lock them in the bike/skateboard racks in front of the school. The school is not responsible for theft or damage. Computer and Internet Usage If a student deliberately seeks exposure to inappropriate information and material, uses electronics inappropriately or illegally, he or she loses the right to use computers at school and may be subject to school and/or legal disciplinary actions. Visitors Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school other than parents/guardian. Only students enrolled at A.W.C.P.A. are allowed to be on campus during the school day. Fire Drills Students are to walk to their assigned areas and stay with their current teacher. Students will stand or sit in a single file line with their assigned teacher. If a student becomes separated from their teacher, the student will report immediately to a campus monitor or school administrator. Before and After School A.W.C.P.A. opens to students five minutes before school starts. After school, students are to exit the school premises within ten minutes of the dismissal bell. A Truancy Trespass Notice will be issued to students that are on school grounds after the final bell unless they are involved in a school activity or are being helped by a teacher. Hall Passes Students who are in the halls during class time must have an AWCPA hall pass. Only one student from each class should be in the hall at a time. Lockers Lockers are school property and are on loan to the student. The administration can check a locker at any time. Students should only use the locker assigned to them. Due to the number of students at AWCPA some may be assigned a shared locker. Cafeteria/Recess Expectations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. On cold days students are to bring their coats to lunch when they come. Permission is not given to return to lockers once at lunch. Students are to walk in an orderly manner while in the cafeteria. When finished with lunch, students raise their hands to be dismissed and throw away all of their trash. During lunch, students will ask permission to use the restrooms located in the main hallway. Students may bring beverages in sealed cans or plastic bottles to lunch. Students are to stay in the cafeteria, on the black top or on the playing field during lunch recess. They may not go to any other part of the building or campus unless they have a pass. No food, pop cans, milk cartons etc. may be taken out of the lunchroom. While outside students are to play in a safe manner at all times. Driving to School/Parking on Campus There is no student parking on campus. Students who choose to drive to school assume all responsibility for their motor vehicle. Athletics High School Level: Note: AW sports offered to students are in red. Aurora Central sports available for AW students to participate in are green. FALL sports begin August 11, 2014 (with exception of golf) and end as follows: Boys Golf (Begins August 4) September 30 Boys Tennis October 11 X-Country October 25 Softball Volleyball Boys Soccer Football October 18 November 8 November 8 November 29 WINTER sports begin November 12, 2014 and end as follows: Wrestling B and G Basketball Girls Swim February 21, 2014 March 14, 2014 February 14, 2014 SPRING sports begin February 23, 2014 and end as follows: Girls Tennis Track Girls Soccer Girls’ Golf Baseball Girls’ Lacrosse Boys’ Lacrosse Boys Swim May 9 May 16 May 20 May 19 May 23 May 20 May 16 May 16 Middle School Level: TRACK G SWIM WRESTLING VOLLEYBALL B BASKETBALL G BASKETBALL B SOCCER Start August 6 and end September 27, 2014 Start August 6 and end September 27, 2014 Start September 29 and end November 15, 2014 Start November 17 and end January 24, 2015 Start January 26 and end March 21, 2015 Start March 30 and end May 16, 2015 Start March 30 and end May 16, 2015 Athletic Fees for HS and MS High School Athletic Fees $60.00/sport $120.00 max/student $180.00 max/family ___________________________________________ Middle School Athletic Fees $33.00/sport $66.00 max/student $99.00 max/family Parents and Student-athletes, If you have more than one child participating in athletics, either at the same time or different times during the year, your student-athletes are required to pay the full fee amount until the max/family amount is reached. (This rule has been in effect by the APS school board since 2007. (APS Code: JQ-3-E) and (APS Code: JQ-2-E)). Note: If there is a hardship to pay for participation in a sport or activity, student-athletes and parents can come talk to the Athletic Director to work out a plan to allow the student to play. Additionally, if a student-athlete participates in a single regular season game, meet, or contest, they are responsible for paying the full fee amount. This is regardless of whether or not they are dismissed from the team for various reasons or quit prior to the end of the season. We understand that there may be circumstances beyond a student-athlete or families’ control and we will handle that on a case-by-case basis. Lastly, all student-athletes are given a school issued athletic uniform (MS – jersey and black shorts (students may wear their AW PE shorts as part of the uniform) and (HS – AW home and away uniforms, sweats and bags (varsity only)) at the beginning of the season to wear during games and competitions only. These uniforms are to be returned at the end of the season, usually after the final game. If the uniform is not returned, the student-athlete will be fined for the cost of the uniform (MS – jersey $20 and $10 short and HS- Uniform cost ranges from $125 to $250). The fee must be paid in full by the end of the year so the uniforms can be replaced for the next year’s sport season. P-8/K-8 and MS addresses: Aurora Frontier P-8 Murphy Creek P-8 Vista PEAK Exploratory P-8 3200 S. Jericho Way 80013 303-693-1995 1400 S. Old Tom Morris Rd. 80018 303-366-0579 24551 E. 1st Ave. 80018 303-364-3757 Middle Schools Aurora Hills 1009 S. Uvalda St. 80012 303-341-7450 Aurora West College Preparatory Academy (6-12) 10100 E. 13th Ave. 80010 303-366-2671 Columbia 17600 E. Columbia Ave. 80013 303-690-6570 East 1275 Fraser St. 80011 303-340-0660 Mrachek 1955 S. Telluride St. 80013 303-750-2836 North M.S. Health Sciences & Technology Campus 12095 Montview Blvd. 80010 303-364-7411 South 12310 E. Parkview Dr. 80011 303-364-7623 (See more at: AW HS AWAY GAME INFORMATION: All High School Away Game addresses can be found on the “Athletic and Activities 2014 and 2015” Google calendar on the school website. Just click on the game and the school address will appear. There is also the option to click on the map link and get step by step directions to get there. AWCPA Game Expectations for Students: 1. All AWCPA students must have their IDs to enter the game. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You may not wear a hood or hat in the gym. If you leave the building at any time during the game, you may not return to the game. You may only leave the gym once and re-enter. (We will not let you re-enter after the second time.) For HS games, if you leave the gym or school, you must have your ticket to re-enter or you will have to pay again. Once the game is over, you must leave the building. Make your calls for rides home before the game ends so you are not waiting for them to show up. 7. If a staff member has to talk to you more than once for any misbehavior, you will be escorted out and suspended for one game. ***Note: If it happens again, you will not be allowed to attend games for the remainder of that season. ***
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