A.W.E./MPS Arts Internship Application Check List Step 1: □ Review the position description Are you available during the program dates and times? Do you like making art with kids OR working in an office? Step 2: □ Fill out the A.W.E. Application Be sure to fill out all the information and answer the short questions! Step 3: □ If you are under age 18, have your parent/guardian complete & sign the A.W.E. permission page. If you are 18 years or older, complete the background check page with your signature. Step 4: □ Fill out MPS Arts Internship Application (This is a separate one page application from MPS) Step 5: □ Tell us about yourself Attach a letter of interest telling us why you’re interested in this position and why you feel you’re the right person for the job. Step 6: □ You must include a letter of recommendation from a teacher Step 7: □ Include your current transcript from your current school Step 8: □ Send everything to A.W.E. by Monday April 27, 2015 You can submit your application over email, fax it, or mail it to us. A.W.E. will review your application soon after you send it and will contact you to set up an interview if you are selected. Artists Working in Education, 4315 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-933-3877 Fax: 414-342-1251 A.W.E./MPS Arts Internship Descriptions Position 1 (4 available) A.W.E. Truck Studio Intern: Truck Studio Interns will assist in the delivery of hands-on art activities with children ages 4-14 through A.W.E.’s summer outreach program. A Truck Studio Intern should enjoy making art and feel comfortable teaching and working with kids. Truck Studio Interns work alongside college level artists and professional level art educators in teams of four to provide meaningful art activities in Milwaukee parks and playgrounds from late June to early August (generally 11:45-3:15pm Mon-Fri with additional hourly team meetings each week). Responsibilities include but are not limited to: working with children of all ages and backgrounds in a professional manner; attending staff training prior to program; assisting with the set up, delivery, and clean-up of planned activities; writing at least one visual art lesson plan by the end of summer; distributing weekly program flyers with other staff in park neighborhoods; keeping a daily journal of park activities to submit weekly; and documenting program participation (filling out forms and taking photos). This job involves significant travel all around the city. Program sites move each week. This is an hourly, part-time position approximately 20 hours per week, during the seven week period from June 22-August 7, 2015. Position 2 (1 available) A.W.E. Office Intern: The Office Intern will be significantly involved with the program evaluation process and will also help with general office duties like answering the phone, copying and scanning, data entry, digital photo management and filing. This Intern will also assist with coordinating staff meetings and events throughout program duration, compiling demographic data that is collected by the teams, and collecting and organizing art supplies and materials. The Office Intern will work closely with the A.W.E. Program Directors. Additional Qualifications: Must have strong computer skills- working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel is essential and basic photo uploading preferred; must have excellent oral and written communication skills, the ability to work independently, be very detail oriented and possess a high degree of accuracy. Work hours are generally in the afternoons Monday-Fridays. This is an hourly, part-time position up to 20 hours per week, during the seven week period from June 29August 14, 2015. Position 3 (1 available) A.W.E. Satellite Studio Intern: Assist in the delivery of seven large-scale, collaborative, public art projects with neighborhood youth ages 13 and up. The Satellite Studio Intern will work with different artist teams for each public art project. Artist teams consist of one local professional visual artist (Lead Artist) and one emerging artist. All projects are created and installed on the site and intended to last in the neighborhood for many years. Project sites include Milwaukee parks and vacant lots. A Satellite Studio Intern should be interested in community art, enjoy making art, working with youth and learning from professional artists. This Intern should be confident, and be able to take initiative and handle certain tasks independently. The Intern must be available June to early August (generally 12:45-4:15 pm Mon-Fri). Responsibilities include but are not limited to: working with youth of all ages and backgrounds in a professional manner; attending staff training prior to program; assisting with daily set up, delivery, and clean-up of planned activities; distributing weekly program flyers with other staff in neighborhoods; keeping a daily journal of park activities to submit weekly; and documenting program participation (filling out forms and taking photos). This job involves significant travel all around the city. Program sites move each week. This is an hourly, part-time position approximately 20 hours per week, during the seven week period from June 22-August 7, 2015. Deadline to apply: Monday April 27, 2015 Send application to: Jenni Reinke, Office Coordinator Artists Working in Education 4315 W. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 jenni@awe-inc.org Phone: 414-933-3877 Fax: 414-342-1251 A.W.E. Arts Internship Application PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name (Last Name, First): Present Address: Street, Apt. No. City State Zip Street, Apt. No. City State Zip Permanent Address: (if different) Cell Phone: Landline: Email: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY! How did you hear about A.W.E? Have you ever worked or volunteered with A.W.E before? □ YES □ NO If yes, Where & When? WHICH INTERNSHIP ARE YOU INTERESTED IN?: □ Position1: Truck Studio Intern □ Position 2: Office Assistant □ Position 3: Satellite Studio Intern Do you speak more than one language? □ YES □ NO If yes, Please Specify_______________________________________________________ EDUCATION: Highest Level Attained Only. School Name: School Address: No. of Years Attended: Date of graduation: REFERENCES: Below, please give the names of three persons familiar with your work to whom you are not related, and whom you have known for at least one year. At least one of them should be a teacher/administrator at your school! 1) Name: Business: Years Acquainted: Phone: 2) Name: Business: Years Acquainted: Phone: 3) Name: Business: Years Acquainted: Phone: BIOGRAPHY: Please submit a brief biography (around 100 words) that may be published in grant reports and in other A.W.E. materials. Please answer each question, use additional pages as necessary. Please describe your in detail why you think teaching and making art with children in Milwaukee is an important thing to do and why you’d like to be a part of that mission. Our team members often come across the unexpected. What is your method for working through unexpected challenges or chaotic situations? A.W.E. BACKGROUND CHECK: ONLY FOR THOSE 18 AND OLDER! A.W.E. conducts a criminal background check for all employees, independent contractors and volunteers. The purpose of the check is to ensure there is nothing that would render them unfit to work with children. Background checks shall be completed in the state(s) in which the individual resided for at least 6 months in the last 5 years and was 18 years old or older at the time. The criminal background check is done through the Wisconsin Criminal Investigation Bureau, and statewide public records are searched for criminal convictions. Results of the check will be disclosed to any individual before being submitted to any outside individual or agency. A.W.E. follows federal and state law and does not discriminate based on the results of the check unless there is a clear relationship between the criminal offense discovered and the nature of the volunteer or paid work to be performed. Today’s Date: _____________________ Date of Birth:____Month____Day____Year First Name:_______________________ M.I. ___ Last Name _____________________ Street: __________________________________City___________________Zip______ Please list any other names or variations of names you have used: ______________________________________________________________________ If you lived in any other state for at least 6 months during the past 5 years and were age 18 or older, please list past address(es) Street _________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________State______ ZIP _______ AUTHORIZATION: “I certify that the facts contained in this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for cancellation of any contract with A.W.E. I authorize at any time prior to or during my engagement with AWE the investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above to give you any and all pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise and release A.W.E. from all liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such information. I also understand and agree that no representative of the organization has any authority to enter into any agreement for services for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized organization representative.” Date Signature THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY A.W.E.: Background Check Results:________________________________________________ Completed By:_____________________________________________Date_________ Print name: __________________________________________________________ Signature A.W.E./ MPS Arts Internship Permission Form (for those 17 and younger) Dear Parent or Guardian, Your student has applied for an MPS Arts Internship with Artists Working in Education. A.W.E.‘s programs operate in public parks and playgrounds throughout the City of Milwaukee, in all types of neighborhoods. Each high school Intern will work within a team of adult artists and art educators to provide meaningful art activities in informal outdoor settings. Your student will be asked to travel around the city to different locations each week and may work in up to six different park and playground sites throughout the summer. I, _______________________________ the parent or legal guardian of MPS student, give permission Parents/Guardian’s name – please print for my child ____ _________________________ to participate in the A.W.E. summer program Student’s name – please print as part of the 2015 MPS Arts Internship Program. _________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________ Today’s Date
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