Awim Information Flyer

A World In Motion®
Our K-8 STEM Education Solution
We’re bringing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to life in the classroom.
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P rim d i n M o t
A Wo
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The SAE Foundation’s mission is to fund, develop and deliver
these educational programs that provide hands-on, project-based,
collaborative learning experiences through integrated STEM
Since 1990, the AWIM program has expanded from a single collection
of teacher lesson plans into a series of age-appropriate “Challenges:”
• Each Challenge incorporates a problem-solving process taught
at many engineering schools across the country and utilized by
engineering design teams working in the field
• The “Engineering Design Experience” provides a problem-solving
context in which students design a product or devise a solution to a
• Students are grouped into Engineering Design Teams and
presented with a marketing/production/design problem from a
fictitious company
• Teams examine the goal, identify the intended product audience,
establish what information to gather and synthesize and plan how
to design, develop, test and present a prototype of their design
The SAE Foundation contracted the
Goodman Research Group, Inc. to
conduct an independent five year
longitudinal study that measured
the effects on students’ science and
mathematics literacy through AWIM.
Findings include:
• Participation in just one AWIM
Challenge is enough to start students
on a path of knowledge and interest in
• Both teachers’ repeated use and
increased familiarity with the program
plus the presence of a volunteer adds
to the value of the AWIM program
• The AWIM curriculum benefits every
type of student learner—long term.
Read the complete results at
Pedagogically Sound
Teacher Development
Students develop broad—and critical—skillsets: One of the most important
is the ‘engineering design’ skillset, which includes setting goals, building
knowledge, designing, building, and presenting the information.
We provide professional development and
support to teachers in the classroom through
AWIM program teacher training, which is
proven to:
• Critical Thinking
• Communication
• Project Management
• Inquiry and Analysis
• Teamwork and Collaboration
• Increase their comfort with physical science
• Help those who are teaching subjects like
science and math that are not within their
certification or specialization
• Encourage them to develop their teaching
practices and style to deliver integrated STEM
Volunteer Participation
Industry volunteers provide students with firsthand impressions and information about careers
in their chosen profession. They also serve as
an in-classroom resource for teachers. To date,
more than 30,000 engineers, scientists, and
technology professionals have volunteered in
partnership with the AWIM program.
• National Science Board (NSB) Public
Service Award
• CMC Excellence in Engineering
Education Collaboration Award
• National Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE) Golden Torch Corporate/
Education Partnership Award
• InnoVision Technology Community
Service Award
Primary School
Grades K-3
Rolling Things Challenge
Students explore the story The Three Little Pigs Sledding
Adventure, testing toy car performance and gathering data
based on the scientific concepts presented. They launch
cars from ramps, investigate how different ramp heights and
car weights affect distance traveled, and ultimately make
adjustments for performance through variable testing and
design vehicles.
Pinball Designers Challenge
Students are introduced to the concept of improving a design
through experimentation and data analysis by building a
pinball game and the story of Malarkey & the Big Trap. They
test the launch ramp to explore how launch position affects the
behavior of the pinball, make their games more challenging by
adding targets, walls, and bumpers. The challenge culminates
as students present designs that are optimized to produce
consistent results.
Engineering Inspired By Nature
Students investigate methods in which seeds are dispersed in
nature through the story Once Upon a Time in the Woods. The
story leads the students to further explore seeds dispersed
by the wind. They use the designs of nature to develop paper
helicopters and parachutes and perform variable testing to
improve performance. The challenge concludes with students
presenting designs to enter into a flight challenge.
Straw Rockets Challenge
Students investigate Dr. Robert Goddard’s early trials and
tribulations to create the first liquid fueled rocket engine through
the age-appropriate biography, The Rocket Age Takes Off. They
begin to uncover the work necessary to optimize a design and
use a design process to build and perform variable testing on
straw rockets. The challenge culminates as students compete to
see which design team has created the most accurate and longflying rocket.
Elementary School Challenges
Grades 4-6
Skimmer Challenge
Gravity Cruiser Challenge
Students construct paper sailboats to test the effects of
different sail shapes, sizes and construction methods to build
knowledge through collecting research data. Students then
use data as they continue to explore the Engineering Design
Experience to design and test models encountering the physical
phenomena of friction, forces, and the effect of surface area
along the way. The challenge culminates as engineering design
teams design and build a Skimmer that meets specific design
criteria and present their final designs.
Students construct Gravity Cruisers to test how wheel and
axle diameter and the amount of lever-arm weight effects on
speed and distance the vehicle travels as they build knowledge
through collecting research data. Students then use data as
they continue to explore the Engineering Design Experience to
design and test physical models as they explore the rich levels
critical thinking and using an experimental method to test
hypotheses to solve an engineering problem. The challenge
culminates as engineering design teams design and build a
Gravity Cruiser that meets specific design criteria and present
their final designs.
JetToy Challenge
Students build balloon-powered toy cars to test performance
for distance traveled, weight carried, accurate performance and
speed while building knowledge through collecting research
data. Students then use data as they continue to explore the
Engineering Design Experience to design and test physical
models exploring jet propulsion, friction and air resistance
along the way. The challenge culminates as engineering design
teams design and build a JetToy car that meets specific design
criteria and present their final designs.
Middle School Challenges
Grades 6-8
Gravity Cruiser
Students construct Gravity Cruisers to
test how wheel and axle diameter and
the amount of lever-arm weight effects
on speed and distance the vehicle
travels as they build knowledge through
collecting research data.
Students then use data as they
continue to explore the Engineering
Design Experience to design and test
physical models as they explore the
rich levels critical thinking and using an
experimental method to test hypotheses
to solve an engineering problem. The
challenge culminates as engineering
design teams design and build a Gravity
Cruiser that meets specific design criteria
and present their final designs.
Motorized Toy Car
Students develop new designs for
electric gear driven toys and test how
gear ratios affect the speed and torque
of a vehicle as they build knowledge
through collecting research data.
Students use this data and survey data
they collect through market research
as they explore the Engineering Design
Experience to design and test physical
models based on customer needs.
Students write proposals, draw sketches,
and work with models to develop a
design plan. The challenge culminates
as engineering design teams design and
build a Motorized Toy Car that meets
specific design criteria and customer
needs and present their final designs.
Glider Challenge
Students explore the relationship between force and motion and the effects of
weight and lift on a glider as they build knowledge through collecting research data.
Students use this data along with survey data they collect through market research as
they explore the Engineering Design
Experience to design and test physical models based on design criteria and customer
needs. Students write proposals, draw sketches and work with models to develop a
design plan. Engineering design teams design and build a Glider that meet specific
design criteria and customer needs and develop a class manuscript containing glider
designs. The challenge culminates as the class holds a book-signing event where they
present their final Glider designs.
Fuel Cell Challenge
Students construct a standard model Fuel Cell vehicle to test hydrogen production
and energy consumption using a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell as
they build knowledge through collecting research data. Students then use data
as they continue to explore the Engineering Design Experience to design and test
physical models as they explore elements of electrical current, Green Design and
the transformation of energy. The challenge culminates as engineering design teams
design and build a Fuel Cell vehicle that meets specific design criteria and present
their final designs.
A World In Motion
Our K-8 STEM Education Solution
• More than 72,000 curriculum/challenge kits have been provided
• Over 4.5 million students
• Over 30,000 volunteers
• Interdisciplinary in nature: built into all of the AWIM program activities, this type of
learning helps students make meaningful connections among disciplines
• The AWIM staff has a combined total of more than 60 years of elementary and
high school teaching experience, curriculum evaluation, and program creation and
• All AWIM Program activities correlate with the Next Generation Science standards
and the Common Core standards
We’re working to solve the stem crisis and building the next generation of engineers
and scientists.
Join us on this mission. Find out more today at:;; 1-800-457-2946