May 2012 Next Meeting: June 12, 2012 Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Programme: Sherrill Crowder and Janet Hope Our June program features a trunk show by Deborah Beirnes from Elmira. Deb's passion for quilting has led her to teach and lecture at Reichards and at many retreats, quilt festivals and guilds as well as design and produce patterns under the name Tomorrow's Heirlooms. She has held several solo quilt shows in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and completed many commissioned pieces for private collectors. A member of several guilds, Deb continues to organize 7 Ladies at the Lake quilt retreats per year. Her Scrap-magic workshop is a perennial favourite. A traditionalist at heart, Deb enjoys the creativity, relaxation and therapeutic benefits of quilting. P.S. Be sure to mark Sept.11 and Oct.9 on your calendar. Shop of the month: Aunt Beth’s Fat quarter theme: Sunset Colours - Reds, Oranges and Yellows Com mon Th read Quil t Guild Newsletter June 2012 President’s Message This month’s newsletter is dedicated to the Quilts in Bloom Quilt Show hosted by our guild last month. And WHAT A SHOW it was! BE PROUD of yourselves! From the moment I walked in, I was continually amazed at the beauty, the colours, and the patterns of the quilts. The comments received from attendees reflected my feelings: “Great Show”, “Very inspiring”, “The collections of quilts are breathtaking”, ”Really enjoyed the Rebus”. Of course, this show’s success is due to so many of our members. To the quiltmakers: Your efforts produced so many fabulous quilts, and I am in awe of you. Your works of art and love filled the room, and your stories filled our hearts and souls. Details and pictures of the winning quilts are Inside this issue: - Shirley MacFadden-Geiger shown later in this newsletter. I wish we could have given prizes to top ten in each category, but it still wouldn’t have been enough! To the merchants and exhibitors: We appreciate your presence. Where would the fun go if we couldn’t immediately fill our desire to shop for the latest and greatest fabrics and gizmos at your booths? To the volunteer quilt organizations - we are happy to have you at our venue so that we can see and share the admirable work you do. To the volunteers: The hangers, the admission ladies, the white glove ladies, security people, and those that sat at the entry table and Community Projects area. The hours you put into displaying, and taking down, and answering questions, and directing people, and filling in for merchants, (just to name a few jobs!) all helped to President’s Message 1 Upcoming Events 12 Library 2 Calendar of Events 13 CTQG 2012 Quilt Show Winners! 3 Membership 14 Workshops 10 2011-2012 Challenge Results 15 Community Projects 11 Membership Application 16 In Other News 11 May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Directors of the Guild President Shirley MacFaddenGeiger Vice-President Jeannine Lemay Secretary Judy Loree Treasurer Kirstin Fearon Past-President Susan Baker Program Sherrill Crowder Heads of Standing Committees Retreats Barb Till Membership Del Jazey Rachel Mathews Workshops Sylvie Proulx Community Projects Catherine Parkinson Library Nettie Jolley Newsletter & Website Andrée Faubert CTQG Mailing Address: P.O. Box 62022 RPO Convent Glen Orleans, ON K1C 7H8 To reach members of the executive, write to Page 2 to show Ottawa and beyond that we belong to a great guild that likes to strut its stuff! And my BIGGEST thanks is reserved for the Quilt Show committee. Linda Won, our show co-ordinator, headed up a fabulous group of ladies, and her famous lists kept everyone on track! Barb Till did a great job orchestrating the set-up and display, a vital aspect to any quilt show. The Merchant Mall, organized by Catherine Patterson, had a great variety to offer to all quilters. Kirstin Fearon was in charge of Publicity, and the posters and postcards were sent out to all regions! Sylvie Gilfix deserves a special mention for her efforts in designing those posters and postcards! It was so much fun to visit quilt shops and websites and see our blue posters on display! Catherine Parkinson took control of the finances, and that job is so much more than just counting the dough! Carole Maisonneuve set-up all those shifts, and made sure they were filled by willing volunteers (and students happy to get their volunteer hours). Paula Patterson had the fun job of taking all your entry write-ups and transferring them into the programme, and preparing all the descriptions that were hanging beside the quilts. Registration was compiled by Sherrill Crowder, all those pictures and descriptions, submitted in person or by e-mail, and somehow managed to keep track of them all. Victoria Vander Linden (and husband Gerald), as always you came up with another idea to WOW the crowd. Your Rebus collection entertained us all! LADIES, YOU PUT ON A FANTASTIC SHOW! We applaud you! As Incoming President, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the lady in whose steps I am following. Susan Baker, you headed up our guild for the past two years, and we all owe you a HUGE thanks. You were new to our guild when you agreed to take on the role of President, but you didn’t let that deter you! And thank you again for staying on a second year. You did a wonderful job of leading us. And to the membership, I am honoured to be part of this guild. We have a great year ahead! Library Nettie Jolley Books will be available to take out at the June meeting for the summer, once your membership has been renewed. We will also be holding a small book sale at the June meeting. May 2012 Page 3 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter CTQG 2012 Quilt Show Winners! Viewer's Choice, Large Bed Quilt – 1st Place Best Original Design - Merchant’s Choice Award, Aunt Beth’s Quilt World Archangel’s Light by Evelyn Jago (BLG-003) Pieced by: Evelyn Jago Hand Quilted by: Evelyn Jago This quilt was created as a gift for my daughter. It was inspired by the windows in the Monk’s dining room at Mont St. Michel. It is all hand appliquéd and hand quilted. This was a three year project. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Large Bed Quilt – 2nd Place Isosceles Goes Round by Julia Baldwin (BLG-006) Pieced by: Julia Baldwin Quilted by: Jan Kittle The inspiration for this quilt came from a blouse, which I made for my daughter Anne, when she was little. Years later I realized that I could make a block featuring that pattern. See the quilt label made from the fabric which inspired this quilt. More than 11,000 pieces in this quilt! Pattern: Entrant’s original. Large Bed Quilt – 3rd Place Celtic Garden by Nancy Stass (BLG-013) Pieced by: Nancy Stass Quilted by: Nancy Stass I have always liked Celtic designs and I just love batiks so I decided to marry the two in a quilt. Most of the blocks were taken from a book called "Celtic Quilt Designs" by Philomena Durcan Wiechec. However, when making the blocks I found that two of her designs did not work very well with the width of bias strip I had chosen. So I chose two blocks from a different book called "Celtic Quilts - A New Look for Ancient Designs" by Beth Ann Williams. Pattern: Celtic Quilts - A New Look for Ancient Designs by Beth Ann Williams and Celtic Quilt Designs by Philomena Durcan Wiechec. May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 4 Medium Bed Quilt – 1st Place Birds, Baskets and Flowers by Paula Brown (BMG-033) Pieced by: Paula Brown Quilted by: Karen’s Quilting Touch Three years in the making. All hand appliquéd with some embroidery. A few blocks were a delight to do and went quickly – while others, I would do whenever the mood struck. Pattern: taken from many Baltimore books. Medium Bed Quilt – 2nd Place Don’t be Koi by Linda Won (BMG-001) Pieced by: Linda Won Quilted by: Wendy Foster This pattern and fabric was bought at the CTQG 2010 Quilt Show and is now hanging in the 2012 Show. It is another Asian design and fabric that I just could not resist, especially with the gold koi fish and blue and brown color fabric combination. I expanded the borders of the original design in order for it to fit a double bed. Pattern: Quilt design by Laura Blanchard and fabric from the "Kingyo" collection by Red Rooster Fabrics. Medium Bed Quilt – 3rd Place Fallen Star by Thelma Robbins (BMG-032) Pieced by: Thelma Robbins Quilted by: Grace Whiting This quilt started as a Judy Niemeyer pattern. I changed the row alignment and added stars where there were solid blocks. When one block was mistakenly sewn upside down, my family insisted that I leave it as is to make the quilt more interesting. Pattern: Water Falls by Judy Niemeyer. Best Hand Quilting - Merchant’s Choice Awards, The Country Quilter FRAKTUR by Suzanne and Lorraine Gauthier (BMD-009) Pieced by: Suzanne and Lorraine Gauthier Hand Quilted by: Lorraine Gauthier For the love of appliqué! This pattern by the Rabbit Factory was slightly modified – the original pattern had the face of an angel at the top – it was replaced with birds and flowers to keep with the general theme of the quilt. May 2012 Page 5 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Small Bed Quilt – 1st Place Oscar’s Jungle Walk by Julia Baldwin (BSM-006) Pieced by: Julia Baldwin Hand Quilted by: Julia Baldwin I found this pattern in a quilt shop in Picton, Ontario and I knew instantly that someday I would have to make this fun quilt. Thanks to friends for a couple of perfect pieces of fabric needed to complete this. Butterflies, beasties and birds for my grandson’s 3rd birthday! I used raw edge appliqué with hand stitching and details on and around each animal. Pattern: Hairbrain Happenings “Jungle Walk”. Small Bed Quilt – 2nd Place Tis the Season by Evelyn Jago (BSM-002) Pieced by: Evelyn Jago Hand Quilted by: Evelyn Jago This quilt was created using a pattern purchased by my daughter on a recent trip to Alberta. She visited a quilt store, saw the quilt made up and fell in love with it. It is machine pieced, paper pieced and hand appliquéd. Bells, hot fix crystals and ribbons were used to embellish the quilt. Pattern: Joan’s Own Creations ‘Tis the Season, Christmas Series 217, by Joan Statz. Small Bed Quilt – 3rd Place Broken Charms by Linda Palaisy (BSM-045) Pieced by: Linda Palaisy Quilted by: Linda Palaisy I love pinks and neutrals. So, I sorted my traded “Charm” squares and came up with this design. Quilted with a “Quilt It In Stages” technique on a treadle sewing machine. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Best Use of Colour - Merchant’s Choice Awards, Sew Inspired Check Yes or No by Kirstin Fearon (BSM-013) Pieced by: Kirstin Fearon Quilted by: Wendy Foster I used a Kona cotton – Snow – for the white and used hand dyed fabric for the colour. I used a Turkey Red in a 8 step grade for the colour. This is my first “modern” quilt and my first time using my hand dyes. I learned the technique in a class called Dye Happy by Elaine Quehl. May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Wall Quilt / Pieced – 1st Place Cinnamon Swirl by Thelma Robbins (WP-012) Pieced by: Thelma Robbins Quilted by: Grace Whiting This quilt was inspired by an Ench fractal image. It uses colour gradation, repetition and scale to create the illusion of movement. The descending spiral pattern breaks down as it approaches a star in the eye of the vortex. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Wall Quilt / Pieced – 2nd Place Asian Antics by Valletta Hudson (WP-007) Pieced by: Valletta Hudson Quilted by: Jan Thurkow, The Villages, Florida I love Asian fabrics so this pattern was a great place to showcase them. Pattern: Willow Brook Quilts. Wall Quilt / Pieced – 3rd Place Striations by Thelma Robbins (WP-013) Pieced by: Thelma Robbins Quilted by: Thelma Robbins I have been intrigued by the apparent simplicity of linear patterns since becoming aware of Michael James’ style of quilting. This design uses the contrasts between rigid angles and gentle curves to create movement amongst the many colour flows. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Wall Quilt / Applique, Mixed and other Techniques 1st Place Keeping the Faith by Sherrill Crowder (WAM-011) Pieced by: Sherrill Crowder Quilted by: Wendy Foster and Sherrill Crowder These ever-blooming poppies are dedicated to my father, who loved nothing better than spending time creating and caring for his (many) gardens. He was a man who knew the true meaning of "cultiver son jardin". Pattern: String Quilts- Elsie M. Campbell. Page 6 May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 7 Wall Quilt / Applique, Mixed and other Techniques 2nd Place Friendship Barns by Laurelle Callaghan (WAM-018) Pieced by: Laurelle Callaghan Quilted by: Valerie Boodie A quilting friend and I had wanted to make this quilt for a long time; we gathered fabrics, pooled our resources and worked on it at several retreats. Pattern: “Forgotten Farms” by Prairieland Quilts. Wall Quilt / Applique, Mixed and other Techniques 3rd Place Funky Hearts by Alice Chancey (WAM-002) Pieced by: Alice Chancey Quilted by: Alice Chancey I always wanted to make a monochromatic quilt. I used hearts as my theme, and then quilted it with freehand feathers on my longarm machine. I also added some Swarovski crystals to add some sparkle. Pattern: Entrant’s original. Best Use of Thread - Merchant’s Choice Awards, Bytowne Threads and The Cotton Mill Threadworks Guppy by Linda Palaisy (WAM-026) Pieced by: Linda Palaisy Quilted by: Linda Palaisy I love fish and find them fascinating. I love free motion machine embroidery. This wall hanging has both. The embroidery was worked free hand on a Husquvarna #1 and the quilting is worked on a 193 Singer 96-85 Industrial treadle sewing machine. Miniature – 1st Place Purpled Diamonds by Thelma Robbins (M-005) Pieced by: Thelma Robbins Quilted by: Thelma Robbins For my first pineapple quilt, I made a miniature with two colour gradations. This mini sat unfinished for two years while I asked “why”. Over 1,900 pieces and too many “Y” joints is the answer. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Traditional Pineapple Block. May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 8 Miniature – 2nd Place Obsessed by Maggie Fontana (M-008) Pieced by: Maggie Fontana Quilted by: Maggie Fontana I had purchased the pattern a few years ago at one of the Lancaster Quilt Shows with our large group “Sisters of the Cloth”. I really didn’t think I’d find the patience to endure the making of the whole thing (short attention span) but started it at a “Buckingham Palace” retreat and was literally obsessed with finishing it. Pattern: “Little Bits”, Diamond Log Cabin by Cindi Edgerton. Miniature – 3rd Place Where Have All the Flowers Gone? by Rachel Mathews (M-003) Pieced by: Rachel Mathews Quilted by: Rachel Mathews This piece was an experiment to see how I could interpret a vortex. In my mind, the spiral gets going so fast that the flower colours separate and get pulled into the center of the vortex. Designed, pieced and quilted by Rachel Mathews, using paper piecing, strip piecing and very careful placement. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Art Quilt – 1st Place Go On Out Into the World/The Living Vine by Rachel Mathews (A-004) Pieced by: Rachel Mathews Quilted by: Rachel Mathews These two panels are part of a multidiscipline artscape covering the side wall of St. Helen's Anglican Church in Orleans. The project is a cooperative effort by a stained glass artist, a painter and me, a quilter. The theme is from John 15, "I am the vine, you are the branches." Our grapevine flows from the front to the back of the church. The panel on the left, "Go on out into the World", was made to be as if it is the next window along the wall. The top is a continuance of the stained glass vine and the bottom suggests that since this is a living vine, we should carry God's message out into the world. The panel on the right, "The Living Vine", continues the style the artist has used to paint on the wall between stained glass windows. It continues the vine and shows the newest growth at the end of the vine. Part of the decision to use quilted panels was for sound absorption for improved acoustics in the church. Designed, pieced, appliquéd and quilted by Rachel Mathews. Pattern: Entrant’s Original May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 9 Art Quilt – 2nd Place Women Make the World Go Round by Pat MacDonald (A-002) Pieced by: Pat MacDonald Quilted by: Pat MacDonald Women, in their roles as: daughters, sisters, cousins, wives, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, colleagues, volunteers , leaders, or as quiet supporters, make the world go round. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Modified from Karen Eckmeir’s techniques used in “Layered Waves”. Art Quilt – 3rd Place New Year’s Wish by Sherrill Crowder (A-006) Pieced by: Sherrill Crowder Quilted by: Sherrill Crowder The crane is a fitting symbol for what we hope for in a new year: good fortune, longevity, faithfulness, peace, healing and hope in challenging times. I have always admired the crane: a spectacular dancer, trumpeter and powerful glider that can sleep on one leg. This quilt was made using the broderie perse technique as taught by Helen Fujiki. Pattern: Entrant’s Original Clothing and Accessories – 1st Place Seaside by Evelyn Jago (C-009) Pieced by: Evelyn Jago Hand Quilted by: Evelyn Jago The nautical theme for this jacket was inspired by my love for the seashore and the wonderful sound of the ocean. The Lighthouse and Puffin were created from photographs by Dennis Smyth. Other techniques used were machine piecing, hand appliqué, hand quilting, embroidery, paper piecing, American smocking, harlequin tucks, and fabric painting. Beads and feathers were used as embellishment. Pattern: Entrant’s Original. Lighthouse and puffin were created using photographs by Dennis Smyth. Clothing and Accessories – 2nd Place Frolicking Bunnies by Rachel Mathews (C-003) Pieced by: Rachel Mathews Quilted by: Rachel Mathews This was a fun project I made for my 2 year old granddaughter. It was too cute not to make. Machine appliquéd and quilted by Rachel Mathews. Pattern: From "Children's Clothes and Toys" Sunset Books, 1983. May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 10 Clothing and Accessories – 3rd Place Mom’s Jacket Barb Till (C-007) Pieced by: Barb Till Quilted by: Barb Till A gift for my mother, she's always cold! Pattern: Noelle's Jacket class given by Victoria Vander Linden, jacket designed by Rag Merchant. Best Rebus - Merchant’s Choice Awards, Quilty Pleasures #25 Heliotrope Catherine Parkinson Don’t forget to check out the rest of the rebus on our website at Solutions_GrowARebusGarden.pdf to Quilty Pleasures for creating the crests for the Merchant Awards! Workshops Sylvie Proulx Our advertisers would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winners of the QTQG 2012 Quilt Show. Good day ladies, This is to let you know that we have organized a "Weekender Bag" workshop, to take place on Wednesday October 10. It's given by the ladies who are providing the October meeting trunk show. At the workshop, you will build the "Weekender Bag" and by the end of the day, it will be very close to finished. The cost of this workshop is $55 for CTQG members and, $65 for nonmembers. The cost of the pattern is included in the course fee. It will take place at the Notre-Dame des Champs community centre from 10am to 3pm. Here is a picture of the final product. I will be taking registrations and payment at our June 9 meeting. See you soon! Sylvie May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 11 Community Projects Committee Chairperson: Catherine Parkinson; Barb Donaldson, Catherine Senecal, and Victoria VanderLinden How do you help? You can sign out a bag of donated fabric to sew into a top or finished quilt; or sign out a quilt top to be quilted; or donate a quilt, backing or batting. Community Projects is no longer accepting donations of fabric until we have worked through the present inventory. Please direct your donations to Victoria’s Quilts or Quilts of Valour. We still accept batting and fabric yardage for quilt backs. 1. The Common Thread Quilt Guild collects monthly donations of Cuddle Quilts for use at the General Campus of the Ottawa Hospital. Our goal for 2011-2012 is 350. 65 were delivered last month. Only 43 more to reach our goal! 2. CHEO Children’s Oncology We have committed to supplying 20 child (anything from 30" x 40" to 40" x 60") and 20 teenage (40” x 60”) quilts for the CHEO Children’s Oncology unit. The last 20 will be delivered in June. 3. SPRING CLEANING: Four of the 30 participants in last summer’s Two Meter Marathon have yet to deliver either a top or a finished quilt. If you are one of the four outstanding, please consider returning the two meters of fabric or your top so that we can put it back into circulation. In Other News The Upper Canada Village Quilt Show has been moved from September to June 16-17, 2012. It will be held in conjunction with demonstrations of other needle arts. SIZE MATTERS: Check out the size requirements: for optimum utility, please make your Cuddle Quilts 18” x 24”, or make them 22” square. Our battings and backings are cut 24”x 24” to finish 22” square. Hi, 4. Summer 2012 Contest: Snowballs in July. Details and patterns will be available at the June 2012 meeting and will be available on the website after the meeting. I would like to thank you for the beautiful quilt my daughter received while she was in NICU at General, born at only 28 weeks in January. The quilt is very special to us because, in moments like this, it’s these kind gestures that help us go through difficult times. It reminds us of our daughter’s ongoing brave and rough path since her birth, although she is now doing well. Thank you Baby girl Coralie and proud mother Caroline May 2012 Page 12 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Upcoming Events A Harvest of Quilts 2012 June 8 and 9, 2012 Friday June 8 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday June 9 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday, October 26 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Saturday, October 27 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Rowntree United Church 156 Elliot St. (at Cheapside ) London ON Admission $6.00 See for more information. Ancaster Fairgrounds, Marritt Hall 630 Trinity Road, Jerseyville Ontario, L0R 1R0 Call for Submissions—Creativ Festival Hamilton Quilters Guild Quilts in Bloom Quilt Show Over 200 quilts, merchants mall, members boutique, tea room, demonstrations, and more Admission $7.00 For more information email: or visit Colours of Canada Haliburton Highlands Quilt Guild’s Quilt Show Friday, August 3 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, August 4 10:a.m to 4:30 p.m. Curling club in Minden, ON. Dozens of gorgeous quilts, in both judged and viewer’s choice categories. Many quilts and other works of art will be for sale, and we’ll also have a “treasure box”, a “toonie table” raffle, among other attractions. For more information, call Trish Miller-Rohr at 705-286-4774. This year Creativ Festival is launching the Designer Style Challenge & Awards, a nation-wide mixed media artists' competition with prizes for beadwork & jewellery design, fashion sewing & design, fibre arts / surface design, knitting / crochet, needle art, paper art, quilting and upcycling. Participate in our mixed media original design challenge with over $20,000 in cash & prizes. These prestigious awards will be presented Saturday October 13th, 2012 in Toronto at the Creativ Fesitval's annual Awards Gala. Last day for submissions is July 31, 2012. Please take a moment to view our rules & regulations on our website at http:// Karine’s Quilting Touch Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery The Threads of Life: An Exhibition of Embroidery Quilt making services May 12 to June 2, 2012 Mississippi Valley Textile Museum 3 Rosamund St. E., Almonte, ON Turkish Delight by Liliana Rancati Mould An exhibition of work by members of the Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery showcasing the versatility of embroidery and pleasure to be derived from threaded needle. The works demonstrate a broad range of techniques and materials, from traditional to modern, that explore the limits of this textile art. There is also an extensive display of embroidery taught in Guild workshops and classes. The exhibition includes a juried competition open to OVGS members for the design and completion of an original work on the theme, “The Threads of Life”. Karine Chapleau (613) 824-9598 Appointment required! Services guaranteed Pick-up and delivery service available Bilingual service available Special occasion coming up? Why not have a memory quilt made? Let me quilt it for you! Do you have that quilt top that just needs quilting? Let me help you. Give me a call. Get your quilt back within a month! Upon presentation of this ad and your guild membership card, you will receive 10% off any quilting services. May 2012 Page 13 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Calendar of Events for 2012 Date Event Details June 12, 2012 Tuesday Regular meeting Draw for Fat Quarter winners who have finished a quilt with their winnings Program: Deb Beirnes Shop of the month: Aunt Beth’s Fat quarter theme: Sunset Colours - Reds, Oranges and Yellows June 13, 2012 Wednesday Workshop: Scrap Magic Quilts Deb Beirnes Notre-Dame-des-Champs Community Centre, 3659 Navan Rd. 2679 Alta Vista Dr., Ottawa ON K1V 7T5 (Alta Vista Shopping Centre – Alta Vista Dr. At Bank St.) 613-521-9839 Open Monday to Thursday 10 to 5:30 - Saturday 10 to 5 Friday 10 to 7 (except July & August) May 2012 Page 14 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Celebrate Pfaff's 150 anniversary -- and your creativity -- with a new machine and a special event! Join us on Monday, June 25 for an anniversary celebration with Pfaff Education Specialist Brenda Sutherland: Enjoy a fabulous trunk show Explore the world of stabilizers, accessory feet, specialty techniques and embroidery designs to take your sewing to a new level of quality Receive a goodie bag of products so you can get started right away ... On your spectacular new expression 150 sewing machine (it's full of great features, and only $1099!) Two sessions will be offered, one in the afternoon, one in the evening, and the cost to attend is only $10. Call us for details and to register! Authorized PFAFF and Janome Dealer 2211 St. Joseph Boulevard, Orleans, Ontario K1C 7C5 Tel.: (613) 834-3044 Offering a Full Range of Supplies for the Creative Quilter: Fabrics Notions Books, Patters & Classes Sewing Machines and Sergers Membership Rachel Mathews On May 31st, your 2011/12 Common Thread Quilt Guild membership expires. You can download the membership application on our website or print the application on the last page of this newsletter and fill it out in advance to speed things up at the meeting. Please note the increased cost of mailing the newsletter to you which reflects the actual cost of printing and mailing. If you have already purchased it, don’t forget to use your purple membership card at the June meeting. If you can’t renew your membership at the June meeting, you will be asked to attend as a guest at a cost of $5.00. Don’t forget that you will need your new membership card to take out books from the library for the summer. Fabric & Wool ♦ Patterns ♦ Notions ♦ Sewing Machines ♦ Quilting ♦ Sewing and Knitting Classes Authorized Pfaff and Janome Sewing Machine and Serger Dealer Sales and Service Come and see our fabric selection – we specialize in batiks, Kaffe Fassett, and McKenna Ryan Store Hours Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 9:30–4 106 John St. N, Arnprior ON Phone (613) 623-0500 Fax (613) 623-0434 Email: Thank you to Buggle & Beep’s Sweets for those great cupcakes at our May social. If you are interested in ordering some, Karen Morrice & Holly Quince have a location in Orleans and can be reached at 613-824-7369. May 2012 Common Thread Quilt Guild Newsletter Page 15 2011-2012 Challenge Results “All Creatures Great or Small” Johanna L. MacDougall and Nancy Stass Our annual quilt challenge was a great success with nine beautiful quilts submitted for judging at the May meeting. Although the numbers were small, the quality of work on each of the quilts made it rather difficult to choose a winner. However, choose we did with the following results: First place went to the quilt “Treasury of Animal Tails” by Rachel Matthews. Two quilts were tied for second place - “Memories of Sunday School” by Carolyn Buchanan and “Dragonfly Flight” by Nancy Stass Thank you to all the ladies who made the effort of submitting a quilt. First place winner: “Treasury of Animal Tails” by Rachel Matthews. Thank you also to Gerald Van der Linden for helping us to hang the quilts and count the ballots. Tied for second place: “Memories of Sunday School” by Carolyn Buchanan Tied for second place : ““Dragonfly Flight” by Nancy Stass Common Thread Quilt Guild P.O. Box 62022, RPO Convent Glen, Orleans, Ontario K1C 7H8 Membership Application (Year June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013) New or Returning Members $30.00 For guild use only New or Replacement Name Tag $8.50 Cash □ Newsletter Mailed $20.00 Cheque □ Guild Pin $5.00 Membership Card Issued □ Membership List Updated □ TOTAL Please print clearly. This information will be used for nametag and members list Name Address City Province Home Phone Number Postal Code Work Phone Number E-mail Address NEWSLETTER: Our guild issues a monthly newsletter which can be mailed to you. For those who have internet access, our newsletter is also accessible by downloading it from our website. ( To get newsletter I will: download from the website _____ OR receive by mail_____ OR receive by email with attachment_____. CAN YOU HELP? Our guild is run completely by volunteers. Periodically we contact people to help with various projects. Would you agree to have your name on a volunteer contact list? Yes __________ No __________ PRIVACY POLICY : The personal information collected from members of the Common Thread Quilt Guild is for use within the guild executive ONLY, to facilitate the conduct of guild business. Common Thread Quilt Guild will not sell, rent, lend, give or otherwise provide this information to any external persons or organizations for any purpose whatsoever without prior consent, nor will the information be used for solicitation purposes not associated with guild business. I have read Common Thread Quilt Guild’s Privacy Policy and agree to the inclusion of my name and contact information on the Guild’s membership list available to executive members. Sign Here_____________________________________________________ MEMBER’S DIRECTORY: Because of privacy policies your personal information cannot be distributed for general membership use without your permission. We will distribute a general membership directory to those who sign up for it. It will only be for the use of the members of the Common thread Quilt Guild. It will only be available in paper. It will only be distributed to those members who have included their contact information. The Directory will contain only that information which the member is willing to release: we require NAME and ADDRESS; you select PHONE and/or EMAIL. I give permission for my name to be included in the Member’s Directory for distribution. INCLUDE: PHONE#____ EMAIL_____ _ Sign Here_________________________________________________ AUDIT: I understand that Common Thread Quilt Guild’s financial reports will be subject to an internal examination by someone other than a member of the current executive, as per Article III, Section 1 of the Guild’s Constitution (2006). I agree that this examination will replace a formal external audit for the fiscal year 2012-2013. Sign Here_______________________________________________ Date _______________________________
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