Document 92587

This FREE PATTERN is provided to you by THE QUILT CORNER - 13579 Hooper Rd - Baton Rouge, LA 70818
225.315.7285 - -
Bible Studies Lap Quilt
Fabric Needed
Border &
1 yard
Cut (22) 1” strips into
(127) 1”x6-1/2” sashing
Cut (6) 1” strips for inner
Border &
1-3/4 yards
-Cut (4) 6-1/2” strips
from LOF
-Cut (1) 1” strip from LOF
into (56) 1” squares
1/2 yard
-Cut (6) 2-1/2” binding
4 yards
1. Lay out your Bible Studies blocks in the order of your choice: 9 horizontal rows
of 8 blocks each. (Quilt shown is in order
of the books of the Bible.)
2. Stitch a 1”x6-1/2” sashing strip between each block as shown. Press toward the sashing strips. Construct 9 horizontal rows.
3. Construct (8) sashing rows, alternating sashing strips and cornerstones as
shown. Press toward the sashing strips.
4. Stitch the block rows and sashing rows together to complete the quilt top.
Press toward the sashing rows.
5. Measure the length of your quilt top through the center of your quilt. Depending
on your individual seam allowance, your
quilt top should measure approximately
Toll free 877-239-3655
58-1/2” long. Stitch together 1” border
strips and cut (2) pieces to length. Stitch Please contact
us if you find an error in this pattern or
have difficulty following these instructions.
to each side of the quilt top.
© 2012 Stitchin’ Tree LLC Woodbine, Iowa. All Rights Reserved.
Continued, next page...
Stitchin’ Tree Quilts
Limited reproduction rights may be granted in accordance with contract terms.
This FREE PATTERN is provided to you by THE QUILT CORNER - 13579 Hooper Rd - Baton Rouge, LA 70818
225.315.7285 - -
Bible Studies Lap Quilt
Instructions (continued):
6. Measure the width of your quilt top through the center of your quilt. Depending
on your individual seam allowance, you quilt top should measure approximately
53” wide. Stitch together 1” border strips and cut (2) pieces to width. Stitch
to the top and bottom of the
quilt top.
7. Measure the length and width
of your quilt top including the
inner borders. Depending on
your individual seam allowance,
your quilt top should measure
53”x59-1/2”. Cut (2) outer
border strips to length and (2)
outer border strips to width.
Stitch outer border strips to
the sides of the quilt top.
Press toward the outer border.
8. Stitch a Genesis block to each
side of the top and bottom
outer border strips. Press toward the border strip.
9. Complete the quilt top by
stitching the top and bottom outer borders on. Press toward the outer borders.
10.Layer quilt top, batting and backing. Quilt as desired.
11. Stitch binding strips together. Bind the quilt.
Stitchin’ Tree Quilts
Toll free 877-239-3655
Please contact us if you find an error in this pattern or
have difficulty following these instructions.
© 2012 Stitchin’ Tree LLC Woodbine, Iowa. All Rights Reserved.
Limited reproduction rights may be granted in accordance with contract terms.