devotional study guide This journal belongs to: ______________________________ Mission trip dates: __________________________________ Come into His presence. Go on HIs behalf. KINGDOM OF PRIESTS Mission trip location: ________________________________ table of contents INTRODUCTION2 DAY 1 We Are a Kingdom of Priests 4 DAY 2 Jesus Is Our High Priest 8 DAY 3 Jesus Commissions Us as Priests 11 DAY 4 Priests Are Servant Leaders 14 DAY 5 Priests Are Worshippers 17 DAY 6 Priestly Mediators 20 DAY 7 Priests Are a Community Where We Put God on Display 23 DAY 8 Trusting Jesus as the High Priest 26 DAY 9 Priests Are Invitational 29 Back2Back Opportunities 38 Back2Back Overview42 5-Point Child Development Plan44 We encourage you to take the time to finish this book after you return home. Stories and lessons the staff have learned on African soil, Mexican mountains, Haitian shorelines, and Indian streets will fill this book and your heart for what’s to come. We are recipients of God’s goodness, mercy, forgiveness, gifts and grace. As priests, we are conduits of His goodness, mercy, forgiveness, gifts and grace. INTRODUCTION KINGDOM OF PRIESTS by Beth Guckenberger, Co-Executive Director of Back2Back Ministries I had never thought of myself as a priest; it’s still a stretch to think of myself as a saint. (I Corinthians 1: 2 To those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.) But God’s word is clear affirming in I Peter 2: 9 that ‘you are…a royal priesthood.’ All Christians are priests. BEING A What is a priest’s mission? A priest’s chief responsibility is to PRIEST show others what God is like. We can’t just be recipients of His MEANS grace and goodness; we are also to be conduits or vessels of that I am more than the recipient of God’s goodness, mercy, forgiveness, gifts and grace. Being a priest means I am a conduit of His goodness, mercy, forgiveness, gifts and grace. 2 goodness to others. All Christ-followers have a calling, (and I don’t mean the particulars of where you sense God asking you to be or serve). His larger mission is for us to put Him on display. When someone interacts with a priest, a Christ-follower, they should know more about God after the exchange. This is true whether we are delivering good news or engaging in conflict. We need to conduct ourselves in such a way that, on the other side of our conversations, someone learns more about God’s character. It may be they understand His generosity, or His sensitivity, or His truth, or His grace. But whatever it is, it’s the one task He has left us with: represent me through your actions to a world lost. It’s why this week we will ask you to join us in meeting human need; we want the person being helped to understand this is what the Father is like. It might feel like we meet their need for other reasons (our own humanity, or so they will be indebted or endeared to us), but the real reason we mediate (or meet human need) is so they understand God’s heart for them. The Bible talks a lot about our priesthood, and we will spend this week diving into those verses and the questions associated it. You’ll learn as a priest, Christians should be set apart, even holy. What does that look like practically? We should be invitational, not exclusive. How can we mirror Jesus’ there’s-a-place-for-everyone approach? We will spend time understanding a priest is a servant leader he or she goes last in line, takes the worst, not the best for himself. How can we understand Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 23:11-12? NOTES _________________ _________________ The greatest among you will be your servant. For those _________________ who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who _________________ humble themselves will be exalted. _________________ _________________ Finally, we will talk about how community is where we put on display that this way of God’s really works. I Corinthians 3:16 says, Don’t you know that you (which is in the plural form like ‘you all’) are the temple (singular) of the Holy Spirit? It was His idea to pull us together into a shared mission, and as we work it out together, we have ample opportunity to demonstrate to the world there is another way to live. I hope this week you will become more comfortable with understanding yourself as a priest. I am sure you will have many opportunities to put God on display with those in your group, with the staff and with the children you came here to meet. Each time we offer, encourage and serve one another, we show a bit of the character of our Father. Each time we don’t demand our own way, put someone’s need above our own or sacrifice for another, we show someone what God is like. Join us as we explore this truth together. That will mean holding each other accountable and praying for one another. It will mean asking questions and engaging in conversations that leave the other challenged to sacrifice more, listen more and be set apart. This is what community should look like, and we invite you into ours. Together, we will send a message to this most vulnerable of populations: God is there for them. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ JOIN US AS WE EXPLORE TOGETHER. Together, we will send a message to this most vulnerable of populations: God is there for them. 3 DAY 1 WE ARE A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS by Kimberly Hackworth, Back2Back U.S. Office ISAIAH 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners… to comfort all who mourn…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE? To glorify God. Jesus did not come just to save us; He also came to transform us to display His splendor to a hurting, broken world. 4 Isaiah, the prophet, was commissioned to announce freedom to the Jews in captivity, and Jesus used these same words many years later to announce the start of His ministry in Luke 4:14-20. Jesus did not come ‘unsent’; He was commissioned at an appointed time to establish His kingdom of heaven here on earth. He had a warrant from heaven to free sin-bound captives (all sinners – you and I) and release us from darkness into His light. In verse 3, Jesus came to comfort us, crown us in beauty, give joy and adorn us in praise. We no longer have to carry despair or hopelessness. Slaves live with despair, sons live life with joy! At the end of verse 3, Scripture tells us we will be strengthened and made righteous, firmly planted for a purpose. What is our purpose, the purpose of a former slave, just bought back with a Savior’s love? To glorify God. Jesus did not come just to save us; He came to transform us to display His splendor to a hurting, broken world. He gets to show off using His children. He makes hard concepts easier to understand when they are lived out in front of us.This is what mercy looks like. This is what patience looks like. This is what love looks like. He wanted His character to be displayed, so He does it through us. Isaiah 61 continues, 4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations…And you NOTES will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named _________________ ministers of our God… _________________ Jesus came to free us, and provide healing, comfort and a new identity. We are free only by surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him with our life.This means our decisions and relationships; it means trusting Him with our past hurts and our future plans. “They” in verse 4 is anyone who has accepted Jesus’ invitation for salvation. When we are saved through Christ, we become His people, (or in other words, His priests), and through this relationship, Jesus commissions us to go into the world on His behalf. When He says ‘Go’, we can obey and allow the Spirit to work through us to rebuild and restore broken lives. This act of obedience allows us to serve as agents of renewal for those in the need, to minister on earth as it is in Heaven. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Followers of Jesus are a royal priesthood We were > many races. We were > many nations. _________________ _________________ We are now one chosen race. _________________ We are now one holy nation. _________________ We were > We are now possessedHis own by our guilt possession. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 5 DAY 1 CONTINUED WE ARE A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS by Chris Cox, One21 Director GO ON HIS BEHALF I was visiting a Back2Back site with a One21 mission team filled with high school students and youth workers. The goal for the day was to bless the caregivers of the home, reminding them of their value as they nurtured and cared for each child. The day started with the youth pastors having a prayer and brainstorming session with the caregivers on best practices for working with teenagers. In this room, we were one holy nation of youth workers unified by Jesus and our desire for generations to know Him. Lorena prayed, “God, would you make this soup taste like heaven.” As we led the caregivers outside, the children gathered around, laid their hands on them and began to pray over each one. The sweet voices of children lifted prayers, interceding for the men and women who sacrificed daily for them. Then, the children handed out gifts to each caregiver, strategically chosen with care to help them in their work. Lorena, the “chef ” of the home, opened her bag of kitchen tools, towels and labels. She held them above her head and shouted, “yes!”. She turned to us and with tear filled eyes said, “Each day I make the soup for the children and the groups who serve here. I ask God daily, ‘Would you make the soup taste like heaven? The children deserve it.” Lorena reminded us of what God is like - He would want the best for His children. He honors her daily decision to offer her gifts and all she has to make the best she can for His children. Together we are on the same team, we are one holy nation, sent by God to send a message to the lost. He wants every one of us found. 6 REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS WE ARE A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS 1 How does Isaiah 61: 1-6 speak to you about your role as a priest of the Lord? Have you ever thought of yourself in this way before? 2 Read through the Isaiah passage and circle the words that reflect “good news” to you. How do these words invite you into God’s story? 3 How would you define, “good news to the poor?” How do you think you can be a messenger of “good news to the poor” this week? 7 DAY 2 JESUS IS OUR HIGH PRIEST by Hope Garcia, Back2Back Monterrey HEBREWS 7:24-27 …but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest truly meets our need - one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when He offered Himself. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE Since the time of Aaron in the Old Testament, priests were the mediators between God and the Jewish people. One of their main duties involved offering sacrifices to God to atone for the sins the people committed, bridging the gap so a relationship could exist between the perfect God and the sinful people He had chosen. Priests offered sacrifices for sin two times every day on the altar of burnt offering at the entrance to the temple. Only once a year, on the Day of Atonement, a chosen high priest would enter the inner room of the temple, the Holy of Holies, where the presence of God resided to make atonement for the people’s sins. He could only go behind the curtain after he went through strict cleansing rituals and offered many sacrifices for his personal sin (Leviticus 16). This once a year entrance into the Most Holy Place undoubtedly had the chosen high priest shaking in his sandals! If he was found unclean, he would be struck dead in God’s presence. It was that serious! 8 Jesus came to bear the sins of us all, opening up direct lines of communication between God and us. Today, we no longer need an earthly priest to offer sacrifices on our behalf. It is awesome to remember when Jesus’ body was torn on the cross, the curtain in the temple that separated God’s presence from common man was torn in two (Matthew 27:51) Through Christ, the ultimate High Priest, we now have personal access to God’s intimate presence whenever we want! NOTES _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ GO ON HIS BEHALF _________________ I was standing in the back of the cabin-like auditorium just listening. A semi-circle of folding chairs was filled with middle and high-school students on a retreat from neighboring children’s homes. They were raptly listening to a young college student passionately share about her way of communicating with a Living God. Her face was alight and her excitement kept her mouth and hands going fast as she told them how God hears and responds to prayers. She wasn’t sharing to entertain the group for that half hour. She shared because she had experienced the reality of God’s responses in her life. Listening to her from the back corner filled me with thankfulness and peace. _________________ Only a year before, Karla was sitting at a picnic table beside my house confessing sin she had been living in for months. We talked, prayed and repented that day, but she continued to struggle with a dark conscience. It was hard for her to draw near to God because of the guilt she felt over the reality of having fallen into the same sin several times and the possibility it could happen again. I continued to repeat the truth that Jesus’ blood cleansed her completely, once and for all, and that His blood sacrifice gave her the constant ability to draw near to God, no matter what. Over the weeks that followed, Karla slowly started to believe, trust and accept the work of her High Priest. Now, I was listening to her, broken yet redeemed, teaching others how to draw near to God, as well. Only when we accept the Lord as our own High Priest and experience Him in this way can we truly become ministers to others. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Only when we accept the Lord as our own High Priest and experience Him in this way can we truly become ministers to others. 9 REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS JESUS IS OUR PRIEST Read Hebrews 9: 11-15 1 Why is it necessary that Jesus pay the price for the sin of the world? Why don’t our attempts at atonement work? 2 What did the blood of Christ do for us? 3 Are you carrying any burdens that you have not accepted forgiveness for? What are they? Read Hebrews 10:19-22 4 How can you practically “draw near to God” today? 5 Write a prayer thanking Jesus for being your High Priest and opening a way for you to have communion with our Holy God. 10 DAY 3 JESUS COMMISSIONS US AS PRIESTS by Anna Valdez, Back2Back Monterrey I PETER 2:4-5 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. REVELATION 1:5-6 ...and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE We have a title and a purpose. We are royal priests, and God has called us to rule. Although royalty in our culture is characterized by entitlement and elitism, we are different. We can rule over our own flesh, rule over evil spirits and powers, and we can use this power to be an appealing example to draw others into His Kingdom of Priests. As His Kingdom, we are invited into the messiness of loving others. We do not bear our title with exclusivity, but instead we engage others in His redemptive story. This is only possible because God made us ‘living stones.’ This is an ancient practice where a people put a large stone in a place where something significant happened, so all would pass by and remember that event. Scripture calls us ‘living stones,’ a walking monument to the significant movement of Christ in our life. Now, we can stand as examples by living as people of forgiveness, reconciliation, selflessness and compassion. When we go far beyond what society considers charitable, we make a decision to live by His promises in our ministry, home, jobs and community. Scripture calls us ‘living stones,’ a walking monument to the significant movement of Christ in our life. 11 GO ON HIS BEHALF It was my third day in Monterrey, Mexico as a caregiver for nine teenage girls in a children’s home, and I kept thinking,This is so hard! How can I ever do this? Jesus you have to change these girls. Can’t you see how difficult this is? They have to be different. Fix their parents. Fix their lives! I often stayed up late making pancakes at night to satisfy their hunger. I wanted them to see what mattered to them, mattered to Him. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 12 Initially, I was focused on their behavior, and I had no one else to talk to about them, except Jesus. After constantly complaining to God for months, He gently convicted me, and I realized I was the one who had to change. I couldn’t teach my 15-minute devotion at night and expect them to be enlightened. Their understanding of who Christ is would come from my daily display of His work in my life. My connection with them had to be a living example of God’s love for them. When I was patient, I showed them He was patient. When I was peaceful, I showed them He was peaceful. I had to make sacrifices, and show them this is a taste of how He offers Himself to us. When one of the girls, Magi, wanted to talk about her deceased brother, I stayed up later than I wanted. I wanted her to see Jesus listens. I often stayed up late making pancakes at night to satisfy their hunger. I wanted them to see what mattered to them, mattered to Him. I wanted to try to connect with Lola, who has Down Syndrome, and hum songs as we swung for an hour. I wanted her to see Jesus is gentle. Jesus gave me access to His eyes when I decided to be the living stone, and now I see each girl shine with potential, as He does. We continue to pray, as they understand more each day of who He is. We pray they will continue to respond to Him, allowing themselves to be transformed and stand as living stones, a testimony to how God loves. REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS JESUS COMMISSIONS US AS PRIESTS 1 When has God called you to live differently from those around you? 2 Who are the hardest people for you to invest in? 3 What sacrifices might you have to make in order to invest more deeply into those around you? 4 Who are some people that you have invested deeply in? Do you have a story like Anna’s? Be reminded of the beauty found in these moments as priests. 5 How can you be a living stone in your home? 6 What do you need to ask Jesus for today? 13 DAY 4 PRIESTS ARE SERVANT LEADERS by Chad Huber, Back2Back Mazatlan PHILIPPIANS 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE God often connects us with a person who makes our own lives richer for the experience of knowing them. 14 As followers of Jesus we are to be priests who serve.The concept of serving others without regard for our own interests is familiar. We are called to serve those who cannot repay us (Luke 14:14) and to love others without worrying about being loved in return. When we submit to these principles and live them out, we are molded into the image of The Ultimate Giver - Jesus. We offer ourselves and He responds. We pour out and He fills up. We can’t out-give or outserve Him. What initially sounds like a one-sided exchange becomes so much more. Transformation comes when we trust God’s character enough to break through the initial barrier of wanting our own needs met, and we stop being afraid of what might happen if they are not. Lives are forever changed when we take the uncomfortable step towards the unknown. God is always there to connect our hearts to the heart of someone in need. As an added bonus, He often connects us with a person who makes our own lives richer for the experience of knowing them. After I take a step to serve in Jesus’ name, I often feel like I am the one blessed by the encounter. No matter what we give away, we come away richer than before. As we are told in Acts 20: 35, it really is more blessed to give than to receive. GO ON HIS BEHALF Rancho de Los Niños is a children’s home in Mazatlan, Mexico serving children with varying types of disabilities. It is difficult enough to live in a children’s home, away from your biological family. It is something else entirely to live in a home with 20+ kids of varying levels of disability. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me how God knits hearts together in such a difficult place. Meet Ricky. Ricky is a 21-year-old young man who has lived at Rancho for many years. Ricky is almost completely blind, partially deaf, moderately developmentally impaired and primarily nonverbal. Can you imagine how hard it is for an English-speaking visitor to forge a real heart-to-heart connection with Ricky? Well, maybe it is not as hard as we think. Meet Steve. Steve is a recent mission trip guest who served in Mazatlan. A connection was obvious from the very first day Steve met Ricky. God is in the business of connecting hearts, and He had already appointed a friendship between the two. When Steve chose to serve faithfully, without regard to “selfish ambition or vain conceit”, he came into agreement with God; and participated in His bigger story. Watching Steve spend an entire day giving his undivided attention to this one special young man was a beautiful sight to see. Taking Ricky by the arm so he could walk safely around the three acres of land? Check. Spending hours on the trampoline cheering Ricky on to jump higher and with more confidence while Steve held his hands for balance? Check. Rubbing his temples, then his knees, and finally his dirty bare feet because they hurt? Check. As a mere observer of this budding friendship, I can I tell you the exchange was not one-sided. Both were filled beyond measure. I can tell you those on the sidelines were able to witness how Jesus sent a member of His royal priesthood to give something away in the interests of another. We saw a little more clearly what Jesus might look like that day. NOTES _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ We saw a little more clearly what Jesus might look like that day. 15 REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS PRIESTS ARE SERVANT LEADERS 1 Who is a person that exemplifies the “selfless servant” in your life? 2 Take a moment to write a note to that servant, thanking them for being a Kingdom Priest on your behalf. (You can decide later whether you send this note when you return home, but go ahead and use this space to write it.) 3 “Transformation comes when we trust God’s character enough to break through the initial barrier of wanting our own needs met, and we stop being afraid of what might happen if they are not. “ What needs have you been longing God to meet through your service this week? Will you trust Him enough to let go of your needs, and see what is before you? 4 Visualize the people you have met this week, and those serving with you. What face stands out? Who are you being invited to serve? 16 DAY 5 PRIESTS ARE WORSHIPPERS by Matt and Julie Cooper, U.S. Staff PSALM 135:2 All you priests on duty in God’s temple, serving in the sacred halls of our God, Shout ‘Hallelujah!’ because God is so good, sing anthems to his beautiful name. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE As priests and followers of Jesus, we are called to be worshipers. When we worship, however, are we entering in with the right attitude? Are we aware of the power behind worshiping God? In John 4: 23-24, Jesus tells the woman at the well, “The time is coming when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.” I think for Jesus the important thing is that we come into worship with the right attitude, coming with nothing hidden, nothing holding us back. It makes me think of King David dancing before the Lord “with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14). Our worship should be out of complete freedom, fully expressing ourselves before Him. I love that picture. I also love what can happen when we worship. In 2 Chronicles 20, as the people faced an impending battle, fear and discouragement set in. God reminded them, “The battle is not yours, but mine [God’s]. You will not even need to fight but rather stand still and watch the Lord’s victory” (vs. 15-17). King Jehoshaphat and his people then began to praise the Lord and “appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising Him” (v. 21). At the very moment they began to sing, God caused the opposing armies to start fighting among themselves – and every single one of the enemies ended up dead! (vs. 22-24) As the people faced an impending battle, fear and discouragement set in. God reminded them, “The battle is not yours, but mine. 17 GO ON HIS BEHALF I never thought I would experience enemy armies dying like King Jehoshaphat, but then I lived an experience, where in the spiritual sense, I witnessed what happens when we “send the singers to walk ahead of the army.” As we lifted up the name of the Lord, He reminded us the victory was His, and spiritual battles were won before our very eyes. We watched as God did the miraculous. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 18 A number of years ago, we were feeling extremely burdened for many of the students we worked with. We sensed God wanting to bring breakthrough and revival. We prayed, we fasted – we were willing to do anything to see God bring change. It was during that season God brought together a small worship band consisting of Back2Back staff and friends from a local church. Over a period of several months, our band played at youth retreats, at children’s homes, at churches, for the teens of our Hope Program and even for our staff on a few occasions. We were far from a polished performance. We loved to worship, and we loved leading others into a place of worship. Each time we played, we simply poured ourselves out before the Lord, attempting to worship Jesus with nothing hidden – and at each gathering we invited those there with us to do the same. Time and again, God met us in the midst of our worship. As we lifted up the name of the Lord, He reminded us the victory was His, and spiritual battles were won before our very eyes. We watched as God did the miraculous. He restored emotional wounds. He healed the broken-hearted. He brought salvation to the lost. God ignited revival in burned out souls. The battle was God’s and the battle was won – seemingly all because we were obedient to worship Him. What a beautiful part of the battle He allows us to play. REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS PRIESTS ARE WORSHIPPERS 1 Is it hard for you to believe that we play a part in spiritual battles through our worship? Why? 2 What are obstacles for you in having the right attitude as you enter worship? 3 Do you have a personal testimony of how God has shown you that the “battle is His”? (or) Have you ever experienced a victory through the power of worship? 4 In what ways is God asking you to trust Him with a current battle going on around you? What steps can you take this week to worship him, and trust him to fight this battle for you? 19 DAY 6 PRIESTLY MEDIATORS by Brent Fudge, Back2Back Haiti PHILIPPIANS 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE I have spent many hours roaming the aisles of Home Depot or Lowes looking for that one product I need; a plumbing adaptor, swing set hinge or a rubber grommet. Part of my problem is sometimes I don’t even know what it’s called, in English or Creole! Roaming around isn’t limited to Home Depot. Many of us before Christ have roamed the corridors of life unable to identify what we needed or where to look to find answers. 20 Roaming around isn’t limited to Home Depot. Many of us before Christ have roamed the corridors of life unable to identify what we needed or where to look to find answers. We journey through life lost when apart from God’s presence and guidance. Some of us may remember those times with vivid detail. Others may remember those times as a distant past, but for all of us, once we are not lost, but found, we are called to be priests. As priests, we are mediators for those who are in need. 1 Peter 2:9 reads, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” As priests, we declare the praises of God. Many times, the best way to declare the story of God (and what He’s done for you) is by meeting human need in His name. When we care for the lost, needy, fatherless, widowed and orphaned, we become priestly mediators between our Holy Creator and the world. This declaration of praise to Jesus announces we are out of the dark and now in the light. Now, we can be that Home Depot employee who knows what the part is called and where to find it. GO ON HIS BEHALF As we came alongside the caregivers in Haiti, we were burdened, not only by the needs of the children, but of the caregivers as well. They manage large loads, with little training, just offering their gifts and heart daily. Some days, they struggled to understand the children and what their voice might be saying. After years, they have grown fatigued. This is where we wanted to step in, to be supportive.This past January, we invited several workers from area children’s homes to attend a training, equipping all of us with a deeper understanding of trauma (and how it affects the children.) The caregivers offered example after example of behavior, looking for answers. God provided mediators through Dr. David and Jayne Schooler who taught creative methods to listen for cues when a child speaks, or coach them in sharing their emotions constructively. They explained why children with traumatic backgrounds behave the way they do, and the insight was meaningful when we thought about ourselves as well as the children. It can be difficult, trying to not just manage the children, but parent them. As one caregiver shared, “This training is like water to dry land. I was parched for information to help me in my work, and this training has refreshed me.” In just a few short months since we all sat and learned about ourselves and children, about trauma and emotion, and about connection before correction, caregivers have seen positive changes in the children through the new tools they received. When God mediates, you see results follow. His truth brings compassion and life. He gives gifts like patience and self-control. He always knows what we need and uses His children to reach out to us, as we wander around those aisles. Once we have tasted how good it is to find what we are looking for, we raise our hand in praise to the Father. Then we offer ourselves as His representative, being a kingdom of priests who delights in serving others. God provided mediators through Dr. David and Jayne Schooler who taught creative methods to listen for cues when a child speaks, or coach them in sharing their emotions constructively. NOTES _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 21 REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS PRIESTLY MEDIATORS 1 Make a list of the “human need” you have witnessed this week. Think about the children, caregivers and Back2Back staff as you make this list. 2 1 Peter 2:9 says that we are “God’s special possession.” How does this truth free us to meet the needs of others? 3 Why do you think God invites us to be mediators of human need? 4 Take a moment to pray over the children and caregivers you have met this week, that God may use us to meet the following: Social needs: Emotional needs: Physical needs: Educational needs: Spiritual needs: 5 What are the ways you can begin to mediate for human needs at home, in your community, work, or school? 22 DAY 7 PRIESTS ARE A COMMUNITY WHERE WE PUT GOD ON DISPLAY by Erick and Julie Mowery, Back2Back Cancun 1 CORINTHIANS 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? COME INTO HIS PRESENCE Christ calls us daily to follow Him, to take this journey and along the way we find the more time we spend together, the more we get to know Him. This getting-to-know Him is all so we can be like Him. We are called to keep learning and growing, so we can represent Christ to the world and display His goodness and love. When Jesus chose His disciples, He found ordinary people and said, “Come and follow me.” They did not have any special training or skills, but were chosen because He saw they could be like Him, an accurate reflection of His grace. But to do that, they had to walk with Him daily, to learn from Him by being in His presence. The fact God calls ordinary people to follow Him so they can display His love and mercy to others is both exciting and scary. We don’t have to have special talents or skills; we just have to be willing and available to be taught and trained.This willingness comes from a desire to know Him, not a duty to follow Him. When we realize how much He loves us and how much He sacrificed for us, desire will trump duty. God calls ordinary people to follow Him so they can display His love and mercy to others. 23 GO ON HIS BEHALF Recently, we had a college team come down to serve in Cancun, Mexico. One evening, the staff was Getting hungry, I walked over to them and said, “Hey guys. Go get some food.” They hesitated and said, “No. You go. We’re third.” _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 24 waiting for everyone on the team to get their dinner before we got ours. After waiting awhile, I noticed there were four men from the team who had not gotten their meals. Getting hungry, I walked over to them and said, “Hey guys. Go get some food.” They hesitated and said, “No. You go. We’re third.” I didn’t know what they meant by that, so I asked. They explained they are trying to live out a principle of ‘being third’ - God first, others second, me third. I didn’t need someone to explain what that meant. I was seeing it lived out in front of me! It was impressive to witness their desire to reflect Christ’s servant nature. It was a practical manifestation of the character of Christ. I know they were hungry because they had worked hard all day. I know it left them less time to eat, but when we follow Christ’s example, it will cost us. A friend once told me: “We all like to serve until we are treated like a servant.” Jesus set for us an example of being willing to be a servant, and every time we follow it, we honor Him. As High Priests, we are a community and responsible for putting God on display. This happens each time we take a step of faith, serve one another, love when it’s easy and hard or give sacrificially. The impact of realizing I am God’s temple, His holy dwelling, challenges me to live and respond differently. What we do (or don’t do) can have profound impact on how we display God to those around us. We want the whole world to see His love changes everything. REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS PRIESTS ARE A COMMUNITY WHO PUT GOD ON DISPLAY Meditate and answer these questions about your communal experience this week: 1 How did you display the love of God to the community you served? 2 How did you display the love of God as community with the people on your team? 3 How did you display the love of God with God as His Kingdom of Priests? Now think ahead to your return home: 1 What community can you go to serve? 2 Who can you invite to live as community with you? 3 How can you deepen your community with God? 25 DAY 8 TRUSTING JESUS AS THE HIGH PRIEST by Corrie Guckenberger, Back2Back U.S. Office EPHESIANS 1:15-19 That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask — ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory — to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength! COME INTO HIS PRESENCE Jesus has proven Himself as the High Priest. As you have learned this week, we also operate as a priest because He is our High Priest. To represent God to a lost world, through our humble service, worship, sacrifice to meet human need and putting Him on display in our community, requires a relationship based on trust. If that trust is hindered or weak, our ability to serve and function as His royal priesthood is compromised. If serving is compromised to those around us, we are not responding horizontally as He would desire. He desires for us to be filled vertically, so we can go out horizontally to this world by serving the community around us. 26 GO ON HIS BEHALF When living in Nigeria, I had the privilege to visit one of the children’s homes each week and grew to know the Sisters who ran this particular home. One day, I NOTES _________________ was in the car with one of the Sisters. She communicated to me how she wished there was a vow of community that could be taken because in community trust is built and lived out. She is right. _________________ I would often bring local schools to minister to the children in this home. Local eighth graders came on a consistent basis – loving the children, cleaning the home and bringing fun things to do with the children. I realized with each return visit there was a deeper affection and a greater desire to be a part of these children’s lives. When I heard stories of how these eighth graders started bringing their families to visit the children on their own time, I realized they had formed a community with the children. They formed trusting relationships. It was no longer their community serving the other community, but it had become one community serving each other out of the affection of Christ. It was also an overflow of trust in their heavenly Father to love through them. “Oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!” _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ It was no longer their community serving the other community, but it had become one community serving each other out of the affection of Christ. 27 REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS TRUSTING JESUS AS THE HIGH PRIEST 1 Do you find it easy or difficult to trust? 2 Who do you trust the most in your sphere of relationships? 3 What character traits could make it difficult to trust a person? 4 What trust issues do you need Jesus to overcome? 5 Do you have a trustworthy community around you? How are you depending on them? How can they depend on you? 28 DAY 9 PRIESTS ARE INVITATIONAL by Michael and Courtney Schreiner, Back2Back India HEBREWS 4:14-16 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are — yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. COME INTO HIS PRESENCE Where would we be without Jesus? Jesus gives us a free and open invitation to be in communion with an all-knowing, always-loving God. Jesus was the man who came in flesh, used by God to help transform His culture’s people and ultimately their hearts. And, He is still doing it today! He does not care how ugly our past is. He invites us. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us — no hidden laws, no requirements. It’s simple really. He gives us the opportunity to receive His sacrifice and freely offer it to others; to offer an invitation to live and love as priests in a kingdom culture. NOTES _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 29 GO ON HIS BEHALF Living in India, an ancient culture embedded with rituals, various religions and unique superstitions, we have come to realize transforming a culture and the people needing Jesus’ love requires much more time and effort than we can humanly offer. What we have learned and come to love about God since living in India is this — He does not change the culture, but rather, He transforms people within it. He invites us as His priests, and by doing so, shows how we are a crucial part in the development of His kingdom here on earth. He uses us! Consider this an “open invitation” to join Him in His work here on earth. Despite the daunting cultural differences and potential risk, two young girls in our community have accepted the invitation to be known by the High Priest, claim their role as kingdom priests and are inviting their Hindu families to join His Kingdom. 30 The majority of the children we serve in India come from Hindu families. Hinduism is deeply rooted in culture and for generations upon generations in families. It is so rooted that an invitation to follow Jesus within a Hindu culture is not an easy task. Many who choose to follow Jesus are shunned from their villages and disowned by their families. We have asked ourselves, “How will the Gospel ever take hold, Jesus? Will our efforts even matter?” But we knew the invitation we had been given, and we knew it had to be shared. Despite the daunting cultural differences and potential risk, two young girls in our community have accepted the invitation to be known by the High Priest, claim their role as kingdom priests and are inviting their Hindu families to join His Kingdom. God shines His light through these girls, and they have the holy privilege of representing Him to the family members still unsure of this faith. These girls, two young kingdom priests from the Back2Back India Hope Campus, shared with us their growing faith in God and expressed their concerns for their families back in their villages who still worship Hindu gods. The girls expressed their desire for their families to know God. They shared how they pray daily for their families, asking Jesus to be their High Priest. The girls talk about the conversations they have shared with family members, anxious for these kingdom moments to take root in their hearts. Within the hearts of these young kingdom priests, transformation is taking place, an invitation is being offered and a kingdom culture is being cultivated. In this story, we find the hope in being a Kingdom of Priests. We have life, so we can share life. We understand truth, so we can share truth. Jesus began by inviting Back2Back to serve children in India. He invited caregivers, Back2Back staff and mission trip guests to engage in His story as priests, and as they obey, the light of God’s kingdom spreads. Ultimately, He invited two young girls to live putting Him on display, and in doing so they invite their families into a story that changes everything. REFLECT REFLECTION: KINGDOM OF PRIESTS PRIESTS ARE INVITATIONAL 1 How can we, as kingdom priests, be invitational to those who come from a significantly different worldview than us? 2 Take a moment to list the world religions that do not center on Jesus. Ask Jesus to redeem the people who live within these worldviews. 3 Are you ready to join the Kingdom of Priests? Who can you invite into the presence of God? Where will you go on His behalf? 31 32 receive 33 34 35 36 37 We’re grateful for your investment in the lives of the children you met and the impact that you made on their lives! Thank you for coming alongside us by providing care for today and hope for tomorrow to orphans in need. We hope that your experience serving with us was meaningful. As you return home, we invite you to stay connected with us! pray Join us in praying for specific needs of the children at each Back2Back ministry site. give Invest in the life of an orphaned child. sponsor Help an orphaned child rewrite his or her future through child sponsorship. go Join us on a mission trip. engaging in a week of service for orphans and vulnerable children. > On the following pages are opportunities to continue to be an advocate for the orphans you met this week. 38 Invest in a Student’s Future Back2Back, through the Hope Program, offers students an opportunity to continue their education, while living in a home environment. Students grow within a spiritual community, have their physical, medical, and psychological needs met, are provided with educational opportunities and are mentored by caring adults. By contributing to Back2Back’s Hope Program, you can invest in the future of a student. Learn more about the Back2Back Hope Program staff Support All the staff members at both the U.S. office and international sites raise their full salary through the support of individuals and churches. Consider standing alongside this team through a monthly or annual contribution. Learn more about supporting Back2Back Staff 39 3 ways you can sponsor A Child nourish restore transform every day every child every home Provide for every day practical needs of orphaned children living in Haiti, India, Nigeria and Mexico. Connect with a child personally and help meet spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs. Invest in transformational change for a child’s orphanage or community to make a lasting impact. $25 a month $100 A MONTH $250 a month 40 Learn how you can make a difference through child sponsorship. Ministry Sites Back2Back mission trips provide a life-changing experience leaving a lasting impact. Whether you are an individual, family, student, church or business, there are opportunities to serve orphans and vulnerable children in Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Haiti. Join us, learn the needs of children firsthand, and play a role in their story. Learn more at PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI We serve several children’s homes, improvished communities, local missions and schools for at-risk children. HYDERABAD, INDIA We serve children’s hostels, a slum-area ministry in the city, and have a Hope Program for adolescent vulnerable children. MAZATLAN, MEXICO We serve several children’s homes, including one for children with special needs and another for at-risk girls. We also provide a home for teen girls through the Hope Program. CANCUN, MEXICO We serve children’s homes, support widows and at risk families and do community development as a form of preventative care through the Community Center of Tres Reyes. MONTERREY, MEXICO We serve children’s homes, impoverished communities, facilitate foster care and provide a home for teens through the Hope Program. JOS, NIGERIA We serve children’s homes, run an educational center in a nearby village, and provide a home for teenage boys through the Hope Program. 41 In 1997, Back2Back followed God’s call to be His hands and feet to serve orphans in Monterrey, Mexico. We started small by sheltering, nourishing, and teaching children about God’s love. The children you will meet this week have experienced abandonment, loss, abuse and neglect. This inflluences how they communicate and behave. Your investment will impact their lives as it will impact your own. 163,000,000 orphans is not a statistic. It is a story. After years of experience we importance of investing on a level in the lives of children. In the Back2Back 5-Point Development Plan was crea an approach to orphan ministry that addresses crucial areas of child develop (spiritual, physical, educational, em and social needs). We all have a role in this mission. Tog We value healthy Galatian partners and children. Galatia way you will fulfill the law of Christ” G load.” In Greek, “burden” means som while a “load” refers to the weight of We value what is best for the child. Th filter from which we make decisions. We value education and training on communicate God is the hero and He is using us We value relationships. More than any ourselves is paramount. We want to share the hop circumstances, but restored in Christ. We are al become adopted into His Kingdom as co-heirs. You will demonstrate these values all week through projects and intentional play (what we call: “play with a purpose”). You might be a part of a game or activity that teaches sticking together, taking turns, or showing perserverance. However we engage, we promise to lead you in thoughtful, trauma-informed care. 42 realized the a deeper n 2011, Child ated, care five pment motional taff ks ac Nat ion al ers rtn pa ev dd Chil Back2Back is about sustainability and development of the orphan child. el op me nt pa rtn ers Bac k2 B This is only possible when we work as a team. God uses His people 365 days a year to send children one message: They are loved! ry ist Min gether... You are here ans 6 relationships with ministry ans 6:2 “Carry each others burdens and in this Galatians 6:5 “For each one should carry his own mething one is incapable of carrying himself f a soldier’s backpack. he 5-Point Child Development Plan provides a trauma-informed care. We want to to fulfill His will. tangible gift we want to commuicate giving pe of the Gospel is we are not victims of our ll “orphans” but when we receive Christ we Whether you are engaging in this Mazatlan story in Cancun Haiti Monterrey, Mazatlan, Monterrey Cancun, Haiti, Nigeria or India... India Nigeria You are invited to make a difference for one. Learn more at 43 5-POINT Since 1997, Back2Back has realized the importance of investing on a deeper level in the lives of children. Simply providing for a child’s physical needs isn’t enough. By providing holistic care, rather than merely meeting immediate external needs, we can truly help children to experience complete restoration. With that in mind, the Back2Back 5-Pont Child Development Plan was created, an approach to orphan care ministry that addresses five crucial areas of child development. 44 spiritual physical Alondra is just one of 163 million orphaned children in our world. But unlike many other orphans, Alondra will wake up tomorrow knowing she is cared for by her heavenly Father. Through opportunities for spiritual growth, such as discipleship and Bible study, we empower children like Alondra to not only discover their tremendous significance as an individual, but to also realize their unique purpose in the grand story that God is writing. The dining hall is noisy with voices as Alondra files in with her dormmates. Back2Back understands the importance of nutrition for children and ensures that the children at Casa Hogar Douglas receive healthy meals. Back2Back partners with children’s homes to improve the quality of care for children like Alondra, meeting needs such as medical and dental care, nutritious meals, warm clothing, clean water and safe shelter, ensuring each child has an opportunity to thrive. T CHILD DEVELOPMENT PLAN educational Through an emphasis on education, Back2Back invests in the future of children like Alondra, so that they might break free from the cycle of poverty. When children have access to education, they are significantly more likely to become selfsustaining individuals who give back to their community. To see this goal realized, we provide each child with the tools they need to succeed, tutoring children who are struggling and even offering college scholarships to teens who participate in Back2Back’s Hope Education Program. emotional Alondra has two sisters who live in her children’s home, but no concept of a nuclear family. Many orphans who grow up in children’s homes suffer from psychological issues as a result of past abuse and neglect. By living alongside the children, we gain their trust and begin a dialogue of recovery. By offering opportunities for them to seek healing through counseling, we seek to empower the children to work through issues, such as anxiety, depression and attachment disorders. Our goal is that each child would be restored to emotional wholeness social The schoolyard is alive with voices as Alondra plays with her best friends, Deynari and Estefi, who are also her roommates. They clap their hands together while chanting a rhyme. Back2Back addresses the need for positive social interaction. We encourage each child to pursue personal growth by offering training in vital life skills, such as conflict resolution, stewardship, work ethic, independent living skills and interpersonal communication. By mentoring children in these areas, we empower them to flourish relationally. 45 Back2Back Ministries is an international Christian nonprofit organization that is dedicated to being a voice for orphans. We exist to love and care for orphans and impoverished children, by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs that they may overcome their life circumstances and break free CHILD SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Tallie Betscher at 513-754-0300 ext. 1705 HOPE EDUCATION PROGRAM Karen Holliday at 513-754-0300 ext. 1707 STAFF SUPPORT Karen Holliday at 513-754-0300 ext. 1707 MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITIES Chelsie Standeford at 513-754-0300 ext. 1701 INTERNSHIP & MINISTRY SITES Chris Ramos at 513-754-0300 ext. 1709 DONATIONS Karen Holliday at 513-754-0300 ext. 1707 PRAYER NEWSLETTER Email to begin receiving monthy ministry prayer updates. from the cycle of generational poverty. STAY CONNECTED Find news and updates at For more information, contact the U.S office at (513) 754-0300 Back2Back Ministries, P.O. Box 70, Mason, Oh 45040
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