2015 $10,000 PRIZE MONEY FOR THE OPEN EVENT OPEN AND A GRADE 6th June and 7th June WHERE: WA Satterley Hall Badminton SA Headquarters 42 Rutland Avenue LOCKLEYS SA ENTRIES CLOSE ENQUIRIES: REFEREE Friday 29th May Simon Oaten (M) 0434 624 810 Oatense@gmail.com Peter Cocker ENTER ONLINE AT www.tournamentsoftware.com Entry form available on Facebook/badmintonsa Co CONDITIONS OF ENTRY • The 2015 Be Active SA Open Badminton Championships will be held at WA Satterley Hall, Badminton SA Headquarters, 42 Rutland Avenue Lockleys on Saturday 7th June and Sunday 8th June. • The following grades will be offered: Open: A Grade: Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles (Best of 3 - Rally-Point) Singles, Doubles & Mixed Doubles (Best of 3 - Rally-Point) • Eligibility is restricted to the following Open: A Grade: - All players - All non State League players. • Any player entering more than one grade may be called to play consecutive games with only a 15 minute break between matches. • All Events will be played as a Knockout Format with a Plate event offered for A Grade events. If sufficient entries are not received a Round Robin format will be played. • Preliminary round matches will commence at 9am on Saturday and conclude at 9pm. Semifinals and Finals will commence at 9am on Sunday. Open finals will be finished by 5.00pm. ALL PLAYERS MUST BE AVAILABLE TO PLAY AT THE SCHEDULED TIMES. • The Tournament will be conducted in accordance with the laws of badminton as adopted by the B.W.F. • Tournament draw and timing for the SA Open will be posted on the notice board in the social centre at Lockleys and at www.tournamentsoftware.com on Monday 1st June. • Please note that players not on the court within 10 minutes of their name being called shall forfeit the match. On-court warm-ups shall be restricted to 2 minutes. • All players must be available to umpire when requested. • Penalty for non-compliance of any rule or condition may mean forfeit of the match. • Tournament conditions may be altered at the discretion of the Tournament Committee Friday 29th May 2015. • CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES IS: • A $40 LATE FEE APPLIES FOR PLAYERS WHO DO NOT PAY ON THE COMPETITION DAY. • PLAYERS WHO ENTER BUT DO NOT TURN UP TO PLAY OR FAIL TO NOTIFY THEIR WITHDRAWAL FROM THE EVENT LESS THAN 24 HOURS BEFORE THE START WILL STILL INCUR THEIR ENTRY FEES. • ALL ENTRIES WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE • All players and spectators are advised that any form of abuse or aggravated behaviour towards court officials, organisers or volunteers will not be tolerated. Any reported incidents may result in sanctions. Anti-‐Doping Information Badminton players in this tournament may be subject to In -‐ Competition drug testing. Badminton players, coaches, officials and administrators of this tournament are subject to the Badminton Australia Anti-‐Doping Policy which has been endorsed by each State/Territory Association. You can obtain a copy of the policy from the Badminton Australia website – www.badminton.org.au -‐ or by phoning the Badminton Australia Office – 03 9397 4722. If you are an overseas entrant in this tournament – contact your National Badminton Association for advice about TUE applications and processes (see below). Medications Some medications contain prohibited substances. If a player suffers from a medical condition which can only be treated by medication containing a prohibited or banned substance, they must get approval to use this medication. Please see the Australian Sports Drug Agency website -‐ www.asda.org.au and click on “athlete information” or call the ASDA Hotline -‐ 1800 020 506. There are two types of approval: 1. ATUE – Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemption Process Complete the ATUE form and submit this to Badminton Australia – Fax 03 9397 4733 or send to The Medical Officer, Badminton Australia, 15/8 Techno Park Drive, Williamstown, VIC 3016. The form can be downloaded at: http://www.asda.org.au/athletes/therapeutic.htm 2. TUE – Therapeutic Use Exemption Process For all other conditions and use of medications with banned substances, submit the TUE Form to the Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC) with supporting documentation. See the ASDA website. Contact the ASDA Athlete Hotline and get assistance – 1800 020 506. TOURNAMENT DRESS CODE The following dress code is to be adhered to throughout all SABA tournaments. Anyone not following the guidelines set out below will be asked to change clothing or forfeit their matches. All advertising must meet BWF general competition regulation 23. 1. No Singlets 2. No shirts with other people’s names on them 3. No shirts with other countries on it (if you are from another country but are not an Australian citizen, you would be permitted to wear a shirt with the country of origin on it, but only in Open events. 4. No tournament shirts (eg shirt advertising all England) 5. No shirt from another state eg SA player wearing Vic shirt 6. No long pants are allowed unless a medical certificate from a doctor is given to the referee, stating that due to a medical condition, long pants must be worn, or if there is a religious/cultural requirement for them to be worn. BWF general competition regulation 23. CLOTHING (General) 19.1 For the purpose of these Regulations, an article of clothing shall be defined as anything worn or carried by a player during play, except the racket, and including, but not limited to, pullovers, shirts, shorts, skirts, socks, shoes, headbands, towels, wristbands, bandages and medical supports. 19.2 In order to ensure attractive presentation of Badminton at tournaments organised or sanctioned by the BWF, all clothing worn by players shall be acceptable Badminton sports clothing. It is not acceptable to tape over nor to pin on advertising nor in any other way to modify such clothing to comply with advertising or other regulations. 19.3 Regulations regarding advertising apply only to clothing worn during play. 19.4 The exact regulations regarding advertising must be clearly indicated on the tournament prospectus or entry form and advised to entrants in all associated communications. 19.5 In applying Regulations 19 to 23 the decision of the Referee at each tournament shall be final. PRIZEMONEY BREAKDOWN FOR THE OPEN EVENT WINNER / WINNING PAIR $1000 RUNNER UP / PAIR $500 LOSING SEMIFINALIST / PAIR $250 The Canteen will be open over the weekend ACCOMMODATION NEAR THE STADIUM AND AIRPORT LOCKLEYS HOTEL – 500m from the stadium 493 Henley Beach Rd. Lockleys Phone: (08) 8356 4822 http://www.lockleyshotel.com.au ADELAIDE AIRPORT HOTEL – 2km from the stadium 406 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Brooklyn Park. Phone: (08) 8234 4000 http://www.adelaideairportmotel.com.au AVIATORS LODGE – 2.5km from the stadium 728 Tapleys Hill Rd. West Beach. Phone: (08) 8356 8388 http://www.aviatorslodge.com.au ADELAIDE SHORES CARAVAN PARK – 3.5km from the stadium Military Rd, West Beach. Phone: (08) 8355 7230 http://www.adelaideshores.com.au/accom/caravan/default.aspx 2015 SA OPEN PLEASE ENTER ONLINE AT www.tournamentsoftware.com (search 2015 BE ACTIVE SA OPEN), OR FILL OUT THE ENTRY FORM BELOW. ENTRY FORM Entries Close: Friday 29th May 2015. Please note one entry form per player. Please pay only for yourself. NAME: ________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________ PHONE: (H) ___________________________ (M) _________________________ CLUB REGISTERED WITH: __________________________ STATE ASSOC. REGISTRATION No: ___________________ I have read and accept the conditions as laid out in this tournament entry form: Signed: ______________________ Date: _____________ EVENT Men’s Singles GRADE Open NAME _________________________ A Grade _________________________ Ladies Singles Open COST _________________________ A Grade _________________________ OPEN / A GRADE 1 EVENT = $15 2 EVENTS = $30 3 EVENTS = $40 4 EVENTS = $45 Partner’s Name Men’s Doubles Open _________________________ A Grade _________________________ Ladies Doubles Open _________________________ A Grade _________________________ Mixed Doubles Open _________________________ TOTAL PAYMENT $ A Grade _________________________ Completed entry forms are to be placed in the Tournament Entry Box at Badminton SA or you can enter online at www.tournamentsoftware.com (search 2015 Be active SA Open) Entry forms are available on our Facebook page – www.facebook.com/badmintonsa
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