St. Andrew’s MAY 2015 Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Ch-Children’s Chapel P.H.- Parish Hall C -Catherine’s Cl– Clare A-Alban *see details inside of newsletter Thu Fri 1 10 am BlackBelt Bible Study (C) Noon-Men’s Prayer group (G) 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) Non-Profit Organization US Postage Sat 2 9:00 am Altar & Flower Guild (N) 8:00—11:00 pm Senior EYC IHOP Western* PAID Amarillo TX Permit No. 247 1601 S. Georgia St, Amarillo, TX 79102 Return Service Request 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Holy Eucharist in Nave 10-noon ESL (S) Noon Bible 10-noon ESL (S) 5 Spanish (G) 10 am BlackBelt Bible 9:00 am Altar & 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 6-7 pm Centering Study (C) 5:30 pm Holy 6:30-9:00 pm Study (C) Flower Guild (N) 9:30 am Christian Education Prayer (ch) 5:00 Tai Chi (Cl) Eucharist (ch) EfM (D) Noon-Men’s Prayer 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:30 EfM (D) 7pm Chess Club 6:00 Adelines group (G) 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, (A) 7:00 pm Choir (Cl) 6:00 p.m. Taize at Rite II—chapel Chalice Abbey 6-10 pm PNO* 7:30 Contemplative Prayer (E) 10 Mother’s Day Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II—chapel 11 10-noon ESL (S) 1:30 Parkinson Support Group (C) 6-7 pm Centering Prayer (ch) 6:30 EfM (D) 12 Noon Bible Study (C) 5pm Tai Chi (Cl) 6pm Properties (C) 6:30 Christian Ed Mtg (B) 7pm Chess Cl(A) 13 14 15 16 10am D.O.K. (C) 5 Spanish (G) 10 am BlackBelt Bible 9:00 am Altar & 10-noon ESL (S) 6:30-9:00 pm Study (C) Flower Guild 5:30 pm Holy EfM (D) Noon-Men’s Prayer (N) Eucharist (ch) 6:00 Adelines group (G) 9am—noon: (Cl) 7:30 Contemplative PMO* 7:00 pm Choir Prayer (E) 17 18 Holy Eucharist in Nave 10-noon ESL (S) 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 6-7 pm Centering 9:30 am Christian Education Prayer (ch) 9:30-10:15am EYC Pack6:30 EfM (D) A-Lunch Ministry* 11:45 EYC Event* 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II—chapel Ministry Emphasis Sunday:Liturgy Support* 19 20 Noon Bible 10-noon ESL (S) Study (C) 5:30 pm Holy 5:00 Tai Chi (Cl) Eucharist (ch) 6:00 Finance Mtg (O) 7:00 pm Choir 7pm Chess Club(A) 24 25 Holy Eucharist in Nave Office Closed— 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II Memorial Day 9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II—chapel 26 27 28 29 Noon Bible 10-noon ESL (S) 5 Spanish (G) 10 am BlackBelt Bible Study (C) 5:30 pm Holy 6:30-9:00 pm Study (C) 5:00 pm Tai Chi Eucharist (ch) EfM (D) Noon-Men’s Prayer (Cl) 6:00 Adelines group (G) 6:00 pm Vestry* 7:00 pm Choir (Cl) 7:30 Contemplative 7pm Chess Prayer (E) Club(A) 31 Holy Eucharist in Nave 8am Rite I 10:30am Rite II 9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 Children’s Chapel Bishop Mayer Visitation— Confirmation Service* 6:00 pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II—chapel 21 22 23 5 Spanish (G) 10 am BlackBelt Bible 9:00 am Altar & 6:30-9:00 pm Study (C) Flower Guild (N) EfM (D) Noon-Men’s Prayer 6:00 Adelines group (G) (Cl) 7:30 Contemplative Promise Prayer (E) Project Fund Raiser—Doors open @ 7:00pm Parish Hall* 30 9:00 am Altar & Flower Guild (N) 1:30—5:30 pm. EYC Paintball* If you no longer want to receive this publication, please call the office 806.376.6316 or email and make your request. Thank you! The Messenger MAY 2015 Please check our website for postings of events and to view the Messenger and weekly Angel’s Alert/ Info bulletin at St. Andrew’s is on FACEBOOK! Go to Office phone 806-376-6316 Fax: 376-6075 The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer Bishop of the Diocese of Northwest Texas Clergy The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector and School Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Rector-Elect The Venerable Patsy Masterman, Archdeacon Emeritus The Venerable Chris Wrampelmeier, Archdeacon The Rev. Todd Baxley, Deacon The Rev. Pat Knight, Deacon The Rev. Dede Schuler Ballou, Deacon The Staff The Rev. Jo Roberts Craig, Rector, Ext 101 The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, Rector-Elect, Ext 102 Sheri Langford, Financial Manager, Ext 104 Kathy Roach, Parish Administrator & Publications Manager, Ext 100 Margaret Lacy, Director of Music Ministries, Ext 107 Barbara Whitton, Pastoral Associate, Ext 105 Edee Aikman, Christian Education Director, Ext 103 DeMarlone Givens, Sexton, Ext 109 Dean Kennedy, Parish Assistant Journey with Jo MAY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu I want to make myself perfectly clear concerning this call. When I retire in May, 2016, and Robert becomes rector, he will have (by National Canon) the privilege to call his own associate. Claire is not a substitute for that call. She is an addition to our family for two years. St. Andrew’s has a long history of three priests on staff, and I am more than delighted for us to have that privilege now. The Curacy program allows for that, and it will be a major gift to all of us to help us sustain the wonderful growth we have experienced as a parish and to continue that trend. Please put June 13 on your calendar. It will be a great celebration, and I think you will want to be here. Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer will celebrate and the Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson from the Seminary of the Southwest will be our preacher. 2 Ellen Bivins Kela Henderson David Lowe Patsy Lauder Gabrielle Green 3 Ken Will Drake McCormick Clay Carter 4 5 Vic Maza Nell Findley Frank Howell 6 7 Ashley Bowes Hack Long Jo Rusk Andrea Paige Brittain Olivarez Boyd McAfee 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Gracie Smiley Dorothy Saranne Amy Beth Todd Baxley Sally Emerson Patterson Gehring Morrison Diane Mason Elizabeth Genevieve Xzaviour Evelyn Wells Basham Green Aragon Susan Porter Maureen Boyce 17 18 19 Harold Taylor Linda Adams Melissa Craig Michele Howle England 24 25 Bereket Hidad Scott Brosier Zeke Neeley Man-Man Givens Voni Kone 20 Lori Williams Dan Novak Jessica Ashley Samantha Ashley Linda Spies 26 27 Vicki Byran Thank you for allowing me to be rector. Jo Sat 1 May is a month of endings and beginnings. Endings because school is winding down and folks are participating in graduations, awards ceremonies, cleaning out school lockers, piano and dance recitals, etc. Beginnings because young people are coming home from college, students are looking for summer jobs, families are planning long awaited vacations, swimming season starts and pool side days are anticipated, the weather is warming and planting is anticipated, and the earth seems to respond to our anticipation by greening and flowering. We at St. Andrew’s have another gift to anticipate. The Bishop has asked us to participate in the Curacy Program of the Diocese. That means that the Diocese will allow us to call a recent seminary graduate to be our curate. That person will be ordained priest here on June 13 at 10:30 in the morning. The curacy program is for two years, and the Diocese will provide one half of the total package for salary, housing, insurance, etc. With the vestry’s permission to issue a call, I called Claire Cowden last night to be our Curate. She was delighted. Recently many of you met the Rev. Claire when she came to St. Andrew’s to preach. Claire is a highly qualified person. She has a two year degree (Master of Arts in Religion) from the Seminary of the Southwest, Austin. In addition she is in the process of obtaining from the Seminary a two year Diploma in Anglican Studies. She served for a number of years as Canon for Congregational Development in our Diocesan office. I have known Claire since the late 80’s and know her to be a fine person with many gifts. Fri 9 Mariada George 16 Paul Clark Don Patterson Don Paxton Dan Reed 21 22 23 Olivia Adams Miles Bivins Elisabeth Maggie Tola Johnson Kauffman Adams Katie Adams Robin Nielsen Sharesa McCartt 28 29 Audrey Milton Nancy Novak Donald Jones Jim Calvi Jacquelyn Rhea 30 Shirley Lewis Eden Williams Holly Wrampelmeier Jane Lewis Sandlin 31 Charlie Henderson May Wedding Anniversaries “Roses for Moms” Promotion by the Flower Guild On Mother’s Day May 3, 2015 2– Scott & Sherri Brosier 3– Eddy & Rebecca McCarthy 12- Jim & Voni Kone 15– David & Mary Jane Johnson 15– Chris & Andrea Gulley 17 –John & Sara Adamchak 17- John & Rosemartha Tyson 22-John & Gwen Patterson 22-Dean & Sherry Morrison 22-Kirk & Monica Thompson 24-Greg & Jena Stafford 25-Mark & Ellen Bivins 25-Ben & Connie Latham 25-Jim & Pam Penniman 28-Buddy & Mikala Stephens 31-Mike & Ellen Brister Called –to -Care Ministry We need volunteers who can “GIVE A LIFT” to our devoted parishioners who are no longer driving themselves. They would enjoy accepting rides to Sunday breakfast, Sunday School or a eucharist service. If you are interested in this ministry or want to give a ride, have questions or requests, please call Sharon Stones -341-2818 or call/text Linda Plude-433-1588 All we need is love.....Thank you for caring! St. Andrew’s is collecting prepackaged food items that can be put in a lunch bag and distributed to homeless individuals one time each month. Each bag will include a pro- tein, a starch, a fruit, a sweet, a bottle of water and a wet wipe. Please make sure items are packed or wrapped for individual servings. We cannot use bulk items that are not individually wrapped, items that require a can opener or items that need to be heated. And no candy please. FLOWER DEDICATION FOR ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to dedicate flowers to a loved one on their birthday or wedding anniversary or to a departed loved one on their birthday or death anniversary, please place their name in the Altar Flower Notebook and also fill out an Altar Flower Envelope inserting money for flowers. Thank you! (located at nave info counter). Yes….we are meeting in the summer too!! We de- EXAMPLES INCLUDE: (pop-top cans/packets) tuna or other protein items, Vienna sausages, beanie weenies, Beef Jerky (individually wrapped), nuts, cookies, applesauce, fruit cocktail, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, granola bars, power bars. Individually wrapped wet wipes and bottled water. NO candy please! Promise Project* Fundraiser PLEASE NOTE: EYC— The youth is packing and delivering the lunches in MAY. Parents’ NIGHT Out: May 8, Friday, 6 – 10 pm Theme: Space Movie: $10 / per child Mark Twain’s “You Caught Me Dancing” Karen Tracy Thursday May 21, 2015 Parish Hall Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Monsters, Inc. Parents Morning Out May 16, Saturday, 9 am - Noon $10 for the 1st child; $5 for each additional child Theme: Oceans Movie: Finding Nemo Hors ‘d’oeuvres, beer, wine, water, and soft drinks Sign up at the nursery, email Christian Education Coordinator, Edee Aikman ( or call the church office, 376.6316 ext 103. *Promise Project: Mentoring At-Risk Youth Come join us for a night full of laughs. Tickets $50 per seat or $400 for a table of 10. For tickets please contact Melisa Martinez (806) 316-6005 Or Todd Baxley at (806) 467-9885 Please help the kids get to camp. For more Information on the Panhandle Promise Project please visit the website Financial Report . . . January 1, 2015—April 26, 2015 Annual Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income Budgeted Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD Actual Pledge, Contribution & Plate Income YTD OVER BUDGET $935,318.00 $306,104.04 $316,503.10 $ 10,399.06 EYC will pack and deliver the lunches for Pack-A-Lunch Ministry in May…..we will meet on Sunday, May 17 from 9:30-10:15am to pack...then meet at 11:45am to pass out the lunches at Guyon Saunders. Afterwards we’ll go eat pizza at Pizza Planet, 2400 Paramount. Parents pick up at 2pm. EYC PAINTBALL FUN on Saturday, May 30, 1:30-5:30pm Wear your grubbies and BYO Paint. Please bring signed waivers from parents. Drawing for EYC at this event….must be present to win!! SATURDAY, MAY 2, 8PM-11PM—IHOP (Free)….meet up then head to IHOP on Western to eat, gab & eat some more. Rooty -tootie fresh & fruity special anyone? DRAWING AT THIS EVENT….must be present to win!! 2015 MAY’S LITURGICAL SUPPORT SCHEDULE Pace’s Pilgrimage . . Almighty God, we thank you that by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ you have overcome sin and brought us to yourself, and that by the sealing of your Holy Spirit you have bound us to your service. Renew in these your servants the covenant you have made with them at their Baptism. Send them forth in the power of that Spirit to perform the service you set before them; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. On May 31, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, will be here for his official visitation of our parish. At the 10:30 service, he will preside over the Rite of Confirmation. During this liturgy, the bishop will say the prayer written above immediately after the entire congregation, along with all of those seeking Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation, have recited the baptismal covenant. This prayer is an important lynchpin in the entire service, because it connects what has happened to what is coming. It connects the participants' baptism to their adult profession of faith. Just after the bishop says these powerful words, each of the candidates steps forward, and the bishop lays hands on them, praying. Once again this May we at St. Andrew's will be blessed to participate in this important liturgy of the Church. Several of our fellow parishioners will go before the bishop and confirm their faith in this sacramental rite. It is important to note that what they are doing is not the completion of their baptism. It is a renewal of their baptismal covenant, and it is their public proclamation that they intend to participate in worship in this communion of faith. Again this year, we will have several parishioners being confirmed. In addition, we will have some who will be received (having already been confirmed by a bishop in a church in the historic apostolic tradition). Finally, we will also have several of our fellow parishioners who completed the Spring Spiritual Renewal Program and have opted to publicly mark their renewal with the liturgical reaffirmation of the baptismal vow in this service. Of course, this liturgy will also offer the opportunity for all of us to recite the baptismal covenant together. What a privilege! I look forward to seeing you all there, Robert+ Seminarian’s Corner Welcome back to Seminarian’s Corner! At the Northwest Texas Diocese School of Ordained Ministry (SOM), we are finishing our second year in May. I am amazed that time is passing so quickly. As part of the SOM, we are required to visit different parishes throughout the diocese. During the past month, I had the pleasure of visiting St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Lubbock and St. James Episcopal Church in Dalhart. These visits reminded me that we are a diverse body, but one of the common threads throughout these visits was the warm and loving response I received and witnessed in the interactions of the parish members. We are indeed lucky to be part of the Diocese of Northwest Texas. On a different note, May 27th, 29th, and 30th are the next set of Ember Days. Previously, we discussed that Ember Days are part of ancient tradition in which we pray for the church. I hope you will join me in reflection and prayer for the Church and all of its ministries on these days. Peace, Jill Walters 8:00 AM Rite I 3 10 17 24 31 USHER Phil Mullins Bill Smith Diane Vinyard Don Patterson Penelope Davies GREETER Phil Mullins Bill Smith Diane Vinyard Don Patterson Penelope Davies READER Maggie McGee Timothy Anderson Richard Partney Maggie McGee Wendell Davies ACOLYTE Maggie McGee Brody & Ford Bobo Richard Partney Maggie McGee Andy, Gracie, & Katherine RobertsBrown 10:30 am Rite II Mother’s Day Bishop’s Visit Confirmations USHERS J B Lane Mike Abdoo David Stidham Nate Stidham Cliff Craig Dick Ford Bruce Baca Rodney Steph Bill Aikman Josh Fawell Joe Bob McCartt Jay Craighead John Boyce Vic Maza Bill Heck Neil Quattlebaum Richard Ladd Doug Voran Randy Dryden Charlie Henderson GREETERS David Stidham Nate Stidham Cindy Reid Larry Wolff Debbie Wynne Denise Warren Tammy Breitbarth Neil Quattlebaum Doug Voran Charlie Henderson CHALICE BEARERS Doug Voran Heather Voran Debbie Wynne Vivien Young Don Paxton Judith Evans Victoria Morris Vic Maza Steve Severn Nancy Novak Amy Gililland Darren Sorrells Leesa Wood Calvi Susan Willis Mary Emeny MJ Coats Cliff Craig Dave Blakley David Fairbanks Taylor Withrow LECTOR EPISTOLER Prayer Reader OBLATIONERS ACOLYTES LEV Lay Eucharist Visitors Vestry Offertory Service L-Doug Voran E-Debbie Wynne P-Heather Voran Scott and Becky King Crucifer: Luke McKay Torches: Piper & Phoebe Laur Server: Mason McKay L-Don Paxton E-Judith Evans P-Tammy Breitbarth Jack and Cristy Miller Crucifer: Layne Steph Torches: Maci Morrow & Perry Steph Server: Harper Steph L-Steve Severn E-Nancy Novak P-Amy Gililland Debbie Wynne Denise Warren L-Leesa Wood Calvi E-Susan Willis P-MJ Coats Tammy Breitbarth Mary Emeny Crucifer: Will Severn Crucifer: Sarah Torches: Andy & Alex Neumann Earthman Torches: Grace & Server: Courtney Rachel Neumann Collins Server: Randall Heck L-Cliff Craig E-Jim Whitton P-Mariada George Doug & Heather Voran Crucifer: Bubba Givens Torches: Holly Wrampelmeier & Liah Givens Server: Claudia Wrampelmeier Nate Stidham Neil Quattlebaum Ginger Shipp Judith Evans Lil & Taylor Withrow Sharon Stones MJ Coats Doug & Heather Voran Marcy McKay Courtney Jones Randy Dryden Sara Adamchak Sally Emerson Paul Clark Leon Swift Tammy Breitbarth Brent Lancour Bill Heck Altar Guild for May 2015 Chairpersons: Georgia Swift & Mary Kay Dammier Linens: Dean Paxton Crew: Denise Warren, Helen Benton, & Dean Kennedy Bread: Susan Wise HOLY EUCHARIST/HOLY UNCTION WEDNESDAYS IN MAY 6– Don Paxton 13-Nancy Novak 20– Vic Maza 27– Whitney Kelly
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