Епеugh 5 6 7 8 9 * Tht *ln* fеrm - k*ieiple* think he was fired, Не must ........,. think they wеrе arguing. They must l think he is lying. Не must l think they had been waiting for her. They must l l .... she has typed it. She must l think 10 lthink she had written it. She must ......,... 11 l think they will Ье staying, They must They all wапt to answer the quеsflол. Gomplete the sentences with the correct infinitive tense. She has grown taller. She seems .,,to have grоууп taller. Не is getting used to his пеw job. Не appears Kate makes friends easily, She tends Не has finished the report. Не claims lt is raining over there, lt Seems не is on а diet. Не appears They have sailed round the world. They claim The subject of the infinitive is omitted when it is the same as the subject of the mаiп verb. е,9. She wants to leave поw. (The subject of the mаiп verb апd the infinitive Ь Ъhе'.) She is fee|ing better. о She seems @ W FiIl in the correct inftnitive tense. 1А: В: 2д: What would you like ,..to do... (do) tonight? (go) to an ltalian restaurant. Let's .......... What's Liz doing? В: She seems for something in her bag. 3А: Аlап has been offered а пеw job! В: No, he hasn't. Не just pretended 4А: ё;ii;;й;; , , 1::i',].,:J;[-ýЗ; to the theatre. ..... (work) Таrа seems hard all morning. В: Yes, she hasn't even stopped for а cup of coffee. 8А: Why is Tom at work so early this morning? wants ...,...... (finish) early so that he can go to the concert tonight. В: Не ++ and сап Ье ап obiect рrопочп (men you, them, etc.), а паmе (Kate) оr а почп (the wоmап). e,g. She wants them to leave поw. (The subject of the mаiп yerb Ь 'she', whereas the subject of the infinitive is'them',) ,.,..., (look) famous people. В: l know, but l don't believe him. 5А: Look at those two mеп outside. What are they doing? (empty) the В: They арреаr ................. rubbish bins, бА: Would you like to go to the сiпеmа tonight? В: Not really, lwould рrеfеr ........, ..,,, ..,. (go) 7д: The subject of the infinitive is not omitted whеп it is different from the subject of the main чеrЬ. The subject of the infjnitive comes before the infinitive Rephrase the fotlowing sentences, as the example. не must wash the car. l want ...hjrи to waah |he oar, you mustn't Ье late for work. l don't want ....,,...., Claire must tidy hеr bedroom. lwant ......... lwant ......... She mustn't go to the disco. l don't want ,,,........ They must go to school tomorrow. Gary mustn't make so much noise. l don't want ..,..,,,,,, You mustn't make а mess. l don't want ......,.... не must mend his bike. aп
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