El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih (Assistant

Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
Personal data:
Date and place of birth: 08/01/1959, Sudan.
Address: P. O. Box 1660, Department of Fisheries, CNRES, University of Bahri,
Khartoum, Sudan.
E-mail: thairhms@hotmail.com.
Mobile phone number: +249 912431939
Office phone number: +2491555888406
Marital status: married with a child.
Specialty: Fisheries biology and Management.
Languages: Arabic: Excellent speaking and writing (Mother tongue)
English: Very good speaking and writing
Academic Qualification:
1. M.Phil. in Fisheries Biology and Management 1994.
Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
University of Bergen, Norway.
Diploma in Fisheries Biology and Management 1993.
Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology,
University of Bergen, Norway.
B.Sc. (Hon.) Class II Division I in Natural Resources, Fisheries 1986.
Department of Fisheries, College of Natural Resources and Environmental
Studies, University of Juba, Sudan.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
1. Building Mathematical Models in Biological Sciences, December 2008.
Sudan Academy of Science, Khartoum.
2. Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Eastern Sudan Research Group,
University of Red Sea, April 2011.
Professional Experience:
Aquaculturist, Refugees Farm, Commission of Refugees,
Khashm el Girba.
Assistant Fisheries Inspector, Fisheries Administration,
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Fisheries, University of
Study leave, Norway.
Lecturer, Department of Fisheries, University of Juba.
1995- 2004
2004 to
Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, University of
National Project Coordinator, Recovery of Coastal
Livelihood in the Red Sea States, Modernization of
Artisanal Fisheries along the Red Sea coast of Sudan.
Sector Planning Consultant, Recovery of Coastal Livelihood
in the Red Sea States, Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries
along the Red Sea coast of Sudan. CIDA/UNIDO.
Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, University of
2013 to
Executive Manager, Vice-Chancellor's Office, University of
2013 to
Full-Time Teaching and Academic assignments:
1995- 2009
Fish Biology I (Morphology and Anatomy)
1995 to date
1995 to date
Reservoir Fisheries.
Fish Population Dynamics.
Fishing gears.
Marine Fisheries.
Fish Biology II (Systematics and Zoogeography).
Riverine Fisheries.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
2012 to date
2012 to date
Fisheries Management.
Fish Stock Assessment.
Part-Time Teaching and Academic assignments;
Computer application, Fifth Year, Department of Forestry, CNRES.
Introduction to Computer Science, Second Year, CNRES.
Computer application, Fifth Year, Department of Geology and Mining,
Fish Population Dynamics, 5th Year, School of Fisheries, Faculty of
Agricultural Technology and Fisheries, University of El Nileen, Khartoum,
Fisheries Management, 5th Year, School of Fisheries, Faculty of
Agricultural Technology and Fisheries, University of El Nileen, Khartoum,
Teaching in Training Programmes
Statistical application programme- Biostatistics and Experimental Design
course, Animal Research Centre, Kuku, Khartoum.
Trainer of researchers in the Fisheries Research Centre in Fish Stock
Instructor in Stock Assessment of Freshwater Fisheries, a training course
organized by the Animal Research Corporation for Fisheries Researchers
and Inspectors.
Trainer of researchers in the Fisheries Research Station, Damazine, Blue
Nile in Fish Stock Assessment.
Supervision of undergraduate research dissertations
1996 to date supervision of the following fifth year graduation dissertations.
1. Ahmed, S. M. (1996). A pre-impoundment study of fish species in Kajbar area. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
2. El Amin, A. A. (1996). A review of the freshwater fisheries in Sudan. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
3. Idris, A. S. (1998). Weight and length relationship of two species of family
Cyprindae in Khashm el Girba reservoir. A dissertation submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
4. Tawfig, L. E. (1998). Anatomical development of the respiratory arborescent
organ in Clarias (Pisces, Clariidae). A dissertation submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
5. Olum, M. O. A. (2001). Comparative study of gut histology of carnivorous and
omnivorous fishes. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES,
University of Juba.
6. El Hady, R. A. (2002) A review of growth of fishes. A dissertation submitted for
the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural
Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
7. Mohamed, E. A. (2003). A review of fish mortality: types and evaluation
techniques. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of
8. Malik, H. O. M. (2003). A review on fisheries yield models. A dissertation
submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in
Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
9. Osman, I. M. (2003) Some histological aspects of the circulatory system and
blood cells of fish. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES,
University of Juba.
10. Nour, A. M. M. (2003). The selectivity of longline with refrence to hook size and
bait type. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of
11. Abbas, A. A. A. (2005). Histology of the osmoregulatory and reproductive organ
in two freshwater fishes. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES,
University of Juba.
12. Ali, K. A. A. (2005). Growth curve and length weight relationship of Lates
niloticus, Pices in the White Nile. A dissertation submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
13. El Naseeh, A. A. (2005). The skeletal systems of three bony fishes. A dissertation
submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in
Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
14. Balah, H. K. (2005). A case study of the status of fisheries laws in fresh waters. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
15. Hussein, N. M. (2006). Hydroacoustic survey in fish stock assessment, a review.
A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
16. Al Agib, S. A.(2006). A study on the managerial status of marine protected areas
at Sanaganeb marine national park, Sudan. A dissertation submitted for the partial
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
17. Mahmoud, W. S. (2006). Eggs and larval survey. A dissertation submitted for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural
Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
18. Gubara, H. S. (2007). The exploitation ratio of Lates niloticus in Kosti area. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
19. Ahmed, N. M. A. (2007). Morphology, anatomy and histology of fish eye. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
20. Salih, M. E.(2007). Skin structure of a bony fish. A dissertation submitted for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural
Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
21. Bashir, A. A. (2008). Growth and feeding habits of Bagrus bajad sampled from
commercial catches. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES,
University of Juba.
22. El Tayeb, H. E. (2008) Observations on the validity of vertebral growth zones for
aging and food composition of Hydrocynus forskalli. A dissertation submitted for
the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural
Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
23. El Tayeb, M. E. E. (2008) Gillnet catches of Oreochromis niloticus and Lates
niloticus in the White Nile near Kosti. A dissertation submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
24. Mohammed, N. A. (2009) A Preliminary look at fish catches in Merowe Dam. A
dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
25. Hussein, M. (2010) Physical Characteristics of the Fish Valamugil seheli
(Forsskål, 1775) From the Red Sea. A dissertation submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and
Fisheries. CNRES, University of Juba.
26. Taj el Sir, S. (2010) A Review of Recent Foreign Aid to Fisheries Sector in the
Red Sea State. A dissertation submitted for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Natural Resources and Fisheries. CNRES,
University of Juba.
Membership in Examination Boards of Postgraduate Students
2007 and 2008 Internal Examiner of three M.Sc. candidates in Department of
Fisheries, University of Juba.
External examiner of one M.Sc candidate, Faculty of Marine Science,
Red Sea University.
External examiner of one M.Sc. candidate, Sudan Academy of
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
Participation in fieldwork excursions
Active participation in the planning and execution of fieldwork excursions intended to
train fisheries students of the fourth and fifth year as follows:
1991 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the White Nile.
1995 Team member, fieldwork excursion to the Blue Nile, Damazin.
1996 Team member, fieldwork excursion to the Red Sea. Swakin, Port Sudan.
1998 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the White Nile. Kosti, El-Jeblein
1999 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the Red Sea. Swakin, Port Sudan, Dongonab.
2000 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the White Nile. El-Jeblein
2001 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the Red Sea, Swakin, Port Sudan.
2002 Team leader, fieldwork excursion to the Blue Nile. Damazin.
2003 Team member, fieldwork excursion to the Blue Nile. Damazin.
2008 Team member, fieldwork excursion to the Blue Nile. Damazin.
Participation in consultancy fieldwork missions
Active participation in various fieldwork missions within various consultancies for
miscellaneous agencies as follows:
Assistant team leader, Preliminary Survey of the Dinder National Park Fish
Fauna, Global Environmental Facilities (GEF) project in the Dinder
National Park.
Assistant team leader Environmental Impact Assessment of Merowe Dam
Project, Water Ecology of River Nile: Fish Fauna and Fisheries.
Management Plan of Merowe Reservoir. Merowe Dam Project, Water
Ecology of River Nile: Fish Fauna and Fisheries.
Member of the Inception Mission to Red Sea State, Recovery of Coastal
Livelihoods, in the Red Sea State of Sudan, The Modernization of
Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New Market Opportunities. UNIDO
project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
Secretary and Member of the Technical Committee for Selection of Site
for the construction of Small Scale Fish Landing Facility. Recovery of
Coastal Livelihoods In the Red Sea State of Sudan, The Modernization of
Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New Market Opportunities. UNIDO
project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
2010-2011 Various follow-up field missions on the progress of work on the activities
of the project Recovery of Coastal Livelihoods In the Red Sea State of
Sudan, The Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New
Market Opportunities. UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
Fisheries sector analysis, Red Sea State. Modernization of Artisanal
Fisheries and Creation of New Market Opportunities. UNIDO project No.
Member of Exploratory UNIDO mission to Kassala State, Khashm el
Girba Reservoir, Merowe Reservoir and Lake Nubia.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
Member of the fieldwork mission to Khashm el Girba Reservoir,
Integrated Food Security Project. Sudan, Kassala (IFSP). Project financed
by CIDA and implemented by FAO and UNIDO.
Field mission to Swakin Red Sea State, Landell Mills ltd, Sudan Food
Security Program
Field mission to Gunub Oleib, Red Sea State, Landell Mills ltd, Sudan
Food Security Program
Administrative assignment
Acting Registrar, CNRES, University of Juba.
Member of the seminar committee, CNRES, University of Juba.
Examination Officer, Department of Fisheries, CNRES, University of
Member of the Examination Committee, CNRES, University of Juba.
Acting Head of Fisheries Department, CNRES, University of Juba.
Head of the Computer Unit, CNRES, University of Juba.
Head of the Fisheries Department, CNRES, University of Juba.
Member of the Senate, University of Juba.
Member of the Committee for the Procurement of Laboratory
Equipment, CNRES, University of Juba.
Executive Manger, Vice-Chancellor's Office, University of Bahri.
2013 to date
Member and Secretary of the Deans' Board, University of Bahri.
2013 to date
Member of the Senate, University of Bhari.
2013 to date
Miscellaneous duties:
Member, Secretariat of the Conference on the Biological Control of Desert
Locust, CNRES, University of Juba.
1997-2009 Founding member and Editorial Secretary of the Journal of Natural
Resources and Environmental Science (JONARES), University of Juba.
Secretariat Member of the Workshop on Agro-forestry Curriculum
Development and co-editor of the proceedings, CNRES, University of Juba
Member of the Committee for Revising Mathematics Syllabus in CNRES,
University of Juba
Consultative and advisory assignments
1-Local consultancies
Co-opted member of the Advisory Committee, Fisheries Research
Centre, Ministry of Science and Technology.
Team member of the preliminary survey mission of the Dinder National
Park Fish Fauna. Wildlife research centre.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
2004 -2006
2008 -2014
Member of the Advisory Board of Fisheries in the Ministry of
Agriculture and Animal resources and Irrigation of Khartoum state.
Member of the Committee for Setting up Agricultural and Animal
Resource Database, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal resources and
Irrigation of Khartoum state.
Assistant Team Leader of the Environmental Impact Assessment of
Merowe Dam Project on fish fauna.
Member of Fish Commodity Council of the Agricultural Revival Project.
2- Consultancies with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and
National Consultant, Inception Mission, Recovery of Coastal Livelihood in
the Red Sea States, Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries along the Red Sea
coast of Sudan. CIDA/UNIDO.
2009-2010 Member of the Steering Committee of the Project Recovery of Coastal
Livelihood in the Red Sea States, Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries
along the Red Sea coast of Sudan. CIDA/UNIDO.
2009-2011 National Project Coordinator, Recovery of Coastal Livelihood in the Red
Sea States, Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries along the Red Sea coast of
Sudan. CIDA/UNIDO, Red Sea State
Sectoral Planning and Coordination consultant, United Nations Industrial
Development Organization
Short term consultancy with FAO and UNIDO joint project in Kassala,
Fisheries consultancy with Landell Mills Development Consultants Ltd.
within SFSP.
Fisheries consultancy with Landell Mills Development Consultants Ltd.
within SFSP.
Local conferences and workshops:
Workshop on constraints of aquaculture in Sudan, organized by the State
Ministry of agriculture, Khartoum, Sudan.
Workshop on the revision of the draft fisheries laws of the Sudan,
organized by the federal Ministry of Animal Resources, Khartoum.
Workshop on participatory Agro-forestry curriculum Development,
organized by the Department of Forestry, CNRES, University of Juba in
collaboration with the ANAFE, Khartoum, Sudan.
Workshop on The Development of Fisheries Sector in Lake Nubia,
organized by the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization, Wadi
Halfa, Sudan.
Workshop on Standard Specifications of Fishing Gears, organized by the
Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization in collaboration with the
Upper Nile University, Malakal, Sudan.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
Workshop on Marine Fisheries development in Sudan, Strategy principles.
UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002. (Port Sudan, Red Sea State).
Workshop on Fish Value Chain, Khashm el Girba Sudan – Kassal
Integrated Food Security Project (IFSP) related to Technical Support in
Fisheries Development in the Region of Lake Khashm el Girba, Joint FAO
and UNIDO intervention.
1. Salih, E and Kolding (1995). Fishing, flushing and fish behaviour. A case study
from the seasonal Khashm el Girba Reservoir in Sudan. In Santbergen and Van
Westen(eds)Reservoir and river basin development., Balkema, Rotterdam ISBN
90 51410 5563.
2. Khalid, A. M., Salih, E. H. M. and Haggar, S. A. (2001). Preliminary Survey of
the Dinder National Park Fish Fauna, Diversity and tentative ichthyomass. A
report compiled within the auspices of the Global Environmental Facilities (GEF)
project in the Dinder National Park, Khartoum.
3. Khalid, A. M., Salih, E. H. M. and Obeida, M. M. (2006) Water Ecology of River
Nile: Fish Fauna and Fisheries. Environmental Consultancy Services, Merowe
Dam Development Project.
Technical Reports:
1. Abu Gideiri, Y. B., Mishrigi, S. Y.Salih et al., Ali, M. T., Salih, E. H. M., Omer, O.
M. (2005). Constraints of Fisheries Development in Sudan. In Arabic a paper
presented in the consultative meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture Khartoum state
2. Khalid, A. M., Salih, E. H. M. and Obeida, M. M. (2006) Water Ecology of River
Nile: Fish Fauna and Fisheries. Environmental Consultancy Services, Merowe Dam
Development Project.
3. Khalid, A. M. and Salih, E. H. M. (2006). Management Plan of the Merowe
Reservoir Fisheries, Northern State, Sudan. Merowe Dam Development Project.
4. Inception Report (2009). Recovery of Coastal Livelihoods, in the Red Sea State of
Sudan, The Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New Market
Opportunities. UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
5. 2010 Report of the Technical Committee for Selection of Site for the construction of
Small Scale Fish Landing Facility. Recovery of Coastal Livelihoods In the Red Sea
State of Sudan, The Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New
Market Opportunities. UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
6. Salih, E. H. M. (2011). A report on the Status of the Small-Scale Artisanal Fisheries
of the Merowe Reservoir in Sudan. UNIDO.
7. Salih, E. H. M. (2012). Fisheries Sector Analysis, Elements of a strategic plan for the
Red Sea fisheries in Sudan. Project for the Recovery of Coastal Livelihoods in the
Red Sea State of Sudan, The Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of
New Market Opportunities. UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
8. Ouaouich, Salih, E. H. M. (2012) Sudan Marine Fisheries Strategy Report. UNIDO
project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
Curriculum Vitae
El-Thair Hassan Mohamed Salih
9. Salih, E. H. M. (2013) Supporting Artisanal small-scale Fishers and Women
Association in Suakin Locality, Mission Report. Sudan Food Security Program.
Landell Mills Development Consultants.
10. Salih, E. H. M. (2014) Supporting Artisanal Small-scale Fishermen in Suakin and
Gunub-Oleib Localities, Mission Report, Sudan Food Security Program. Landell
Mills Development Consultants.
Translation of Reports
I translated the following reports into Arabic:
1. Khalid, A. M. and Salih, E. H. M. (2006). Management Plan of the Merowe
Reservoir Fisheries, Northern State, Sudan. Merowe Dam Development Project.
2. 2010 Report of the Technical Committee for Selection of Site for the construction of
Small Scale Fish Landing Facility. Recovery of Coastal Livelihoods In the Red Sea
State of Sudan, The Modernization of Artisanal Fisheries and Creation of New
Market Opportunities. UNIDO project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
3. Ouaouich, Salih, E. H. M. (2012) Sudan Marine Fisheries Strategy Report. UNIDO
project No. TF/SUD/09/002.
4. Manyala, J. O. (2012) Integrated Food Security Project. Sudan, Kassala (IFSP). A
rural development project funded by CIDA Canada, Implemented by FAO and
UNIDO in Collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry,
Fisheries and Irrigation. Mission Report. Technical support in fisheries development
in the region of Lake Khashm el Girba.