Stock Car Building the Cars 1 Gather your materials. Start with the kit block, the two side blocks, the top block, and a few copies of the patterns on pages 26 and 27. See the Materials and Tools list on page 24 for the sizes of the side and top blocks. 3 Stack the two side blocks together and wrap 1"- wide painter’s tape around the outer edges. 5 Use a scroll saw or the saw of your choice to cut out the wheel wells. 2 Cut out the Wheel Well Cutting Pattern from page 27 with scissors. 4 Lightly apply spray mount to the bottom of the Wheel Well Cutting Pattern and attach the pattern to the top of the side blocks. 6 Remove the front and back wheel wells. Then, remove the pattern and tape. 30 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 30 8/16/07 3:55:41 PM Pinewood Derby Designs & Patterns 7 9 Measure and drill the holes with a drill press or use a Derby Worx axle-drilling jig. Line up the center mark on the jig with the axle hole centerline on the pattern. 11 Remove the pattern once you have drilled all four axle holes. Cut out the Axle-Drilling Pattern from page 26 and attach it to the block supplied in the BSA kit. Flip the block over so that the BSA axle slots will be on the top of the block. Stock Car Use a shaping tool with a ½" 60-grit sanding drum attachment to sand the wheel wells. 8 10 Clamp the block if necessary with wood clamps and drill the holes with a #44 drill bit. 12 Apply wood glue to the top of the kit block and the bottom of the top block, making sure that you have a thin coat on both surfaces. 31 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 31 8/16/07 3:55:50 PM Stock Car Building the Cars 13 Spread out the glue evenly. It’s important to have even coverage because you will be removing part of the block later on, and the block could come apart if the glue is not evenly distributed. 15 Place a sheet of 120-grit sandpaper on a flat surface. Sand the sides of the block until the glue joint is smooth. 17 Repeat the process for the second side block. The recessed area on the bottom of the car will ride over the guide rail on the Pinewood Derby track. 14 Clamp the top block to the kit block. Allow the glue to dry. 16 Use the same process shown in Steps 12 through 15 to glue on the side block. Make sure the axle holes are centered in the wheel wells. Use a damp rag to remove any glue in the wheel wells. 18 Cut out the Cutting Pattern on page 26. 32 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 32 8/16/07 3:56:00 PM Pinewood Derby Designs & Patterns 19 21 Be sure to cut off the scrap pieces entirely, but do not discard them. 23 Use a band saw or a coping saw to trim along the side profile. Cut along the top profile of the pattern using a scroll saw or the saw of your choice. Stock Car Fold the pattern along the dashed line and apply a light coating of spray mount to the pattern. Attach the pattern to the block. 20 22 Reattach the side scrap pieces with painter’s tape. Be careful not to cover the side profile of the pattern. 24 Remove all of the scrap pieces and patterns from the main block. 33 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 33 8/16/07 3:56:09 PM Stock Car Building the Cars 26 Trim out the Hood, Grill, Front Windshield, and Rear Window Patterns on page 26. Draw a centerline down the top of the car. Using the top profile of the Cutting Pattern on page 26 as location reference, hold the patterns in place with painter’s tape and trace around them with a pencil. 27 Using the shaping tool with the ½" 60-grit sanding drum, remove the material up to the reference lines. Removing this material creates the angled side window area and narrows the roof. 29 The next step is to round the rear deck, or trunk. Use the Rear Pattern on page 27 to create reference marks. Draw a line along the side panel from the edge of the hood to the back trunk deck. Then, draw a line along the roof edge ¼" in from each side. Connect the lines to form the window pillars. 28 Remove the material from both sides. This is what your car should look like at this point. 30 Round the edges of the rear deck. Do this on both sides. 34 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 34 8/16/07 3:56:17 PM Pinewood Derby Designs & Patterns 31 33 The next step is to curve the windshield. Cut a curved groove along the bottom edge of the front windshield outline using the drum sander. The groove should be even with the hood. 35 Round the area above the rear wheel wells. Continue rounding the front fender, but be careful not to round past the edge of the hood. Round both sides. Stock Car Round the edges of the front fender. Start at the rear of the hood and blend the side of the car into the top of the fender. 32 34 Carefully remove the material from the side edges of the windshield. Curve the windshield around to the side windows. Repeat this process for the back window. 36 Create a smooth transition between the side windows and the rear deck. 35 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 35 8/16/07 3:56:28 PM Army Jeep Pattern Portfolio Creating this advanced design is fun because it is not a typical Pinewood Derby car. It has a very short wheelbase and is a recognizable design that meets the Official Pinewood Derby specifications. Another feature is its very simple paint job. Because this car is so different from standard Derby designs, it may not be the fastest car. However, it will certainly be one of the best-looking. Quick Tips 1 Flip the block over and drill new axle holes 2 Cut the main body from the BSA-supplied block 3 Attach the fenders to the main body 4 Attach wheel well blocks on the inside of the rear fenders 5 Remove the material under the front fenders 6 Glue the windshield to the main body 7 Bend wire to form two windshield posts and attach them to the windshield frame 8 Install the bumpers 9 Cut out the seats and shape them with a shaper tool 10 Build and install the steering wheel 11 Use a shaper tool to carefully carve the grill details and lights 12 Add the weights and fill in the holes 13 Sand the entire car smooth 14 Paint the main body and five wheel centers green 15 Paint the details (se (see pp. 59-75) and install the seats 16 Cut a notch in the b bottom of the spare tire and glue it in place 96 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 96 8/16/07 4:03:22 PM Pinewood Derby Designs & Patterns Army Jeep 97 Pinewood Designs_Final.indd 97 8/16/07 4:03:26 PM
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