profit or otherwise outgrows the educational experience provided by the Program). The Baker Institute reserves the right to review Projects and make eligibility decisions on a case by case basis. Ideas/Projects/startups that include illegal, illicit, unethical, immoral, or other types of activities deemed by the Baker Institute as unworthy of association with the Program will be disqualified; 2015 Lehigh University LaunchBayC Student Acknowledgement Agreement and Release The Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation seeks to provide an understanding of the unique relationship between entrepreneurship educators and entrepreneurship students in all of its programs. This document is specific to and customized for students in the 2015 LaunchBayC progam. Lehigh University's LaunchBayC program (the “Program”) provides training in the art and practice of creating new companies while bringing revolutionary products and services to market. I, ___________________________________ {print name}, am a student participant in a Program Project entitled ______________________________ (the “Project”), under the supervision of__________________________________ {name of Mentor}, which is governed by the terms of this Agreement. I, intending to be legally bound, represent and agree that: 1. I am at least eighteen (18) years of age; 2. I have read and understand this Acknowledgment Agreement and Release; 3. I am participating in this educational Project voluntarily and with an understanding of my responsibilities as a participant, including that I must comply with the University’s Code of Conduct, all other applicable University policies and rules, as well as all policies, rules and procedures of LaunchBayC; 4. Lehigh reserves the right to enforce appropriate standards of conduct and specifically reserves the right to terminate my participation for failure to maintain these standards or for any actions of conduct which Lehigh considers to be incompatible with the interest, harmony, comfort, or welfare of participants. I understand that I am expected to act responsibly at all times and I agree to do so. If my participation in the program is terminated, I understand that I will no longer be eligible to receive the stipend that was granted to me beginning with the next pay cycle. 5. The Program provides educational experiences and participants not working toward this end will not be eligible (e.g., an existing company not currently run by students that recruits students solely in order to be eligible to participate; a participating company that is operated as a legal corporate entity, begins to earn a 6. By virtue of my participation in the Program, I may have access to confidential information1 about the business and products of other Projects; 7. Since the Program is an academic program, all students will be required to submit materials or make presentations about their Projects in order to receive feedback. This means that each student may be sharing confidential information with other students, faculty and staff involved with the Program; 8. I should not be asked to, and I should not sign a Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure or Secrecy Agreement. However, by signing this Agreement and Release, I am agreeing that I will only share confidential information with other members of the Program, including students, faculty and staff, for the academic purposes of the Program; 9. I understand the above statements concerning confidentiality and that willful or unauthorized disclosure of confidential information violates Lehigh University’s policies and could result in disciplinary action including immediate termination of my status as a Program participant; 10. I understand that the staff and faculty of the Baker Institute and the Program, as well as the volunteers who may assist in the review and mentoring process, are working professionals who routinely mentor, coach and evaluate ideas, new products and services. As part of their professional ethos, they understand that those ideas and innovations are confidential. However, they do not sign any non-disclosure agreements covering student ideas, products, services or enterprises. Further, I understand that Lehigh University and the volunteers who assist the Program are not responsible for any proprietary information or intellectual property that I disclose during the Program presentations or my participation in the Program. If I have concerns regarding confidentiality of intellectual property that I own, I understand that I am responsible for taking measures to protect my intellectual property and for seeking the advice of competent legal counsel; 11. The terms and conditions for the ownership, treatment and use of intellectual property created as part of my participation in the Program shall be specified by and subject to the Intellectual Property Agreement, a template of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; 12. Any funding in a Project account may be spent through direct purchase or reimbursement on Project-related expenses. Expenditures are subject to review by the Baker Institute staff and funds may be suspended if the activities do not align with the educational purposes related to the Project or its funding. Cash will not be disbursed at any time and any unused funds at the end of the Project (when the Program ends or the Project ends, dissolves, or is no longer eligible for inclusion in the Program) shall be returned to the Baker Institute for repurposing; 13. Under certain circumstances, purchases and reimbursements made through the Project funds may be subject to taxation and are the sole responsibility of the individual that makes the purchase. Each individual will be required to provide a W-9 before any funds are used. If a purchase or reimbursement is deemed by the Lehigh University Controller’s Office to be a taxable asset, a 1099-misc will be issued to the individual. Foreign students may have a different set of guidelines and requirements; 14. I understand that the University does not supervise, monitor, or control the Project working conditions at any off-campus site, nor does the University provide any health or other personal insurance for me during my participation in this Project; 15. I may not engage in any Projects that involve working with weapons or alcohol; 16. I am not authorized to bring any equipment or materials onto Lehigh University property without first consulting with, and obtaining approval from a Baker Institute representative; advice or information I receive from the Baker Institute, my Project Mentor and entrepreneurship professionals as part of the Program is designed to provide me with educational information and to build my skills and knowledge and that it cannot and will not ensure that my idea or Project will be a successful one; I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL LEHIGH, ITS TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, STUDENTS, OR AGENTS, BE LIABLE FOR MY APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY INFORMATION, ADVICE, ASSISTANCE AND THE LIKE PROVIDED TO ME, ON AN EDUCATIONAL BASIS, AS PART OF THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING ECONOMIC DAMAGES OR INJURY TO PROPERTY AND LOST PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER LEHIGH SHALL KNOW OR BE ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE FOREGOING. I UNDERSTAND THAT ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES CARRY A GREAT DEAL OF RISK, INCLUDING THE RISK OF FINANCIAL LOSS. DESPITE THESE RISKS, I WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM; 19. I shall not use the name or trademarks of Lehigh University in any advertising, publicity, or other similar materials without prior written approval from the University; and 20. I hereby grant Lehigh University permission to interview me and/or to use my name and likeness in photograph(s)/video in any and all of its publications and in any and all other media, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by Lehigh University, in perpetuity, and for other use by the University. I will make no monetary or other claim against Lehigh University for the use of the interview and/or the photograph(s)/video. 17. To activate my membership in LaunchBayC cohort for summer 2015, I must send an email to the directors with “activate my membership” in the subject line. Send to:; ________________________________ Student’s Signature 18. I understand that the Program is not intended to provide me with management, technical, financial, or entrepreneurial advice, but rather to provide me with educational information related to those topics and to build my skills and knowledge in those and other areas. _________________________________ LaunchBayC Project Mentor’s Signature To that end, I understand that my Project will be reviewed at intervals by the Baker Institute, my Project Mentor and entrepreneurship professionals. I understand, however, that any such review, and any ____________ Date ________________________________ Print Student’s Name ____________ Date
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