BALLINGER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST 2015-2016 PRE-KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN Please write your child’s name on all items 1 sleep mat 2 boxes of 16 count reg. size Crayola brand crayons 4 large Elmer’s glue sticks 1 large bottle of Elmer’s school glue 1 plastic school box 1 box tissue 2 #2 pencils 1 Eight color watercolor set 1 scotch tape 1 box of Hefty 2.5 gallon zip lop freezer bags 2 large containers of Clorox wipes $10.00 for art supplies & paper-please put in an envelope with student’s name on it 1 school box 4 big erasers 1 pkg of “Ticonderoga” #2 pencils 6 24-count boxes of Crayola crayons 4 Expo markers 3 Vinyl pocket folders w/brads – any color 1 Fiskar’s blunt scissors - no plastic 12 Elmer’s washable glue sticks 1 backpack, large enough to fit folders – no rollers 3 large boxes of Kleenex tissues 2 large containers of Clorox disinfectant wipes BOYS: 1 box of quart Ziploc bags GIRLS: 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags Boys- 1 pkg of white cardstock Girls- 1 pkg AMPAD bright primary color, lettersized colored paper (NOT construction paper) 1 extra set of clothes (underwear, socks, shirt, shorts) in a plastic bag. BECAUSE OF QUALITY, PLEASE NO ROSE ART PRODUCTS PLEASE NO BACKPACKS OR BAGS Please bring supplies to “Meet the Teacher” Night and PLEASE DO NOT LABEL SUPPLIES. FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE 1 ea. Red, blue, purple, black, yellow, and orange folders, plastic, with brads and pockets 2 green folders, plastic, with brads and pockets 2 pink erasers 1 Plastic School Box (one that snaps shut) 2 Elmer’s glue (4 oz. size) 1 Fiskar blunt metal scissors 3 large boxes of Kleenex tissues 4 black Expo markers 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags 1 container of 75 count Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 4 boxes of Crayola brand crayons, 24 count, 1 pkg of 24 YELLOW “Ticonderoga” #2 pencils $5.00 for art and paper supplies 1 Backpack – with zipper closure (NO rolling backpacks) Please DO NOT label supplies with child’s name 1 Bearkitten pencil zipper bag – purchase in the Elementary office for $3.00 (No boxes) 1 Backpack 1 large box of Kleenex 2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 or less) 1 black Sharpie marker 1 pkg. of 2 highlighters (any color) 1 pkg. (4 count) of Expo dry erase markers Please write your child’s name ON the following items: 2 pink erasers 2 pkgs. (12 count) #2 pencils (name on each pencil) Fiskars scissors, pointed 2 bottles of Elmer’s glue (no glue sticks) 2 Composition books (wide-ruled) Please write your child’s name on the INSIDE of the following items: 1 pocket folder (no brads) (any color) 3 pocket folders (with brads) (any color) Girls: colored copy paper Boys: construction paper asst. BALLINGER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST 2015-2016 THIRD GRADE FOURTH GRADE (Please label all supplies with names) 1 Bearkitten pencil zipper bag (may be purchased for $3.00 in Elementary office) 3 large boxes of Kleenex 1 red pocket folder with brads 1 green pocket folder with brads 1 blue pocket folder with brads 1 yellow pocket folder with brads 1 pkg wide ruled notebook paper (no college ruled paper) 3 - one subject (100-120 page) spiral notebooks (wide ruled) Fiskars scissors (pointed) 1 bottle Elmer’s Glue 2 boxes of crayons 1 box map pencils 1 bookbag 1 protractor Erasers, as needed for the year Pencils, as needed for the year 3 boxes of Kleenex 2 glue sticks 2 pink erasers 4 folders any color, (no brads) 2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons (No Rose Art) 1 Fiskars Scissors (pointed) 25 plain yellow No., 2 pencils (sharpened) OR 25 mechanical pencils with lead refills 6 primary pencils (big fat pencils) 2 Composition books 1 large zipper bag 2 yellow highlighters Girls - 1 pkg. of colored paper Boys – 1 pkg. of white cardstock $2.00 for craft supplies 1 pkg. of multiplication flash cards 1-10 1 backpack or bag FIFTH GRADE 1 one inch 3-ring binder w/clear plastic outside pocket (for math) 1 composition notebook (for science) 1 pkg wide-ruled notebook paper 1 (8 inch) pair of scissors 1 roll Scotch tape 12 Count Crayola Map Colors 1- 24 count Crayola Crayons 6 yellow highlighters 3 Elmer’s washable school glue sticks 3 large boxes of Kleenex 10 count Crayola (fine line) Markers Classic Thin 1 spiral notebook (wide-ruled) 5 pkgs. Bic Mechanical Pencils (thick lead 0.9mm) BOYS – 1 pkg white cardstock - 1 box gallon Ziplock bags GIRLS – 1 pkg colored printer paper - 1 box quart Ziplock bags Headphones for laptops (small ear bud type) Backpacks will be provided for laptops. No additional backpack will be needed.
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