BALTICA Volume 28 Number 1 Year 2015 ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND SELF – ESTEEM AMONG NORTHERN BORDER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Mohammad A. Mashagebah, Attaulla F. Alenezi, Adel A. Al-Abide Education and Psychology Department, Education and Arts College, Northern Border University Corresponding E-mail: ABSTRACT This study aimed at identifying the levels of achievement motivation and selfesteem among Northern Borders University Students and the relation between them, as well as identifying the differences in achievement motivation and self-esteem, which can be ascribed due to the Grade Point Average (GPA) of the students (higher-GPA and lowerGPA). Two scales have been used in this study, the first is the Achievement Motivation Scale and the second is the Self-Esteem Scale, in addition to the GPA of the students, in order to identify student’s level. The sample of the study consisted of 400 students from Northern Borders University. However, two groups of this sample were analyzed statistically. First of them; is the 100 highest GPA, the second; is the 100 lowest GPA.Means, standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficients and T-test for independent groups have been used to make statistical inference. Results showed a significant relation between achievement motivation and self-esteem. Also, Results indicated that there is a significant difference in achievement motivation and self-esteem between the high GPA and low GPA, on behalf of high GPA students. KEYWORDS: Achievement Motivation, Self–Esteem, Academic Achievement,GPA,students, Northern Border University. INTRODUCTION Achievement motivation can be defined as the desire for good performance and achieving success, and which is a selfmotivation that activates and guides behavior, and which is considered among the important elements of success. Individuals who have high levels of motivation for achievement tend to make serious attempts at achieving success in different situations (Al – Safi, 2000) Several studies emphasized the importance of generating motivation among learners, and using the learning skills so that they become able to understand the problems they encounter, and to control, analyze, set 122 hypotheses, experiment and arrive at generalizations in order to maximize the quality of their lives. These skills are highly important in the learning process (Aziz & Zain, 2010, Ambross, 2011) The motivation of human behavior is considered among the basic elements of personality, and the one which is highly related to mental excellence, because it is related to the personal traits of the individual, as well as his social characteristics and his cognitive aspects as well. The studies which were conducted on the gifted individuals showed that there are emotional traits which differentiate them from others who are normal, which result in their being gifted and which facilitate learning and academic achievement as well as excellence and creativity. Researchers also found a positive relationship between the motivational aspects and the different aspects of mental excellence. Achievement motivation is one of the factors which contribute to the achievement of high levels of performance in fields related to mental constructs (Moeen and Hasan, 2010) Most educational theories tried to focus on instigating the internal motivations of the learner, based on the relevant studies which found that internally motivated students are higher achievers compared to those who are externally motivated. Most theories differed in their interpretation in motivation, the cognitive theory summarized that the reasons which behind motivation are an internal desire aimed to regulate cognitive processes. Most of studies that aimed to study the relationship among self-steem, achievement motivation and academic achievement differed in their results. The study of Abouserie (1995) aimed at identifying the role of achievement motivation and self-esteem on studying patterns. Results indicate that self-esteem and achievement motivation are related to the ability of the student in terms of deep processing; results showed also that achievement motivation and selfesteem have an important effect on studying methods. A study by Wakimoto (2010) aimed at exploring the relation between achievement motivation on one hand and the dimensions of self realization and competition on the other hand, as well as the relation between self-esteem and two levels (Stability and instability). Results showed that a relation exist between the high level of self-esteem and achievement motivation (After selfesteem), when the self-esteem is stable, and a correlation between high self-esteem and the weak achievement motivation in its two levels and between the dimension of competition in achievement motivation. Seadi (2011) aimed at exploring the 123 relation between learning strategies, self – esteem and mental performance with academic achievement among first-year students of engineering in South Africa. Results showed the existence of a correlation between self-esteem and learning strategies in one hand and the students' achievement on the other hand. Kilbert and his colleagues (2011) in a study which incorporated university students found a correlation between achievement motivation and academic self – esteem which can be raised when a relation exists between teachers and parents. As mentioned above, Motivation is among the prominent characteristics of Students, and undoubtedly, the high levels of motivation and the strong rush to acquire knowledge among students, enhance excellence and achievement among them. Motivation is among the basic elements of personality, and is the one related to excellence, because it is related to personal traits and the cognitive aspects. Self-esteem is also considered among the important psychological needs of the individual, and when the level of self-esteem is high, the individual is more achieving. Self-esteem and academic motivation are among the important psychological needs of the individual, which Maslow incorporated in his hierarchy of motivations and needs. Selfesteem and achievement motivation enhance the development of the individual through the performance of work, and they affect the various aspects of life. Several studies stated that a relation exists between the achievement motivation and selfesteem, and demonstrated that individuals with high levels of achievement motivation have a larger amount of self-confidence and abilities, and they are generally more accepted by others. Motivation and selfesteem have a close relation to academic achievement. This study seeks to identify the levels of achievement motivation and self-esteem among Northern Borders University students and the relation between them as well as their relations to 1- 23- 4- 5- academic achievement. The present study establishes a framework incorporates two important concepts have significant effects on academic achievement at students of Northern Borders University, and it aims to explore the relation between them and their effects on academic achievement among the students. Those two concepts are achievement motivation, and self esteem. When the individual has selfesteem, they are usually related to the goals he achieves, additionally, the high levels of self-esteem can increase achievement motivation among students significantly. Hence, the study guided by the following questions : What is the level of achievement motivation at Northern Borders University students? What is the level of self-esteem at Northern Borders University students? Is there a statistically significant relation between achievement motivation and self-esteem among the students of Northern Borders University? Are there differences in Achievement motivation among the students of Northern Borders University which can be ascribed to academic achievement (High GPA and low GPA)? Are there differences in Self-Esteem among the students of Northern Borders University that can be ascribed to academic achievement (High GPA and Low). METHOD 2.1. Participants The sample of the study consisted of 400 students at the University of Northern Borders, with age mean 20.45 years and by 11.67 years. The higher GPA (25%) represented the high achievers, and the lowest GPA (25%) represented the low achievers. 2.2. Measures Achievement Motivation Scale: Achievement Motivation scale has been designed and developed by the research 124 team, based on a review of the relevant literature and the scales of achievement motivation scales, which include: Mokhtar’s scale (2014), and Al-Harby scale (2013), and the scale of Melhem and Bakeer (2012). The scale, in its final version consisted of (28) items under five sub-categories: Stamina (6 items), ambition level (5 items), seeking excellence (Consists of 6 items), regulating time dimension (Consists of 6 items) and the future-direction (Which consists of 5 items). The scale has five points, in which (5 = very much), (4= much), (3= sometimes), (2= a little) and (1= very little). This is the case in positive items, which reflect the scores in negative items. So, the scores in the scale ranged between (28-140).As the score increase, the level of achievement motivation increase. Levels are as follows: (20-40 low), (41-60 medium) and (61-8) high and from (81100) very high. For the purposes of the present study, the face validity of the scale was derived for the scale as a whole through revising it by ten referees from among the instructors at Saudi universities who are specialized in psychological sciences. The items were accepted by (80%) of the referees. The researchers calculated the validity of the scale discriminating validity through calculating the difference between the means of the scores of individuals in the two levels (The strong and the weak) of the achievement motivation scale on a sample consisting of (60) individuals. Table 1 below shows the discrimination validity of the scale. Correlation coefficient was calculated through Alpha Cronbach internal consistency scale, and found to be (0.75). Self – Esteem Scale: This scale has been designed originally by Heatherton ,Herman,& Polivy (1991). Al – Harby (2013) derived the face validity of the adjusted scale through a set of referees who are specialized in psychology. The scale consists of (20) items, of which (7) items are positive and (13) items are negative, belonging to three dimensions. The appearance dimension, consists of (6 items), the social dimension which consists of (7 items) and the performance dimension which consists of seven items. Responses to the scale are on a Likert five points, ranging from applies (very little) to applies (very much), which are assigned the scores (1-5) from lower to higher for the positive items and from higher to lower for the negative items. For the purposes of the present study, the face validity of the scale was determined through ten referees from among the instructors at Saudi universities specialized in educational and psychological sciences, who expressed their agreement with the suitability of the scale to the targeted sample. Reliability coefficient was calculated through alpha Cronbach internal consistency test, and the reliability value was (0.82). RESULTS The results related to the first Question: which states that (What is the level of achievement motivation at Northern Borders University students?) In order to answer this question, means and standard deviations for the performance of the sample of the study in the achievement motivation scale were calculated. Table (2) shows the means and standard deviations of the performance of the sample participants in the achievement motivation scale. It can be seen from table 2 that the level of achievement motivation was high among the participants in the whole scale as well as the minor dimensions. The results related to the second question: which is stated as follows (What is the level of self-esteem at Northern Borders University students?) In order to answer this question, means and standard deviations of the performance of the participants in the self-esteem scale were calculated. Table (3) shows the means and standard deviations for the performance of the participants in self – 125 esteem scale. Table (3) shows that the level of self –esteem was high among the participants at the study on the scale as a whole as well as the minor dimensions. This result shows that the self-esteem among the students of Northern-Borders University was high. Self-esteem is the value assigned by the individual to himself. Results related to the third question: which is stated as follows (Is there a statistically significant relation between achievement motivation and selfesteem among the students of Northern Borders University?) In order to answer this question, correlation coefficient has been used for the purposes of exploring the achievement motivation and self-esteem among the students of Northern Borders University. Table (4) shows the correlation coefficient between the achievement motivation and self-esteem among the participants of the study. Results show a positive correlation that is statistically significant between achievement motivation and self-esteem; the higher achievement motivation, the higher the self-esteem. The results related to the fourth question: which can be stated as follows: (Are their differences in Achievement motivation among the students of Northern Borders University which can be ascribed to academic achievement (High GPA and low GPA)?) In order to answer this question, t- test was used on two independent samples. Table (5) shows the results of the t-test for analyzing the differences in the achievement motivation which are due to the level of educational and academic achievement (High GPA and low GPA). Table (5) shows significant differences among the means of the students' performance between (higher GPA and lower GPA) in the whole achievement motivation scale and in all the minor dimensions. The results related to the fifth question: which is stated as follows (Are their differences in Self-Esteem among the students of Northern Borders University that can be ascribed to academic achievement (High GPA and Low GPA)?) In order to answer this question, a t-test was used on two independent groups. Table (6) shows the results of t-test for the analysis of differences in self-esteem which are ascribed to the level of academic achievement (high versus low). Table (6) shows significant differences between the means of performance of higher – GPA and lower GPA students in the scale of total Self-Esteem, and in all the other minor dimensions, except the social selfesteem dimension. Table 1: Discriminating Validity of Achievement Motivation Scale. Scale Low achievers n =30 High achievers n = 30 t-test Achievement motivation Mean Mean 9.972 88.6667 Standard deviation 8.11696 105.0573 Standard deviation 4.68993 Independence degree 58 Significance level *.001 Table 2: Means and Standard Deviations of The Performance of The Participants of The sample of The Study in The Achievement Motivation Scale. Scale Stamina Ambitions level Seeking excellence Regulating time Future direction Achievement motivation N 400 400 400 400 400 400 Mean 19.7700 18.5175 21.8775 20.0225 18.5575 98.7450 Standard deviation 3.16894 3.43500 3.95368 4.09254 3.55151 12.97675 Level of achievement motivation High High High High High High Table 3: Means and Standard Deviations of The Performance of The Participants of The Sample in The Self-esteem Scale. Scale Appearance self – esteem Social self - esteem Performance self –esteem Total self - esteem N 400 400 400 400 Mean 21.5950 25.6975 25.8375 73.1300 Std. deviation 4.04188 4.35470 4.10344 9.81396 Table 4: Shows The Correlation Between Achievement Motivation and Self-esteem Among The Achievement motivation Stamina Ambitions level Seeking excellence Regulation of time Future direction Total achievement motivation 126 Self esteem Appearance self – esteem Social self esteem Performance self esteem Total self esteem Appearance self – esteem Social self esteem Performance self – esteem Total self – esteem Appearance self – esteem Social – self esteem Performance self – esteem Total self esteem Appearance self – esteem Social self – esteem Performance self – esteem Total self – esteem Appearance self – esteem Social self – esteem Performance self – esteem Total – self – esteem Appearance self – esteem Social self – esteem Performance self – esteem Total self – esteem Level of self – esteem High High High High Students of Northern Borders University. Pearson correlation 0.292 0.249 0.386 0.384 0.373 0.448 0.465 0.547 0.346 0.317 0.470 0.480 0.136 0.198 0.296 0.268 0.294 0.370 0.437 0.468 0.399 0.440 0.569 0.597 Sig. (2-tailed) *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 *0.001 Table 5: Results of T-test for The Analysis of The Differences in Achievement Motivation Which Are due to The Level of Academic Achievement. Dimension Stamina Ambitions level Seeking excellence Regulation of time Future direction Total motivation achievement Achievement level High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mean 20.6400 18.9600 20.4000 18.3500 23.6000 21.3900 20.8800 19.7700 20.1400 18.4900 105.666 96.9600 Standard deviation 3.33794 3.04153 3.00841 3.51440 4.44949 3.80562 3.81724 3.65937 4.03525 3.34994 13.617559 13.52657 t-value 3.720 Sig. *0.001 4.431 *0.001 3.775 *0.001 2.099 *0.037 3.146 *0.002 4.533 *0.001 Table 6: Results of T-test for The Analysis of The Differences in Self-esteem Which are due to The Level of Academic Achievement. Dimension Appearance self - esteem Social self –esteem Performance self – esteem Total self – esteem Achievement level High Low High Low High Low High Low DISCUSSION Regarding to the first question, This study shows that the level of achievement motivation among the students of Northern Borders University was relatively high; this finding can be a result of the presence of ambition among those students who aspire to get high scores in academic achievement, or due to the competition among the students who seek to get the highest GPA. This is a natural phenomenon among university students. It is also likely that the high level of achievement motivation is due to their study at the university or to some of the courses they study. However, it is natural that the level of achievement motivation is high among the university students who attend the university in order to get the university certificate and to graduate from the university; and some of them consider the higher study. Achievement motivation can be a result of the activities organized by the university as well as the competitions it holds, especially the athletic activities. 127 N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mean 22.1000 21.4800 26.0800 26.5100 27.6600 24.2500 75.8400 72.2400 Standard deviation 4.68071 4.22948 4.6875 4.41873 4.20010 3.88828 10.94589 9.93831 t-value 0.983 Sig. 0.327 0.668 0.505 5.958 *0.001 2.435 *0.016 Regarding to the second question, The results of the study showed that the selfesteem was high among the students of the university which is due to the fact that they are university students, which gives them a higher value for themselves. High selfesteem may be due to the high achievement motivation levels among those students, or due to their attention to social relations and social support. Consequently, each student seeks the best for him-self, to be the best as seen by himself and by others, towards which he proceeds. Through this seeking, the student develops him-self, and as result of that development, the value he assigns to himself will be higher. Regarding to the third question, Results show a positive correlation that is statistically significant between achievement motivation and self-esteem; the higher achievement motivation, the higher the self-esteem. This result is based on the results of the previous two questions, in which the results show that the achievement motivation is high, and which show also that the self-esteem was also high. Possible relations between achievement motivation and its dimensions such as stamina, ambition level, seeking excellence, regulating time and direction to future in one hand, and the self-esteem in the other hand. This means that the individual who has a high achievement motivation level will likely have a high level of self-esteem. The opposite may be likely also; that the individual whose achievement motivation is high is a result of the high self-esteem. The individual, who seeks achievement, will have a positive self-image, and the one who has a positive self-image, and who respect himself, will have a high level of achievement motivation. Regarding to the fourth question, Results showed significant differences in the whole achievement motivation as well as the minor dimensions. This result indicates that students with high-GPA have high achievement motivation, and students with low-GPA have lower achievement motivation levels. This result is expected, based on the strong relation between achievement motivation and academic achievement. Inevitably, as student GPA increased, the possibility that he has a higher level of achievement motivation increased. Similarly, the lower-GPA student has a lower-level of achievement motivation. Regarding to the fifth question, results shows significant differences between the means of performance of higher – GPA and lower GPA students in the scale of total Self-Esteem, and in all the other minor dimensions, except the social selfesteem dimension. Results also showed statistically significant differences in total self-esteem, and in the performance selfesteem dimension, and the performance dimension between higher – GPA and lower GPA students. (Concerning the dimensions of physical self-esteem and social self-esteem, the results showed no statistically significant differences between higher – GPA and lower GPA students. It is possible that the individual who has a 128 positive self-esteem and who has values and respects him-self will pay attention to everything that enhances his value. Achievement academically is among the most important elements in self –esteem, based on the importance of the achievement in the community in which they live. Additionally, the performance dimension is also related to academic achievement, in that the person whose performance is high in general will have a high level of performance in academic achievement. Concerning the dimension of physical self esteem, and the dimension of social-selfesteem, no statistically significant differences were found between higherGPA and lower-GPA students. This result shows that physical and social self-esteem has no relations to academic achievement. This finding can be ascribed to the fact that when the individuals have physical and social self-esteem, this is not related to academic achievement, and that higherGPA and lower-GPA have the same levels of physical and social self-esteem. Limitations and future directions :The major limitation of the present study was the sex of participants which included male only. Hence in the future research, we study male and female students. A second limitation was the type of institution which included northern border university. In the future research, we study a multi-type of institutions including educational, industrial, and medical. CONCLUSION The study showed that the level of achievement motivation and the level of self-esteem were high among Northern borders university students. The results showed also statistically significant relation between achievement motivation and self-esteem. Results showed also statistically significant differences between the levels of achievement motivation and self-esteem among higher-GPA and lowerGPA students and on behalf of the higherGPA students. REFERENCES Abouserie, R., 1995. Self-esteem and achievement motivation as determinants of students approaches to studying. Studies in higher education 20(1), 1927. Al–Harbi, K.H., 2013. Parenting Styles and their Relation to Achievement Motivation Among Middle School Students of both Sexes. 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