Exam2 on MAR 02.2015- Physics106- R. Schad YOUR NAME l.', r' ) "'. .l i.' i This is to Mark the This is to Mark the identify the exam version you have - IMPORTANT A identify the exam version you have - IMPORTANT B If the power dissipatedin R4 equalsPa= 8 W, The power dissipatedin resistorsR1,R2,and R1=4C) R2=2O R3=2O R4=2O Bat.i P t = W ; P z =4 W ; P s= 4 W P r = 4 W ; P z = 2 W ;P s= 2 W Pr=2W;Pz=4W;Pr=4W P r = 2 W ; P z = 2 W ;P s= 2 W Pt=4W;Pz=2W;Pa=4W If the voltage acrossthe 2F capacitoris 5 V, the batteryvoltagemust be: d-.6V 6))nu i) 12v d) 18V e) None of these 5. Considerthe circuit below. 50st I 000fI D C How doesthe voltagedifferencebetweenpointsA and C compareto the voltagedifferencebetweenpoints A and D? a. Vnc ( Ven b. Vec = Vln c. Vac ) Vrn 6. A current of I = L0 The the circuit from the left and exists on the right [R = istor at the bottom is: 30ol. qsu? REO/) a. 1 2 4 b. 1 0 A q 7. /: 6A 5A 4A When the current through the 10-Q resistor equals lrc= 2 A, The battery voltage is: a. b. c. d. /;) 20v 30v 40v 50v 70v 7o,/ t0 '2t+: zgv Jr4 : '# ,, q4 t- -tdrn L ,24 *r4 t?fr *Qfr= 104 8. Considerthe circuit below. t+ ,*{4y b? - F ) t/ n rl t- ' R ' D C Which resistorhasthe greatestpowerconsumption? /'."'\ LiD/ b) c) d) e) (' P=f,P 5o,f26o W f{ the 50 C) resistor the l0 C) resistor the 1000O resistor the 50 O and 10 f) resistors All havethe samepower A three-way light bulb, wired as shown,is installedin a 120V socket. If the two filamentsare I l0W and 85W, what is the equivalentresistanceof the entirelight bulb whenboth switchesareclosed? nO V A. 83.2c) B. 82.3ct >. 9 ) 73 .8o D. 300.3c) E . 0 .0 1 4 o D /oaa /1s tQ cia,a,Va,-< t o L t- 10. vJ ?dpht( 000 fi 9. lO 'l C&tnpaa A capacitorhasa dielectricwith rc: 2 betweenthe plates. The capacitoris first charged. The batteryis kept connectedat all times. Whennow the dielectricis removed, A) B) C) D) E) 4 k(o\/ U =') V, F =) ?, the energydoubles,the voltagedropsto Y, andthe chargedropsto % the energydropsto Y+,thevoltagestaysconstantandthe chargedropsto the energystaysconstant,the voltagedoublesand the chargedropsto % the energydropsto Yz, the voltagestaysconstantandthe chargedropsto the energydoubles,the voltagedoublesandthe chargeremainsconstant tzJ va4.\ f0f? J*or e#'6** R1 :4 f) R2=2f) R3=1f) AVB"r:40V How does the power dissipated in each of the 4 resistorscompare? Pt : Pz: Pg 11. .l lrl- /1; @ b) c) d) e) t2. rq*rn4 { / pt*. 4r{ t: tc Bat. I 1:2:4 '1. :4:1.6 4:2:1. 1 " 6: 4 : 1 , 1,:1":'1" R1 R1-4O 4rL/t \a.r'Z 74 )\ t* .( R2=2c) I L ( R3=1O AVe"t:40 V How does the power dissipated in each of the 4 resistorscompare? Pr : Pz: Pg f >2., =-(* Bat. t a) L: 2:4 b ) 1 . :4 : 1 . 6 n,2 : ' l Cg d) 16 : 4 : 1 , e) L: L:1 13. G, The capacitors(6F and lF) are connectedin seriesto a battery. How does the energy stored on the 2 capacitols compare? a. fJor = urr b. Uor=6Urr uu*=1/6rJrc G -'d. Uor= 36Urr e. rJor= 7/361Jrc 74. rt 2a4'il e /t U, (/,r A*f d t- &' ( T / C utet t /* L il ll lr A capacitor storescharge Q at a potential difference LV.If the voltage applied by a battery to the capacitor is doubled to 2LV, which of the following happens? a) b) c) d) the capacitanceremains the sameand the charge doubles the capacitancefalls to half its initial value and the chargeremains the same the capacitanceand the chargeboth double the capacitanceand the chargeboth fall to half their initial values |ne tudr4 eh Pa, P vttuf /f 15. D-- trl I Two capacitorsare identical.They canbe connectedin seriesor in parallel.If you want | the smallestequivalentcapacitancefor the combinationohow do you connectthem? 6 5 i"series ln parallel c) eitherway; the combinationshavethe samecapacitance
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