SPRING 2015 “Bandvulc Plus+ delivers the goods for dot.com major home delivery networks…” Bandvulc Plus+, the tyre management division of the Bandvulc Group, has been successful in being awarded the tyre supply and management agreement for a number of major dot. com home delivery fleets. The arrangements will see Bandvulc Plus+ managing the these dot.com fleets across the whole of the UK including Northern Ireland. At Bandvulc we believe in the complete adaptability of our business to meet the needs of our customers. For these contracts Bandvulc has designed a service that will meet the requirements of large multi-site operations. New arrangements have been agreed with our supply network BANDVULC KEY PARTNERS. This will ensure that each Dot. com home is reliably serviced. “We’re used to supplying large LGV operations and the service levels we achieve are exemplary. The dot.com van operations presented us with some new challenges, from the service requirements to the stocking and delivery of product, which we have managed with our new tyre partners, comments Phil West for Bandvulc. Bandvulc’s customers knew, considering the nature and scale of their fleet operations, that any change of supplier required serious review. Bandvulc Plus+ provided the evidence and the commitment to change the direction of these dot. com home delivery businesses and ensured it submitted a highly competitive offer using its already established network of suppliers who deal with the LGV operations. BANDVULC LOOKS FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU TO THEIR STAND AT THE 2015 CV SHOW At this year’s CV Show we will be showcasing Bandvulc’s new tyre products and Bandvulc Plus+ fleet services. We will be on hand to talk you through how Bandvulc can help your business and why our fleet management, BV Plus+, controls 2/3rd’s of the UK’s supermarket activity. See pages 4/5 for more information. MORE INSIDE... New Premises & MT Awards P2 Evans Transport Contract P3 CV Show P4&5 New Product News P6 Transaid & Sedex P7 Bandvulc News & Team P8 BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group NEW MOVE WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY... FOR BANDVULC GROUP Bandvulc Group Acquires New 38,000 Sq. Ft. Premises in Lutterworth, Leics “We have used the Bandvulc Wastemaster tyre on our expanding fleet of refuse collection vehicles for a long time and we are impressed with the results. We have seen a reduction in tyre damage and a measurable benefit in increased tyre life due to its unique design and reinforced sidewall.” Michael Steffe, Transport Manager TOR2 Limited Bandvulc has made the strategic move to consolidate Tyre Maintenance Ltd. Lutterworth and a new distribution hub into one location at the heart of many of its customers. Providing additional space for Tyre Maintenance to expand while enabling Bandvulc Tyres to change its distribution dynamics will result in greater efficiency with reduced stem mileage alongside environmental savings. Tony Mailling, Operations Director, BVG comments; “This will reduce our overall mileage and improve service and delivery to our Midland-based clients. Over the next six months BVG will invest in this location as a major centre to work alongside its established distribution warehouses in Wigan and Plymouth. Patrick O’Connell, MD, BVG comments; “This is a significant investment for the Group and one we are sure will pay back as we continue to grow and diversify the Group’s activities”. 2015 will see Bandvulc support the Motor Transport Awards for its sixth consecutive year. We will be sponsoring the Partnership Award which is in place to recognise genuine partnerships between operators and customers; two or more operators working together; or operators working with suppliers or consultants. To win or to be shortlisted for a Motor Transport Awards, demonstrates a business has reached the very highest standard in that category, as judged by leading experts. In such challenging times it has never been so important for businesses to prove to customers that they are the best. The Motor Transport Awards gives businesses the opportunity to show the industry what they are made of and what they stand for. Receiving an award can raise awareness of individual businesses in the transport industry P2 and help them to win new business by having a competitive edge. Patrick O’Connell, Managing Director at Bandvulc, said: “We are very proud to be supporting the awards for the sixth consecutive year. Bandvulc’s sponsorship of the Partnership Award fits perfectly with what we at Bandvulc strive for everyday and that is forming partnerships with our key partners, customers & suppliers in order to deliver excellence through the supply chain.” “Evans Transport agrees new commercial terms with Bandvulc…” Evans Transport, a family owned company of over 150 tractors and 200 trailers,, based in North Devon with locations nationwide, have agreed new commercial terms with the Bandvulc Group for the supply and management of its fleet nationwide. Nigel Evans, Managing Director – Evans Transport Ltd, comments; “We’ve been using Bandvulc for a number of years now and, having trialled other brands extensively, we find their overall package to be excellent value. It’s important that not only the product performs to expectations but that the service and responses are equally positive. Bandvulc deliver in all areas of their business and we’re pleased to have them as suppliers. Bandvulc has a long and proud history of evolving and growing with clients to offer personalised tyre, fleet & call management solutions for commercial logistic operations. Innovation and investment, both in people and technology, has made us a key partner and supplier for small, privately owned companies right through to national blue chip fleets. “The increased tyre life of the Wastemaster is an integral component of our in house tyre management policy.” Steve Cornfield, Service Manager TOR2 Workshops. “By using the BIG-D we have gained an extra 20% - 30% tyre life on our double drive axle tractor units, we need a tyre that can endure all kinds of terrain, provide traction and resist damage. The BIG-D fits the bill perfectly.” Phil & Jon Rowell, Directors – Nicholas Rowell Haulage Ltd We operate a diverse range of fleet from standard trucking 6x2 and tri-axles to complicated hi-habs and specialist equipment, hence the product and service to meet our needs and requirements have to be first class. The Motor Transport Awards will be taking place on the 1st July 2015 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London and we look forward to updating you on the winners and runners up following the awards. Bandvulc’s delivery of services is seamless, accurate and timely, all of which makes our jobs a lot less complicated and enables us to get on with our core business”, adds Nigel. MORE PERFORMANCE... MORE THAN A TYRE. P3 BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group “Bandvulc has a host of new and exciting products & services being launched at this year’s CV Show…” Then to add to this we will have our brand new product brochures for you to flick through, making it easier for you to see the most relevant product for your business and see all our new products. Next up we have a host of new tyre products that are launching at this year’s CV Show. These new products will deliver more efficiency & more mileage, whilst being more focused on the needs of your business and by using the latest tread designs and compound developed in-house at Bandvulc Mixing, these new products will continue to place Bandvulc at the forefront of retread innovation, quality and safety. The plans at Bandvulc throughout this year are expansive and will see the business grow into other tyre and non-tyre areas of the delivery supply chain. Our success in 2014 and organic growth objectives have led us to explore other opportunities with our existing client base; all of this brings exciting challenges. Our independence also allows us to consider and benchmark all new tyre manufacturers so that we achieve the best and most cost-effective solution for our clients. This invaluable as it P4 allows flexibility across a range of products & services. and potential customers has clarity. So let us just give you a small snippet of what you can expect to see from Bandvulc at the CV show this year... You will notice from the moment you see our stand at the CV Show that we have worked hard to deliver messages that are relevant to our audience. This includes a brand new promotional video which demonstrates our diversity in the products we offer & the customers we care for. Firstly, the most obvious change for Bandvulc is our ‘look & feel’. We have embarked on a journey to ensure that everything we offer at Bandvulc for our existing customers MORE PERFORMANCE... An Extensive Range. Providing Improved Mileage. Increased Fuel Efficiency. Greater Durability. MORE RESPONSIVE... MORE SUPPORT... Proactive fleet management with added value services. Focused cost control and management information. 24 hours, 365 days a year in-house contact centre. Focused cost control and management information. 24 hours, 365 days a year in-house contact centre, offering specialist support with full disaster recovery backup. Trusted by Time Sensitive Fleets. MORE THAN A TYRE. MORE THAN A TYRE. Come and see us at the CV Show on STAND 4J90 Come and see us at the CV Show on STAND 4J90 Come and see us at the CV Show on STAND 4J90 @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup BANDVULC.com Bandvulc Brochure - Landmaster 4pp.indd 1 Bandvulc Group This new and exciting range of products and services can be seen at this year’s CV Show and we’ll be on hand to talk you through anything you need to know about the Bandvulc Group. Bandvulc has a long and proud history of evolving and growing with clients to offer personalised tyre, fleet & call management solutions for commercial logistic operations. Bandvulc Group 17/03/2015 13:32:18 MORE PERFORMANCE... Finally, at this year’s CV Show BV Plus+ will launch its Van Fleet Business Support Package, this will clearly demonstrate that BV Plus+ is adapting its package offer across its operation and that of the tyre industry – changing methods and processes along the way – evolving positively. “Our business cares about its customers and how it performs, this is one of the leading differentials to that of its main competitors”, comments Graham Mitchell, the new BV Plus+ Commercial Director. “It’s sometimes difficult to demonstrate a service package advantage but we at BV Plus+, in challenging the standard, have evolved solutions which do bring added value and tangible savings to our customers”, he adds. @BandvulcGroup BANDVULC.com Bandvulc Brochure-Supply Chain 12pp.indd 1 @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group 18/03/2015 16:21:31 MORE PERFORMANCE... BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group Bandvulc Brochure-Waste Tipper 12pp.indd 1 18/03/2015 13:55:51 Innovation and investment, both in people and technology, has made us a key partner and supplier for small, privately owned companies right through to national blue chip fleets. So please feel free to come along and have a coffee with us at Hall 4/Stand 4J90 to find out more. Proactive fleet management with added value services. MORE THAN A TYRE. BANDVULC.com MORE PERFORMANCE... Patrick O’Connell says; “Bandvulc is excited about the new range of products it will be bringing to the market. Without the people involved in the projects bringing their skills and knowledge together, none of this would be possible”. At Bandvulc the product & services range continues to grow which, combined with the delivery of services across the Group, means Bandvulc have an industry-leading offering which we believe will give even greater value for its clients throughout 2015. At Bandvulc we know that the customer can be many people in the supply chain and it is equally important that we deliver the ‘Bandvulc Experience’ at every level, from the supply channel to the end-user. We never stop evolving and we have to continue delivering quality in everything we do. LANDMASTER™ BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup Bandvulc Group MORE RESPONSIVE... MORE THAN A TYRE. P5 BANDVULC.com @BandvulcGroup “Large van tyre retreads are as good as new…” VanVulc Bandvulc are celebrating the success of their VanVulc large van retread, as following two years of intense development Bandvulc have now received certification to prove the product is as good as new. All retreads must undergo a Reg 54 drum test, this is done to ensure that they are tested to the same drum test standard as a new tyre and therefore receive an ‘E mark’, but Bandvulc have gone three steps better than that. While the slightly baffling European law means a retread cannot get a certification number for Wet Skid, Rolling Resistance and snow & ice testing, there is nothing to stop you passing the tests. With a Wetskid and Rolling resistance value tested at Idiada in Spain (A European recognised testing house) the VanVulc product has met premium new tyre values. Tested in Finland the product received a pass for the Three Peaks Snowflake test to be approved as a winter tyre. Patrick O’Connell Bandvulc MD “This is a real achievement for a product that some said would never work, but we asked, why not when they retread aircraft tyres? To deliver a Van retread product that meets the targets of fuel saving, safety and passes the winter tyre test is a great result for the technical team at Bandvulc”. Bandvulc are already working on the VanVulc 2 which they are aiming to show at the CV show this April. This new product will challenge the concept of what a Van retread is today and will be designed to meet the growing needs of the home delivery sector, an area in which Bandvulc has already succeeded in winning new contracts inclusive of the VanVulc brand. Bandvulc Group HOT OFF THE PRESS NEW TYRE ROLL OUT Plans are well underway for the launch of Bandvulc’s new range for 2015. These new products will bring further fuel saving with enhanced mileage and, using the latest tread designs and compound developed in-house at Bandvulc Mixing, will continue to place Bandvulc at the forefront of retread innovation, quality and safety. 295/80R22.5 152/148K & 315/70R22.5 154/150K FUELMASTER BF05 SPEC: 16mm tread depth. WHY: To offer the customer a new and innovative Drive Fuel tyre focused primarily on reducing rolling resistance while retaining good grip performance. DESIGN: New, bespoke directional design, centre block configuration with tie-bar supported shoulder design. To be used with BV Mixing’s latest fuel efficiency compound. BDR2 315/70R22.5 154/150 RegioMaster BDR2 315/70R22.5 SPEC: Tractor Drive Axle & 21mm tread depth WHY: The BDR2 is a drive axle 315/70R22.5 designed for the expansion in the use of this size in the UK. This size replaces the 295/80R22.5 on many new vehicles, so it is important we have a good range of products. DESIGN: The design uses the BVHex 3D sipe to reduce tread block movement and provide a lower rolling resistance. These are in addition to the Group’s new venture into van tyre production for the dot. com market - the Vanvulc 2. Development of an urban bus range, along with an expansion of the 315/70R22.5 pattern range completes the plans for 2015. All manufactured at Bandvulc’s industry-leading facility with continuous investment in bespoke processes to drive retread retread innovation forward. Patrick O’Connell says; “Bandvulc is excited about the new range of products it will be bringing to the market. Without the people involved in the projects bringing their skills and knowledge together, none of this would be possible”. P6 Transaid Showcase MORE SUPPORT... Held in November 2014 Transaid’s annual showcase was attended by Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal who praised the life-saving work of this international development charity after the organisation revealed it is now delivering more programmes in more countries to help improve road safety than ever before. As patron of the charity, The Princess Royal addressed a room of transport and logistics professionals - including Bandvulc’s Patrick and Richard O’Connell. Richard O’Connell was also a guest speaker and commenced with a brief account of how Bandvulc came into being. He then explained how and why the Group became involved with Transaid as a Founding Member some 15 years ago. Richard: “I learnt that each year thousands of healthy people were needlessly killed on the roads of Africa. Why?- because of poor vehicle maintenance and driver training. Transaid planned to address this, not by donating money, but by donating transport and engineering experts who could donate knowledge and training. It is only natural to associate the medical and emergency services with saving lives. Transaid appeared to be an opportunity for engineers to have some influence in extending life expectancy in less well off countries than our own”. organisation in the country that provides commercial vehicle driver training. The company has also supported initiatives such as Transaid’s sticker campaign in Northern Nigeria which encouraged drivers to check tyre pressures. Additional support is given closer to home with annual fundraising events such as cream teas, pasty day, hog roasts and caption competitions, etc. In recent years Bandvulc has also supported and participated in two Transaid cycle rides: London to Paris in October 2012 and then a 335km London to Amsterdam in 2013. Bandvulc’s pedal power raised just under £10,000. Richard is a member of Transaid’s Professional Driver Training Consortium. In 2012 he went on a grass roots visit to Tanzania with the Consortium to provide help and advice to the National Institute of Transport (NIT) in Dar es Salaam, the only A tyre industry first... A global ethical approach to business is critically important to all types of businesses and manufacturing companies within the food & clothing sectors have been aware of this standard for some time, but some retailers now feel they need to extend this reach to their suppliers within the transport industry, including tyre & tyre management suppliers such as Bandvulc. SEDEX is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. As the largest collaborative platform for sharing ethical supply chain data, SEDEX is an innovative and effective supply chain management solution, helping you to reduce risk, protect your company reputation and improve supply chain practices. ethical performance of global supply chains SEDEX allows its members to store, share and report on information in four key areas; Labour Standards, Health & Safety, The Environment and Business Ethics. The great news is that Bandvulc is now a member of SEDEX. Our involvement with SEDEX and this sharing of information was initiated by our customers Tesco and as a result we at Bandvulc believe we are the first transport industry supplier to become compliant. A Bandvulc representative said “We feel that it is important to maintain an ethical approach to everything that we do here at Bandvulc so becoming a member of SEDEX is great for us as it clearly demonstrates to our customers and potential customers what it means to us”. SEDEX has two main aims, the first is to ease the burden on suppliers facing multiple audits, questionnaires and certifications and secondly to drive improvements in the MORE THAN A TYRE. P7 BANDVULC.com Team BANDVULC We continue to celebrate a high number of employees receiving long service awards and we’ve also seen three employees retire from the company following more than 108 years’ of service between them. Congratulations to Retirees: Will Sloman, Casing Manager – 41 years Ken Hole, HGV Driver – 33 years Peter Symons, Local Sales & Distribution – 34 years Congratulations to Long Service Personnel: 40 Years Will Sloman, Casing Manager 35 Years Corby Goodall, Business Development Director 30 Years Tony Bowman, HGV Driver 25 Years Bill Herbert, Tyre Buffing Operator Mike Kendall, Press Gang (Night Shift) Reg Souch, Warehouse Manager Wilson Haswell, Tyre Preparation (Night Shift) 20 Years Albert Hansford, Camelot (Night Shift) Andy Haughey, HGV Driver Jane Fussell, Director John Griffiths Jnr, HGV Driver, Wigan Malcolm Leach, Tyre Preparation Russell Harris, Press Gang Steve Welch, Tyre Buffing Operator “Each year we see more and more people reach significant milestones in their time at Bandvulc. They have built up a great deal of expertise in their areas and are key in ensuring Bandvulc maintains and enhances its reputation for quality and safety. A big Thank You to them for their years of loyal service”. John O’Connell, Chairman. P8 @BandvulcGroup SMARTER FLOORING Bandvulc Group New Robotics During autumn 2014 work commenced on sand blasting and painting an area of floor as a trial. Green was used for walkways and grey for process areas. This performed very well and now some 60-70% of the main production area has been completed. Walkways are clearly delineated and there is an overall uniformity of just the two colours, giving a much smarter appearance. The new Pick and Place Robot has been installed in the warehouse. The project has been a collaboration between the BV Projects Team and an outside supplier. BV Projects manufactured the conveyor system that feeds the robot, erected the fencing and installed the services. The Pick and Place Robot is designed to unload the casings from the in-feed conveyor, stack on the floor area in press sequence, and then load the out-feed conveyor from upstream demand enabling single piece flow in the factory. Following a phase of programming and testing this fully automated system was commissioned at the end of February. NEW SIDEPLATE DESIGNS Alongside new tyre products coming on line for 2015, the sideplates are being given a facelift as well. This is one of the first ones drafted and all will incorporate Bandvulc’s unique IoB (Information on Board) introduced last year. As well as clearly displaying the regrooving information, new icons have been incorporated to highlight productunique aspects, such as endurance and fuel saving in compound and tread pattern. MORE TO COME... REVIEW OF THE CV SHOW MOTOR TRANSPORT AWARDS NEW PRODUCTS BANDVULC NEWS CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS MORE THAN A TYRE.
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