EXHIBITOR’S MANUAL BANFF MAR ATHO N SPO RT EXPO JUNE 20 & 21, 2015 CENTRAL PARK, BANFF EXHIBITO R’S MANUAL 05 WELCOME EXHIBITOR SITE RENTAL SPACE/SERVICES: Thanks for being part of the Banff Marathon Sport Expo. The Expo will be well promoted to the participants, their families and the community of Banff. The expo is expected to attract over 10,000 people. We strongly encourage sampling and free demonstrations to make the expo as interactive as possible. Included in the basic rental fee is: Beautiful Banff Central Park is already the centre of activity in Banff, and will be even more so on race weekend with all of the event activities taking place here. The Sport Expo will include race package pick-up for the participants, a live stage show with clinics and entertainment, the Kid’s Run, the Pre-Race athlete meeting, the Banff Park Museum, and the start and finish of the race! The following information is your guide as an exhibitor for participation in the Expo. ORGANIZER’S CONTACT INFO: BANFF MARATHON Tel: (250) 744-3648 info@banffmarathon.com EXPO HOURS: SATURDAY 12noon – 5pm SUNDAY 8am – 4pm *All vendors must be setup prior to 7:30am on Sunday (Race Day) LOAD IN/LOAD OUT TIMES: LOAD IN FRIDAY 3:00pm – 6:00pm SATURDAY 9:00am – 11:00am SUNDAY* 6:30am - 7:30am LOAD OUT SUNDAY (Race Day) 4:00pm – 6:00pm *It is preferred is exhibitioners do not load in on Race Day. Parking and unloading space for vendors unloading on Sunday morning cannot be guaranteed. Vendors are encouraged to unload equipment on Friday or Saturday. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (SEE FORMS) The Terms and Conditions Form must be signed and returned to event office to confirm expo spot. - 10’ x 10’ designated area (outdoors) 1 table 1 chair Daily aisle cleaning and garbage removal Pre-event promotion of your company at the expo Additional space and other services (ie. tent, power) are available for designated fees Please complete the attached Exhibitor Rental Form and Email ASAP to info@banffmarathon.com PAYMENT POLICY: All payments must be received in order to confirm your spot and be eligible for pre-race promotion. Credit card or company cheque payments may be used: Please make cheques payable to: Banff Marathon Inc. 5401 Hamsterly Road Victoria, BC, V8Y 1S4 BOOTH/SPACE ASSIGNMENT: The event assigns booth/spaces on a first come first served priority with sponsors having first selection. Adjustments may be necessary to provide maximum utilization of space for 10’ x 10’ tents. No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted without the knowledge and consent of the EXPO Director. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to inform the EXPO Director, in writing, a list of all products and/ or services offered to the public at the show. The event reserves the right to omit and disallow products and services that may detract or be objectionable. CANCELLATION: Once an application has been accepted and space has been booked, any cancellation must be in writing. Cancellations will be accepted until May 1 st but will be subject to a 25% administration fee. Exhibitors will be liable for any unpaid booth rates if cancellation is not received prior to that date. NO REFUNDS after May 1st. ONSITE BRANDING: All onsite branding must be pre-approved by the EXPO Director. Please provide a list of banners, tents, flags, or other event branding you wish to bring. PRODUCT EXCLUSIVITY: Each exhibitor is allowed only one product or service per application, unless otherwise negotiated. In addition, as part of sponsorship rights granted by the Banff Marathon, some companies are given ‘exclusivity’ for their products. We will inform you of any potential conflicts in this regard however if you have a product that you feel may conflict, please disclose this to us. Exclusivity includes all printed material, posted material (such as signs, banners, etc) and verbal sales. We appreciate your acceptance of this and all of our rules. Please call (250) 744-3648 for verification of your product or e-mail info@banffmarathon.com EXHIBITO R’S MANUAL BOOTH PRESENTATION: IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY: It is essential that your booth presents a polished, professional image. We ask that each exhibitor make every effort to have display materials prepared by experienced professionals. Paper or hands written signs are not permitted. Please take note that in case of an emergency you can dial BANFF EMERGENCY NUMBER 911 Race Director: (403) 978 6788 EXPO Director: (403) 678 8487 Display booths and other exhibits shall not be placed in such a manner as to interfere with sight line and other exhibits. Any constructed exhibit booth in excess of 4 (four) feet in height must be kept within 4 feet of rear of booth This guideline must be followed so that no booth will interfere with other exhibits to the right or left of it. FIRST AID: Exhibitors must staff their booth space for the full hours of the expo (unless previous arrangements made with Event Coordinator). Please note that Exhibits must be in place until closing hours to the public. Dismantling is permitted only after the expo has closed. All Exhibits must be completely removed within the Load-Out period and garbage disposed of as per the Banff Marathon Sustainability Guidelines. The Banff Marathon is not responsible for items left at the Expo. No loud speakers will be allowed on the exhibit floor. In cases where a product demonstration is being used, the sound must be subdued to such an extent as to ensure it’s having no reasonable nuisance effect on neighbouring exhibitors. The event reserve the right to ban or discontinue the use of amplified sound at any exhibitor booth space. TENT ASSEMBLY/REQUIREMENTS: First aid is available from the First Aid Station located inside the finish corral. If more information is needed please contact the Expo Director or the event Medical Director. SAFETY: Safety markings (flagging, railings etc) must be placed on any projection or other objects where attendees could injure themselves. Operating equipment and other objects, which might cause bodily harm, must be adequately safeguarded. Cables of any kind must have the proper covering in order to avoid trip hazards. Storage of any inflammable material is strictly forbidden. Do not cut drapery, poke holes etc. in the tents or you will be invoiced for the damage. SECURITY: On-site Security will be provided on Friday and Saturday evenings from 6pm-6am. The event assumes no responsibility for the loss for any articles at any time. We strongly recommend that any valuable items are secured off site for the evening. Please note that no stakes can be place into the ground. All tents must be properly weighted by exhibitor. Please note that Banff can be subject to extreme winds and weather so please plan for sufficient weighting and waterproofing. Inflatables MUST be prior approved with EXPO Director. FIRE REGULATIONS: DELIVERIES: Banff National Park is home to many different wonderful species of wildlife. It is critical that NO FOOD, DRINK OR GARBAGE be left in the expo overnight. These items are strong attractants to wildlife which we would much prefer to keep out of the EXPO during the night so we don’t have any surprises in the morning! Any third party deliveries must be approved and coordinated with the Expo Director. Any deliveries or load-ins that are large or require special care should also be coordinated with the Expo Director. STORAGE: Exhibitors must meet all fire regulations as stipulated for Banff Central Park by the Town of Banff and Parks Canada. WILDLIFE GUIDELINES: There is no on-site storage. VEHICLES AND PARKING: LABOUR: There is no designated on-site parking. Vendors will be permitted (first come, first served) parking stalls on Bow Ave. Please discuss with EXPO Director upon arrival for closest location. Banff Marathon does not supply any manpower in unloading or trucks and movement of exhibits or displays to and from exhibits area. However, Banff Marathon will supply limited equipment (dollies, carts, etc.) to bring event supplies and equipment to Expo site. PARK ADMISSION: Each vendor will need to purchase and display a valid park pass for the time they are in Banff National Park. Park passes can be purchased online: https://parkpass.banfflakelouise.com/ EXHIBITO R’S MANUAL SELLING GUIDELINES: FOOD & BEVERAGE EXHIBITORS: Exhibitors are permitted to sell packaged products from their booths with the exception of the Exclusive listed products. Exhibitors must obtain a Banff Business License or be working in conjunction with a Banff Business License in order to sell products or services. Applications are available at: http://www.banff.ca/index.aspx?NID=669 Enclosed are the guidelines/rules & regulations provided by Alberta Health Services. All food vendors must complete the Temporary Food Booth Application attached. Food and Beverage Exhibitors must also have approval from Alberta Heath and a valid Banff Business License. INSURANCE: Entry into the loading areas is at the Exhibitor’s risk and neither the event nor the Banff Marathon will assume responsibility for personal injury due to accidents of any cause whatsoever. Management and staff wish to assure all Exhibitors that every precaution is taken to safeguard exhibits. The event will assume no responsibility for the safety of exhibits against robbery, fire, damage, and accidents or for any cause whatsoever, either during move-in, event or move out periods. In all cases, Exhibitors must insure their own goods and exhibits against any such loss. The exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the event from all liability that might ensue from any cause whatsoever. Please attach a Certificate of Insurance for $2,000,000.00 per occurrence, public liability and property damage, naming the Exhibitor, and as Additional Insured including Banff Marathon Inc as follows: “Banff Marathon Inc., their Directors and employees, and all affiliates and subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by Banff Marathon Inc.” US EXHIBITORS: WATER / ICE: All food sampling should be served in individual containers and meet Alberta Health Services regulations. Please complete the waiver attached and return to the EXPO Director. Cooking with gas is preferred (BBQ, etc). There may be limited electrical power capacities. Please include any power requirements in your application. ADHESIVE TAPE AND SIGNAGE: Please consult with the EXPO Director before attaching, pinning or stapling decorations, signs, etc. to walls and surfaces of the tables and tents provided. All materials must be removed upon closing of the event. Tape that leaves a residue upon removal or is not easily removable (especially two-sided tape) is not to be used. The exhibitor is responsible for any removal/cleaning and/or repair costs, which may arise if improper adhesives are used or if prior authorization is not obtained. No cutting, hole making etc. permitted on draping. Either the Licensee or event patrons may not place self stick decals or similar promotional items on any surface of the EXPO. The exhibitor will be charged with the removal and cleaning costs which may arise if improper adhesives are used. US Exhibitors are able to attend the show with their product, however they are restricted by Canada Customs to display their products ONLY (no selling) or pay duties on all saleable goods. US Retailers-Please be aware of Canada Custom Policies on Shipping Goods into Canada. You may be charged duty for shipping display items -brochures. Please ensure this is billed to your organization and not to the event. DRAWS & PRIZES: SUSTAINABILITY: Automated Teller Machines can be found with 100m of the Sport Expo at the CIBC Bank and Bank of Montreal both located at or near the intersection of Bow Ave and Banff Avenue. The Banff Marathon is an extraordinary event. Hosted in the Banff National Park, which is Canada’s first national park, it provides a wonderful platform to display an integrated effort towards achieving the Greenest Marathon in the world. Utilizing the predisposition that a town like Banff has towards environmentally sensitivity as a friendly authority having jurisdiction the Banff Marathon will seek to engage and display the “Best Practices” in the world of sustainability. Specific duties and responsibilities of Exhibitors are in the “terms and conditions”. ADMISSION TO EXPO: No fee will be charged to the participants or the public for attending the Sport Expo. If you plan on having draw prizes at your booth or are donating draw prizes to the Athlete Awards Ceremony or Volunteer Recognition Party, you are required to submit the Draw Prize Form. If you organizing your own draw, you will be required to submit a list of winners once your draw has taken place. CASH: TELEPHONE/ INTERNET SERVICE: Telephone lines are not available at the Sport Expo site. Internet Wi-Fi is also not available at the Sport Expo although an internet hub/Wi-Fi is being explored. All major mobile phone companies have service in Banff and at the Sport Expo site. FORMS ATTACHED: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Exhibitor Registration/Rental (mandatory) Terms and Conditions (mandatory) Prize Give Away (if necessary) Temporary Food Booth (if necessary) Check-List (please check) Expo Site Plan (for your review) FORM: EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION/RENTAL QTY STANDARD CHARITY TOTAL PRICE PRICE DESCRIPTION 10’ x 10’ Designated Space (incl. 1 table & 1 chair) - Official Event Sponsor Preferred Booth Number or Expo Area: $175 $0 $125 $0 Inclusion in Athlete Race Bag (Electronic/Virtual) - Official Event Sponsor Inclusion in Athlete Race Bag if renting 10’ x 10’ Designated Space (Discounted Price) $300 $0 $150 $0 $200 $100 10’ x 10’ Tent Rental 10’ x 20’ Tent Rental Additional Table Rental Additional Chair Rental $150 $200 $15 $5 $150 $200 $15 $5 Electrical Power Internet / WiFi – Not currently available – check back Telephone – Not currently available $50 N/A N/A $50 N/A N/A ADDITIONAL SERVICE/RENTALS: (GST) Subtotal GST 5% TOTAL PAYMENT METHODS E-mail of Fax completed form to: BANFF MARATHON info@banfmarathon.com Fax: 1- 866-287-9465 Company Name for Receipt: _________________________________________________________ o Visa o Cheque o Card #: __________________________________________ Name on Card: ____________________________________________________________________ Expiry Date:______________________Signature:________________________________________ If paying by cheque, please make payable to Banff Marathon Inc. and mail to (Banff Marathon, 5401 Hamsterly Road, Victoria, BC, V8Y 1S4). Payment is required before your booth space can be confirmed. T E R M S & C OFORM: N D I T I O NTERMS S & CONDITIONS 1.Banff Marathon Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Expo”) agrees to provide, on request and subject to application approval, a standard exhibit booth without additional cost to the Exhibitor. (1 table plus 1 chair). 2. It is agreed that the space shall not be sublet without written permission of the Expo (one product or service per booth / sponsorship only). 3. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by all regulations and rules adopted by the Expo in the best interest of the Expo, and agree that the Expo shall have the final decision in adopting any rule or regulation deemed necessary prior to, during and after the Expo. 4. The Exhibitor will hold the Expo, the Event and all personnel harmless from any damage, expenses or liability, arising from any injury or damage to said Exhibitor, his agents, servants or employees or to the property of said Exhibitor or occurring in the said building or the approaches and entrances thereto, except by negligence of the Expo and the personnel. 5. If the Exhibitor fails to comply with and respect the terms of this Agreement, all rights of the Exhibitors hereunder shall cease and terminate. Any payment made by the Exhibitor on account hereof will be retained by the Expo as liquidated damages for breach of his/her contract and the Expo may thereupon rent said space. 6 The Expo reserves the right to reject or prohibit exhibits or exhibitors, which the Expo considers objectionable or to relocate exhibits or exhibitors when, in the Expo’s opinion, such moves are necessary to maintain the character and/or good order of the Expo. 7. The Exhibitor’s property shall be placed on display and exhibited at his/her risk and the Expo assumes no responsibility for loss or damage thereto. The Exhibitor shall assume all responsibility for loss or damage to his/her property due to fire, theft, flood, lightning, earthquake, explosion, or any cause beyond the control of the Expo. 8. The Exhibitor agrees that no display may be dismantled or goods removed during the entire run of the Expo, but will remain intact until the closing hour of the last day of the Expo. The Exhibitor also agrees to remove his/her exhibit, equipment and any other property from the Expo building by the final move out time limit, or in the event of failure to do so, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for such additional costs as may be incurred. 9. In the event the building should be destroyed by fire or the elements, or if any circumstances whatsoever should occur which might make it impossible for the Expo to permit Exhibitors to occupy the premises, or if the Expo is cancelled, The Exhibitor shall pay for space only for the period the space was, or could have been, occupied by such Exhibitors, and the Expo will be in no way responsible for any claims or damage, which might arise in consequence thereto. A refund of all monies received from the Exhibitor will be made by the Expo in the event of this Expo not being held as proposed, and the Expo shall be released from any and all claims for damage or otherwise. 10. The Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused to building floors, walls, or columns, or to standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors may not apply, paint, lacquer, adhesive, other coating to floors or to standard booth equipment, no cutting or stapling to drapes. 11. The Exhibitor shall undertake to maintain qualified personnel in his/her display during Expo hours and will limit the number of his/her representatives to three per booth at any given time. 12. The Exhibitor will assume responsibility for obtaining proper licenses for vending their products in the Expo Building, and labeling those products in accordance with the law. The Exhibitor will hold the Vancouver International Marathon Society harmless from any damage or loss received due to the Exhibitor’s failure to secure proper licensing and labeling for his/her products. 13. There are NO REFUNDS for any reason (except for clause 9) on any payments made to the Vancouver International Marathon Society if the Exhibitor wishes to cancel after April 1, 2008. 14. The exhibitor will ensure that they, their staff and all representatives of their company while at the Banff Marathon are compliant with the TZW goals, the TZW Accreditation program, the green power program, the purchasing and procurement guide and all other introduced elements that are leading the Marathon towards the “greenest Marathon in the World”. THE FOREGOING IS AGREED IN FULL BY THE EXHIBITOR: SIGNATURE OF REPRESENTATIVE____________________________________________________ TITLE________________________________________________DATE_________________________ FORM: TEMPORARY FOOD BOOTH APPLICATION ONLY COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOUR ORGANIZATION IS SERVING FOOD ORGANIZATION_____________________________ OPERATOR (PERSON) ________________________ HOME ADDRESS _____________________________ CITY________________________________________ PROVINCE______________POSTAL CODE_______ HOME TELEPHONE __________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE_______________________ EVENT______________________________________ LOCATION__________________________________ DATES______________________________________ HOURS OF OPERATION_______________________ APPROXIMATE ATTENDANCE__________________ MENU (INCLUDING ALL BEVERAGE AND EXTRA INGREDIENTS SERVED WITH EACH ITEM) 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 1. METHOD OF COOKING (IF APPLICABLE). THERE IS TO BE NO PREPRATION (MIXING, SLICING, CHOPPING, ETC.) OF FOODS IN THE BOOTH. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. IF FOOD PREPARATION IS REQUIRED, NAME THE APROVED KITCHEN TO BE USED. (I.e. UNDER PERMIT) NAME (Kitchen Facility)_____________________ ADDRESS_________________________________ __________________________________________ TELEPHONE______________________________ 3. HOW WILL FOOD BE TRANSPORTED TO THE EVENT? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4. DESCRIBE THE REFRIGERATION PROVIDED IN YOUR BOOTH. ADEQUATE MECHANICAL REFRIGERATORS AND/OR FREEZERS ARE REQUIRED IN EACH BOOTH, WHERE PERISHABLE FOODS ARE SERVED AND/OR STORED. ICE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR COOLING PERISHABLE FOODS. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5. HOW WILL FOODS BE PROTECTED FROM CONTAMINATION DURING THE EVENT? (E.g. plastic wrap, sneeze guards, prepackaged, etc.) OPEN FOOD MUST NOT BE ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 6. DESCRIBE HOW FOOD WILL BE STORED IN THE BOOTH. FOOD PRODUCTS MUST NOT BE STORED ON THE FLOOR OF THE BOOTH. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 7. HOW WILL PORTABLE HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER BE SUPPLIED TO THE BOOTH? HOT AND COLD PORTABLE WATER MUST BE SUPPLIED TO ALL FOOD BOOTHS. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 8. HOW WILL YOU DISPOSE OF YOUR (1) WASTE WATER?_____________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (2) GARBAGE? _( note – please refer to the TZW program outline) _________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 9. DESCRIBE YOUR HAND AND UTENSIL WASHING FACILITIES (e.g. sinks). LIQUID SOAP AND PAPER TOWELS REQUIRED. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 10. DESCRIBE ALL OF THE BOOTH SURFACES (WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS) AND SKETCH A FLOOR PLAN OF THE BOOTH IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. PAINTED PLYWOOD FLOORING IS REQUIRED IN ALL FOOD BOOTHS THAT ARE NOT ON SMOOTH CONCRETE OR ASPHALT. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ FORM: PRIZE GIVE-AWA Y ONLY COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOUR ORGANIZATION GIVING AWAY PRIZING Company Name Awarding Prize:____________________________________________________ Contact Name___________________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________Fax:__________________________________ E-mail:________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:________________ Province: ___________________ Postal Code:________________ Draw Prize to be promoted at Booth (please circle): YES NO Draw Prize to promoted and awarded at Athlete Awards Ceremony (donated prizing): YES NO Draw Prize to be awarded at Volunteer Recognition Party (donated prizing): YES NO Briefly describe the prize package(s):_________________________________________________ Draw Date: ____________________________ Do you require the Race Organizers to Contact the Winners? YES NO EXPO SITE PLA N !! PORTA-POTTY BOW AVENUE FENCING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS GANTRY BARRICADE TENTS HOURS OF OPERATION AT EXPO SATURDAY JUNE 20 12:00PM – 6:00PM SUNDAY JUNE 21 8:00AM – 5:00PM VIP TABLES CARIBOU STREET START BEAR STREET PACE SIGNS STAGING AREA BUFFALO STREET BUFFALO STREET 25 AID ! 18 19 22 17 24 23 FOOD PARKING LOT FINISH CHUTE - CARPET AID FINISHERS ENTER EXPO AREA HERE VOLUNTER TENT VIP AREA & VIEWING MASSAGE & REGISTRATION 20x20 (2) 10 X 10 13 16 15 14 NEW PUBLIC WASH ROOMS WATER STATION 1 2 ZERO WASTE STATION 1! GAZEBO 3 12 ! SPONSORS & EXHIBITOR AREA ST RE & TC Y H AR OG ING EA A 7 32 31 30 29 28 27 4 5 6 26 25 1! 10 9 FINISH CHUTE - CARPET POWER BOX STATION #10 PUBLIC ENTRY WAY PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 20 21 SKYFIRE ENERGY GEAR DROP & PICKUP 3(10 x 10) OPS FINISH GANTRY #9 14 FEET STATION 8 1! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TENT LEGEND Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Zero Waste Station Volunteers Massage & Registration VIP & Lifesport Marathon Retail Announcer Timing Bag Drop/Pickup Operations Communication HQ/Medical Event Storage Medals & Aid Station #10 Hydration & Finish Food Aid Station #9 Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth RECYCLE TRAILER MUSEUM FORM: CHECK LIST PLEASE COMPLETE THIS CHECKLIST Please ensure you send all the following forms to Banff Marathon Inc. by EMail or Fax. Your booth/space at the expo will not be confirmed until all relevant forms and payment have been received. E-Mail: info@banffmarathon.com Fax: 1-866-287-9465 Note: We assign booth space on a first come first serve basis. CHECKLIST ¨ Review “Banff Marathon Exhibitors Manual” ¨ Complete “Exhibitor Registration/Rental” form (mandatory) ¨ Complete “Terms and Conditions” form (mandatory) If Relevant for your organization complete the following forms: ¨ Complete “Prize Give Away” form ¨ Complete “Temporary Food Booth” form Final Steps: ¨ E-mail or fax forms to Banff Marathon Inc. ¨ Mail cheque if you have not paid by credit card on Registration Form
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