CV of Dr. Ramakrishna Damle Designation: Professor in Physics

CV of Dr. Ramakrishna Damle
Professor in Physics
M.Sc. (Mysore University)
Ph.D. (I.I.Sc., Bangalore)
Contact details:
080-2296 1483 (O)
Research Interests:
Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects on Electronic Devices
Solid State Ionics
NMR/ESR Studies in Solids
List of Publications:
1. Proton NMR Study of Molecular Dynamics in Hydrazinium Perchlorate,
K. Ganesan, R. Damle and J. Ramakrishna, Z. Naturforsch, 45a, 102-106(1990)
2. NMR study of Molecular Dynamics in Hydrazinium Phosphates,
K. Ganesan R. Damle and J. Ramakrishna , J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 51, 297-301(1990)
3. H NMR Study of Molecular Dynamics in Dihydrazinium Sulphate,
K. Ganesan, R. Damle and J. Ramakrishna , Spectrochimica Acta, 46A, 1549-1553 (1990)
4. Electron spin Resonance Study of ClO3 radicals in NH4ClO4 single crystals,
B.G. Hegde, Amit Rastogi, R. Damle, R. Chandramani and S.V. Bhat,
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 9, 3219-3226 (1997)
5. Modulation Schemes of Wide-line NMR absorption
N.Sasidhar, K.J. Mallikarjunaiah and R. Damle
J. Instrum. Soc. India, 32(1), 1-8 (2002).
6. Proton and Gamma ray Induced Gain Degradation in Bipolar Junction Transistor,
S.R. Kulkarni, Asiti Sarma, G.R. Joshi, M. Ravindra and R. Damle,
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol 158, 647-654 (2003).
7. Ionizing Radiation Induced gain Degradation in Bipolar Transistor,
S.R. Kulkarni, R. Damle, M. Ravindra and G.R. Joshi,
Journal of Spacecraft Technology, Vol 13, No.1, 44-48 (2003).
(cited in NASA’s Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports, Vol 42, Issue 4, Feb.2004, pp
8. Heavy ion testing of VLSI devices for Single Event Effects,
S.B. Umesh, G.R. Joshi, B.R. Bhat, M. Ravindra, S.R. Kulkarni and R.Damle,
Journal of Spacecraft Technology, Vol 14, 48-53 (2004).
9. Simulation of energy and fluence dependence of heavy ion induced displacement
damage factor in bipolar junction transistor,
S.R. Kulkarni, M. Ravindra, G.R. Joshi and R. Damle,
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol 159, 273-280 (2004)
10. High-energy heavy ion testing of VLSI devices for Single Event Upsets and latchup,
S.B. Umesh, S,R. Kulkarni, R. Sandhya, G.R. Joshi, R. Damle and M. Ravindra,
Bull. Mater. Sci., 18 (5), 473-476 (2005)
11. Spectroscopic and structural studies on calcium borate glasses containing V2O5
C. Narayana Reddy, R. Damle and R. V. Anavekar
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 47(1), 34-40(2006)
12. High energy electron induced gain degradation in bipolar junction transistors,
S.R. Kulkarni, M. Ravindra, G.R. Joshi and R. Damle,
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 251, 157-162 (2006).
13. DLTS study of Li-ion induced deep level defects in bipolar junction transistor
K.V. Madhu, S.R. Kulkarni, M. Ravindra and R. Damle,
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 254, 98-104 (2007)
14. Analysis of generation and annihilation of deep level defects in silicon irradiated
bipolar junction transistor
K.V. Madhu, S.R. Kulkarni, M. Ravindra and R. Damle,
Semicon. Sci. Techno. 22, 963-969 (2007)
15. Study of molecular dynamics and phase transitions in Trimethylammonium
Trichlotogermanate using 1H NMR and DSC measurements
K.J. Mallikarjunaiah, K.P. Ramesh and R.Damle
Phys. Stat. Sol (b), 244(10), 3809-3816 (2007)
16. Study of molecular reorientation and quantum rotational tunneling in
Tetramethylammonium Selenate by 1H NMR
K. J. Mallikarjunaiah, K. C. Paramita, K. P. Ramesh and R. Damle
Solid State NMR 32, 11-15 (2007).
17. H NMR study of internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling in
K.J. Mallikarjunaiah, K. Jugeshwar Singh, K.P. Ramesh and R.Damle
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 46(2), 110-114, 2007
18. I-V and DLTS study of generation and annihilation of deep level defects in Oxygenion irradiated bipolar junction transistor,
K.V. Madhu, S.R. Kulkarni, M. Ravindra and R.Damle,
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 163(11), 873-883 (2008)
19. Study of the effect of composition, irradiation and quenching on ionic conductivity in
(PEG)x:NH4NO3 solid polymer electrolyte,
R. Damle, P.N. Kulkarni and S.V. Bhat
Bulletin of Material Science, 31(6), 1-8 (2008)
20. Investigation of deep level defects in copper irradiated bipolar junction transistor,
K.V. Madhu, Ravi Kumar, M. Ravindra and R. Damle
Solid State Electronics, 52, 1237-1243 (2008)
21. Study of molecular dynamics and cross relaxation in tetramethylammonium
hexaflurophosphate (CH3)4NPF6 by 1H and 19F NMR,
K.J. Mallikarjunaiah, R. Damle and K. P. Ramesh
Solid State NMR 34, 180-185 (2008).
22. 1H and 19F NMR relaxation time studies in ((NH4)2ZrF6 superionic conductor,
K.J. Mallikarjunaiah, K. P. Ramesh and R. Damle
Applied Magnetic Resonance, 35, 449-458 (2009).
23. Study of the effect of composition, electron irradiation and quenching on ionic
conductivity in a new solid polymer electrolyte: (PEG)x NH4I,
R. Damle, P. N. Kulkarni and S. V. Bhat
Pramana- Journal of Physics, 72(3), 555-568 (2009)
24. I-V, C-V and DLTS study of 24 MeV proton irradiated bipolar junction transistor
K.V. Madhu, S.R. Kulkarni and R. Damle
Pramana-Journal of Physics, 74(1), 97-107(2010)
25. Enhanced Ionic Conductivity in Nano Composite Solid Polymer Electrolytes:
(PEG)xLiBr : ySiO2
Praveen D, S. V. Bhat and Damle R
Ionics, 17, 21-27 (2011)
26. 60Co γ -ray induced gain degradation in bipolar junction transistors
S.R. Kulkarni and R. Damle
Indian Journal of Physics, 85(3), 391-400 (2011)
27. DLTS and In-situ C-V Analysis of Trap Parameters in Swift 50 MeV Li3+ Ion
Irradiated Ni/SiO2/Si MOS Capacitors
N. Shashank , Vikram Singh , Sanjeev.K.Gupta , K.V. Madhu , J. Akhtar and
R. Damle
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 166 (4), 313-322 (2011).
28. DLTS study of annihilation of oxidation induced deep level defects in Ni/SiO2/n-Si
MOS structures
N Shashank , Sanjeev K Gupta , K V Madhu , J Akhtar and R Damle
Bulletin of Material Science, 34(7), 1627-1631 (2011)
29. Effect of gamma irradiation on the dielectric and conductivity properties of NanoWollastonite
Sandhya Kulkarni, B.M. Nagabhushana, Narsimha Parvatikar, C. Shivakumara and
R. Damle
ISRN Material Science, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 808560, 6 pages
30. Synthesis, structural characterization and thermoluminescence properties of irradiated Wollastonite nanophosphor
Sandhya Kulkarni, B.M. Nagabhushana, H. Nagabhushana, K.V.R. Murthy
C. Shivakumara and R. Damle
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 70(3), 71-77 (2011)
31. Swift 120 MeV Silicon Ions Induced Deep Level Defects in Ni/SiO2/n-Si
Metal Oxide Structures
N. Shashank, H.S. Jayanna, K.M. Balakrishna and R. Damle
International Journal of Physics, 5(1), 73-83 (2012)
32. Synthesis, luminescence and EPR studies on CaSiO3:PbMn nano-phosphors
synthesized by solution combustion method
Sandhya Kulkarni, B. M. Nagabhushana, N.Suriya murthy, C. Shivakumara. R.P.S.
Chakradhar and R. Damle
Ceramic International, 39, 1917-1922 (2013).
33.Dielectric and Electrical studies in Pr3+doped nano CaSiO3 perovskite Ceramics
Sandhya Kulkarni, B.M. Nagabhushana, Narsimha Parvatikar, Anilkumar
Koppalkar, C. Shivakumara and R. Damle
Materials Research Bulletin 50, 197-202 (2013)
34. Role of silica nanoparticles in conductivity enhancement of nanocomposite solid
polymer electrolyte: (PEGx NaBr): ySiO2
D. Praveen, S.V. Bhat and Ramakrishna Damle
Ionics, 19, 1375-1379 (2013)
40. 60Co-Gamma Ray Induced Total Dose Effects in P-Channel MOSFETs,
Shashank Nagaraj, Vikram Singh, H. S. Jayanna, Balakrishna K M and R. Damle
Indian Journal of Materials Science Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 465905, 5
35. Boron ion interaction with pnp bipolar power transistor and displacement damage
effects on its electrical characteristics
K.S. Krishnakumar, C.M. Dinesh, K.V. Madhu, Ramani, R. Damle, S.A. Khan,
D. Kanjilal
Procedia Materials Science, 5, 575-584 (2014)
36. Boron and Gamma ray irradiation effects on I-V and C-V characteristics of Photo
detector MRD 500
K.S. Krishnakumar1, Ramani, R. Damle, C.M. Dinesh, K.V. Madhu
International Journal of Chem. Tech Research CODEN (USA): IJCRGG ISSN :
0974- 4290, Vol.6, No.3, pp 1901-1903, May-June 2014
Books written/Chapter contribution to books:
1. Study material for Correspondence course in M.Sc., Physics, Distance Education Council,
Kuvempu University, Core subject: Paper IV-Electronics, 220 pages. 2003
2. NMR Study of Molecular Dynamics and Phase transitions,
K.P. Ramesh, D. Vijayaraghavan, Ramakrishna Damle and J. Ramakrishna, Paper
contributed to review book “Magnetic Resonance - Current Trends” Editors: C.L.
Khetrapal and G. Govil, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1991, pp236-242.
3. Enhanced Ionic conductivity in PEG based solid polymer electrolyte (PEG)x LiBr with
nanosized fumed silica
D. Praveen, R. Damle and S.V. Bhat
Paper contributed to the book Electroactive Polymers-Materials and Devices, Volume
III, Eds. S.A Hashi, Amita Chandra and Amareesh Chandra, Series Ed. Suresh
Chandra, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. 2009. pp 244-250
Awards/Fellowships/Post doctoral fellowships received:
Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship for the year 2005 to visit University of Kent, UK
Invited talks:
Delivered Invited talk in International Conference on Electroactive Polymers, BHU, Varanasi, November
4-9, 2012.
Title of the talk: Enhancement of ionic conductivity in mixed ion conducting solid polymer
Professional membership/affiliation:
 Life member of Alumni Association, IISc.
 Life member of Indian Physics Association (IPA) and Former Secretary, Bangalore
 Life member of National Magnetic Resonance Society (NMRS)
 Life member and founder member of ESR Society of India.
 Life member and Secretary (Finance) of Association of British Scholars (ABS),
Karnataka Chapter
 Elected Secretary of Asia Pacific ESR Society (APES), 2014.