CV of Rudraswamy Designation : Professor Education :M.Sc. and Ph.D. : University of Mysore Contact details : E-mail ID : , Office Telephone no. : 22961489 Research Interests : External Bremsstrahlung , Gamma interaction ,fluid dynamics, Nano Phosphor, Nano ferrite, Nuclear reaction measurement and Nuclear data compilation List of Publications: International refereed journals 1. Z dependence of thick-target external bremsstrahlung produced by β particles of Sr-Y-90. B.Rudraswamy , K Gopala , K S Gundu Rao, P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , Phys. Rev. A 28 (5) , 2802-2805(1983 ) 2. Yield Constants of External Bremsstrahlung Excited by Beta Particles of Sr-Y-90 and Tc-99 in Thick Targets of Different Z Materials , B.Rudraswamy , K Gopala and H Sanjeevaiah , Indian J. Phys. 58A , 276-277 (1984 ) 3. External bremsstrahlung spectra excited by 99Tc beta particles in thick targets , B.Rudraswamy , , P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , J. Phys.G: Nucl. Phys. 10 1579 -1586 (1984) 4. Thick-target bremsstrahlung spectra generated by the β particles of Sr-Y-90 and Tc-99. K Gopala, B.Rudraswamy P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , Phys. Rev. A 34, 51265128 ,(1986 ) 5. Bremsstrahlung spectra excited by the beta particles of 170Tm, B.Rudraswamy, K Gopala , P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , Nucl. Sci. Eng. 95 206-213(1987) 6. Bremsstrahlung yields of 147Pm and 170Tm in thick targets, B.Rudraswamy, K. Gopala, P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 13 , 509-513 (1987) 7. Study of 147 Pm beta-induced bremsstrahlung spectra, K Gopala, B.Rudraswamy , P Venkataramaiah and H Sanjeeviah , Il Nuovo Cimento 99A ,55-58(1988) 8. Mössbauer effect studies and X-ray diffraction analysis of cobalt ferrite prepared in powder form by thermal decomposition method, M D Joseph Sebastian, MC Radhakrishna , Ramani and B.Rudraswamy Bull. Mater. Sci. 26 (5), 509-515, (2004) 9. Study of Zeff for DNA,RNA and Retina by Numerical Methods, K.C Suresh,H.C. Manjunatha and B. Rudraswamy, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1-5(2007) 10. Numerical method for external Bremsstrahlung cross sections in compounds , H C. Manjunatha, B.Rudraswamy, Radiation Measurements, 42, , 251-255( 2007) 11. Studies on External Bremsstrahlung in thick target compounds , H.C. Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , 572 , 958– 960(2007) 12. Theoretical data External Bremsstrahlung cross section Bone, H C. Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 42, , 397-400 (2007) 13. Viscous Dusty Fluid Flow with Constant Velocity magnitude , Siddabasappa, Y.Venkateshappa and B. Rudraswamy Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 5 (17 ), 241-256, (2008) 14. Analytical solutions and geometry of steady inviscid rotating fluid flows Advanced Siddabasappa ,Y.Venkateshappa and B. Rudraswamy, Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 16(1) , 67-82(2008) 15. Exact solutions of variable inclined rotating MHD flows using transformation techniques, Y.Venkateshappa ,Siddabasappa and B. Rudraswamy, Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2 (1), 13-33(2006) 16. Exposure of bremsstrahlung from beta-emitting therapeutic radio nuclides, H.C.Manjunatha and B. Rudraswamy Radiation Measurements.,44( 2 ), 206-210(2009) 17. Measurement of absorbed dose rate of gamma radiation for lead compounds, B.Rudraswamy, N . Dhanajaya and H.C.Manjunatha, Nuclear Instrument and methods in Physics research A , 619 171-173(2010) 18. Bremsstrahlung exposure of tissues from beta-emitting therapeutic radio nuclides, H.C.Manjunatha and B. Rudraswamy, Nuclear Instrument and methods in Physics research A 621, 581-589(2010) 19. External bremsstrahlung of Pm-147 in PbCl2 and CdO, H.C.Manjunatha. B.Rudraswamy and K.C. Suresha, Nuclear Instrument and methods in Physics research A 619 326329(2010) 20. Synthesis, Characterisation and Photoluminescence properties of Gd2O3 : Eu3+ Nanophosphors prepared by solution combustion method , N Dhananjaya, H Nagabhusana , B.M. Nagabhusana, B.Rudraswamy, R.P.S Chakradhar and C Shivakumar , Physica B , 405 , 3795-3799, (2010) 21. Study of thickness and penetration depth dependence of specific absorbed fraction of energy in bones, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 38(10), 2271-2282(2011) 22. Effect of Li+ ion on enhancement of photoluminescence of Gd2O3:Eu3+ nano phosphor prepared by combustion method , N. Dhananjaya, H. Nagabhushana, B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, C. Shivakumara and R.P.S. Chakradhar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 , 2368–2374 (2011) 23. Thermo and photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ activated hexagonal, monoclinic and cubic Gadolinium oxide nanorods, N. Dhananjaya, H. Nagabhushana, B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, C Shivakumar, K.P. Ramesh, R.P.S. Chakradhar, Physica B 406 , 1645–1652(2011) 24. Hydrothermal Synthesis, Characterization and Raman studies of Eu3+ activated Gd2O3 nanorods”, N. Dhananjaya, H. Nagabhushana, B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, C Shivakumar, R. P. S. Chakradhar. , .Shivakumara Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (9), 1639-1644, (2011) 25. Yield constants of External Bremsstrahlung excited by 90Sr–90Y, 147Pm and 204Tl in CdO and lead compounds , H.C. Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 632, 18–22 (2011) 26. Computation of CT-NUMBER and Zeff in TEETH, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy Health Physics, 100(5), S92-S99(2011) 27. Computation of exposure build-up factors in teeth, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy Radiation Physics and Chemistry 80 , 14-21,( 2011) 28. Beta induced Bremsstrahlung exposure in DNA and RNA, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Physica Medica 27(4) 188-193(2011) 29. Photon interaction parameters of dosimetric interest in bones, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Health Physics 103 (3) , 322-329 ( 2012) 30. Synthesis, characterization, thermo- and photoluminescence properties of Bi3+ co-doped Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors , N. Dhananjaya · H. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, B.M. Nagabhushana · S.C. Sharma , N. Suriyamurthy · C. Shivakumara , R.P.S. Chakradhar Appl Phys B: Lasers and Optics , 1-9( 2012 ) 31. Bremsstrahlung data in concrete shielding , H C Manjunatha, B.Rudraswamy andB M Chandrika Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 50 (7) 469-473(2012) 32. Energy absorption and exposure build-up factors in hydroxyapatite, H.C.Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Radiation Measurements , 47 , 364-370( 2012) 33. Beta Bremsstrahlung dose in concrete shielding, H.C. Manjunatha , B.Rudraswamy,B.M.Chandrika and B.M.Sankarshan ,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 674 74–78(2012) 34. Spherical and rod-like Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors - Structural and luminescent properties, N. Dhananjaya, H. Nagabhushana,B.Rudraswamy, B.M. Nagabhushana, , C. Shivakumara, R.P.S. Chakradhar, Bulletin of Materials Science, 35, (4) , 519–527(2012) 35. Enhanced Photoluminescence of Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors with alkali (M=Li+,Na+, K+) metal ion co-doping”, N.Dhananjaya, H.Nagabhushana, B.M.Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, C.Shivakumara, K.Narahari, R.P.S.Chakradhar , Spectrochimica Acta Part-A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 86, 8-14, (2012) 36. Electrical properties of Nano Zinc ferrites prepared by solution combustion and Hydrothermal methods, Material science forum 710 , 721-726 (2012) B. Darukaprasad,, H. Nagabhushana, ,B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, D.M Jnanesshwara, C. Shivakumara, N.C. Shivaprakash, R.P.S. Chakradhar, A.P Gnana Prakash 37. Effective atomic number, electron density and kerma of gamma radiation for oxides of lanthanides , ) R S Niranjan,B.Rudraswamy, N Dhananjaya Pramana, . 78 ,(3) , 451– 458(2012) 38. External Bremsstrahlung spectra of 90Sr source in some lead compounds measured using NaI detector, Radiation measurements 47 , 100-104 ,2012 (with H.C. Manjunatha) 39. Energy absorption build –up factors in teeth, H C. Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry ), 294(2) 251-260, (2012) 40. Effect of different fuels on structural, thermo and photoluminescent properties of Gd2O3 nanoparticles, N. Dhananjaya, H. Nagabhushana, B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, S.C. Sharma, D.V. Sunitha, C. Shivakumara and R.P.S. Chakradhar, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 96 532–540,2012 41. Structural and magnetic studies of Mg(1_x)ZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by a solution combustion method , C. Choodamani , G.P. Nagabhushana , B.Rudraswamy, S. Ashoka , B. Daruka Prasad and G.T. Chandrappa, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 578 , 103–109 (2013) 42. Thermal effect on magnetic properties of Mg-Zn ferrite nanoparticles , C. Choodamani, G.P. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy and G.T. Chandrappa, Materials Letters, 116, 227230 ,(2013 ) 43. External bremsstrahlung of 90Sr–90Y, 147Pm and 204Tl in detector compounds, H.C Manjunatha and B.Rudraswamy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry,85, 95–101(2013) 44.Study of effective atomic number and electron density for tissues from human organs in the energy range of 1 keV-100 GeV, Manjunatha HC and B.Rudraswamy.Health Physics 104(2) 158-62 , ( 2013) 45. Hydrothermal synthesis of Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanophosphors: Effect of surfactant on structural and luminescence properties, Dhananjaya, H Nagabhusana,B.Rudraswamy ,S C Sharma C. Shivakumar and B M Nagabhusana Journal of Alloys and compound 587, 755-762 (2014) National refereed journals 1. Nanocrystalline europium activated Gd2O3 catalyzed an efficient procedure for the preparation of β-Acetamido-β-aryl-propiophenones, Krishnappa Manjula, N. Dhananjaya, S. Sandeep Saundalkar, H. Nagabhushana, B.M. Nagabhushana, B.Rudraswamy, C.R. Girija, H.S. Shekar and V.P. Jayashankaragowda, International Journal of Science Research 01,72-76(2012) 2. Effective atomic number, electron density of oxides of lanthanides for partial and non coherent photon interactions using WINXOM, R S Niranjan, B.Rudraswamy and N Dhananjaya, International journal of computer applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 4 (1) ,157-163( 2011) 3. Effective atomic number, electron density and kerma relative to air for lead based compounds, R S Niranjan, B.Rudraswamy and N Dhananjaya, International journal of emerging Technologies and applications in Engineering,Technology and Sciences, 4 (2) ,118-125(2011) Books written/Chapter contribution to books – Nil Awards/Fellowships/Postdoctoral Fellowships receivedAward : Nucleonix Best Paper award given away for the Research paper entitled "Bremsstrahlung Dose of Therapeutic Beta Nuclides in Bone and Muscle in 19th National symposium on radiation Physics, Mamalapuram, Tamilnadu, India, 2012. Invited talks-Nil Professional memberships/affiliations 1. Life Member of Indian society of Technical Education, New Delhi, India 2. Life Member of Indian society for radiation Physics, Mumbai, India 3. Member of International society for radiation Physics, London, United Kingdom (20062008) Significant contribution to the Department Organizing National Workshop cum theme on Experimental Nuclear Data (EXFOR-2015) to be held in Department of Physics, to be held during 20-24, January 2015 hosted by Bangalore university and sponsored by Nuclear Data Physics Center of India (NDPCI), BRNS, DAE, Mumbai. Any other information you would like to include is optional. Experience 30 years of Teaching and 20 years of research experience. Research activities Past External Bremsstrahlung radiation: Experimental: Measurements of Spectral distribution, Energy, Photon yields and their constants for various beta sources , target metallic elements and target compounds have been investigated. Theoretical: Evaluation of spectral distribution using Pratt cross sectional data for various target metallic elements, Extension of evaluation of cross section from metallic elements to various compounds, Evaluation of spectral distribution for various compounds, Computation of Bremsstrahlung dose, exposure rate, energy loss by beta during Bremsstrahlung emission and, Bremsstrahlung activity have been investigated. Comparison of both experimental and theoretical data’s have been investigated Gamma radiation: Experimental: Measurements of mass and energy attenuation coefficients, absorbed dose rate, effective atomic number and electron density for various gamma sources and target compounds have been investigated. Theoretical : Evaluation of mass and energy attenuation coefficients, effective atomic number, . electron density, absorbed dose rate, electron density, kerma, CT numbers, exposure build up factor for various gamma energies and target compounds from the knowledge of composition of elements present in them have been investigated . Comparison of both experimental and theoretical data’s have been investigated Fluid Dynamics: Theoretical: Studies of Viscous Dusty fluid flow with constant velocity magnitude, analytical solutions and geometry of steady in viscid rotating fluid flows, Exact solutions of variable inclined rotating MHD flows using transformation techniques have been investigated. Present Nano-phosphor: Experimental : Synthesis, Structural and Photoluminescence studies of Nano Gd2O3 have been investigated. Nano-ferrite: Experimental : Synthesis, characterization and Electrical & magnetic studies of nanoferrites have been undertaken. EXFOR compilation of Nuclear Data: Compilation of two Experimental Nuclear Data has been successfully completed. This coded data is available in International atomic energy agency, Vienna ,Austria the database of Ongoing Project UGC Major Research Project on Nano-Ferrite Materials: Synthesis and Characterization for Low and High Frequency Applications. Approved Project A project proposal on Compilation of Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Using EXFOR Editor and measurements on Nuclear reaction to be carried out in IGCAR and BARC, Mumbai is approved by Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), Mumbai, India for the sanction. International Conferences in which research paper was presented Portugal: 10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Coimbra University, 2006 USA : 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Fort Worth, Texas, 2008 Australia: 11th International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Melborne University, 2009 UK: International Conference on Structural Nano Composites, Cranefield University, 2012
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