Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Dovestr. 1, 10587 Berlin Tel. : (004930) 39897-s0 Fax: (004930) 39897510 E-mai l : bdbotbn@aot.com APPLICATION FOR PASSPORT (Tb be filled in English) Reeeipt No. & Date: PART _ I Please paite photographs of father,'mother or legal guardian if the applicant is below l5 years (size 30x30mm) Please paste a Photograph (ofthe applicant) here (Size 40.x50mm) 2 12. Mother's name and nationality:-....-.-. --.----........-: . 13. Mother's profession and voter identification number (if any):..".....-...-.....-..--...-..-.-'.--....----.-. 14- Husbandlwile'S name and natibnality (as is applicable),:....-"........-.....-.......:I 5. Legal guardian's name and national ity:-....---...--..:..-..----- 16- Relation with legal guardian:.,....-.--.- -r...-.-----...-' [7. Nationality of applicant: by birth D ' by naturalisation fl by any other means D I8. Marital statusl Married fl Unmarried 2l . Number of passport pages E Widow/Widower requested: 48 pages fl D Divorcee fJ 64 pages D 22- Particulars of the children (under l2 years of age) to be endorsed in the passport (upto'2 children) SerialNo. t. 2. :i Photo Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Sex l. 2. ). c) e) 3. Endbrsernent of children: please fill out item22 I do solemnl; declare (a) that the ab,lve statements made by me are true;. that I am not in possession,of anY other passgrorts except the one mentioned at seriali No.23; of return, for myself'and'my (b) ' ' that I or my legal hqir wili be responsible to pay for the costdeportation journey case of compulsory or unfoitunate' in to"Bangladesh, dependanti' death. Signature/Thumb.impression of the appli'- rvill cant Applicant should alsei.sign insidc.thc bc.all'ixcd on the passport , ' lnn r^'hich. u'il[ bc.al'tixed on the passporl' --:--------------*--:------:-------------
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