Welcome to the 2015 Season The Bangor FC committee would like to welcome all players, and their families to the 2015 season. Committee 2015 PRESIDENT Stephen Warren 0412 356 377 VICE PRESIDENT Anthony Greenwood 0400 028 024 SECRETARY Bettina Hoffman 0400 443 734 ASSISTANT SECRETARY Susanne Booth 0417047278 TREASURER Greg O’Mara 0420 506 803 ASSISTANT TREASURER Peter Tardent 0406 130 416 HEAD COACH Kieran Tyson 0422 539 440 ASSISTANT COACHES Mathew Garifalakis David Greco 0417927737 0415 816 565 Robert Seguna 0419440866 REGISTRAR Matthew Cox 0409980577 ASSISTANT REGISTRAR Julie Law 0411 123 057 DRAW SECRETARY Jenny Cantori 0407 110 511 ASSISTANT DRAW SECRETARY Position Vacant COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Mike Kerr 0413 700 853 SMALL SIDED FOOTBALL CO-ORDINATOR Neil Massingham 0407 253 018 REFEREES COORDINATOR (Comp) Brian Somerville 0438639771 GROUNDS OFFICER Jay Haysom 0423 778 907 ASSISTANT GROUNDS OFFICER Daniel Haysom 0424522661 PROMOTIONS OFFICER Lene Mitchell 0411 700 014 EQUIPMENT OFFICER Gavin Walsh ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT OFFICER Vacant SOCIAL COORDINATOR Rachel Haysom ALL AGE DELEGATE Position Vacant WOMENS DELEGATE Hayley Warren 0410 954 320 0430 417 433 Please direct all enquiries to the relevant committee member. CANTEEN OFFICER – Candace Haysom – 0402 249 076 ALL FEES ARE TO BE PAID AT TIME OF REGISTRATION If there are any problems with the payment of fees, please contact the President. REGISTRATIONS AFTER FRIDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 2015 WILL ATTRACT $50.00 LATE FEE Registration Fees 2015 U6 to U9 ............................................................. - $130 / player U10 to U11 ......................................................... - $145 / player U12 to U16 ......................................................... - $175 / player U18 …………………………………………………..-$190 / player U21 & All Senior teams ....................................... - $290 / player Full Time students turning 19 or above ............. - $245 / player *Discounts apply to students and families with 3 or more playing members. If paying online, refunds of relevant discount will be given upon presentation of receipt. th th The 2015 season will commence on Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 March, 2015. Competition matches (U12 and up) are played through the school holidays. Gear Gear is available for sale at the grading days and also at Billa Rd & The Ridge canteens on match days. PRICES: Socks - $15/pair; Shorts (all sizes) - $30/pair; Set of shorts & socks - $40. Shirts for senior teams are also available at $40 each. For further information please contact the Equipment Officer or the Assistant Equipment Officer. Coaches & Managers All teams will need a Coach & Manager. However for the U6 & U7 age groups, team numbers will be smaller (only 5 to 6 players per team), and whilst each team will need a manager, it may be beneficial to partner two teams for coaching and training purposes. Training normally occurs once a week for 1 hour. If you would be interested in coaching a team, in what is a rewarding experience please contact the Head Coach or one of the Assistant Coaches prior to the grading trials. Forms are available at the registration tables. There will be two coaches and managers meetings held throughout the season. th The first meeting will be held at Club Central Menai, on Monday 9 March at 7.30pm. It is vital that at least one representative from each team attend these meetings as important information is provided on all aspects of the season. It is also an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Orientation Night To assist all coaches and managers and provide information on what to do, where to go, what forms need to be th filled out etc, an orientation session will be run on Wednesday 25 February at 7.00pm at Billa Rd Oval. This is particularly helpful for all new coaches and managers. Training Equipment th Coaches and/or managers can collect their training equipment on Wednesday 25 February, between 6:30pm & 8.00pm at Billa Rd Oval. Sponsorship The club again welcomes our sponsors this year and encourages all club members to give the club's sponsors the first call. The club will provide advertising space on its website, as well as other promotional opportunities. If interested please contact the Promotions Officer. Referees We need referees for our Small Sided Football (SSF) matches. SSF referees must turn 13 or older this calendar year. If you are interested, please see the referee’s coordinator today or on grading day. In addition, we need volunteers (usually senior players, parents etc) to referee competition matches when no official referee is appointed. If you feel you can assist us please contact the referee’s coordinator. For anyone wishing to become a Black & White referee (must turn 14 before April 1), or if you want to become a club referee and want a refresher course on the rules, the Referees Association will assist us to run our own in house course if we get sufficient numbers. Please contact one of our referee’s coordinators if you are interested. All club referees will be paid for the games they cover. Fee structure is as follows: SSF Non competition matches (U6-U7) $10 SSF Non competition matches (U8-U9) $15 SSF Competition matches (U10-U11) $20 Junior matches (U12-U16) $25 Senior matches (U18 & above) $40 Ground Control and Canteen Throughout the season, teams will be rostered to do ground duty. This involves ground set up/pack up, BBQ duty or acting as ground control. Teams rostered on will be advised at least a week in advance. Please make yourself available when your team is on duty. In most instances your team will only have duty twice in the season. This means we are only asking for a couple of hours of your time, perhaps less, on each occasion. Ground duty forms an essential part of the weekly running of the club. If a team cannot carry out their required duty, it could mean that particular team may not be allowed to play their match. Committee & Volunteers At the time of printing this information sheet, there IS TWO committee positions vacant - Assistant Draw Secretary and Male All Age Delegate. If you feel you may be able to assist in these positions, please contact the President. The club is also looking for volunteers that may be able to assist committee members on ground control once or twice during the season, or when situations arise that require extra help with field set up, pack up or working on the BBQ, or in any other way that the club may need you in an emergency. If you are interested in assisting the club in this way, please fill in one of the application forms or contact a committee member. Application forms are available at all registration days and also at our grading days. Grading Dates JUNIORS – (Please note that girls may play mixed up to and including U12) AGE GROUP GRADING DATES U6 yrs 7th & 14 February U7 yrs 7th & 14 February U8 yrs 7th U9 yrs 7th U10 yrs GRADING TIMES GRADING FIELD th 8.00am to 9.00am Aquinas College, Menai th 9.30am to 10.30am Aquinas College, Menai th 11.00am to 12 noon Aquinas College, Menai th & 14 February & 14 February 12.30pm to 1.30pm Aquinas College, Menai th 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor th 10 February U11 yrs 10 February 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor U12 yrs (Boys) 11th February 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor th 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor th U13 yrs (Boys) 11 February U14 yrs - (Boys) 11 February 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor U15-U16 (boys) 12th February 6.30pm to 7.30pm Billa Oval, Bangor ALL age groups MUST attend both dates unless notified otherwise NB: Please refer to the website for any changes due to weather. MENS U18 & U21 yrs Mon 9 Feb (meeting only) th 7.30pm – 8.30pm Billa Road Oval All Age Mon 9th Feb (meeting only) 7.30pm – 8.30pm Billa Road Oval th 6.30pm – 7.30pm Billa Road Oval th 6.30pm – 7.30pm Billa Road Oval th 6.30pm – 7.30pm Billa Road Oval GIRLS/WOMEN U12 yrs to U16 yrs Mon 9 Feb (meeting only) U18 yrs to U21 yrs Mon 9 Feb (meeting only) Senior Women Mon 9 Feb (meeting only) Note: Shin pads must be worn at all times for training. Please bring a drink bottle. Notes on Grading This is a difficult task, made more difficult when players do not turn up to the grading days. If your son/daughter is unable to make these dates it is important that you let the Head Coach know beforehand. Players not attending may be excluded from teams. If there is any information that is relevant to the grading process please let the Head Coach know this prior to the grading date. It is highly unlikely that any changes can be made after teams are selected. Whilst the club has a policy of attempting to meet requests to play with friends for U6 & U7, no absolute guarantees can be given as individual players abilities must be taken into consideration. The Club’s experience is that children will enjoy their football more if they play in a grade that is aligned to their ability. No one wins if a child is under or over graded. For U8’s and above, teams will be selected based upon the matching of players’ abilities, although extenuating circumstances will be considered. Trial Games Trial games are being arranged at present. It is possible that not all teams will get a trial game, however all efforts will be made to get at least one trial match for all teams. Under NO circumstances are trial games to be organized without going through Bangor FC Committee. Coaches and Managers will be informed as to any games that have been arranged for their teams. Training Venue’s Training cannot commence before Monday 2nd March 2015 Teams U6 through to U12 & girls/women’s teams will train at Billa Road Oval. Boys/means teams U13 and above will train at The Ridge (No.1 & 2). Some exceptions to this may occur depending on field availability and training times. KEEP CHECKING THROUGHOUT THE SEASON FOR REGULAR UPDATES www.bangorbrumbies.org.au
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