information on summer internship opportunities

Application Strict Deadline: May 10, 2015
Summer Internship: June 7-July 30, 2015
Who May Apply: Students 13-25 years old by May 1, 2015
(Parental permission must be granted by application deadline date for all applicants under 18 years of
Ministry is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. As a summer intern, you will be a part of what
God is doing at Barefoot Church. This is a great responsibility, which is why we take our intern roles very
seriously. The role of the intern is important to us. An intern will take ownership in ministry, and will have
the opportunity to be equipped with greater leadership skills.
Summer internships involve assisting with the tasks of ministry. We expect our interns to work hard
and help with every aspect of what we do in each ministry. Each intern will be an integral part of summer
events and programs, and will be relied upon in many situations. In addition, the summer interns will be
expected not only to assist in the tasks of ministry, but to bring others along and empower them to do
Internships are available in the following ministries:
→ Administration/Office: Clerical, Data Entry, Reception
→ Care Ministry: Counseling, Hospital Visits, Prayer Team
→ Communication: Marketing, Photography, Social Media, Videography, Writing, Editing
→ Conference Center: Day-to-Day Operations, Event Set-Up, Planning
→ Connections: Café, Greeter, Guest Services, Parking, Sign Team, Usher
→ Environments: RE:fresh, Maintenance, Construction, Painting
→ Life Development: Studio 2:10 Kids Birth-5 , Unleashed Students 6 -12 , Interns, BCSM,
→ Outreach: Conference Center, Disabilities Awareness, Dreamfest, Outreach Projects, Swaziland
→ Public Relations: Online Broadcast, Global Chat, Tech, Research, Writing, Editing
→ Production: Backstage Management, Set Design, Music, Audio, Camera, Lighting, Lyric, and
Video Control Operations
• Attend Summer Internship Program Orientation on June 8, 2015
• Live a life of integrity and honor of others
• Work at Barefoot Church at least 24 hours of uncompensated time each week. 12 hrs on
weekdays and 12 hrs on weekends including report times of 3pm on Saturdays and 8am on
Sundays. Report times may vary depending on the ministry team you are assigned. Serve at
Dreamfest the first Saturday of each month
• Attend Students on Wednesday nights
• Perform duties assigned by the various staff leaders with excellence
• Be aligned with the mission and values of Barefoot Church
• Lead teams and develop leaders
• Encouraged to be in a mentoring relationship or a Life Group
• Provide their own laptop computer and means of transportation
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Summer Internship Program Page 1 UNITY
A unified team is vital to the growing ministries of Barefoot Church. Any negativity towards other
interns, staff, or procedures that is expressed to anyone including other students, volunteers or other staff
members is especially detrimental. Interns are expected to support the ministries of Barefoot Church.
Issues should always be taken directly to the person they have the issue with or to the LD pastor. Gossip
will not be tolerated.
Our vision is to leverage program participants’ skills, gifts, talents, and abilities to develop their
character, calling, and competency as they participate in the mission of Barefoot Church.
The holistic development of interns will take priority over their utilization. We are more concerned with
how interns will grow through their experiences than what they can do for Barefoot Church. Interns will
have the opportunity to discover their gifts and passions. Intern development will happen within the
community, on teams, and in proximity to leaders. While interns will serve primarily in one ministry area,
they will be exposed to a broad range of ministries and experiences.
Hospitality – It’s showing people kindness, as a demonstration of a God who has shown us
incredible kindness. Our actions and attitudes can help people understand they matter to God. Honor up,
honor down, honor all around.
Authenticity – Keeping it real. We are real people doing real life.
Simplicity – Not to be mistaken for simple-mindedness. We are very intentional to make sure that
everything we do is clear and engaging. It’s putting the message of Christ on a shelf that everyone can
Progress – We are constantly gauging whether or not our methods of presenting the message are
effective. The message never changes, but the methods will. In a rapidly transforming culture, we are
always progressing to reach more people.
Audacity – It’s having the determination to run the race, the courage to reach the next level. We have
committed to never throw in the towel, to never give up. We relentlessly pursue the mission to bring
people along on the journey of knowing Christ and becoming all we were created to be.
Leverage – We each have a significant purpose for which we have been gifted uniquely to fulfill. We
have the opportunity to use the time, energy, and resources God has put in our hands to advance the
mission through serving in the local church.
Excellence – Every detail matters. We serve an excellent God, and because His church is a
representation of Him, everything we do should be excellent. We strive to do the very best we can with
what’s in our hands.
Environments – How we set up an environment sets the tone for the overall experience. We aim to
engage all five senses, through great attention to detail, to create the right atmosphere for someone to
encounter God.
Interns will be provided with valuable ministry experience and leadership training. Participation will
give interns greater presence and responsibility in Barefoot Church ministry. Participation will strengthen
an intern’s résumé as they pursue vocational ministry or go on to college. Acceptance into the summer
internship program will give you the opportunity to earn 2 credits toward the BCSM associate degree in
Bible and theology if you choose that schooling option after high school graduation.
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Summer Internship Program Page 2 INTEGRITY
Above reproach: so good as to preclude any possibility of criticism. In other words, don’t put yourself in
questionable situations.
You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner worthy of being called a Christ follower. Will you
mess up? Yes! Will you make mistakes? Yes! You are human, so mistakes are going to happen. Living
above reproach takes thought, time, and prayer.
You are considered to be a leader and are expected to act like one at all times, on and off of church
property. Guard your actions and tongue by not allowing yourself to be put in a situation that will cause
your integrity or motive to be questioned.
With this in mind, no intern will be allowed to be alone with the opposite gender at any time unless
there is another person, 13 years old or older, present with the two parties. This includes activities inside
and outside the church walls. We understand that this is sometimes difficult, but with a little pre-planning,
your integrity will not be questioned and will remain intact.
Barefoot Church has the right to dismiss any intern at any time from this program as it deems
necessary to the overall success of the Program.
We are excited to partner with you for this season of your journey. Get fired up to get out, get involved,
and through your obedience, see lives change by accepting, valuing, and equipping others!
Thank you for your interest in the Summer Internship Program at Barefoot Church. Fill out the
application in its entirety and follow these steps before submitting your application.
Once your application is complete, check and double-check that it is completely filled out.
Be mindful of the application deadline. Late applications will not be considered.
Submit to the Life Development Pastor, Ann Black, in person or through email at no later than May 10, 2015. Barefoot Church School of Ministry Summer Internship Program Page 3 APPLICATION
NAME ________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________
CITY ________________________________ ST________ ZIP CODE______________________
HOME # _______________________________ CELL # _________________________________
EMAIL ________________________________________________________________________
AGE __________ GRADE __________ GENDER (CIRCLE ONE):
WHERE DO YOU ATTEND SCHOOL AND OR WORK__________________________________
TWITTER HANDLE____________FACEBOOK URL____________ INSTAGRAM____________
PARENT NAME(S) ______________________________________________________________
PARENT PHONE #(S) ___________________________________________________________
NAME __________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP _______________
PHONE #S _______________________________, ____________________________________
Top Choice #1____________________ #2____________________ #3____________________
I understand that if I am admitted to the Summer Internship Program, Barefoot Church reserves the right
to disqualify me from the Summer Internship Program for any reason it deems appropriate. I hereby
release and hold Barefoot Church harmless from all claims arising under this application. I further
understand that a criminal record check may be conducted on me and I consent to any such check (18
years old and older.)
I accept and agree to the statement above and the requirements of the Summer Internship Program.
Yes_____ No_____
Potential Intern Signature: _____________________________________________________________
I accept and agree to the statement above and requirements of my child during the Summer Internship
Yes_____ No_____
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
If you have any questions, contact Ann Black: / 843.280.1270
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Summer Internship Program Page 4