1 Palm Prints June 2015 - the Barony of Atenveldt!

Palm Prints
June 2015
2 Table of Contents
Disclaimer - Pg 2
Retinue of the Barony of Atenveldt - Pg 3
Words from Their Excellencies - Pg 4
Barony of Atenveldt Officership - Pgs 5-6
Open Baronial Officer Positions - Pg 7
Coronet Progress - Pg 8
Upcoming Events - Pgs 9-12
Open Kingdom Officer Positions - pgs 12-13
Chronicler’s Corner - Pg 14
Acknowledgements - pg 14
Palm Prints is a publication of the Barony of Atenveldt a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Palm Prints is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. Copyright(c)
2015 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, pictures, or articles
from this publication, please contact the seneschal listed on the Baronial Officership page who will assist you
in contacting the original creator of the piece. Palm Prints is available online at ​
or can be emailed. You may request a printed copy from the seneschal.
Aden, with Portuguese fleet. in Braun & Hogenberg.1590 Palm Prints
June 2015
3 Retinue of the Barony of Atenveldt
Baron and Baroness
Seelos Massman and Fiordalisa Elena di Tomasso
(Thomas and Tina Batt)
Warrant Expires 4/28/2017
Head Lady-In-Waiting: Lady Rachel Phethean of Sons of Scotia
Current Baronial Champions​
Hardsuit Champion: Triston de Gray ~ ​
Rapier Champion: Lord Wade Greenwall ~ ​
Arts & Sciences Champion: Lady Auelyn Spyle Syngere ~ ​
Bardic Champion: m'Lady Alexandra Koressina ~ ​
Thrown Weapons Champion: m'Lord Gerrick of Edinburg
Youth Archery Champion:
m'Lady Atalie of Edinburg
Youth Boffer Champion:
m'Lord Micah
Palm Prints
June 2015
4 Words from Their Excellencies
Greetings and Well Met!
It has been some time since We have sent out a missive. Our apologies for this.
The month of May was extremely tempered for Atenveldt. There were no complaints to be heard. Especially
as it was such a busy month.
The first weekend in May was of course, the crowning of Their Royal Majesties, Morgan and Elizabeth. The
Barony March of Mons Tonitrus hosted this auspicious event in all its splendor. We were also privileged to
attend the vigils the night prior for the soon to be elevated members of the newest peerage, The Masters of
Defense. What an amazing, magical and historical weekend.
The Torneo de Belleza was held on the 15th of May in the Barony of Granite Mountain. It is wonderful to see
this still fairly new barony build its own traditions. HE Elena was unable to attend, but HE Seelos thoroughly
enjoyed himself as there was much pageantry and chivalry to be found everywhere.
What an great time We had with our caravan to Grand Outlandish in the Barony of Al-Barran in the Kingdom
of the Outlands, May 21st-24th. Though the weather proved to be a challenge early on in the event, the
autocrats managed to host a truly wonderful event on a beautiful site. It was the first year on this particular
site and we are certain that they will continue to create a magical event. We truly enjoyed spending time
with Our cousins, TE Bardolf and Sabilla.
The 3rd Bi-annual Rapier Novice and Youth tournament was held on May 27th, What a recharge of stardust!
The rapier field increased in numbers as well as the youth. Lord Wade hosted a one hour bear pit which
proved to be quite the challenge to the fighters. Sir Duncan agreed to challenge all of the youth
simultaneously... he deemed them to all be monsters. HE Michaelis was the victor on the rapier field and
Lord Mercurio was chosen to be recognized for his chivalry. M'Lord Micah proved to be the victor in the
youth eric.
The month of May came to a close as HE Elena attended an equestrian practice with many of the kingdom's
populace. As the temperatures have finally started to climb, folks still came out to test their mettle on
June will find the Barony of Atenveldt once again moving fighter practice for the summer. ​
On the 9th of June We will be at Coronado Park through August.​
We hope to see everyone come out and enjoy the seasonal change.
Yours In Service,
Seelos & Elena
15th Coronet of the Barony of Atenveldt
Premier Barony of the Society
Palm Prints
June 2015
5 Baronial Officers
Office Modern Name SCA Name Baron Thomas Batt Baroness Tina Batt Seneschal James Boeye Emergency Deputy Seneschal Debra Wright Seelos Massman Fiordalisa Elena di Tomasso Jean Andre' Boeye' Edeline Deputy Colleen Seneschal Young Roana Yunge Parks Henry Liaison Vanderbilt Harry Rudkin Dep Parks liaison John Cook Ivan Du Grae Chancellor Susanna of Youth Susan Brahs Broughton Deputy Chancellor of Youth Waivers Blair Allen Izza­al­Zarga Emergency Mary Deputy Therese Waivers Curtis Aelia Musa Deputy Samantha Anna Marie Waivers Crea der Donnerbar Beartlaoi mac Exchequer David Merrill Mathghamhna Emergency Deputy Brenda Thyri Exchequer Jordan Eiriksson Regalia Deputy Gordon Galen of Regalia Rieck Kildromy Deputy Regalia Dan Smith Deputy Iamys Regalia Cody Baker McMurray Knight Baldric dir Marshal Beau Yonge Krieger Emergency Deputy Dean Nicholaus von Marshal Hochsetettler Erlach Deputy Matthew Caell Marshal Telez Robertson Palm Prints
Email Address Took Office Warrant Expires Membership Expires Seelos.elena@gmail.com 4/28/2012 4/28/2017 5/31/2016 Seelos.elena@gmail.com 4/28/2012 4/28/2017 3/2015 jamesboeye@gmail.com 5/31/2016 1/2016 8/15/2015 colleenyoung1@hotmail.com 4/14/2010 Awaiting Kingdom Signature Awaiting Kingdom Signature 3/1/2016 henryvanderbilt@mindspring.com 1/1/2011 12/31/2015 2/2015 ivanhood_01@yahoo.com 12/21/2014 12/20/2016 1/2016 scasue@GMAIL.COM 7/1/2014 6/30/2016 4/30/2015 Vacant bofawaivers@gmail.com 7/3/2014 6/30/2016 4/30/2016 annorawallace@gmail.com 7/3/2014 6/30/2016 3/31/2016 sami_sorcha@yahoo.com 4/2/2015 4/1/2017 4/30/2016 beartlaoi@cox.net 2/1/2013 1/31/2017 3/2016 brendajor@cox.net Vacant 10/7/2016 11/30/2015 12/31/2017 10/8/2014 Kingdom Warrant KIngdom Warrant codymus@gmail.com 4/2/2015 4/1/2017 1/31/2016 beau.yonge@asu.edu 9/30/2016 3/31/2018 erlach1290@gmail.com 10/8/2014 10/7/2016 1/31/2016 Cael_lephram@yahoo.com 9/6/2012 1/1/2017 3/2015 wrdwright@cox.net galenofkildromy@gmail.com June 2015
6 Katherine List Minister Earp ED List Minister Jen Francis Youth Stephen Marshal Taylor Rapier Marshal Ken Hallock Emer. Rapier Marshal Captain of Dhawn Archers Balderama Lt of Timothy Archers Wright Field Support Karin Hallock Herald ED Herald Wade Svec Web MInister Joesph Gibbs Matthew Fultz ED Web Deputy Web Facebook Admin. Chronicler ED Chronicler A&S Minister ED A&S Deputy A&S Deputy A&S Deputy A&S Sheriff ED Sheriff Chatelaine aka Gold key Deputy Chatelaine Baronial Signet (Scribe) Roseline D'Avignon Gwyneth O'Caliaghan Heinrich der Brauer Duncan Mac Kennie Merewyn of Edington Jerome the true Katerina of Otford Wade Greenwall Joseph Grunewald of York porcupinetoaster@gmail.com 9/25/2013 9/25/2015 6/2017 beatteone@gmail.com 2/1/2014 1/31/2016 9/30/2015 slippyblade@gmail.com 11/27/2013 11/27/2015 3/2016 duncan_mackennie@yahoo.com 3/25/2015 3/14/2017 5/31/2015 Vacant dhawn_balderama@Yahoo.com 2/1/2015 1/31/2017 8/31/2016 wrdwright@cox.net 2/1/2015 1/31/2017 1/31/2016 par_parim_628@yahoo/com Unwarranted 12/31/2017 closetgamergeek@gmail.com Vacant 6/19/2013 6/18/2015 1/2016 joegibbs@pobox.com 5/2012 9/30/2016 12/31/2015 Matt.fultz@gmail.com 2/1/2015 1/31/2017 11/30/2015 Mattne Dona Cathryn Syvestrov Galen of Kildromy 6/10/2014 5/31/2016 12/31/2015 galenofkildromy@gmail.com Sandhya sandhyakesari217@GMAIL.COM 6/1/2015 5/31/2017 Terri Aoife inghean Valencia Olsin Shenita Rhiannon McKinney Cyra Sorcha Inghean ui Somer Harris Ghadhra Inea Areur de Angela Gusta Brabant Pamela B Dalla of the Sylvis Misty Forest Scott Mercuro da Gladstein Spin Vacant Vacant terrival@gmail.com 5/27/2015 5/26/2017 4/30/2016 forcyrasfreinds@gmail.com 5/27/2015 5/26/2017 9/30/2015 somer.harris@gmail.com 6/19/2013 6/13/2015 7/31/2016 invertedarcher@aol.com 11/23/2013 9/17/2015 05/2015 baronessdalla@yahoo.com 5/27/2015 5/26/2017 8/1/2016 ilearnedtofish@gmail.com 4/2/2015 4/1/2017 3/31/2017 Pam Gibbs Gordon Rieck Sandra Koscomb Palm Prints
Ceridwen Davies Ceridwen verch deykin ladyceridwenverchdeykin@gmail.com 5/10/2014 5/1/2016 6/30/2015 Vacant Ritchyrd Hadley Ritchryd McUath masterritchyrdmcuath@gmail.com Unwarranted Unwarranted 10/31/2016 June 2015
7 Open Baronial Officer Positions
Emergency Deputy Herald​
: Assist with field heraldry, court heraldry and possible book heraldry. Open until filled. Emergency Deputy Rapier Marshal​
: Assist the marshal as needed, may need to become qualified as a authorizing marshal. Open until filled. Emergency Deputy Chatelaine​
: Assist the Chatelaine (or Gold Key) with newcomers, loaner garb and other tasks as needed. Open until filled. Emergency Deputy Seneschal​
: This position will be open June 1, 2015 and is open until filled. Duties may include keeping up with regnum, filing, assisting with officer reports, special projects, assisting first­time event stewards and/or checking memberships against the officer’s roster. The E.D. will be required to learn Lex and Corpora. Emergency Deputy Chronicler​
: Assist as needed in the production of the monthly newsletter. Open until filled. Regalia Officer​
: Maintain baronial regalia and be responsible for ensuring regalia is transported to events. There are currently two deputies. Position open until filled. ** Please see Their Excellencies if you are interested in taking on any of these positions ** Palm Prints
June 2015
8 Planned Coronet Progress for 2015 ​
(Consult with their Excellencies about actual attendance plans for a specific event) Dates 6/6/15 6/13/15 6/18/15 6/27/15 7/9/15 7/18/15 7/24/15 8/1/15 8/7/15 8/15/15 8/21/15 8/29/15 9/3/15 9/12/15 9/15/15 9/18/15 9/23/15 9/26/15 10/3/15 10/8/15 10/14/15 10/17/15 10/23/15 10/23/15 11/7/15 11/11/15 11/21/15 12/12/15 Event 6/7/15 6/13/15 6/22/15 6/27/15 7/12/15 7/18/15 7/31/15 8/9/15 8/9/15 8/15/15 8/23/15 8/30/15 9/7/15 9/13/15 9/15/15 9/20/15 9/23/15 9/26/15 10/4/15 10/11/15 10/14/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 10/25/15 11/8/15 11/16/15 11/21/15 12/12/15 Palm Prints
Hosts Elena Seelos
Kingdom A&S Collegium BoA y y Investiture/Birthday BTM y y Uprising Artemesia n n Fabric war BSD y n Highlands War BES y y Mideast Feast BTM n n Pennsic week 1 TBD TBD pennsic week 2 TBD y Too Darn Hot BES m m A&S Comp/Collegium BGM/BSD m m Mace and Greatsword BMMT TBD TBD Fall Crown BMMT y y Battlemoor Outlands n y BoA Anniversary BoA y y Knight light TY n m Champions in the pines BGM m m BoA Novice Hard suit Tourney BoA y y Chocolate revel n m Kingdom A&S Competition y y Great Western War Caid n n Novice/Rapier/Youth Tourney BoA y y Plunder Poke pillage SGH y m Champions events BSD/BoA/TM y y Dragon's Horde BTY n n Fall Coronation y y Southern Crusades TBD TBD Aten University TBD TBD Tri Baronial Yule y y June 2015
Kingdom A&S
June 6-7, 2015
: This year's Kingdom Collegium will be held at University of Advancing Technology,
2625 West Baseline Road, Tempe, AZ 85283.
This is a school and therefore a dry site. Smoking is allowed in designated areas.
Event Times​
: Event & Class Registration will open at 9:00 am on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday. Classes
start at 9:30 am. The site will close at 7:00 pm Saturday and 7:00 pm Sunday.
Site Fees​
: $5 for members, $10 for non-members, and youth 17 & under are Free.
A list of local restaurants will be provided or feel free to bring a lunch and hang out in the common area.
Cold water, lemonade, and tea will be provided.
Event Stewards​
Lord Wade Greenwall – ​
M'lord Mercurio de Spin
KmoAS: ​
TM Investiture
Greetings to all who read these words!
The Barony of Twin Moons is excited to announce the Investiture of our new Barony and Baroness, Master
Alystyr and Her Excellency Greta! Please join us for this momentous event on June 13th at the Cooley
Ballroom, located on the ASU Polytechnic Campus (near Mesa Gateway Airport). Site will open at 10am with
court to begin at their Majesty’s pleasure. Site fee will be $10 for adults, $5 for youth ( 5-17) , and children
are free. A Non-Member surcharge $5 will apply without proof of membership. Your site fee will include a
lunch to be catered by ASU’s catering services and there are several dining options within a mile of site. The
hall we will be using does not allow outside food, but there are several areas, both indoors and outdoors,
that have seating for anyone who would like to bring their own lunch. Please note that ASU is a Tobacco Free
campus, the site is Dry and only service animals will be allowed on site.
Site Address​
: Student Union, Polytechnic Campus - Arizona State University
5999 S Backus Mall, Mesa, AZ 85212
Autocrat: Lady Irisko Aranyas
Kingdom of Artemesia
June 16-21, 2015
Unto all good gentles, gather once again for a week of battles, arts, merchants and revelry at Uprising XXIX.
Please see ​
for all pertinent information.
Palm Prints
June 2015
10 Fabric war
Fabric War 2015 in the lands of SunDragon! It’s time to start going through closets and craft rooms in
search of items for Fabric War! On June 27th, 2015 at Heritage Elementary School, Fabric War will return to
its roots in barter. Bring your talents and your goods to trade for items of necessity and desire! The site fee
is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Youth 17 and under are free.
Per tradition, Fabric War will again boast a grab-n-dash for supplies at the end of the event, an Ugly Fabric
Contest, Dragon Egg Piñatas (including one for youth!), while adding additional competitions (TBA) for
beginner and seasoned artisans as well as hard suit fighting in AIR CONDITIONED INDOOR SPACE!!! Baked
goods and hot dogs will be available for donation to benefit youth activities. Come join us for a day of
mixing, mingling, crafting and good-natured haggling. Site is discretely wet, no pets, no smoking.
Participants will need to provide their own tables for their merchandise. No outlets will be available except
those used to aid in the competitions (e.g. we will have a glue gun station, etc.) We will have chairs for court
and we will have tables for socializing and the competitions.
There will be a Laurel circle held at 9am.
Due to the lack of turn-out at the Spring Coronation tourney for Kingdom Youth Champion, Their Excellencies
of SunDragon have graciously offered to hold the Youth tourney at Fabric War. Their Majesties have accepted
their offer. I am also issuing a challenge for all Baronial Youth Champions to compete. Please contact Lord
Loys LeFevre, Kingdom Youth Marshal if you have any questions.
Heritage Elementary School, 6805 N 125th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85307
Directions from Phoenix: Take I-10 West from Phoenix to N Dysart Road in Avondale (Exit 129), continue
North on Dysart Rd. to West Glendale Ave, turn Right and continue East on W Glendale Ave to N 125th Ave,
turn Right and continue into the School grounds on the left hand side.
Stewards: Ysabeau Le Roux (Darcy Wearing) & Jacqueline de Bretaigne (Jackie Crone-Hoeffler)
Highlands War XXI
HEIMKOMA!!!!! The north men have come home from their journey a far and have returned home to
Flagstaff. Pack your gear and journey to the Northlands of Atenveldt in the Barony of Ered Sul to celebrate a
“Heimkoma” (Homecoming) with the return of Highlands War to the tall pine trees and cool mountain air of
the Flagstaff area, known as Ashurst Lake. There will be plenty of Hardsuit, Rapier, Seige, Archery, and
Youth Activities. There will be Arts & Science classes to further your knowledge. Shop on Merchants Row for
that special something. There will be Bardic, Drumming and Belly Dancing for your nightly entertainment.
The site is primitive and has no RV hook-ups or water. There will be a designated area for RV camping.
Please bring plenty of drinking water and extra to donate to the water bearing table. There will be grey water
disposal tanks available . We need to keep our forest beautiful so that we can enjoy this event next year so,
PLEASE, if you pack it in, pack it out. Land is a first come first served (Land grab). There is plenty of room
for everyone.
: Ashurst Lake: Dates:July 9th – 12th. Take best route to Flagstaff. Go East on Lake Mary road, about
19 miles. Turn north at the Ashurst Lake turnoff and follow signs about 2 miles to the site on the right. You
will exit 82E and camp is off of FR9117G. (Before you actually get to the Lake)
Palm Prints
June 2015
11 Dates/Time​
: Thursday July 9th through Sunday July 12th. Troll opens at 8 a.m. on Thursday and site closes
4 p.m. on Sunday.
Fees: Adults $25, Youth (5-17) $10, Children under 5 Free.
Day Trip: Adult:$15.00 Youth: (5-17) $5.00
Family cap of $60.00 for 2 adults and children 17 and under living at the same address.
(Non-members/members without proof will pay an additional $5 fee)
Have questions? Contact the Event Stewards for more information:
Lord Robert Av Bergen at ​
Lord Bjorn Bloodaxe at ​
Mideast Feast
July 18th, 2015
Site: Hilton Phoenix Airport
2435 S. 47th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Site Opens: 2pm-12am
Do you hear the sounds of drums calling to you? See the beautiful eyes of dancers beckoning you with their
siren’s song? Do you feel the need to shop the merchant’s bazaar and smell the luscious scents of cinnamon,
cardamom, saffron, Turkish coffee and mint filling the air? The time has come once again for the Glorious
populace of Atenveldt to transform the Phoenix Airport Hilton into our oasis in the desert.
We encourage the populace to transform the hall with rugs, pillows, low tables, etc. But, please be aware
space in the main hall is limited. So we would ask that larger items be left at home. As per tradition we will
have henna application available on site. Baron Uko is once again tempting us with his Turkish coffee, but
would ask a donation to offset cost.
This year the feast recipes will change to include new and tasty items such as green salad, dried fruits and
nuts, Chicken Shawarma, Persian rice, Tabbouleh salad, Hummus, Lebanese Garlic sauce (YUM), Pita bread,
with a dessert of Baklava. All the new recipes have been provided by the hard work of His Grace Valharic.
It is TRM wish to have both Pelican and Knight’s Circles in the morning before the event. There will also be
an Estrella War meeting prior to site opening. Circle and meeting times TBD. HRM Elizabeth also wishes to
hold a Queen’s Artisan Prize showcase to show the skill of Atenveldt’s talented artisans.
Site and feast fees are as follows​
: Adult members, $15, non-members, $20, and youth 6-17, $10. Adult
feasts are $15; youth feasts are $10. Feast will be sold through Pre-Registration only. Pre-Registration can
be paid by check, made out to Barony of Twin Moons SCA Inc and sent to Lady Juliette Dashwood, MKA
Heather Allen at 303 W Marlboro Dr., Chandler AZ 85225. No feasts will be sold at the door.
Staying the weekend or just overnight on Saturday is part of the fun of this event, and the Hilton is once
again offering a discounted room rate of $85 per night. Please mention the SCA when reserving your room to
receive this rate. Site is wet, no pets allowed, smoking in designated areas only. Outside food and beverages
are not permitted. Amenities at the hotel include a complimentary airport shuttle for hotel guests, onsite
ATM, gift shop, pool, onsite restaurants and bar, room service, and more. Please see Hilton.com for more
Main Autocrat: Countess Mariana Vivia
Deputy Autocrat/Merchant Autocrat: Banthegn Natal’ia Diekova vdova Rabynovicha
Palm Prints
June 2015
12 Pennsic
Campsite opens on Saturday, July 25th after Land Grab.
Site closes at noon on Sunday, August 9th.
See the Pennsic War website at ​
for more information.
Do you enjoy the arts & sciences of the SCA? Do you revel in assisting others find their muse? How about
helping everyone in your chosen family be as creative as you know they can be? Then do we have a job for
you. The Kingdom Arts & Science office is looking for an Emergency Deputy. In this position you can help the
Kingdom Minister promote the pre 17th c. arts & sciences activities throughout the Kingdom of Atenveldt.
The following is helpful, but the right person can be trained:
∙ SCA membership is required
∙ Good communication skills, both verbal & written, be a good listener
∙ Meet new people & get them excited about the arts by traveling around the Kingdom
∙ Reliable private internet access is definitely a plus
∙ A prior understanding of the Kingdom’s A&S competition rules, categories & judging process is good, but
∙ Willingness to be an active participant in the Atenveldt artisan community
If interested in this position please send a letter of intent, including a brief SCA resume, to the Kingdom A&S
Minister at
The Kingdom Seneschal is seeking applications for the position of Kingdom Youth Coordinator. The KYO
reports directly to the Kingdom Seneschal and Crown. Duties include but are not limited to:
∙ Coordinating youth activities for Kingdom level events
∙ Maintaining a current written inventory of Kingdom Youth supplies
∙ Supporting local groups Youth Officers and compiling monthly reports
∙ Assist with administrating the Youth and Family Achievement (YAFA) program
A qualified candidate for this position must be a current SCA member, have a computer and internet access
and pass an SCA background check.Letters for this position are being accepted immediately and should be
emailed to Kingdom Seneschal at ​
seneschal@atenveldt.org KINGDOM ROYAL ARCHER (Open until July 31, 2015)
The Crown and the Kingdom Earl Marshal is seeking applications for the position of Kingdom Royal Archer.
The KRA is a lesser Kingdom office that reports to the Kingdom Earl Marshal. The KRA must be a member of
the SCA and a warranted target archery range marshal in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Duties include but are
not limited to:
∙ Maintaining and enforcing the safety rules regarding Target Archery and Thrown Weapons
∙ Warranting all Archery/TW officers and range marshals
∙ Acting as the Archery/TW event steward for Estrella War, and ensuring that the Kingdom Champion
tournaments take place for each reign
∙ Providing support to the local groups
Interested parties will send a letter of intent relating their background in archery and why they would be the
best candidate for the position to the Crowns of Atenveldt, the Kingdom Earl Marshal, the Kingdom
Seneschal, and the current KRA no later than July 31, 2015.
Palm Prints
June 2015
13 KINGDOM EARL MARSHALL - (Open until August 31, 2015)
The Crown of Atenveldt is seeking a successor to the current Earl Marshal, Sir Nudd. Prospective candidates
should have a working knowledge of marshalate rules, be familiar with Corpora, Lex, and both Society and
Kingdom of Atenveldt marshalate handbooks. This is a two year warranted position.
The Earl Marshal is responsible for the following:
· Represent the Crown during the Crown’s absence in supervising fighting on the field.
· Interpret and maintain marshallate standards and regulations of the Kingdom.
· Confer with the Earl Marshals of other Kingdoms to establish marshalate standards and regulations of the
Kingdom, to be approved by the crown.
· Attend Crown Tournament and Estrella War
· Quarterly Reports to Society, Crown, Baronies
· Warranting and supervising of Kingdom lesser (Rapier, Archery, Equestrian) and local marshals.
· Please send letters of intent to ​
, marshal@sca.org, and marshal@atenveldt.org
Palm Prints
June 2015
14 The Chronicler’s Corner
Greetings to the Premier Barony of the Knowne World! As the new Chronicler, I'd like to take a moment to
thank you all for not only reading the Palm Prints, but for giving me something to write about!
Check out the "Chronicler's Corner" every month for fascinating historic facts, beautiful artwork or other
things that may be of interest to our populace.
ALSO, I am looking for quarterly featured articles from members of our populace. If you or someone you
know has ideas they'd like to share but are uncomfortable with public speaking, this would be a great place
to share the information! Email me your article (under 750 words if possible), to
and you may see your name in a byline soon!
Yours always in service,
THL Sandhya
The picture of Their Excellencies was taken by Lord Heinrich der Brauer (aka Stephen Taylor)
Palm Prints
June 2015
15 Palm Prints
June 2015