Dear Reader We are in the final term of the year! How quickly it has come around! As you will be aware, this term the children will be enjoying the theme “Walk on the Wild Side”. We have already been transported by Barrowcliff Airways to far flung destinations – carefully chosen by Captain Meade and Co-Pilot Lukehurst. In addition, we had our Balloon Release on Friday 17th April and we are eagerly awaiting replies. Expect to hear many excited children talking about the continents of the World we will be exploring. Summer Fete Our school Summer Fete will be held on Wednesday 1st July. Please start having a sort out and bring in any unwanted items. Class Photographs All classes will have photographs taken on Monday 27th April. Year Group Newsletters You will soon be receiving your Year Group Newsletter. These have been a great success and I hope you have found them useful. Please continue to hear your child read, practice spellings and help them with their Space Mission targets. School Grounds You will have noticed that the school grounds are continuing to develop, with a Cottage Area in KS1 and a new Sand & Water Area in KS2. Barrowcliff Nursery We are extremely proud of our Nursery facility, which provides a fun, stimulating and creative environment. Places are available from September 2015 onwards and we would encourage you and your friends to obtain an admission form from the school office. PE Kit/Uniform Can we remind all parents that PE kit should be brought into school EVERY Monday and taken home on Friday. We are always short of sports kit in school. If you have any old football boots, shin pads, trainers, shorts etc. we would be very grateful if you could bring them into school. We would also be grateful for swimwear, towels etc. now that we have resumed our swimming lessons. We would ask that all pupils wear the correct items of school uniform. School jumpers/cardigans are available to purchase from the school office. Long hair should be tied up/back. Thank you. Absence for Vomiting Please be aware that if your child is absent because of vomiting, he/she must have been clear for 48 hours before returning to school. Emergency Contact Details Can we please remind all parents to inform the school of any changes to Emergency Contact Information as soon as possible? It is very important that we are able to contact parents quickly in the case of an emergency. School Start Times This is a reminder of the school start times; KS1 KS2 Classes start at 8.55 a.m. Classes start at 8.50 a.m. CAN YOU PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN ARRIVE AT SCHOOL PROMPTLY? The class with the best attendance for the week is presented with a healthy treat in Assembly on Monday morning. Thank you for your co-operation. Attendance We are aiming to achieve 96% attendance in school. Currently the whole school attendance is 94.6% Thank you to all parents and children whose attendance and punctuality has improved. We hope you will continue to support us in making further improvements. If your child is absent, please contact the school before 9.00 a.m. if possible. Don’t forget to look at our Attendance Board in the main reception to see your child’s class attendance each week. We will also show details of which class has won each week. If you need to speak to someone regarding attendance of punctuality, please contact Helen Fewtrell in the school office. Headlice Can we ask parents to check their child/children for head lice on a regular basis? Please help us to stop head lice becoming a major problem in school. Reports All pupil reports will be sent out to parents during week commencing 6th July. Y6 Production – Wednesday 15th July There will be 2 performances of this year’s Y6 production of “Yee-hah”. Performances will take place at 2.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. Further information will be sent out nearer the time. Y6 Leavers’ Barn Dance Date to be arranged. Further information will be sent out as soon as final arrangements are made. School Website We would remind all parents that the school website is updated on a regular basis with information relating to all aspects of school life. This includes photographs taken during school trips, performances and in-school activities. Parking We would ask all parents to park responsibly when dropping off/collecting children from school. Please respect the residents who live in close proximity to the school and try not to inconvenience them. Thank you. Tour de Yorkshire – 1st – 3rd May 2015 Stage 1 of The Tour de Yorkshire Cycle Race will start in Bridlington on Friday 1st May before finishing, 174 Km later, in Scarborough. The riders, from all over the world, will pass through spectacular coastal scenery and the iconic North York Moors landscape. From the start line in Bridlington the riders will head along the Flamborough Head Heritage Coast before turning away from the coast into the North York Moors National Park, through Dalby Forest and towards Pickering. They’ll then take a spectacular journey back to the coast at Whitby, and then south to Robin Hood’s Bay with the ultimate race to the finish line at Scarborough. I am sure you will agree that this is a very exciting event for our own region, as well as Yorkshire. Please take the opportunity to visit the Tour de Yorkshire website to find out more information regarding timings etc. It will be a very exciting event to watch. TO GIVE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO WATCH THE RACE, SCHOOL WILL CLOSE AT 1.30 P.M. ON FRIDAY 1ST MAY. BECAUSE OF THE CLOSURE OF THE SCHOOL, THERE WILL BE NO BUSY BEES ON FRIDAY 1 ST MAY. WE APOLOGISE IF THIS IS AN INCONVENIENCE TO PARENTS, BUT GOVERNORS FELT THAT THIS WAS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CHILDREN TO EXPERIENCE AN EXCITING INTERNATIONAL SPORTING EVENT INVOLVING THE TOWN OF SCARBOROUGH. General Election – Thursday 7th May As in previous years, the school will be used as a Polling Station for the General Election taking place on Thursday 7th May. The Conference Room will be used and will be accessed via the door on the outside of school. Voters will have access to the school grounds but will NOT have access to school. Please take the opportunity to discuss the General Election with your children. Explain the process of voting and election of Government. V.E. Day – Friday 8th May To commemorate Victory in Europe Day our kitchen staff have devised a “war time” menu of: Trench Stew Carrots Cabbage Herbie Bread Steamed Jam Sponge & Custard Fresh Fruit or Yoghurt Swimming Years 4, 5 & 6 will commence their swimming lessons on Tuesday 21st April. It is a legal requirement that all primary age children receive swimming lessons and it is our aim that by Year 6 ALL children can swim at least 25 metres. If you have any spare towels and boys’/ girls’ swimwear we would be very grateful if it could be donated to school. Old Fabric We are currently making a range of costumes for future themes. If anyone has any old curtains or fabrics could you please bring them into school for us to use. Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers We are currently collecting Active Kids vouchers which are available with your shopping at Sainsbury’s. This scheme has proved very successful in the past and has provided much needed sports equipment to be used in school. Induction Day Induction Day will take place on Thursday 2nd July. All children will experience a day in their new classes following registration. The current Y6 children will go straight to their secondary schools. End of Term School closes at 2.30 p.m. on Friday 17th July. School re-opens at 8.50 a.m. on Wednesday 9th September 2015 for children in Reception and Y1-Y6. Nursery will start on Monday 14th September. Happy Holidays ! Diary Dates Rather than give you all the dates between now and the end of term, we will send out monthly reminders – April dates as follows: April 2015 20th – 24th Y4 East Barnby Y5 Bikeability 21st Y2 to Raincliffe Woods 27th Class Photos Art Club starts – Class 6 28th Y2 to Dean Road Cemetery 29th Y5 to Flamingo Land SPORTS DAYS Thursday 18.6.15 Reception 9.30 a.m. Tuesday 23.6.15 Y5/6 1.30 p.m. Wednesday 24.6.15 Y3/4 1.30 p.m. Thursday 25.6.15 KS1 1.30 p.m. AS USUAL, PARENTS WELCOME! Barrowcliff School Newsletter Summer Term 2015
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