It`s time to register for WHITE`S ISLAND SWIM CAMP SUMMER 2015

It’s time to register for
Bermuda Amateur
Swimming Association teaches swimming lessons for beginner to improver swimmers in a camp
environment in six week-long sessions. The Camp will start on June 29th and end on August 14th. (There is no camp on Cup
Match week)
All Day program –The children travel by ferry from Albouy's point to the island. The 'Friendship' departs at 8:35a.m. sharp
and returns at 5p.m. These are the only boats to and from the island each day, and swimmers must arrive at Albouy's point
15 minutes prior to departure time. Swimmers must also be picked up promptly once the ferry returns, or have permission to
leave the dock.
Cost of the programme is $150 for the week
Fees are required with registration form; forms are not accepted nor are spots held or confirmed without payment.
Registration will be on a first come first serve basis
Youngest swimmer must be in their 6th year of age
Swimmers may join for as many weeks as they want
For online payment a screen shot must accompany the registration form
Parents/relatives are not permitted at the facility; No exceptions
No Refunds given without Doctors certificate
Absolutely no registration by telephone, Only Email Or by hand to our mailbox at Mailboxes Unlimited.
BASA PURE JOY REGISTRATION FORM (Please complete in block capitals)
CHILD’S AGE: ________
DATE OF BIRTH: ___________
NAME OF CURRENT SCHOOL: ___________________
NAME OF PARENTS: ______________________________________________________________________________________
HOME TEL #: _________________________
WORK TEL #: _________________________
MOTHER’S CELL # _____________________
FATHER’S CELL # ______________________
Email must be provided as that is our form of communication with you.
MEDICAL ISSUES:_____________________________________________________________________________
Remember that online payments must have a screen shot or reference receipt
Please make online payments to:
Bermuda Amateur swimming Association
Bank of Butterfield
Account #20006060025347100
Reference: Pure Joy
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Card payments can be emailed to with the information below filled out.
Credit Card #_________________________________ EXP:__________
Total Paid = S _________________
Date ____________________
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cash and Checks can be delivered with registration form to Mailboxes Unlimited on Par-La-Ville Road.
Envelope should say:
Pure Joy Summer camp
BASA Suite 1407
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please Tick Course Desired: (All dates inclusive)
Course 1: June 29-July 3
Course 2: July 6-10
Course 3: July 13-17
Course 4: July 20-24
Course 5: Aug 3-7
Course 6: Aug 10-14