General Education Requirements CBS Requirements 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 6 Topica l Brea dth (52 units total): Arts & Humanities (12-20 units) Science & Engineering (20 units, satisfied by major) Social Science (12-20 units) Core Litera cies: English Composition (see list under CBS requirements. • One lower-division course (4 units or satisfied by AP/ IB score) • One upper-division course (4 units) W riting Experience (6 units) Oral Skills (3 units, satisfied by major) Visual Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major) American Culture, Governance & History (6 units) Domestic Diversity World Cultures (3 units) Quantitative Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major) Scientific Literacy (3 units, satisfied by major) Tota l units for ma jor: 1 0 5 -1 1 5 BIS 105 (or 102 + 103), 104 STA 100, 102, or 130A-130B EVE 100, 101 Area s of Study (complete both): (1) Pick one: Biodiversity: EN T 103; EVE 105, 108, 112, 140; MIC 105; N ematology 110; PLB 116, 148; PLS 147; W FC 110, 111, 120, 134. (2) Pick two: Advanced Evolution and Ecology: EVE 102, 103, 104, 107, 115, 117, 119, 120, 131, 138, 141, 147, 149, 150, 161, 180A and 180B, 181. Additional upper division course work in biological science, including at least a total of two units (6 hours per week) of laboratory or fieldwork, to achieve a total of 4 9 or more units (see approved list). Degree Requirements Low er Division Com m on Core: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C CHE 2A, 2B, 2C MATH 17A, 17B, 17C; or MATH 21A, 21B CHE 8A, 8B; or CHE 118A, 118B, 118C* PHY 7A, 7B, 7C; or PHY 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D • Except Biochemistry and Molecular Biology “ Your education, your responsibility.” Upper Division Com m on Core: BIS 101 For remaining upper division BIS courses, see below in each major. Tota l units for ma jor: 7 7 -8 1 O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B; MAT 17A, 17B or 21A, 21B or STA 100 or 102 & PHY 1A, 1B (select one) Entry Level W riting Requirement American History & Institutions Requirement 180 Unit Completion Total A minimum 2.0 GPA Residence English class list • Lower division options: COM 1, 2, 3, 4; EN L 3; N AS 5; UW P 1, 18, 19 • Upper division options: Any course from a UW P 101, 102 or 104 series. 64 Upper-division units All major courses MUST be taken for a letter grade. 2.0 minimum cumulative major GPA 2.0 minimum cumulative depth subject matter GPA A.B. degrees require : o Foreign Language o Breadth Requirement Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity A.B. Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity B.S. CBS M a jors University Requirements STA 100, 102, or 130A-130B Pick one: EVE 100; GEL 107; AN T 151 Pick one: EVE 101; ESP 100; W FC 151 Include at least one course from each of the areas of study below. Area s of Study (complete both): (1) Pick one: Biodiversity: EN T 103; EVE 105, 108, 112, 140; MIC 105; N ematology 110; PLB 116, 148; PLS 147; W FC 110, 111, 120, 134. (2) Pick one: Advanced Evolution and Ecology: EVE 102, 103, 104, 107, 115, 117, 119, 120, 131, 138, 141, 147, 149, 150, 161, 180A and 180B, 181. Additional upper division course work in biological science to achieve a total of 36 or more units M icrobiology B.S. M icrobiology A.B. Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 1 -1 1 1 BIS 105 (or 102 + 103), 104 STA 100 or 102 MIC 91 or 191 MIC 104, 104L, 105, 105L Tota l units for m a jor: 9 8 - Tota l units for m a jor: 7 5 -7 6 O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B; STA 13, 100 or 102 or PLS 120 PLB 102 or 108 111 BIS 101, 105 (or 102 + 103) PLB 105, 111, 112 MIC 104, 104L, 105, 105L Research internship (3 units): PLB 92, 99, 189, 192, 199 or equivalent Select at least one course from each of the areas of study below: Restricted electives: 8-12 additional units. Select from: Upper division Microbiology courses not used in the satisfaction of any other requirement; or BIS 180L, 181, 183; FST 104; MCB 120L, 121, 160L, 182; PLP 120, 130, 148, 150; PLS 174; PMI 126L, 127; SSC 111 Pla nt Biology A.B. Tota l units for m a jor: 8 0 -9 2 O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B or 118A, 188B, 118C; MAT 17A, 17B or 21A, 21B; & PHY 1A, 1B or PHY 7A, 7B, 7C Select at least one course from each of the areas of study below: 1. Molecular Microbiology: MIC 115, 150, 170 2. Medical Microbiology: MIC 162; MMI 188; PMI 126, 128 Pla nt Biology B.S. 1. Molecular Microbiology: MIC 115, 150, 170 BIS 105 (or 102 + 103), 104 STA 100 or 102 Restricted electives: 15 additional units Tota l units for m a jor: 9 9 -1 1 5 Genetics & Genom ics B.S. Biochem istry & M olecula r Biology B.S. Tota l units for m a jor: 9 5 -1 1 7 Tota l units for ma jor: 1 0 6 -1 1 5 *See CHE requirement below BIS 105 (or 102 + 103), 104 BIS 102, 103, 104 STA 100 or 130A-130B EVE 140 or PLB 116 STA 100 MCB 121, 182 PLB 105, 111, 112, 117 N PB 100, 101, 102 EVE 100 or BIS 181 Any 13 upper division units in Plant Biology or related natural science Pick one: N PB 100L, 101L, 104L, 106, 111L, 124, 141P, 150, 194H Restricted electives: 12+ additional units. Can include all other N eurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior (N PB) courses not used in satisfaction of any other requirement; or AN T 154A, 154BN ; EN T 104; EXB 101, 102, 111. 2. Medical Microbiology: MIC 162; MMI 188; PMI 126, 128 Restricted electives: 6-10 additional units. Select from: Upper division Microbiology courses not used in satisfaction of any other requirement; or BIS 104, 181, 183; FST 104; MCB 120L, 121, 160L, 182; PLP 120, 130, 148, 150; PLS 174; PMI 126L, 127; SSC 111 N eurobiology, Physiology & Beha vior B.S. Biologica l Sciences B.S. Tota l units for m a jor: 1 0 4 -1 1 4 BIS 105, or 102 and 103, 104 STA 100 BIS 102, 103, 104 Tota l units for ma jor: 1 0 1 -1 1 6 BIS 102, 103, 104 STA 100 or 130A-130B MCB 140L STA 100 or 130A-130B CHE 107A-107B Two courses from: MCB 143, 144, or 145 MCB 164 or 183 CHE 118A, 118B, 118C or 128A-128B-128C, 129A-129B MCB 121 MCB 160L or BIS 180L MCB 120L, 121, 123, 124 Select at least 9 additional units’ from the following: BIS 134, 181, 183; BIT 150, ECS 124; EVE 100, 104, 103, 131, 150, 175; MIC 105, 150, 170; MCB 150, 162, 163, 164; PLB 112, 113; PLS 154 Restricted electives: 6+ additional units. Six units of upper division courses in biological sciences or chemistry relevant to the student's interest chosen in consultation with the adviser. Pick one: AN T 151, EVE 100, GEL 107 Select one from each field requirement (A-E): Cell Biology B.S MCB 150; or 163 and 164 Select at least 10 additional units from the following: CHE 107A, 107B; EVE 100, 150; MIC 101, 102, 150, 170; MCB 120L, 123, 124, 126, 138, 143, 144, 145, 148, 150, 158, 160L, 162, 163, 164, 178, 182, 191; N PB 100, 101, 103, 112, 160, 161; PMI 126, 126L, 128; PLB 111, 111D, 113, 113D, 152; MMI 188 (A) Evolution: AN T 151, 152, 154A; EVE 100; GEL 107; PLB 143 (B) Ecology: AN T 154BN ; BIS 122; EN T 104, 156; ESP 100, 121; EVE 101; MIC 120; W FC 151 (C) Microbiology: FST 104; MIC 101, 104, 140, 150, 162; PMI 127, 128; SSC 111 Biologica l Sciences A.B. (D) N eurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior: AN T 154A; EN T 102, 104; N PB 100, 101, 102, 141 Tota l units for ma jor: 7 7 -9 4 O N LY N EEDS: BIS 2A, 2B, 2C; CHE 2A, 2B; CHE 8A, 8B or 118A, 118B, 118C; PHY 1A, 1B or PHY 7A, 7B, 7C; STA 13, 32, 100 or 102 BIS 102 or 105 (E) Plant Biology: Environmental Horticulture 102, 105; EVE 108, 117, 119, 140; PLB 102, 105, 108, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 119, 143, 148; PLP 120, 130, 148; PLS 144, 147, 176 STA 100 or 102 Evolution: One from EVE 100, 140; GEL 107; PLB 116 Evolution, Ecology a nd Biodiversity Em pha sis, 1 2 units Field requirement: Students must take EVE 100 to satisfy Field requirement (A), and EVE 101 to satisfy Field requirement (B). (1) At least 12 units including at least one course from each of the following two groups: (a) Biodiversity: EN T 103; EVE 105, 106, 108, 112, 112L, 114, 134, 134L, 134F, 140; MIC 105, 105L; N EM 110; PLB 116, 147, 148; W FCB 110, 110L, 111, 111L, 120, 120L. M icrobiology Em pha sis, 1 6 -2 0 units Field Requirement: Students must complete MIC 104 to satisfy Field requirement (C). Complete one of four options listed below or complete an individual option with approval from your faculty adviser. (1) (2) (b) Advanced Evolution and Ecology: EVE 102, 103, 107, 115, 117, 119, 120, 131, 138, 141, 147, 149, 150, 180A, 180B, 181. (2) Laboratory/ Fieldwork Requirement. Included in the above 12 units, complete a total of two units or a total of six hours/ week of fieldwork or laboratory work. Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement are: One course from: EVE 105, 106, 108, 112L, 114, 134L; MIC 105L; PLB 116, 148: W FCB 110L; 111L OR two courses from: EVE 117, 119, 134F, 140, 180A, 180B; PLS 147; W FC 120L (3) Microbial Physiology and Molecular Genetics option: N O TE: this option MUST take BIS 102 & 103 N OT BIS 105 MIC 104L, 140, 150 Select one: MIC 170; MCB 121 Select one : MIC 105 and 105L, 155L, 170; PMI 127 Microbial Diversity and Ecology option: N OTE: this option MUST take BIS 102 & 103 N OT BIS 105 MIC 104L, 105 and 105L, 120 Select one : FST 104; MIC 140, 150, 162, 170; PMI 127, 128; PLB 148; PLP 148; SSC 111 Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology option: MIC 104L Select two: Microbiology 140, 150, 170 Select one : FST 102A, 104 Select one: MIC 155L; MCB 120L, 160L (4) Medical Microbiology option: Students may choose to complete the Field (C) requirement and the laboratory requirement for this option with MIC 101, or MIC 104 and 104L. Students are encouraged to complete MIC 101 to satisfy Field (C) and this option's laboratory requirement simultaneously. Students completing MIC 104 for Field (C) must also complete MIC 104L to satisfy the laboratory requirement for this option PMI 126 Select one: MMI 115, 116; PMI 127 Select one: MIC 105 and 105L, 162; PMI 128 Select one: MIC 140, 150, 170 Pla nt Biology Em pha sis, 1 4 -1 7 units Select one course from each of the following four areas: (1) Anatomy and morphology: EVE 140; PLB 105, 116 (2) Physiology, development and molecular biology: PLB 111, 112, 113; Plant Pathology 130 (3) Evolution and ecology: EVE 100, 117; PLB 117, 143 (4) Laboratory requirement: Biotechnology 161A, 161B; EVE 108; PLB 105, 108, 116, 148; PLP148 N eurobiology, Physiology & Beha vior Em pha sis, 1 5 units M olecula r & Cellula r Biology Em pha sis, 1 2 -1 7 units M a rine Biology Em pha sis, 1 2 -1 9 units N O TE: Students must complete BIS 102 & 103 for this emphasis. N O TE: this option MUST take BIS 102 & 103 N OT BIS 105 Field requirem ent: Students must take EVE 100 to satisfy Field requirement (A), and EVE 101 to satisfy Field requirement (B), and N PB 102 or 141 to satisfy Field requirement (D). Select courses from at least two of the following three areas: (1) Molecular Biology and Gene Expression: MCB 121 (1) Ocean Processes: At least three units from: BIS 122; ESP 124, 152; ESP 116N , 150A, 150B, 150C; EVE 115; W FCB 157 (1) N eurobiology: N PB 100, 106, 112, 124, 125, 126, 160, 160L, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 169; PSC 121, 124, 128, 129. (2) Laboratory Experience: One or more laboratory courses from: BIS 120P, 180L; MCB 120L, 140L, 160L; or other laboratory course to total 3 units (or 9 hours per week) that emphasizes cellular or molecular biology with approval of your faculty adviser (2) Physiology: Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology 100; EN T 102; EXB 101, 110, 111, 125; N PB 101, 101L, 103, 104L, 105, 106, 111C, 111L, 113, 114, 117, 121, 121L, 122, 123, 127, 128, 130, 132, 139, 140, 141, 141P, 152; PMI 126; W FCB 121. (3) Behavior: AN T 154A, 154C; EN T 104; N PB 102, 150, 152, 159, 162; PSC 122, 123, 129. Include one lab: N PB 101L, 104L, 141P, or 160L (3) Restricted Electives (6-8 units) Select two or more courses from: BIS 120, 181, 183; MCB 123, 124, 126, 143, 144, 145, 150, 162, 163, 164, 182; N PB 103; PMI 126; PLB 113, 126 (2) Marine Organismal Biology: At least three units from: AN S 119, 131; EVE 106, 110, 112 and 112L, 114; N PB 141; PLB 118; W FC 120 and 120L,121 (3) Immersion Requirement: Complete one of four options listed below, offered in spring quarter or summer sessions at Bodega Marine Laboratory, or equivalent. Requires residence at Bodega Marine Laboratory Ecology: One from ESP 100; EVE 101, 117; PLB 117, 147 Philosophy of Biological Science: One from AN S 170; N AC 100, 120, 140; PHI 108; STS 130A, 130B, 131; Physiology: One from EN H 102; EN T 101, 102; N PB 101; PLB 111, 112 One course each in Animal, Microbial and Plant Diversity Animal Diversity: EN T 100, 107, 109; EVE 105, 112 and 112L, 134; N EM 110; W FC 110, 111, 120 Microbial Diversity: MIC 101, 162; PMI 127, 128; PLB 148; PLP 148; SCS 111 Plant Diversity: EVE 108, 119, 140; PLB 102, 108, 116, 119, 147 Additional upper division course work in biological sciences to achieve a total of 38 or more units; see “ Approved Biology Electives” list below. O ption 1 (summer session 1): Pick one: ESP 124; EVE 106, 110, 114 BIS 124 ESP / EVE 111 N OTE: Upper division course work must include a total of two units or a total of six hours/ week of fieldwork or laboratory work. O ption 2 (summer session 2): Pick one: ESP 152, GEL 150C BIS 124 O ption 3 (summer session 1): ETX/ N UT 127 O ption 4 (spring quarter): Select one course from each of the following two groups: (a.) BIS 122; N PB 141 (b.) BIS 122P; N PB 141P Visit for more information
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