NOTICE OF RACE European Championships International Moth 2015 by Dutch Moth Association and Batavia Sailing Center In conjunction with the Royal Dutch Watersport Association and International Moth Class Association From Tuesday August 25 to Sunday August 30 Location: Port of Bataviahaven, Lelystad, The Netherlands 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 5 5.1 5.2 Venue The venue of the European Championships (EC) will be at the Port of the Bataviahaven, Lelystad, The Netherlands The racing area will be the Markermeer off Lelystad, Appendix A shows the location of the race area. Race office will at Restaurant Bataviahaven Rules The event will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-‐2016 (RRS). The SI will specify amendments of rules including rules of RRS Part 2 as approved by IMCA and ISAF. No National Authority prescriptions will apply. If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence. Entry regulations and eligibility Competitors shall enter by completing the on-‐line entry form on the website and paying the required fees. Entries including payment must be received no later than Sunday August 16. Entry in the event is not final until payment and registration is completed. All competitors shall comply with the ISAF Eligibility Code. All competitors shall be member of their National Authority. All competitors shall be member of their National Moth Class Association or the IMCA. Entries after Sunday August 16, may be accepted at the discretion of the OA. They will incur the extra late entry fee of €150,-‐ Parents/guardians of competitors under 18 years of age (at August 25 2015), shall acknowledge the entry form online at the time of entry. Fees The entry fee is €250,-‐ per boat by an early entry. After Thursday April 30, there will be an late entry fee of €50,-‐ (Total entry fee will be €300,-‐). After Thursday July 9 2015, there will be an extra-‐late entry fee of €100,-‐ (Total entry fee will be €350,-‐). Schedule Registration for competitors is scheduled Tuesday August 25, from 10.00-‐17.00h at the Race office at Restaurant Bataviahaven. The openings ceremony is scheduled to start on Tuesday August 25, 20.00h at Restaurant Bataviahaven. 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 The warning signal for the first race August 26 is scheduled to be no earlier than 11.00h The sailors dinner is scheduled to start on Saturday August 29, 18.30h at Restaurant Bataviahaven. The prize giving ceremony is scheduled on Sunday August 30 at Restaurant Bataviahaven. Schedule for the “stadium” sailing will be released at further notice. These races will not count for the European championship 6 Format 6.1 Races will be sailed in one fleet. 6.2 When there are more than 100 competitors, the fleet may be divided into groups and racing will consist of a Qualifying Series and a Finals Series. 7 Courses 7.1 The courses will be Upwind-‐Downwind 7.2 Courses, starting-‐ and finish systems will be described in the Sailing Instructions. 8 Advertising Competitors may be required to carry advertising for event and class sponsors on their boats, sails if supplied by the organiser. 9 Equipment and measurement 9.1 Each boat shall present a current valid measurement certificate for all equipment and sails at registration. 9.2 At any time during the event their a measurer may inspect any boat and equipment. 10 Sailing Instructions Sailing Instructions will be available before Wednesday August 19 on the event website and at registration. 11 Scoring 11.1 A low point scoring system will be used. 11.2 The ‘Grand prix’ (Lapped Finish) procedure will be used. The SI will describe further details. 12 Jury An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with Rule 91(b). It’s decisions will be final in accordance with Rule 70.5. 13 Penalty In the International Moth Class, the Two-‐Turns penalty for breaking a rule of Part 2 of the RS as described in RRS 44.1 will be replaced by the One-‐Turn penalty as described in RRS 44.2. 14 Prizes The following prizes will be awarded: – First place overall (2015 European Champion) nd th – 2 to 10 places overall – First female – First Master (Year of birth 1970 – 1961) – First Grandmaster (Year of birth 1960 or earlier) – First Junior (Year of birth 1997 or later) 15 Disclaimer of liability Competitors participate in the event entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. Neither the Organising Authority will accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with prior to, during, or after the event. 16 Insurance 16.1 All boats competing shall have current for the duration of the event third party insurance cover of not less than EUR 3,000,000 (or equivalent) per incident. 16.2 All competitors who submit the Entry Form are deemed to have made a declaration that they hold such cover. 16.3 Competitors shall be required to provide details and evidence that they have such insurance in place at the time of registration. 17 Media In submitting the entry form, all competitors, parents, legal guardians and custodians provide their permission for all photographs, video, TV and sound recordings to be the property of the organisers and used for any purpose including public viewing and posting on the event website. Competitors may be required for interviews at the race office or at Port of Bataviahaven. 18 Merchandise Event Merchandise may be available from the event website and at the event. 19 Facilities and accommodation The OA will try to organise camping facilities close to the Port of Bataviahaven. Available accommodation for a range of budgets is detailed on the website. 20 Further Information Dutch Moth Class Association Mail: 21 Changes to this Notice of Race This Notice of Race may be subject to amendments which will be identified in the Notice of Race and noted on the event website at Appendix A: Race Area location Race office: Restaurant Bataviahaven Bataviahaven 1 8242 PR Lelystad The Netherlands
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