2015 Summer Baseball and Softball Registration Form

Sponsors of....
231 Greenwood Ave * Midland Park, NJ 07432 * www.battingcircuit.com
(p)201-857-5353 * (f)201-857-5354
2015 Summer Baseball and Softball Registration Form
Please return the completed form to battingcircuit@outlook.com or mail this along with your
check to The Batting Circuit, Attn: Steve Bussanich, 231 Greenwood Ave
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Please Select Clinic:
____ Baseball Summer Camp July 13-16, 2015
____ Softball Summer Camp July 13-16, 2015
Childs’s Name: _____________________________________________Child’s Age/Birthday: ______________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip:______________
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ Cell Phone: ________________
Email: ______________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________
Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________ Contact Phone: ________________________
Medical Concerns: ____________________________ Allergies: _________________________
Payment Method- Please circle one: Check / Cash/credit Card
Credit Card # ______________________________ Exp Date: _________ Amount: $ ________________
Check #:_______________ Please note, there is a $3.00 credit card fee.
Cash Amount: $_____________________________
-----------------------------------------PARENT/GUARDIAN RELEASE----------------------------------------Waiver & Release of liability: I __________________________________, hereby certify that the
participant is in good health and able to participate in the prescribed, above activity.
Furthermore, I agree and hold harmless The Batting Circuit, LLC, its owners, instructors and
employees, from all liability arising out of any injury or accident sustained by the participant in the
course of his/her activity. If a medical emergency should arise and I cannot be reached
immediately at home or at the emergency phone number, I hereby grant medical personnel the
authority to take whatever means he or she deems necessary to safeguard the welfare of the