Die Bayrische Zeitschrift Newsletter of The Bavarian Sports Club www.bavariansportsclub.org or e-mail: bavarianclub@bex.net 2102 Lagrange Toledo, OH 43608 419-255-6040 May 2015 REDEDICATION OF THE MAIBAUM OAK SHADE GROVE MAY 30, 2015 TIME: 2:00 PM—11:00 PM SOCIETY PARADE: 3:00 PM MAIBAUM REDEDICATION CEREMONY: 3:30 PM BANQUET IN “THE CHALET”: 5:00 PM DANCING TO ENCORE: 7:00 PM—11:00 PM All GAF groups will perform at the ceremony and/or the banquet. Swiss Chor, Teutonia Männerchor & Damenchor, Bavarian Sports Club D'Holzhacker Buam, Turner Volkstanz Gruppe, and Toledo Hozhacker Buam. Die Bayrische Zeitschrift Page 2 Die Bayrische Zeitschrift Page 3 BSC BAYERISCDHER MOTTORRAD VERIN—LET’S RIDE!! The first meeting of BSC Bayerischer Motorrad Verein was Friday, April 24, 2015. We discussed our first planned ride on May 17, 2015 from the BSC to Marblehead, Ohio. Other potential routes discussed were from Toledo to Grand Rapids, Ohio and Toledo to Devils Lake, Michigan. Smaller, local trips will also be planned related to the Toledo area like the community events, Mud Hens, Art and Music festivals, and Vineyard tours. The goal of the BSC Bayerischer Motorrad Verein is to bring together current membership, spark interest in members we have not seen for awhile, and promote the Bavarian Sports Club. We welcome any interested members of the GAF to ride with us. Please join the facebook page BSC Bayerischer Motorrad Verein for more information or contact Heidi Sickler at hsickler1@yahoo.com. “Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.” - author unknown FIRST CROSS GENERATIONAL DINNER/DANCE BAVARIAN SPORTS CLUB JUNE 6, 2015 7:00-11:00 PM COST—$35 PER COUPLE, SECOND CHILD ADDITIONAL $5 MUSIC BY ERIC HITE OF POLKA FLOYD THE BAVARIAN SPORTS CLUB WILL BE HOSTING ITS FIRST CROSS GENERATIONAL DANCE. PERFECT FOR DADDY’S AND DAUGHTERS, MOTHERS AND SON’S, GRANDPARENTS, UNCLES AND AUNTS. WHAT EVER YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THAT SPECIAL OLDER OR YOUNGER PERSON IN YOUR LIFE, THIS IS AN EVENT FOR YOU. PASTA AND SALAD BAR WITH DESSERT FOR DINNER THE COST IS $35 PER COUPLE. IF A PARENT, GRANDPARENT HAS MORE THAN ONE CHILD, THE COST OF THE 2ND CHILD IS ONLY AN ADDITIONAL $5 RESERVE TICKETS A.S.A.P., THIS IS EXPECTED TO BE A “SOLD OUT” EVENT. LEAVE A MESSAGE AT 734-224-0152 E-MAIL Carlaprenkert@yahoo.com Die Bayrische Zeitschrift Page 4 THOUGHTS FROM MISS BAVARIAN SPORTS CLUB 2014 Mirror, Mirror kids were learning to read and multiply, I was learning to check my blood glucose level and give myself a shot and what foods contained wheat. If that doesn’t send a child in to a pit of separateness then not much else could. For years I felt not entirely part of anything. Nearly every little girl dreams of being some sort of princess or queen, of wearing fancy dresses and sparkly crowns. As a matter of fact, my parents had a box of pretty costumes and plastic rhinestone crowns for me when I was little and I believed I actually was a princess until first grade. We all should feel special like that. It’s not like we don’t start out that way, but as we grow up, we enter in to the world, a selfish, ignorant place. Like most children, especially those who are the youngest, my parents and older brothers made every effort to make me believe I was special. Smart, pretty, talented, you name it. Then, such is the nature of life, I was exposed to criticism. Not the kind that makes you a better person, but the kind that laughs at a gap in your teeth or too many freckles on your nose or any other “flaw” that is in reality, only uniqueness. Then, while the other September, 2010 my parents joined the Bavarian Sports Club and I became a member of the Schuhplattler Gruppe. I didn’t know then, but this would prove to be a life changing choice. I felt part of something. Something different and desirably separate from the ordinary routine was now a part of my life. It didn’t matter if the kids at school thought I was stupid or acted like I had the plague when I had to check my blood glucose. There was a place for me to go where no one cared that I struggled with math or that I had to poke myself before I danced. I also got to put on pretty dresses that fanned out when I twirled and once again, I felt like a princess. As time went on, I eventually overcame my darkness and realized that I could use my experience to help other people, whether they were diabetic, struggled with math or were just plain feeling down. I learned that I had influence. We all have influence. We should all make a conscious effort to use that influence to build each other up and look for opportunities to do it. A kind word of encouragement, maybe even just a smile can lift or carry someone just enough to get them to the next day and sometimes that’s all they need. Tomorrows are full of promises that can be fulfilled. When I put on this sash and tiara, I’m not just a festival queen or mascot; I am a person of influence. Other than the people who are curious about whom I represent, or the people who want to take my picture, there are the little ones. They are precious little people with innocent hearts who still believe in their own awesomeness. They haven’t yet been torn down by the negativity in the world. It is not only my duty, but the duty of every person to build those little ones. We need to build their confidence and self esteem so high and rock solid that when the world starts chipping away at them, it won’t be possible to tear away enough to knock them down. Don’t under estimate the power of a “high five” or “atta boy” and take a moment to secure a building stone underneath the Die Bayrische Zeitschrift Page 5 UPCOMING DINNER/EVENTS AT BAVARIAN SPORTS CLUB Friday, May 1st Friday, May 29th Pork Chops, Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetable, Dessert TO BE ANNOUNCED By Jackie Beutler Friday, June 5th TO BE ANNOUNCED Friday, May 8th Mexican Dinner—Come Be Surprised By Anna & Dan Soldner Friday, June 12 Menu to be Announced MOTHERS DAY 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Friday, June 19th TO BE ANNOUNCED Brunch By Sue Conway Friday, June 26th Pasta Bar with Dessert By Heather & Perry Schwimmen Friday, May 22nd Memorial Day Weekend Kitchen Closed Frozen Pizza’s will be available PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSETS, DRAWERS, ATTICS, GARAGE, BASEMENT. WE ONLY WANT ITEMS THAT YOU WOULD CONSIDER PURCHASING AT A GARAGE OR RUMMAGE SALE, PLEASE DON’T BRING YOUR OLD JUNK! WE NEED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, BOOKS, ADULT By Gabriela & ????? ?????????? AND CHILDRENS CLOTHES, TOYS AND GAMES, HALLOWEEEN FRIDAY COOKS NEEDED !!!! COSTUMES AND DECORATIONS, AND DON’T FORPlease Note: Friday Cooks are GET TO CLEAN OUT needed. You do not have to be a YOUR CHRISTMAS DECOgourmet cook, just multiply your faRATIONS AND ITEMS. vorite recipe by four (4) or five (5); we plan for between 20 to 25 dinners. ITEMS CAN BE BROUGHT Club pays for food, you cook, if you TO THE CLUB FOR STORneed help in the kitchen we will try to AGE IN THE ATTIC. find a helper. Call Jean at 419-8919474 if willing to help. Menu to be Announced Friday, May 15th THE FALL RUMMAGE SALE HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR: AUGUST 7 & 8TH By Melissa Willinger & Jim Zubricky May 10th THE SPRING RUMMAGE SALE HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF ITEMS. Die Bayrische Zeitschrift a building stone underneath the heart of a child. I have a story that recently happened. It demonstrates the power of influence. In my house, ever since I can remember we have a term of endearment. My mother and brothers all used it affectionately and believe it or not that term is “turd.” Yes, you read it correctly. Now, seeming only natural to me, I had continued to use that term affectionately with the little ones in the dance group. Recently, I found out that one of them picked up the use of that word and began calling kids at school “turd.” Oops!! See what I mean? Influence. I can use that same power to help them believe in themselves. I can not only help the little ones, but any person who needs a word of encouragement and sometimes, just a word of acknowledgment. I realize I don’t need this sash and tiara to make a difference, but wearing it has started awareness in me. I appreciate the older people who have through the years, by integrity and generosity kept this club, my club going. They have been a force with their presence and support. They have been friendly faces in the crowd and can always be counted on for a smile and words of praise. How wonderful to know Page 6 people who have spent a lifetime using their influence for the good. I appreciate my teachers. I’m not always in this proper and positive mode and sometimes revert to being pouty little child. It can’t be so easy to deal with that especially when there are so many of us. I appreciate my peers. We all struggle with life outside our haven which is the dance group. All our differences and uniqueness become positive things when we walk through that steel gray door and we have influence, power to help each other. Most of all, I appreciate the little ones. Baby toothed and jack-o-lantern smiles greet me with hugs. They’re excited to show me something new that they’ve gotten or tell me about some where they are going. These little ones are my tomorrow. I will pass on my sash and tiara, but I will never let go of the treasure which the adoration of my “minions.” To the next in line, I will stand behind you. I will help you in all that you do. We can continue to build each other and become an unbreakable source of strength. I only want to forewarn you, that these pretty adornments marking your reign are heavier than you can imagine. Samantha Dawn Prenkert Miss Bavarian Sports Club 2014 Miss Bavarian Sports Club 2015. If you are interested in becoming the Bavarian Sports Club’s Queen for this year please send a one (l) page essay. Tell us about yourself and your involvement in the Bavarian Sports Club and GAF. Please leave your essay at the club by May 21, 2015. THIS PAGE HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR MEMBERS TO SHARE THEIR HOBBIES, MEMORIES OF TRIPS, INTERESTING ARTICLES OR JOKES YOU SAW IN YOUR TRAVELS OR MAGAZINES. SEND YOUR INFORMATION TO JEAN MURPHY AT jeannie111@buckeyeexpress.com or bavariannewsletter@bex.net
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