VISION ASIA 2015 Trade and Industrial Fair Holiday Inn Tower Ballroom London,United Kingdom Birming,am,United Kingdom 27th-31st August , 2015 9th - 12th September , 2015 Organised By: British Asians Welfare Association (BAWA) Associated With: Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) British Asians Welfare Association Presents VISION ASIA 2015 RE: VISION ASIA 2015, A Trade and Industrial Exhibi>on to be on 27th-‐31st August, Holiday Inn, London 9th-‐12th September, Tower Ballroom, Birmingham Dear Par'cipants, Bri'sh Asians Welfare Associa'on (BAWA) is glad to announce to hold VISION ASIA 2015, an Interna'onal Trade and Industrial Exhibi'on. VISION ASIA 2015: An idea of opening horizons and making your products celebri'es’ world wide. The Exhibi'on will be held on 27th to 31st August in Holiday Inn, London and 9th to 12th September in Tower Ballroom,Birmingham, United Kingdom. BAWA is an organisa'on which is looking into the future, and its driving force is to lead the Industrialist, Manufacturers, Organisa'ons, Individuals and the country on the road to oriented trade and ul'mate prosperity. VISION ASIA 2015 will be a pivotal and a focal point for all the Industrialist and Manufacturers of our beloved country and foreign trade missions. Your products and services will come under impeccable lime light and immense exposure as unlimited number of poten'al customers and traders from all walks of life will be watching your products throughout this industrial extravaganza. Exposure and display of your products and services to the poten'al customers and traders on the spot test marke'ng of your products will be through Export Display Centres, enhancing opportuni'es of maturing the trade contacts. This Exhibi'on will be sufficiently and widely given publicity through Print Media, Electronic Media and all other forms such Press, Televisions, Newspapers, Posters, Handbills, Banners and Hoardings, etc. Social Service Organisa'ons may also take part in this fair to show their achievements and future plans in their fields in order to mo'vate the people for dona'ons/help in the cause of humanity. I enclose herewith a copy of Brochure and Applica'on Form. You are requested to please return to us the Applica'on Form, dully filled in, alongside with your cheque/bank draX/pay order/swiX transfer or any method of payment for rent of stall in favour of BAWA at your earliest convenience to avoid last minute hurtle. Please keep duplicate copy of the Applica'on Form with you for your record. The allotment of stalls will be on “First Come. First Serve” basis. Your par'cipa'on will be highly appreciated. Should you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Silvia Manz (Secretary-‐General) Bri'sh Asians Welfare Associated (BAWA) BAWA HOUSE Roman Road, London E3 2RN United Kingdom Email:; Tel: 07448735182; 07947572524 Web: AN INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE EXHIBITION VISION ASIA 2015 will be a pivotal and a focal point for all the industrialist and Manufacturers of our beloved country and foreign trade missions. Your products and services will come under impeccable lime light and immense exposure as unlimited number of potential customers and traders from all walks of life will be watching your products throughout this industrial extravaganza. AN INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE EXHIBITION PUBLICITY The fair will be sufficiently and widely given publicity through Radio, Press, Newspapers, Televisions, Cinema, Posters, Handbills, Banners and Hoardings. VISION ASIA 2015 will be a pivotal and a focal point for all the industrialist and Manufacturers of our beloved country and foreign trade missions. Your products and services will come under impeccable lime light and immense exposure as unlimited number of potential customers and traders from all walks of life will be watching your products throughout this industrial extravaganza. WHY PARTICIPATE? VISION ASIA 2015 will be platform for manufacturers ad suppliers to showcase their products/ service. Exposure and display of your products and services to the potential customers and traders on the spot test marketing of your products through Export Display Centres and opportunity of maturing the trade contacts. It will provide an opportunity to agents, distributors, importers, trading companies, wholesalers, retailers, hotels, business representatives, restaurants, of course the consumers and other bulk purchases though-‐out UNITED KINGDOM. CATEGORIES FOR EXHIBITORS ‣ TEXTILE GOODS ‣ OFFICE EQUIPMENTS ‣ COSMETICS ‣ BEAUTY WORKSHOPS ‣ SPORTS GOODS ‣ KITCHEN WARES/CROCKERY ‣ HERBAL AND AYURVEDIC HEALTH CARE ‣ TOYS AND GIFT ITEMS ‣ HOUSEHOLD GOODS ‣ FASHION AND FABRICS ‣ SHOES ‣ TEETH WHITENINGS ‣ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ‣ FURNITURES AND FIXTURES ‣ WEDDING PLANNERS ‣ PHOTOGRAPHY ‣ CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS ‣ FIRE FIGHTINGS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENTS ‣ MAKE UP ARTISTS/WORKSHOPS ‣ HANDBAGS ‣ PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ‣ SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS ‣ HOME FURNISHING ‣ HANDICRAFTS ‣ LEATHER GOODS ‣ PHARMACEUTICALS ‣ JEWELLERY ‣ CATERING SERVICES/ PROVIDERS ‣ PAPER AND PRINTINGS ‣ WOOD/ TIMBER ‣ BEDDINGS ‣ TOILETERIES ‣ MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTS ‣ AUTOMOBILES / TRANSPORT ‣ GEMS AND STONES ‣ BOOKS/MAGAZINE ‣ SANITARY WARES ‣ MARBLE ‣ FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FRANCISING ‣ ANY SUITABLE PRODUCT ‣ GLASSES ‣ RUBBER AND PLASTIC (subject to approval of committee) ‣ TILES AND CEREMICS NOT ALLOWED NB: PROHIBITED ITEMS OF ANY KIND IS INDIVIDUAL SCHEMES FOR PARTICIPATION IN LONDON/BIRMINGHAM COST OPTION A Shell Scheme (MAIN HALL) Stall Size 9’ x 9’ £2000 COST OPTION B Shell Scheme (PRIME LOCATION AND CORNERS) Stall Size 9’ x 9’ £2200 COST OPTION C Space for RESTAURANT Coffee Bar £2000 £1000 INCLUSIVE OF THE FOLLOWING: >LAMINATED SHELL > FASCIA BOARD WITH COMPANY NAME AND STALL NUMBER PANEL DISPLAY >2 CHAIRS, 1 INFORMATION DESK, 2 SPOTLIGHTS >SINGLE PHASE ELECTRIC SOCKETS; DOUBLE SOCKET( FOR RESTUARANTS) Exclusive Discount for Participation in both London and Birmingham. To know more contact BAWA. BAWA MEMBERSHIP (FEE) £250 ADDITIONAL CHARGES (If applicable) CONTACT ORGANISERS VISION ASIA 2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: It is mandatory for all participants at VISION ASIA-2015 , to abide the following Terms and Conditions of British Asians Welfare Association (BAWA): 1.The booking of stalls/spaces shall be allotted no sooner we receive the application form duly signed & stamped by the participating companies or individuals along with full fees and company profile. The allotment shall be strictly as first come first served basis. The booking shall be ending at the end of May 2015 provided the availability of stalls remaining for disposal. 2. If any respective participants needs additional services, such as regarding Accommodation, Hotel Bookings, Customs Clearance, Storage of Goods etc, then BAWA’s membership shall be required. (See Application form) 3. All documents including Invitation letter shall be sent to all the International participants. Their names shall also be included in the list which would be sent to all the respective British Embassies to their respective countries to acquire the Visas. 4. No sooner the payment is received all the relevant documents to apply for necessary visa shall be issued. The names shall be included in the list of participants with option to publish their posters and relevant publication in the coming magazine of this venture. 20% administration charges shall be deducted if a cancellation is effected within 28days of confirmed bookings (Cancellations may be accepted with sound reasons within 28 days of booking). 5. Stalls/spaces are not transferable or dividable without prior approval of Executive committee of BAWA. Since there is only limited space for catering to serve food & beverages so it shall be allocated to the experienced applicants only. 6. In case of any natural calamity, cancellation, accident or force major no liability of any sort shall not be acceptable by BAWA. 7. The decision ofBoard of Directors of BAWA and Executive Committee in all matters shall be final and shall hold legal binding to all the participants. 8. The Managing Committee of BAWA reserves the right to refuse any application without stating any reason. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EXHIBITORS: It is mandatory for all participants in the VISION ASIA-2015 of United Kingdom, to abide the following Rules and regulations: 1. Participants/Exhibitors are not permitted to display their goods or samples outside their respective stalls. 2.All participants shall transport their exhibits to the Exhibition Hall under their own supervision, arrangements and cost. 3. All participants are requested to maintain tidiness and no advertising material such as posters, banners or sign board shall be placed without approval of BAWA. 4. It is not permitted in any circumstances to display or sell any of the Narcotics or explosive goods of any kind or any prohibited items or indulge in such activities prejudicial to these illegal activities. 5. Security Personals and mobile officers shall be assigned at the venue by the Management. 6. CCTV cameras will be operating inside & outside the venue by the Management. 7. All the Health, Environment and Safety Regulations as per United Kingdom Laws has to be maintained at all times. 9. The Managing Committee reserves the right to refuse any application without stating any reason. 10. There shall be some storage space available to the participants provided they book it in advance. British Asians Welfare Association (BAWA) STAMPED PASSPORT PHOTO Associated With: The Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Presents VISION ASIA 2015 AT HOLIDAY INN London, UK TOWER BALLROOM Birmingham , UK APPLICATION FORM ( PLEASE WRITE IN BLOCK LETTERS) COMPANY(DETAILS( COMPANY(NAME:(……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………( ADDRESS:(…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( CITY:(…………………………………………………………………((((COUNTRY:(…………………………………..…………………………….( TEL(:(…………………………………………….(((MOBILE(………………………………….(EMAIL:(……………………………………………. TYPE(OF(BUSINESS:(…………………………………………………….. PERSONAL(DETAILS(( (Please(attach(a(copy(of(the(original(passport)( NAME:(……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….( HOME(ADDRESS:((…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..( POSITION(IN(THE(ABOVE(COMPANY:(……………………………………………….(QUALIFICATION:(…………………………………………( TEL(:(…………………………………………….((((MOBILE(………………………………….(EMAIL:(…………………………………………..( PASSPORT/NATIONAL(INSURANCE:(…………………………………….(((NATIONALITY:(……………………………………………………… DATE(OF(BIRTH:(……/……/……….(((((((((((((((((((((EMERGENCY(CONT:((…………………………………………………………………………….( Attest(to(have(full(knowledge(of(the(regulations,(accepts(them(for(the(admission(to(Vision(Asia(2015( Wish(to(hire(stall(for(the(exhibition(:(Please(tick((((((…………(LONDON(((((…………BIRMINGHAM No(of(stalls:(_________(((((((((((((((((((((BAWA(MEMBERSHIP:(_________(Please(Tick)( PAYMENT((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Booking(payment:( BAWA(Membership((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( £ Total(Payment:((((((((((((((((((((((( Please(make(the(payment(to(the(mentioned(details:( Bank:,HSBC(Bank,(126(High(Street,(Ilford(IG1(1DA,(UK( Account,Name:,BAWA, Account,No:,52157551, Sort,Code:,40e25e27, IBAN:,GB(43(MIDL(402527(52157551 Branch,Identifier,Code:(MIDLGB2104V, By(signing(this(application(you(agree(that(the(information(you(have(provided(above(are(true(to(the(best(of(your(knowledge(and(agree(to( the(terms(and(condition(of(BAWA.( Name:((((((((((((_______________________________________((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Company(Stamp:(( Signature(:((((_______________________________________((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Date:(((((__________________________ BAWA(HOUSE Roman(Road London(E3(2RN United(Kingdom Contact(Us:( Telephone:((07448735182( ((((((((((((((((((((((((07947572524( Write(to(Us:( P.O(BOX(No(2304( Ilford,(Essex(IG1(9YF( United(Kingdom( Email(Us:(((((((( Consultancy:, Events,and,Exhibition:, General,Enquries:,
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