Tree Physiology 27, 537–548 © 2007 Heron Publishing—Victoria, Canada Variation in the radial patterns of sap flux density in pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) and its implications for tree and stand transpiration measurements RAFAEL POYATOS,1,2 JAN ÈERMÁK3 and PILAR LLORENS1 1 Institute of Earth Sciences ‘Jaume Almera’ (CSIC), Lluís Solé Sabarís s/n, 08208 Barcelona, Spain 2 Corresponding author ( 3 Institute of Forest Ecology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Zemìdìlská 3 , 61300 Brno, Czech Republic Summary Radial variation in sap flux density across the sapwood was assessed by the heat field deformation method in several trees of Quercus pubescens Wild., a ring-porous species. Sapwood depths were delimited by identifying the point of zero flow in radial patterns of sap flow, yielding tree sapwood areas that were 1.5–2 times larger than assumed based on visual examinations of wood cores. The patterns of sap flow varied both among trees and diurnally. Rates of sap flow were higher close to the cambium, although there was a significant contribution from the inner sapwood, which was greater (up to 60% of total flow) during the early morning and late in the day. Accordingly, the normalized difference between outer and inner sapwood flow was stable during the middle of the day, but showed a general decline in the afternoon. The distribution of sap flux density across the sapwood allowed us to derive correction coefficients for single-point heat dissipation sap flow measurements. We used daytime-averaged coefficients that depended on the particular shape of the radial profile and ranged between 0.45 and 1.28. Stand transpiration calculated using the new method of estimating sapwood areas and the radial correction coefficients was similar to (Year 2003), or about 25% higher than (Year 2004), previous uncorrected values, and was 20–30% of reference evapotranspiration. We demonstrated how inaccuracies in determining sapwood depths and mean sap flux density across the sapwood of ring-porous species could affect tree and stand transpiration estimates. Keywords: diurnal variability, radial patterns, ring-porous species, scaling, transpiration. Introduction Sap flow measurements in ring-porous trees present several technical difficulties that cause significant uncertainties in the estimation of tree transpiration and subsequent extrapolations to tree and stand water use. The greatest uncertainty in the application of the heat dissipation (HD) technique (Granier 1985, Granier 1987) in ring-porous species is associated with the non-uniformity of xylem sap flow (Clearwater et al. 1999). In ring-porous species, wide earlywood vessels in the most recent annual rings are responsible for most of the long distance water transport (Miller et al. 1980, Granier et al. 1994). Because of this feature of xylem anatomy, oak trees usually have only a narrow sapwood band that is difficult to identify either visually or from changes in relative water content (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998, Gartner and Meinzer 2005). Therefore, determining the depth within the xylem at which sap flow reaches zero (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998) is a critical step in extrapolating from sap flux density measurements to estimates of tree and stand sap flux. Deciduous Quercus spp. generally show a peak in sap flow close to the cambium and a sharp decrease with depth (Granier et al. 1994, Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998, Èermák et al. 1998). These large gradients in sap flow can result in a serious underestimation of mean sap flow along the measuring length when using HD probes (Clearwater et al. 1999). Alternatively, assuming that sap flow measured in the outer xylem is uniform throughout the sapwood will likely result in a significant overestimation of the true flow, depending on the shape of the flow profile (Nadezhdina et al. 2002). Measuring sap flow at different depths or measuring radial patterns by HD (Phillips et al. 1996, James et al. 2002, Delzon et al. 2004), heat field deformation (HFD) (Jiménez et al. 2000, Nadezhdina et al. 2002) or heat pulse velocity (HPV) methods (Hatton et al. 1990) and then relating this variability to a single-point reference probe in the outer sapwood (Lu et al. 2000), is a widely used procedure. However, these approaches do not incorporate temporal variations in sap flux density radial profiles, resulting from changes in meteorological conditions or soil water content or with time of day (Phillips et al. 1996, Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998), although, according to Ford et al. (2004a), temporal changes in the radial profile of sap flux density do not significantly affect daily sums of sap flow calculated from maximum flow rates derived from measurements of radial profiles. In this study we used an HFD multi-point sensor to measure Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 Received January 26, 2006; accepted June 27, 2006; published online January 2, 2007 538 POYATOS, ÈERMÁK AND LLORENS radial variations in sap flow in mature Quercus pubescens Willd. trees growing in NE Spain. Long-term stand transpiration has been monitored with HD sensors in this stand since 2003. In a first approach to compute stand transpiration for the 2003 growing season, Poyatos et al. (2005) determined hydroactive sapwood by visual inspection and assumed a uniform sap flux density across the sapwood. The objectives of our study were to (1) assess radial variation in pubescent oak sap flow and its diurnal dynamics; (2) use radial sap flow patterns to delimit sapwood depths; (3) obtain correction coefficients to account for radial variation in sap flow and apply them to single-point heat dissipation measurements; and finally, (4) apply the correction factors obtained to estimate stand transpiration during the 2003 and 2004 growing seasons. Heat dissipation (HD) sap flow measurements Materials and methods Heat field deformation (HFD) sap flow measurements General site description and biometric characteristics of the stand The heat field deformation method (HFD) was used to measure the radial patterns of sap flow for 2–7 days between July and October 2004 in nine trees that were also monitored with HD probes (Table 1). An additional tree was measured to cover a wider range of tree sizes for the derivation of the relationship between sapwood and basal area (Table 1). The HFD method is based on changes in the spatial variation of the heat field around a linear heater placed in the tree’s sapwood. Two temperature gradients measured around the heater have been found to describe this heat field, dTsym and dTasym, and allow for the calculation of sap flow (Nadezhdina et al. 1998). The technique has been used in studies on radial patterns of sap flow (Jiménez et al. 2000, Nadezhdina et al. 2002) and long-term stand transpiration (Meiresonne et al. 2003). An infrared imagery study has shown the actual deformation of the heat field around the heater by moving sap (Nadezhdina et al. 2004), and an extensive validation against other estimates of transpiration is currently under way (N. Nadezhdina, Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic, pers. comm.). A multi-point HFD sensor (Dendronet, Brno, Czech Republic) with six measuring points with 8 mm spacing between them was inserted in the trees at breast height, on the same side as the Granier probes, but far enough from them (about 10 cm) to prevent interferences between the measuring systems. Sensor readings were performed every 20 s and stored as 5-min means in a data logger (DT50, DataTaker, Rowville, Australia); however, only five points could be recorded because of technical difficulties. The first measuring point was located 3 mm inward from cambium, hence, we had five estimates of sap flow at 3, 11, 19, 27 and 35 mm inside the sapwood. Sap flow per section (q; mm3 mm –1 s –1) was calculated as (Nadezhdina et al. 2006): q = Dw (K + dTs − a )zax dTasym ztg (1) where dTs – a = dTsym − dTasym TREE PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 27, 2007 (2) Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 Field measurements were carried out in the Cal Barrol experimental plot, located in the Vallcebre experimental area (42°12′ N, 1°49′ E, 1100 m a.s.l.) in the eastern Pyrenees in northeast Spain. Climate is sub-Mediterranean, with a mean air temperature of 7.3 °C (measured at 1440 m a.s.l.) and an annual rainfall of 924 mm (Gallart et al. 2002). The plot is characteristic of the climatic vegetation type in these Mediterranean montane areas (Buxo-sempervirentis–Quercetum pubescentis). Quercus pubescens is a winter deciduous or marcescent species that tends to hybridize with other Quercus species, resulting in a high variability in several morphological and ecophysiological traits (Himrane et al. 2004). Other woody species in the plot are Prunus avium L., Fraxinus excelsior L. and a dense understory mainly composed of Acer campestre L., Buxus sempervirens L., Prunus spinosa L., Rubus spp. and Rosa spp. The upper soil, which is formed by a loamy matrix and limestone boulders, is about 50 cm deep (Rubio 2005). The experimental plot was located in a stand of about 1.2 ha. We selected a 10-m radius circular plot with a stand density of 987 trees ha – 1 and a mean DBH of 21.1 cm. The density of pubescent oak trees was 828 trees ha – 1 and basal area was 32.5 m2 ha – 1 (99% of the total). Mean height of the stand was 10.6 m and maximum leaf area index (LAImax) was 2.1, obtained by allometry (Poyatos et al. 2005). Maximum age of the trees was about 70 years. Net radiation (NR-Lite, Kipp & Zonen, The Netherlands), air temperature and relative humidity (HMP45C, Vaisala, Finland), and wind speed (A100R, Vector Instruments, U.K.) were measured about 2 m above the canopy. Soil water (0–30 cm) was monitored continuously with a reflectometer (CS616, Campbell Scientific, U.K.) beginning in May 2004. Weekly measurements of soil water (0–30 cm) were made by time domain reflectometry (TDR) (Tektronix 1502C, USA) to assess spatial variability of surface soil water (0–30 cm) at six locations in the plot and in deeper soil layers (30–50 cm) at two locations. One of the probes was used to obtain a site-specific calibration for the reflectometer. Since May 2003, sap flow has been continuously monitored in 12 trees with heat dissipation probes (Granier 1985) installed at breast height on the north side of each stem. Needles were inserted with a vertical separation of about 12 cm and covered with reflective material. Measurements were performed every 20 s and stored as 15-min means in a data logger (DT500, DataTaker, Rowville, Australia), which also recorded the meteorological data. Probes were 10 mm long—such short probes minimize the errors in estimating mean sap flow along the sensor, as demonstrated by Clearwater et al. (1999), and have been used in other studies of ring-porous oaks (Phillips et al. 2003). The original calibration (Granier 1985) was used to obtain the mean sap flux density in the outer 10 mm of sapwood (vHD). RADIAL PATTERNS OF SAP FLOW IN RING-POROUS OAKS 539 Table 1. Tree coding, diameter at breast height (DBH) and period of measurement of sap flow radial patterns, showing daytime means and minimum and maximum values (in brackets) of volumetric soil water content (θ) and vapor pressure deficit (D). Tree DBH (cm) Measurement period (day of the year 2004) θ D (kPa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 12.6 17.9 20.9 21.1 21.5 26.7 26.2 34.5 38.2 49.2 197–199 203–206 279–281 265–267 272–275 233–235 277–279 269–270 200–202 281–286 0.27 (0.27–0.28) 0.25 (0.23–0.25) 0.35 (0.34–0.36) 0.23 (0.22–0.23) 0.24 (0.22–0.40) 0.25 (0.24–0.25) 0.31 (0.29–0.35) 0.30 (0.29–0.30) 0.35 (0.32–0.43) 0.29 (0.27–0.30) 1.05 (0.69–1.40) 1.01 (0.21–1.68) 1.03 (0.38–2.02) 1.23 (0.61–1.86) 0.89 (0.16–1.65) 0.62 (0.04–1.41) 1.43 (0.52–3.82) 0.65 (0.07–1.50) 0.73 (0.12–1.45) 0.70 (0.11–1.63) 1 This tree was not monitored with HD sensors, but its radial pattern and sapwood area were measured to cover a wider range of tree sizes. vi = q ls (3) We assumed that each thermocouple (TC) junction sensed an 8-mm length interval, centered around the measuring point (Hatton et al. 1990), except for the shallowest point (which was only 3 mm inside cambium), and the deepest one, which we assumed representative of the sap flux density in the rest of the inner sapwood. Sap flow for the whole tree, Q, was integrated as: Q = v 3 As,3 + v11 As,11 + v19 As,19 + v 27 As,27 + v 35 As,35 + v 35 As,in (4) Analysis of diurnal variation in measured radial patterns of sap flow The difference between outer flow, Qo (represented by measuring points at 3 and 11 mm, i.e., the first 15 mm of sapwood) and inner flow Qi (the remaining conductive sapwood) was normalized by total stem sap flow and expressed as a percentage (Qdiff) to investigate diurnal variations in the radial profile of sap flow: Qdiff = (5) We calculated a reference sap flux density (vref) in the outer 10 mm of sapwood from the weighted average of the two shallower junctions of the HFD sensor (3 and 11 mm inside the cambium). According to the measuring length around each point (4 mm), the measuring point at 3 mm would be representative of the first 7 mm and the junction at 11 mm would account for the remaining 3 mm to cover the entire length of the Granier probe. Therefore, we applied a weighting factor of 0.7 for v3 and a weighting factor of 0.3 for v11 to obtain the average mean flux density—sap flux density obtained by the HD sensors (vHD) could be equivalent to the weighted-mean sap flow in the outer sapwood obtained from the HFD measurements (vref). We were able to compare simultaneous values of vref and vHD throughout the measuring period for only two trees because of malfunctioning of, or erroneous readings from, the Granier probes. To account for the particular sap flux density profile in each tree, we related sap flux density (vi) at the five measuring points to vref, obtaining a radial correction coefficient for each depth, Crad,i in which the subscript i indicates the corresponding depth (mm): C rad,i = where vi is sap flux density at each depth, As,i is the corresponding annulus area with As,in representing the conducting area beyond the influence of the last measuring point (deeper than 39 mm). Q0 − Qi 100 Q vi v ref (6) The radial correction factor can also be used to obtain an estimate of sap flow density at different depths (vrad,i) when only single-point HD measurements are available: TREE PHYSIOLOGY ONLINE at Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 and dTsym is symmetrical temperature difference (°C), dTasym is asymmetrical temperature difference (°C), dTs-a is temperature difference (°C) between the upper points of the symmetrical and asymmetrical thermocouple pairs (Equation 2), K is the value of dTs-a under conditions of zero-flow, zax is axial distance between the symmetrical pair of thermocouples (30 mm), ztg is tangential distance between the heater and the upper end of the asymmetrical pair of thermocouples (50 mm), and Dw is thermal diffusivity of fresh wood (mm2 s –1), assumed to have a value of 2.25 × 10 –1 mm2 s –1. Sapwood depth (ls) was then estimated by extrapolating the observed radial patterns of sap flow per section to zero flow (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998). Third- or fourth-order polynomials were fitted to the sap flux density radial patterns and used to extrapolate the point of zero flow for each tree. Sap flux density (vi; mm3 mm – 2 sapwood area s – 1, or mm s – 1 for brevity) for each measurement depth (mm), denoted by the subscript i, was calculated as: 540 POYATOS, ÈERMÁK AND LLORENS v rad,i = C rad,i v HD (7) Finally, whole-tree sap flow was integrated as in Equation 4, replacing vi with vrad,i. 1i) to more gradual decreases (Figures 1d, 1g, 1h and 1j). In one case (Figure 1c), the pattern was comparatively flat, and sap flux density at a depth of 40 mm was still 40–60% of the maximum. Stand transpiration Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 After correcting for sapwood area and radial variation of sap flow, the ratio between corrected sap flow on a sapwood area basis and sap flux density from Granier’s equation were calculated for each tree. We used this ratio as a coefficient (C ) to account for the radial variation of sap flow by applying it directly to the sap flux density estimates from the Granier sensors. Stand transpiration (Ec) for the 2003 and 2004 growing seasons was calculated by assigning a different sap flow density to each diametric class (5 cm increment), which was obtained by averaging all the measured trees within that class. Transpiration of each class relative to total stand transpiration, calculated during periods when all diametric classes were measured, was used to fill the gaps whenever a diametric class was missing (i.e., because of sensor failure). Finally, stand transpiration was compared with the previous estimate without the corrections presented in this study (Poyatos et al. 2005) and to the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) obtained by the Penman-Monteith equation (Monteith 1965) with fixed surface resistance (Allen et al. 1998). Missing values of Ec due to failure of sap flow sensors (one missing day in 2003 and two missing in 2004), were estimated by averaging the relative transpiration (Ec /ET0) of the previous and following day and applying the value obtained to measured values of ET0. Results Meteorology during the measurement period Meteorological conditions during the measurement period were mild (Table 1) compared with the extreme summer drought in 2003 (Poyatos et al. 2005). Although volumetric soil water content (θ) in the first 30 cm of the soil reached 0.22, equivalent to a soil water deficit (SMD, Granier and Loustau, (1994)) of about 0.85, θ in the deeper horizons (30–50 cm) was always below 0.30 (SMD less than 0.40). Tree-to-tree variations in radial patterns Sap flux densities were considerably higher in the outer xylem than in the inner xylem of Q. pubescens trees. Maximum v was 0.069 mm s – 1 and 0.036 mm s – 1 at the measurement points located 3 and 11 mm beyond the cambium, respectively. The two innermost points, at depths of 27 and 35 mm, showed maximum values of v of 0.010 mm s – 1, and v at a depth of 19 mm peaked at 0.019 mm s – 1. Radial patterns of sap flow showed great variability among trees (Figure 1), with peak flows most commonly recorded at the outer measuring point (Figures 1b, 1e, 1f and 1i) or at a depth of 11 mm (Figures 1c, 1d, 1g, 1h and 1j). Only in the case of Tree 1, the smallest tree, did sap flow peak at a depth of 19 mm (Figure 1a). The rate of decline in sap flux density with depth also varied, from steep declines (Figures 1b, 1e, 1f and Figure 1. Diurnal variation (0800–2000 h solar time) of representative radial patterns of sap flow in Quercus pubescens. The graphs show the fitted surface (distance-weighted least squares) to 15-min data throughout the entire measurement period for each tree (Table 1). Tree order as in Table 1. TREE PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 27, 2007 RADIAL PATTERNS OF SAP FLOW IN RING-POROUS OAKS Estimation of sapwood depth Sapwood depths of pubescent oak trees estimated by extrapolation of radial patterns of sap flow measured at midday (Table 1) ranged between 35 and 49 mm (20–65% of total xylem radius beginning at the cambium) (Figure 2). Sapwood depth significantly increased with tree DBH, following a power relationship (P = 0.040). A power function between basal area (Ab) 541 and sapwood area (As) of each tree was also established (As = 4.16Ab0.66, n = 10, P = 0.000) and used to scale tree-level sap flow to stand transpiration. Sapwood areas obtained from radial patterns of sap flow were 1.5–2 times larger than estimates made in the field based on visual inspection of wood cores (Table 1). The ratio between sapwood and ground area for the stand (AS:AG) almost doubled using the new allometric relationship instead of the one used by Poyatos et al (2005). Diurnal variations in radial patterns of sap flow Figure 3. Diurnal variation in the difference in sap flow between the outer and inner sapwood normalized by total sap flow (Qdiff), in eight Quercus pubescens trees. Each value is the mean (± SE) of measurements taken within each hourly time step. TREE PHYSIOLOGY ONLINE at Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 Figure 2. Sapwood depth estimation in two Quercus pubescens trees from radial patterns of sap flow. Data points denote HFD measured values of sap flux density and lines are polynomial fits, used to extrapolate to the point of zero flow. Diurnal variation was also observed in the radial profiles of sap flow. Sap flux density in the inner xylem, expressed as a percentage of its maximum, was generally higher during the afternoon (Figure 1). This trend, which could be inferred by the upward folding of the fitted surface, especially between 1600 and 2000 h solar time, was observed for most, but not all, trees (Figure 1). In the outer xylem, sap flux density relative to its maximum value did not vary much during the day (Figure 1). The normalized difference between outer and inner sap flow (Qdiff) was rather stable during the middle part of the day, particularly in some trees (Figures 3b, 3d and 3j). Most of the trees, though, showed a slightly decreasing trend during the day (Figures 3f, 3g and 3h), and others presented a steeper decline in Qdiff from 1600 h onward (Figures 3c, 3e and 3i). For trees with a pronounced peak profile (Figures 1a, 1e and 1f), the absolute contribution to total flow of the internal xylem was greater than that of outer xylem (negative Qdiff) during most of the day. In general, Qdiff was positively correlated with D and Rn and negatively correlated with time of day (Table 2) for all the 542 POYATOS, ÈERMÁK AND LLORENS trees except the largest (Tree 10). Some significant correlations were found between Qdiff and θ, but a consistent pattern did not emerge. Comparison of the diurnal variation in Qdiff with the magnitude of total stem flow revealed a clockwise pattern of hysteresis for most trees, indicating that, for a given rate of total flow, the relative contribution of the outer xylem was higher during the morning (Figure 4). Radial correction coefficients Tree D Rn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.827 ** 0.213 ** 0.796 ** 0.536 ** 0.263 ** 0.056 ns 0.652 ** 0.071 ns 0.345 ** –0.372 ** 0.621 ** 0.471 ** 0.657 ** 0.849 ** 0.398 ** 0.547 ** 0.683 ** 0.438 ** 0.627 ** –0.267 ** Time –0.674 ** 0.093 ns –0.380 ** 0.177 ns –0.061 ns 0.124 ns 0.171 ns 0.675 ** –0.306 ** –0.020 ns –0.564 ** –0.154 * –0.456 ** –0.632 ** –0.444 ** –0.796 ** –0.822 ** –0.594 ** –0.547 ** 0.068 ns Figure 4. Difference between outer and inner sapwood sap flow normalized by total sap flow (Qdiff) as a function of total stem flow (Q) and time. Lines show 15-min data with data points drawn every 30-min. Numbers in the plots indicate solar time. TREE PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 27, 2007 Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 For the two trees (Trees 5 and 9, Figure 5) in which we could compare sap flux density in the outer 10 mm of sapwood as measured by the Granier probe (vHD) with values estimated from v3 and v11 (vref), very different results were obtained. Values of vHD and vref were rather similar for Tree 5 (Figure 5c), whereas for Tree 9, vHD and vref differed greatly in daily dynamics and absolute value (Figure 5d), and the differences in- Table 2. Correlation coefficients between Qdiff (the difference between outer and inner sap flow normalized by total flow) and vapor pressure deficit (D), net radiation (Rn), volumetric soil water content (θ) and solar time. Statistical significance: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; and ns = not significant. RADIAL PATTERNS OF SAP FLOW IN RING-POROUS OAKS creased with increasing D (Figures 5b and 5d). For Tree 9, vHD was more similar to v11 than to the weighted average vref (Figure 5d). Because the radial patterns of sap flow were rather stable during that part of the day when most sap flow occurred (Figure 3), we used a mean value of the radial correction coefficients (Crad,i) under conditions of high irradiation (Rn > 200 Wm – 2) to correct sap flux density measured by the Granier probes. The values of Crad,i were lower and more variable with increasing sapwood depth (Figure 6). Sap flow was then calculated with the As obtained from the radial patterns (Table 1) and applying the coefficients Crad,i. In two of the trees equipped with Granier probes, radial patterns were not measured and the mean values for all trees, except Tree 1, which showed a very different pattern (Figure 1b), were used instead. The correction yielded different results depending on the shape of the radial profile. Radially corrected sap flow could be lower, (Figure 7a) similar to (Figure 7b) or higher (Figure 7c) than the original uncorrected values. These situations could be related, respectively, to three different radial patterns of sap flow: a steep decline in sap flow with depth (Figure 1i), a gradually decreasing decline in sap flow with depth (Figure 1b), or an approximately flat profile (Figure 1h). Not accounting for radial variation of sap flow led to inflated sap flow estimates (Figure 7). We assessed the effects on daily transpiration of assuming an average coefficient for daytime conditions by comparing the use of the mean daytime coefficients with the actual coefficients obtained when concurrent measurements of sap flow, determined by HD and radial patterns, were available. At the 15-min time scale, the use of a daytime-averaged coefficient introduced errors of about ± 20%, but the overall impact of Figure 6. Mean (± SE) and coefficient of variation (CV) of sap flux density correction coefficients (Crad,i) at different depths in the xylem. Figure 7. Three diurnal courses of stem sap flow (Q) calculated with raw HD data and visually estimated sapwood (+), from raw HD data and sapwood areas obtained from radial patterns (䊊), and HD data corrected according to radial variation of sap flow and sapwood areas obtained from radial patterns (䊉). Data for three trees are shown. TREE PHYSIOLOGY ONLINE at Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 Figure 5. Sap flux density measured at 3 and 11 mm beyond the cambium (v3 and v11, respectively), compared with the reference sap flux density (vref, estimated as a weighted average of v3 and v11) and sap flux density obtained by the HD probes (vHD). 543 544 POYATOS, ÈERMÁK AND LLORENS these errors on daily transpiration was low (2–4%). We related corrected values of sap flow on a sapwood area basis to the raw data obtained from HD sensors to obtain a whole-tree correction coefficient to account for radial variation of sap flow within the stem (C) (Table 3). The correlation between coefficient C and DBH was not significant (P = 0.25). Stand transpiration Discussion Radial patterns of sap flow in ring-porous oaks Sap flow in ring-porous trees occurs predominantly in the outer xylem, because earlywood vessels, which are highly efficient in water transport, are only functional in the outermost growth ring (Ellmore and Ewers 1986). However, sap flow can also occur in latewood vessels of older rings (Aloni et al. 1997). Our results on pubescent oak indicate a significant contribution from deeper xylem layers (Figures 1 and 3) as previously reported for this species (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998) and other ring-porous deciduous oaks (Èermák et al. 1992, Granier et al. 1994). We have found that up to 60% of the total flow can occur in the inner xylem (defined in this study as the portion of sapwood deeper than 15 mm from the cambium), Table 3. Sapwood areas obtained from visual estimations in the field and from radial patterns of sap flow for Quercus pubescens trees in the Cal Barrol plot. The ratio between sapwood and ground area for the stand (AS:AG) was 9.7 m2 ha – 1 obtained from visual estimation and 17.3 m2 ha – 1 obtained from radial sap flow patterns. The whole-tree radial correction coefficients (C) are shown. Tree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 Sapwood area (cm2) Visual estimation Radial pattern of sap flow 48 84 108 110 113 161 156 243 286 – 94 159 223 209 215 285 278 391 441 590 Mean ± SE 1 Ratio radial pattern:visual C 1.96 1.89 2.06 1.90 1.90 1.77 1.78 1.61 1.54 – 1.28 0.58 0.87 0.64 0.51 0.49 0.56 0.94 0.45 – 1.82 ± 0.06 0.70 ± 0.09 This tree was not monitored with HD sensors, but its radial pattern and sapwood area were measured to cover a wider range of tree sizes. TREE PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 27, 2007 Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 We applied coefficient C to the single-point measurements obtained with Granier sensors for the Years 2003 and 2004 (Figure 8). Results from two growing seasons showed that Ec was 20–30% of reference evapotranspiration in the studied oak stand (Table 4). Considerable differences in Ec between years were observed during the last part of the summer (Figure 8). Neglecting radial pattern coefficients and using visually determined sapwood areas resulted in estimates of Ec that were 75% lower than the corrected value for 2004, but no significant difference between corrected and uncorrected values was found for Year 2003 (Table 4). whereas Granier et al. (1994) found that up to 30% of the total flow occurred deeper than 11 mm in a Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. tree. The maximum values of sap flux density across the first 11 mm of sapwood in the study of Granier et al. (1994) (0.065 mm s – 1) are comparable with the maximum values of sap flux density we recorded at the shallowest measuring point (0.069 mm s – 1). The inner xylem in ring-porous oaks may act as a backup to the hydraulic system when a disruption in the functionality of the current-year earlywood vessels occurs (Granier et al. 1994). This could explain the significant contribution from deeper latewood vessels when drought-induced embolism occurs in the outer xylem. Measurements of hydraulic conductance in the same species and growing in a similar climate show that, from July to November, 40% of total hydraulic conductance is lost as a result of drought-induced embolism (Nardini and Pitt 1999). Sap flux density at a given point in the xylem depends on the specific conductivity of the sapwood, the leaf area attached hydraulically to that portion of sapwood and the rate at which the attached foliage is transpiring (Spicer and Gartner 2001). In deciduous species, there is no direct connection between leaves and the inner, older, xylem (Gartner and Meinzer 2005); therefore, to explain the significant flow in this portion of the sapwood, water transport in the radial direction must be assumed to take place. Kitin et al. (2004) have shown that earlywood vessels of the ring-porous Fraxinus lanuginosa Koidz. are efficiently connected through bordered pits with the latewood vessels of the previous growth ring, confirming the existence of a pathway for radial movement of sap. Other findings suggest that radial gradients of water potential also play a role in determining the spatial patterns in stem water transport (James et al. 2003, Domec et al. 2006). Combining radial sap flow measurements and sapwood conductivity profiles (Spicer and Gartner 2001) in ring-porous species, as recently done for a radial-porous evergreen oak (Hirose et al. 2005), should pro- RADIAL PATTERNS OF SAP FLOW IN RING-POROUS OAKS 545 Diurnal and tree-to-tree variations in radial patterns of sap flow vide increased insight on the ultimate causes of radial variations in sap flow in ring-porous species. Estimating sapwood depths from radial patterns of sap flow Delimitation of sapwood depth based on radial profiles of sap flow (Figure 1) is recommended for ring-porous species (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998) in which wood relative water content may not be indicative of the true hydroactive xylem area (Gartner and Meinzer 2005). Nadezhdina et al. (2002) found that sapwood depths identified by radial patterns of sap flow corresponded well with the limit estimated by changes in xylem color, but no ring-porous species were represented in their study. Poyatos et al. (2005) reported that visual identification of the inner sapwood boundary significantly underestimated the amount of hydroactive xylem area. The relationship we obtained between tree basal area and sapwood area, determined from radial profiles of sap flow, was comparable with the relationship found in a Quercus petraea stand in montane areas of central Spain under similar climatic conditions (Aranda et al. 2005). Table 4. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and stand transpiration (Ec) for representative periods of the 2003 and 2004 growing seasons (Days 144–304). Uncorrected transpiration is calculated based on visually estimated sapwood area without accounting for radial variation in sap flow. All values are in mm per growing season. Year Precipitation ET0 Ec (uncorrected) Ec (corrected) Ec / ET0 2003 2004 363.4 483.3 584.7 553.5 115.2 131.3 118.2 164.1 0.20 0.30 TREE PHYSIOLOGY ONLINE at Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 Figure 8. Seasonal pattern of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and stand transpiration (Ec) in the pubescent oak stand during two growing seasons (Days 144–304, Years 2003 and 2004). The general shape of the radial patterns in our study was similar to previous observations of the same species (Èermák and Nadezhdina 1998, Èermák et al. 1998), but the observed tree-to-tree variability suggests that other factors may have an influence. Although there is relatively little information on factors influencing spatial variation of sap flow in ring-porous species, three factors have been identified. First, sap flow can vary azimuthally around the trunk, and we only measured the radial variation in one location (Loustau et al. 1998); however, radial patterns of sap flux density in Quercus robur L. showed little circumferential variation (Èermák et al. 1992). Second, radial pattern measurements were not taken concurrently in all the trees so variability in the shape of the sap flux density profile within the trunk may have varied seasonally as a result of changes in soil content or atmospheric conditions (Phillips et al. 1996, Nadezhdina et al. 2002). Third, unrepaired embolisms during the season may have changed the spatial patterns of xylem conductivity, affecting, in turn, the radial profile of sap flow (Ford et al. 2004b). The radial profile of sap flow varies diurnally in pubescent oak. Although there is increasing evidence of such diurnal variation in conifers and diffuse-porous species (Nadezhdina et al. 2002, Ford et al. 2004a, 2004b), diurnal changes in radial patterns of sap flow in ring-porous trees are still poorly documented. We found a proportionally greater contribution to total stem flow from the outer xylem, as defined in our study, during conditions of high evaporative demand, whereas Ford et al. (2004b), who studied several Pinus species, found that conditions of high evaporative forcing are responsible for the mobilization of water in the inner sapwood of pines. Our results are thus more consistent with those showing that sap flow becomes intensified toward the cambium with increasing evaporative demand (Nadezhdina et al. 2002). This pattern has been related to hydraulic connections between the outer xylem and sun-exposed foliage (Jiménez et al. 2000, Nadezhdina et al. 2002). Studies on the connectivity between leaves and xylem in ring-porous species, as has been done for gymnosperms (Maton and Gartner 2005), should help explain the diurnal changes in radial patterns of sap flow. The occurrence of drought-induced embolisms in earlywood vessels under conditions of high evaporative demand are inconsistent with our observation of a proportionally greater contribution to total stem flow from the outer xylem during conditions of high evaporative demand (Granier et al. 1994). 546 POYATOS, ÈERMÁK AND LLORENS However, the increase in the relative contribution of the inner sapwood to total sap flow during the afternoon could be related to the refilling of sapwood tissue. Embolism production and repair are increasingly regarded as highly dynamic processes even at the diurnal time scale (Clearwater and Goldstein 2005), and we predict that they play a role in determining the spatial distribution of sap flux density. Radial correction coefficients Stand transpiration After correcting for radial variation in sap flow and sapwood depths, estimates of stand transpiration were up to 25% higher than the results obtained based on visually determined sapwood and assuming a uniform distribution of sap flux density along the sapwood (Poyatos et al. 2005). Corrected values of Ec showed that growing season Ec, normalized by stand basal area, was 3.6 and 5.1 m3 m – 2 for 2003 and 2004 respectively. These values are lower than those found in a similar forest of the same species in Italy (about 7 m3 m – 2 basal area per growing season) (Èermák et al. 1998). In Quercus robur stands of different densities, growing season Ec expressed on a stand basal area basis was between 2.1 and 5.8 m3 m – 2, showing high interannual variation (Vincke et al. 2005). The mild me- Acknowledgments This research was supported by the projects PIRIHEROS (REN2003-08768/HID) and CANOA (CGL2004-04919-C02-01), funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)/Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC). The Vallcebre research area also operates with support from the RESEL network through an agreement between the CSIC and DGCONA. The first author benefited from a predoctoral FPI grant by the MCYT-MEC and additional funding by the Spanish MEC for a research stay at the Mendel University in Brno. The authors are indebted to Martin Èermák, TREE PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 27, 2007 Downloaded from by guest on August 28, 2014 We demonstrated that the relationship between the weighted mean of the sap flux density of the two shallowest measurement points of the HFD sensor and mean sap flux measured by HD probes differed between two trees in which both HFD and HD probes were installed. Large radial gradients in sap flux density along HD probes pose serious difficulties for estimating mean values of sap flux (Clearwater et al. 1999). In addition, errors associated with the unavoidable inaccuracies in the positioning of sensors may have led to these discrepancies, which are more critical when gradients of sap flux density are steep (Nadezhdina et al. 2002). Because the HD and HFD probes were placed about 10 cm apart circumferentially, azimuthal variability of sap flow could also have been responsible for the lack of correspondence between sensors. Approaches for correcting single-point sap flow measurements according to radial variation of sap flow, similar to the approach we applied, have been described (Köstner et al. 1996, Zang et al. 1996, Wullschleger and King 2000, Delzon et al. 2004). We applied whole-tree correction coefficients directly to sap flux density measurements obtained by Granier probes in the outer 10 mm of sapwood. However, we found no relationship between the whole-tree correction coefficients and DBH or other biometric parameters as reported in other studies (Delzon et al. 2004). Because of the significant variability observed among our study trees, we did not attempt to generalize the observed radial patterns based on a single equation as has been done for conifers using a Gaussian-like curve (Ford et al. 2004b) and for a Fagus species using a Weibull function (Kubota et al. 2005). However, double-Gaussian curves (Nadezhdina et al. 2002) may describe the variability in radial profiles that we observed, but more measuring points along the xylem would be necessary to fit these curves. teorological conditions during summer 2004, compared with the extremely dry period in summer 2003 (rainfall was 42% higher in 2004, Table 4), resulted in a parallel increase in Ec (39% higher during 2004). Recent experiments have shown that Ec of a deciduous Quercus spp. forest was reduced by 23–32% when rainfall inputs were reduced by 33% (Wullschleger and Hanson 2006). Although we could not validate our corrected estimates of Ec, we showed that once sapwood depth is accurately known, ignoring radial variation in stem sap flow would lead to significant overestimations of sap flow rates (Figure 7). In a recent study, neglecting the radial pattern of sap flow was identified as the cause of previous overestimations of stand transpiration in maritime pine (Delzon and Loustau 2005). In conclusion, the general shape of the radial patterns of sap flow found in this study agrees with previous findings on the same species, although we observed higher variability among trees. These differences may be attributable to the interference of azimuthal variability of sap flow due to crown irregularity or to seasonal variation in radial distribution of sap flow. Sapwood depths estimated by extrapolation of radial patterns were higher than previous estimates based on visual inspection, confirming the discrepancies between estimates based on the water content of the hydroactive area of xylem and the true conducting area in ring-porous trees. We found no clear correspondence between sap flux density measured by the HD probes and the calculated mean of HFD measurements, which may be the result of uncertainties in the averaging of sap flux density by HD probes, azimuthal variation in sap flow or positioning errors when installing the probes. Sap flow in the inner xylem relative to total stem flow tended to be higher during the early morning and late in the day, when evaporative demand was lower. This observation seems to contradict recent findings suggesting that high evaporative demand should mobilize water in the inner xylem in conifers; however, it supports the results of other studies indicating the relevance of hydraulic connections between more exposed foliage and outer xylem. The use of sapwood areas determined from radial patterns and the correction of HD sap flux density measurements to account for radial variation yielded stand transpiration estimates that were up to 25% higher than previous uncorrected estimates. Given the high variability in radial patterns found among trees growing in the same plot, the assessment of these patterns is recommended when scaling-up single-point sap flow measurements in ring-porous species. RADIAL PATTERNS OF SAP FLOW IN RING-POROUS OAKS Juliana Delgado, Núria Martínez-Carreras, Xavier Huguet, C.Rubio, F.Gallart, J.Latron and M.Soler for their help with field work, and Nadezhda Nadezhdina for her support in applying the HFD method. 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