Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike No: EE(GRN)/AE/TN/GL-01/2015-16 Office of the Executive Engineer, Govindarajangara Division, BBMP Office Complex, 4th Main Road, M.C. Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore – 560 040. Ph: 080-22975725 Date: 30.05.2015 SHORT TERM TENDER NOTIFICATION (Through GOK e–Procurement Portal Only) Tender for the following Goods on item rate basis are invited as Standard Bid Documents KG-1, by the Executive Engineer Govindarajanagara Division on behalf of the Commissioner, BBMP from the registered contractors of Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike or equivalent registration with CPWD / KPWD / Railways / MES or any State Government Organizations may apply through e-procurement portal as per schedule of events The Tender Document can be downloaded from the GOK e-Procurement Website ( on payment of prescribed fee (Non Refundable) as prescribed by E-Procurement Portal (Including Vat) in the form of ePayment through e-Procurement Platform. The Tenderer should accompany a copy of the Registration Certificate valid upto the year of 2015 and shall be submitted through eProcurement Portal Only. Sl. No Description EMD (in Rupees) 1 2 3 1 Procuring of Cleaning Equipments/Goods for Solid waste Management in Govindarajanagara Division 21275/- Tender Processing fee and EMD should be made through e-procurement portal only using any of the following four modes of e-payment. 1. Credit Card 2. Direct Debit 3. National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) 4. Remittance of the bank counter (OTC) Note: Eligibility criteria of Contractors: Page 1 of 4 Details of experience and past performance of the tenderer on equipment offered and on those of similar nature within the past three years. Calendar of events: 1. Last Date & Time for receipt of Tenders: 15.06.2015 up to 16:00hrs 2. Opening of Tender Document: 17.06.2015 at 16.30hrs Essential Conditions: 1. The Tender Notification along with Blank Tender Form will be accessible in the website of GOK e- Procurement Platform ( website. 2. Tender documents may be downloaded from Government of Karnataka eProcurement website under login for Contractors. Aspiring Bidders / Contractors who have not registered in e-procurement should register before participating through the website or contact e-Procurement Helpdesk at 080 – 25501216 / 25501227 3. The Tender will remain valid for 180 Days from the Date of Opening of Tender. 4. The Contractor is not eligible for submission of application for tender form if he has not put the tender after purchase of the tender document continuously for three times. 5. The Successful tenderer will have to execute an agreement with BBMP with in seven days of receipt of intimation of Letter of Acceptance, failing which his tender will be summarily rejected without giving any further Notice. 6. The Contractor / Agency shall intimate the change, if any, in any of the addresses, in advance or maximum within one week of such change along with acknowledgement of noting down of such change in address from the bank, Income tax, Sales Tax authorities etc. Failure to do so liability lies on the Contractor / Agency what so ever. 7. Tenders must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit specified for the work in the Table below. Earnest Money Deposit will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the Tender document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the tender. 8. The Tenderers are advised to note the m inimum qualification criteria specified in clause 11 of the Instructions to Tenderers to qualify for award of the contract (Standard Tender Document–KG1) also Tenderers are advised to go through the Standard Bid Documents. 9. Any Corrigendum/Modification will be notified in the Notice Board of the Undersigned. 10. The BBMP reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons what so ever. Page 2 of 4 11. The rates quoted in the schedule shall be inclusive of all taxes applicable. 12. Black Listed Contractors / in Govt. / Quasi Govt. / Boards / BBMP etc., are not eligible to quote, if found such Tenders will be rejected. 13. All the participants should produce all the original documents for verification whenever necessary. 14. No Joint Venture / Consortium is permissible. 15. Within 7 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to the Employer a Security Deposit of Tendered Amount in form of DD drawn in favour of Commissioner, BBMP A/c Executive Engineer, Govindarajanagara Division, BBMP, Bangalore payable at Bangalore from nationalized / scheduled bank for an amount equivalent to 5% of the Contract price. Otherwise Action will be taken to get the Work executed through Alternate Agency at the risk and cost of the Former Tenderers. 16. The Security deposit will be refunded only after completion of 1 year from the date of supply of equipments. 17. Conditional Tenders will not be entertained and they are summarily rejected. 18. Authorised manufacturers / authorised sellers and authorised Companies having PAN Cards, Sales Tax number and VAT numbers can participate in the Tender process. 19. The Tender rate, inclusive of all sorts of tax and transportation charges should be quoted. Rate should be entered for all the package items. 20. Package Materials to be supplied should be of good quality, Materials without quality will be rejected. While quoting the tender rate this point should be kept in mind. 21. Material should be supplied on credit basic only. 22. After supply of materials, Bill for payment shall be submitted compulsorily in the prescribed bill forms in duplicate. 23. ISI/equivalent quality materials should be supplied in ISI/equivalent quality only. 24. Materials to be supplied should be from reputed manufacturing companies. 25. Materials should be supplied within a week time from the date of supply order. 26. Under no circumstances, any sorts of extra additional rate shall be paid, except tender rate. 27. The rate quoted for tender will be for a period of one year or until the completion of the next annual tendering process. 28. The Tenderer should supply the materials directly to Executive Engineer, Govindarajanagara Division BBMP and also to the places which will be informed by the officers of EE Govindarajanagara Division at his own cost. Page 3 of 4 29. Corporation will place the supply order as and when the materials are required. 30. The tenderer is bound to supply materials, even if the previous bills are not cleared or delayed. 31. Even if the material is changed, with minor alterations for the scheduled material, the tenderer should be binding to supply the materials as per the tender rate only. 32. If the tender conditions and other office conditions are not fulfilled, then the tender of such tenderer, shall be cancelled and the EMD amount shall be forfeitted. 33. Further particulars can be had from the office of the Executive Engineer, Govindarajanagara Division, and BBMP during the working days between 10.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M Sd/Executive Engineer, Govindarajanagara Division, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike Page 4 of 4
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