L ERA UGA MONUMENTS OF M CLASS—VII Science Social Studies Prepare a Power Point Presentation on any one of the following monuments of Mughal Era as per the instructions given below: TAJ MAHAL OR JAMA MASJID, DELHI OR RED FORT, DELHI OR FATEHPUR SIKRI Instructions 1 Title Slide (with Project topic, name, class, section) 2 Historical background (who built it, why, when etc.) 3 Illustrations/Pictures 4 Significance in terms of tourism 5 Total no. of slides 7 – 10 6. Students are required to post their powerpoint presentation to std7bbpsnm@gmail.com Sub topic: Effect of Pollution on Monuments of Mughal Era Identify 7 such monuments in India and paste their pictures. Describe the effects of pollution on these monuments. Write the action plan / steps taken by the government to save or safe guard the monuments. Number of pages should not exceed 05. Maths The Taj Mahal , one of the seven wonders of the world, an architectural marvel erected during the Mughal Era in India. Collect and present all types of numerical facts, geometrical specialities etc about this monument Sanskrit Marathi kaoNa%yaahI tIna doSaBa@taMcaI Cayaaica~o va maaihtI imaLvaa va laoKI p`klp tyaar kra ³ tajamahlama `¸ laalaiklaa dohlaI ¸naalanda ivaSvaivaValaya:´[it ivaYayoaYau Aqavaa kao|ip ~ya: maugalakalaIna smaarkaopir saMskRtBaaYaayaaM pHca ¹pHca sarlaaina vaa@yaaina ilaKt.³saica~ma\ ´ English Make a project on The Taj Mahal (Mughal Monument) 1. Paste a picture of it. Hindi eoithaisak smaark : laala iklao ko drbaarI kiva rhIma ko jaIvana pr p`klp.AaQaar ibaMdu ¹idllaI ko laala iklao ko drbaar ka saMixaPt pircaya, Akbar ko navar%naaoM kI jaanakarI, kiva rhIma ka pircaya AaOr ]nako paÐca daoho. 2. Give a brief write up about it. Computer Science The students are required to make 5 Post Cards for five monuments using MS Publisher. Choose 5 different post card templates of your choice and file the printouts (coloured) for the same
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