Birmingham Bloomfield Soccer Club Fall 2015 Registration Form Blf(y;er Information Name: Date ofBhih: Address: Age: School: Sex: Male or Female (Circle) Grade: Phone Number: Email: Parents/Guardian Name: Coach: YIN (Please circle, or indicate request) Instructions: A copy of the players bilih ce1iificate is required if they are new to the BBSC. Please send to BBSC, 16291 W. 14 Mile, Ste. 6, Beverly Hills, Ml 48025 (248) 644-2255 **Season Dates: Games begin 9/12 and end 11/1; notification of team assigmnent will occm after 8/25. **League Fees: $l10 per player via online registration ($125 per player via mail-in form) Make check payable to BBSC or register online at Registrations received without proper payment will be returned. Refund policy available online. **Deadline: 8/1/2015 Registrations postmarked after 8/1/2015 deadline will be considered late. **Late Registration: $140; NO special requests for late registrations. Late registrants will be placed on wait list in order received. Checks will be returned if player is not assigned to a team by second game of the season. Once a late registration is placed there are no refunds. **Eligibility: All players must reside within the Binningham Public School District, or attend a school within the Birmingham School Disn·ict. **On-Line Registration: Available at on June 20, 2015. TOT Program Info On-line (3/4 year olds) DU-8 8/1/07 - 7/31/08 (2"d grade) D U-5 8/1/010- 7/31/11 (Pre-K) DU-10 8/1/05 - 7/31/07 (3rct & 4th grade) D U-6 8/1/09-7/31/10 (K) DU-12 8/1/03 -7/31/05 (5 1h & 6th grade) D U-7 8/1/08-7/31/09 (1'1 grade) D U-14 8/1/01-7/31/03 (i" & 8th grade) \Ve will abide by the BBSC ntles and recognize that soccer is a contact sport and \Ve \Vill accept all risks of injury. 'Ve release the BBSC, its Board !-.1e1nbers, coaches, and referees from any and all liability. By signing this registration form, I ('Ve) agree to As parents and/or legal guardian for the registered player, on behalf of the player and all others, abide by all the mies and regulations of the MSYSA and USYSA and BBSC. Parent/Guardian Signature._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date._ _ _ __ Check No. _ _ _ __ Concussion Information provided on back side. Please read and sign before sending in registration! The State of Michigan has enacted Concussion Legislation (Michigan Public Acts 342 and 343 of 2012 or MCL 333.9155 and 333.9156). Please read the below concussion information and both the player and parent/guardian need to sign and return to the office. If registering online, you will sign electronically during the registration process. To learn more on concussions, go to www.CDC.GOV/CONCUSSION. CONCUSSION DANGER SIGN.S In rafe cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against tile skull. An athlete should receive immediate medical attention if after a l)ump, blow, or jolt to tlie head or body s/he exh.ibits any of the following danger signs: One pupil larger than the olher Is drowsy or cannot be awakened • A l1eadache thai" gets worse ' Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination Repeated vomiting or nausea • Slurred speech Convu!Sions·or seizures • · Cannorrecognize people or places • Becomes ·increasingly .confused, restless, or agita.ted Has unusual behavior. · Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of conscio'usness should b~ taken seriously) WHY SHOULD AN ATHLETE REPORT THEIR SYMPTOMS? . -· .... '. If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While an ·athlete's brain is still healing, s/he is much more likely to have another concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes lei recover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in yming athletes can result in brain swelling or permanent·damage to their brain. They can even be fatal. STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME PRINTED STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME S,IGNED WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IFYOUTHINI<· YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION? L If you .suspect that an athlete lias a concussion, remove the athlete from play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. l<eep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it's Of< to return to play. DATE PARENT OR GUARDIAN NAME PRI.NTED a 2. Rest is key to helping an athlete recover from concussion. Exercising or activities that involve ·a lot of concentration, such as studying, working .on the computer,· and playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is ·a gradual process that should be carefully managed and monitore·d by a health care professional.· 3. Remember: Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a: concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have sytnptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. PARENT OR GUARDIAN NAME SIGNED DATE • • • • • • • • BBSC FALL 2015 SEASON FACTS US (Pre-K)- U14 (8th Grade) The coaches will contact their players with game and team information after the coach's meeting which is on Tuesday, August 25th. The season starts the weekend of September lih and ends the weekend of October 31st. The U5 (Pre-K) and U6 age groups (kindergarteners) have practice and games on Sunday afternoon for about an hour total. An eight game season is planned for these age groups. All other age groups practice during the week and play their games on Saturday or Sunday (or both). Sunday games begin after 12 noon. An eight game season is planned. All games are played within the Birmingham School district, except U12 and U14 teams that may schedule with other leagues to provide an enhanced schedule. No fee adjustments for weather related cancellations. NO JEWERLY OF ANY KIND IS PERMITTED DURING PRACTICE OR GAMES All players need to bring their OWN ball to practices. U5, U6, U7, U8 age groups use size 3 balls UlO, Ul2 age groups use size 4 balls U14 age group uses size 5 balls BBSC weeknight training schedule • BBSC scheduled training statis Tuesday, September gt". • The BBSC scheduled training sessions are: o U7 and US boys/girls practice either Monday or Tuesday 5:45pm-6:30pm or 6:30pm-7:15pm o Ul 0, Ul2, and U14 boys/girls practice either Wednesday or Thursday 5:45p1n-6:30pm or 6:30pm-7:15pm o All teams are expected to attend the league scheduled training sess10ns. o Team coaches select the date/time slot their team will practice. In some cases it can differ from above schedule. o Specific practice day can NOT be requested by players on their registration form • The location for the training sessions is at Groves High School
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