B.C. 4-H LOTTERY 3 A 2015 Fundraiser! Win a GRAND PRIZE of a John Deere – XUV 550 4X4 GATOR Generously donated by This province wide fundraiser supports 4-H clubs and B.C. 4-H! 40% of tickets sales are returned to your club! TICKETS: $5 each Ticket Sales Start: May 2, 2015 Draw date: October 30, 2015 Draw location: PrairieCoast Equipment, 8025 Dallas Road, Kamloops, BC Chances are 1 in 4000 (for each draw) to win a grand prize. B.C. Gaming Event Licenses #68419 & #68420 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) TICKETS 1. How do I request tickets? Ticket Order Forms are included and are available at www.bc4h.bc.ca. They can be mailed or faxed to: B.C. 4-H, th 2743 – 30 Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5C6 Fax: 250-545-0399. You may also email your ticket request form (or for additional tickets) to funddevelopmentassistant@bc4h.bc.ca. Due to the limited number of tickets available, you will receive a maximum of 10 books. If you request more you will be automatically placed on a waitlist and when additional tickets become available you will be contacted prior to sending. 2. What’s the difference between the GREEN tickets and the YELLOW tickets? We are offering two (2) separate lotteries, each with its own identical Grand Prize of a John Deere XUV 550 4X4 GATOR. The 4000 GREEN tickets are for BC Gaming Event Licence #68419 and the 4000 YELLOW tickets are for B.C. Gaming Event Licence #68420. Both draws will take place on October 30, 2015. This is a B.C. 4–H provincial initiative and Clubs/ Districts/ Regions may sell tickets for either draw as long as the corresponding gaming event Licence number and rules of play are visible at the ticket selling venue. 4 3. Do we have to prepay for tickets? No. However, the cost of prize delivery is not included. The Gators will be available at the nearest B.C. dealership to the winner(s) and delivery/ pick up will be paid for by the winner(s). 4. When do I get the tickets? The initial shipment of tickets to Clubs, Districts and Regions will be mailed by April 15, 2015. 5. Can I sell tickets as soon as I receive them? Ticket sales may start no earlier than May 2, 2015. 6. Who can purchase tickets? Ticket purchases must take place in BC. Non-residents of BC may purchase tickets while they are in British Columbia as long as the entire payment transaction takes place while the person is in BC and the ticket is issued at that time. Minors 13 years of age or older; or minors accompanied by an adult who is apparently the minors parent or guardian and who consents to the sale. Members of the organization responsible for the conduct and management of the ticket raffle are not permitted to purchase tickets for that raffle. [B.C. 4-H Staff] The person responsible for selecting winning tickets cannot own a ticket or a share of a ticket. 7. When I am done, where do I send my tickets and money? The contact person on record from the original ticket request is responsible for the return of all sold and unsold tickets, the monies collected, the completed Club/District/Region Distribution Record, and all the corresponding Ticket Seller Distribution Records for each booklet. These must be returned to the B.C. 4-H office; preferably with one cheque; and must be received into this office no later than October 9, 2015 . th Please make cheques payable to B.C. 4-H and send to: B.C. 4-H, 2743 – 30 Street, Vernon, BC V1T 5C6. Note: Please do not send cash in the mail. 8. What if I lose my booklet? If you lose your booklet, you will need to pay for any sold tickets, and submit these monies and your completed Ticket Seller Distribution Record to the B.C. 4-H office. 9. What do I do with partially sold booklets? Return all sold and unsold booklets, monies collected and the completed Ticket Seller Distribution Records to the B.C. 4-H office as soon as possible! They will be redistributed to others on the wait list. The goal is to sell as many tickets as possible to raise the maximum funds for all. 10. If we sell a partial book do we receive a % of the ticket sales? A cheque for 40% of completely sold ticket booklets will be sent to the Club/District/Region that sold the tickets. If you return a partially sold booklet, and the booklet is then successfully sold in completion by another Club/District/Region, each group will share the proceeds accordingly. 11. When will my club receive their proceeds of tickets sold? Once all the sold and unsold tickets, the monies collected, and the completed Ticket Seller Distribution Records for each booklet have been received into the B.C. 4-H office (no later than October 9, 2015), and have been verified, then a cheque will be issued to the contact listed on the original ticket request form. th If you submit all the above before July 15 you will be able to receive proceeds in late August. If you th request more tickets at that time the October 9 date would apply. 5 Ticket Records 12. Why do I have to keep a distribution record? We are required by the BC Gaming and Enforcement Branch to maintain records for all tickets, whether sold or unsold. Additionally, these Ticket Seller Distribution Records will serve as the official record to determine the winners for the Fastest Sales by a Club, District or Region. If a booklet is lost, your Ticket Seller Distribution Record will be a vital record of purchased tickets for that booklet. This way we may still enter the names and contact information of those that have purchased tickets, into the draw, even if you cannot locate your booklet. Please note you are responsible for payment of sold tickets. Posters 13. Where do I get more posters? Posters will be included with each ticket order, make copies as you need them (please do not create your own poster). If you receive both green and yellow tickets please ensure you display the corresponding poster which has the correct B.C. Gaming Event Licence Number for the tickets you are selling. [i.e. Green Tickets are #68419 and Yellow tickets are #68420]. If you are selling both sets of tickets you must display both posters. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) continued Gaming Licences and Rules of Play 14. What is our Gaming Licence number? Each lottery has its own gaming licence number as is noted on the tickets. Please see www.bc4h.bc.ca to download additional copies of the Gaming Licence that corresponds to your tickets. BC Gaming Event Licence #68419 – [GREEN Tickets] BC Gaming Event Licence #68420 – [YELLOW Tickets] 15. What if someone asks to see our Gaming Licence? Copies of the appropriate BC Gaming Event Licence(s) were included with the ticket order sent to your contact person and should be posted or made available wherever you are selling tickets. 16. Where can I find the Rules of Play? A copy of the Rules of Play for the appropriate lottery was sent with the tickets to the contact person on the Ticket Request Form. The Rules of Play are also available on the B.C. 4-H website – www.bc4h.bc.ca. Rules of Play - BC Gaming Event Licence #68419 – [GREEN Tickets] Rules of Play - BC Gaming Event Licence #68420 – [YELLOW Tickets] Selling Tickets at Events 17. What if I want to sell tickets at a fair or other events? You will need to ask permission from the event organizer to sell 4-H raffle tickets at their event. Some fairs and/or events will be selling their own tickets. Be sure to clarify any rules or standards they may have for ticket sales. If the local PrairieCoast Equipment Dealership has an equipment display at the event or fair, you may also want to speak with them about the possibility of working together. 6 GATOR`s 18. What if I would like to have a John Deere XUV 550 GATOR at my event? Speak with your local PrairieCoast Equipment dealership. 19. Does the winner have to pay to have the XUV 550 4X4 GATOR shipped? NEW!! The cost of prize delivery is not included. The Gators will be available at the nearest B.C. dealership to the winner(s) and delivery/ pick up will be paid for by the winner(s). 20. What is the value of prize XUV 550 4X4 GATOR? $9,950.00 (includes applicable taxes) The “Top Ticket” Sales Contests Top Ticket Sales by Club – Win $250 B.C. 4-H Bucks Top Ticket Sales by member – Win $50 B.C. 4-H Bucks 21. How will the Top Ticket Sales by Club and member be determined and notified? The winner of the Top Ticket Sales by a Club, District or Region will be determined after the end of the contest by the B.C. 4-H office when all completed and returned Distribution Records, and monies have been verified. Winners will be notified by the B.C. 4-H Provincial Office as soon as the process is complete. B.C. 4-H Bucks are valid for any in stock service supply items! The winners’ names will also be posted on the B.C. 4-H website at www.bc4h.bc.ca. Draw Date and Locations 22. When is the draw? 10:00 am, Friday, October 30, 2015. 23. Where is the draw taking place and can I attend? Yes. Members, leaders and the public are encouraged to attend! PrairieCoast Equipment – PrairieCoast Equipment, 8025 Dallas Road, Kamloops, BC – Both GREEN and YELLOW tickets will be drawn at this location. 24. Does the winner need to be present at the draw to win? No. Winners will be notified and their names will be posted on the B.C. 4-H website – www.bc4h.bc.ca. If you have further questions contact the B.C. 4-H Provincial Office: Phone: 1-866-776-0373 Email: funddevelopmentassistant@bc4h.bc.ca Thank you!
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