PUBLISHED BY THE SWEDISH COUNCIL FOR WORKING LIFE AND SOCIAL RESEARCH, MARCH 2002, NO. 1 SKr 184 million for research Some 700 outline proposals for research projects were submitted to FAS in 2001. Slightly less than one-third of these were accepted by FAS, and, accordingly, 219 full proposals were received that year. In November 2001, the FAS board approved 123 projects. This means a 56 per cent success rate. However, when compared to the number of outline proposals, the success rate is reduced to 17 per cent. The table below shows the grants awarded according to FAS’ main areas of responsibility. all proposals had a female principal investigator. The female success rate was 51 per cent, compared to 69 per cent for male principal investigators. However, when you look at the amounts applied for and awarded, a slightly different picture emerges. As a group, males received 32 per cent of the amount they had applied for whereas women received 35 per cent. In the current and coming issues of our Newsletter, we will present a selection of these research projects to our readers. For additional information, please contact the principal investigator. If you look at the gender pattern, 34 per cent of Main area of research Full proposals Total amount applied for, MSkr Accepted Total amount awarded, MSkr Occupational Safety and Health 46 109 28 36 Work Organisation 46 137 23 44 Labour Market Issues 31 72 15 24 Public Health 44 128 27 37 Social Policy and Social Insurance 25 71 16 23 Social Welfare 27 55 14 20 219 572 123 184 Total Swedish Research Links Swedish Research Links is a SIDA/Sarec programme designed to promote research partnerships in areas of common interest between researchers in Sweden and more resource-heavy developing countries in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. The programme is also intended to help ensure that the internationalisation of Swedish research also includes developing countries. The Links programme is based on the experience gained from the programme established in 1999 by SIDA/Sarec and the South African National Research Foundation to promote high quality, relevant research and the exchange of know-how and technology of common interest, and to boost the research capacity of the historically underprivileged milieus. The South African programme finances a number of partnerships between Swedish and South African researchers, many of which relate to issues within the FAS sphere of responsibility. The Links programme will be announced for the first time in March 2002. The final application date for 2003 for the South African programme is 2nd April 2002. Applications to the programmes must be based on a shared research interest and be jointly formulated. The programme can cover the added costs entailed by the research partnership but not salary overheads or other basic financing. Grants may be sought for a three year period with the option of applying for financing for a fourth year. The contact persons at SIDA for Swedish Research Links and the South African project are Paula Mählck, e-mail <paula.mahlck Is it more expensive to be poor?>, and Marianne von Malmborg, e-mail <>, respectively. Is it relatively more expensive to be poor or to live in modest circumstances? The question is raised by Professor Tapio Salonen and Ph.D.student Torbjörn Hjort at the University of Lund in a study of expense-increasing hindrances or barriers faced by low income families with children in their role as consumers. Employment rights during a transfer of undertakings Sweden joining the European Union in 1995 resulted in certain aspects of Swedish labour law being changed to bring it into line with Community law. One pronounced difference lies in the changes made to the Swedish Security of Employment Act and the Swedish CoDetermination Act to ensure that the rules correspond to the EU’s Transfer of Undertakings Directive. Consumption patterns and their associated conditions for households have changed during the 1900s, in relation both to public sector welfare solutions and to market-based arenas. Previous Swedish research into economically vulnerable groups has primarily focused on the relationship with public sector welfare systems and the way in which income levels have changed for these groups. There is, however, little research that explicitly highlights the consumption dimension in relation to economic vulnerability from a household perspective. As a result, knowledge of the effects of consumption conditions on redistribution policy is scant. This project is designed to clarify the import and consequences of the changes to the Swedish provisions governing employment rights in conjunction with transfers of undertakings that ensue from the implementation of the Transfer of Undertakings Directive. The starting point is jurisprudence. Hence it entails a review of legal texts, the legislative history of enactments, and the comprehensive body of case law extant from the European Court and the Swedish Labour Court in order to determine what constitutes applicable law in this respect. The extent to which the provisions of the Transfer of Undertakings Directive have entailed an increase in security of employment for Swedish employees is then discussed on the basis of the review. The aim is not to produce a characterisation of the poor’s consumption patterns/behaviour, but rather, to investigate and illuminate the conditions that can render consumption more expensive or more difficult. The study focuses on the relationship between households and the goods and services market in a broad sense. The role of consumption for economically vulnerable groups in an affluent society is also interpreted from a sociology of consumption perspective. The study comprises two parts: an empirical study of the way in which expense-increasing mechanisms affect households, and an interview-based survey of the way in which households handle these problems. The results of the survey will, furthermore, be related to and analysed on the basis of statistical material at a macro level. The project will focus on the aspect concerned with jurisprudence and substantive law. Initially, however, the relationship between national law and EU law with regard to both the legislator’s law-making discretion and the courts’ judicial and application discretion will be looked into. These starting points are intended to lay the foundations for the analysis and conclusion with regard to the extent to which the Transfer of Undertakings Directive affects Swedish working life and as to whether security of employment has been strengthened as a result of the new rules. Further information: Professor Tapio Salonen, School of Social Work, Lund University. E-mail <>. Further information: Who creates my identity? Professor Birgitta Nyström, Law Dept, Lund University. E-mail <>. Identity development among children and young people with disabilities The basis for the four sub-studies of this project is that identity is developed through interaction between the individual and those closest to them against a background of dominating social and cultural perceptions of disabilities. Interviews 2 and surveys will by conducted with disabled children, young people and professional assistants. mobility patterns within and between workplaces. What are the family-related and labor market-related processes that reduce women’s opportunities to enter favorable career paths and, thereby, achieve higher wages? In sub-study no. 1 the structure of the social network among physically disabled children is compared with the networks of children and young people without physical disabilities. Is there a micro-system within the networks of physically disabled children and young people that is not present among other children and young people? The intensity of the contacts, the presence of practical and emotional support as well as feedback are described, as are activities the children and young people usually engage in together. Secondly, men’s and women’s differential wage mobility patterns will be analyzed in the light of organizational or workplace-specific factors. How is the gender wage differential dynamic affected by organizational gender segregation and gender inequality in access to power structures and positions of authority in work organizations? The analyses are based upon longitudinal data from the Swedish Standard of Living Surveys (LNU) and related register data material including a large amount of information on approximately 900,000 employees and their employing organizations during the period 1987–1995. Sub-study no. 2 explores how young people have been treated by friends, adults and others in society, such as teachers, people in the street, people they meet during cinema visits or other leisure activities, and what is their perception of this treatment? How have the young people themselves acted in situations where they have encountered varying attitudes? Further information: Mia Hultin, Research Fellow in Sociology, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). E-mail <>. The purpose of sub-study no. 3 is to understand how the identities of disabled young people are formed through own body experiences — the possibilities and limitations of the body — as well as the demands that are made on them to take responsibility for their own body and to attain an ideal body. An additional aim is to determine how young people are influenced by social and cultural norms surrounding the “normal” and the ideal body. Motor exhaust, particles and myocardial infarction or lung cancer More than 80,000 people in Sweden are currently exposed to exhaust from diesel-powered vehicles during their work. Diesel vehicles are the main source of fine particles in urban air. Current studies indicate that diesel exhaust and/ or particles may cause lung cancer at levels well below the present occupational threshold limits, and that the risk of myocardial infarction may also be increased. Very little is known about dose-response relationships. The last sub-study raises the following questions.What opportunities and obstacles do disabled young people see in terms of future occupational choices and work tasks, and on what experiences do they base these perceptions? What roles do friends, adults and professional assistants play in how their perceptions are formed? A study at the Dept of Occupational and Environmental Health, Stockholm Centre of Public Health, will investigate and quantify the risk of lung cancer and myocardial infarction in relation to exposure to diesel exhaust and particles. This is done by development of measurement-based assessments of present and historical exposure levels to indicators of motor exhaust and particles in occupational environments. Further information: Prof. Rafael Lindqvist, Dept of Sociology, Umeå University. E-mail <>. Wage mobility in the labor market This study aims to analyze the dynamic processes that generate and sustain gender wage differentials over time. Two recently completed population-based casereferent studies of lung cancer and myocardial infarction in Stockholm County provide data on occupations, work tasks, smoking habits, domiciles etc. for 1,042 lung cancer cases, 1,335 Firstly, wage mobility will be analyzed in relation to men’s and women’s different job 3 cases of myocardial infarction and more than 4,000 control subjects from the general population. The exposure to particles and diesel exhaust is assessed by linking these persons’ work histories to newly developed measurement-based exposure assessment. About 120 personal samples of the exposure to elemental carbon, particles (PM2,5 and PM1,0), and nitrogen dioxide are taken in environments representative of present and previous work conditions in diesel exhaustexposed occupations in Stockholm. Reconstruction of some older work conditions and modelling make it possible to assess the previous exposure in earlier work environments. The risk of lung cancer and myocardial infarction is calculated in relation to the dose of particles and diesel exhaust. Several dose indices are computed like cumulative dose, also incorporating time-windows, lag and latency. Present data on smoking habits, radon in dwellings, general air pollution levels, obesity, hypertension etc. is used for control of potential confounding. Further information: Associate Professor Per Gustavsson, Dept of Occupational and Environmental Health, Stockholm Centre of Public Health, Stockholm County Council. E-mail <>. Remembering loss and sharing grief In October 1998 a fire at the Macedonian Association’s premises in Gothenburg, where a discotheque had been organised, claimed the lives of 63 young people and more than 200 were injured. The challenge facing the bereaved in this catastrophe, is in finding a means of expression which outwardly signifies the profundity and pain of their shared experiences. In her research project, Docent Abby Peterson at the University of Gothenburg is studying these means not as therapeutic practices for assuaging grief, but as expressive practices through which highly individual and personal feelings are collectively constructed and demonstrated. Death is an emotional experience, and the ways bereavement is ritually organised relates to the performative aspects of collective mourning and remembrance as well as the shared experiences of grief and loss. Subsequently, the study will focus upon how these ritual performances act as ways of constructing and reconstructing a sense of community. The very idea of performance implies that all memorial practice is bound to a rhetoric of participation. The study will analyse those actions of individuals and groups intended to invoke memories of the tragic event and the individuals who lost their lives in the fire. Ritualised performances of deep personal and societal loss are often carried out in a specific setting which serves as a frame for the performances. The settings of memorial performances, together with the stage and “props” for these performances, i.e. the “artefacts of loss”, will be analysed. And while the symbolic context of the memorial site itself will be analysed, emphasis will be placed upon the logic of performance, which governs the encounters between a will-toremember and the claims on the site. The study is explorative and will rely upon empirical sources. Interviews will be conducted among members of the Fire Victim Relatives’ Association and among young people who survived the fire or participated in the memorial events. Empirical materials will be collected through participant observations of memorial events and through various documents produced by survivors and relatives of victims in conjunction with these memorial events; for example, song texts, poems, and articles. Artefacts from the fire and its aftermath are another source together with a collation of the media coverage of these memorial events. Further information: Docent Abby Peterson, Dept of Sociology, Göteborg University. E-mail <>. Postal address Box 2220, SE-103 15 Stockholm Visiting address Birger Jarls torg 5, Riddarholmen Phone +46 8 775 40 70 Telefax +46 8 775 40 75 E-mail Internet Editor Jan Jerring E-mail April 2002
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