Welcome to Worship with Battle Creek Friends Church Plans are in the works for a trip to Tanzania, Africa the first 2 weeks of August. If you are interested in going or need more info, please contact the church office 269-968-9376 May 10, 2015 Welcome Missionaries from Hong Kong! Dave & Cindy Aufrance Sunday School for Children & Adult’s Friends Reach Out We will be meeting every Sunday after 3rd service in the Ministry Hub for a short meeting. We are volunteering at VBS this year and are looking for volunteers. The Dates are June 15-19. Please contact the church office at 9689376 with questions or contact Preston via Facebook Search “Friends Reach Out” page. Vacation Bible School June 15-19 Register your child at the VBS table in the lobby or online at www.bcfriends.org and click on the G-Force banner. 8:30 am Discipleship Children’s Ministry Nursery (Under 2yrs) …….Back of Worship Center Children’s Worship Hour ……..Downstairs Big Room 10:00am Discipleship Children’s Ministry Nursery (Under 2yrs) ……...Back of Worship Center Preschool—4th Grade………...Children go to classrooms downstairs NOTE: Class begins 10 min. prior to service time (9:50am) Youth Classes Club 56 (5th-6th)…………..Friends Center Middle & Sr. High Bible Study (7th—12th) ……………..Friends Center Adult Bible Study Amazing Grace Book of Ezekiel……….Downstairs Room 2 Mixed Bag The Blessing……………...Downstairs Room1 11:30 am Discipleship Children’s Ministry Nursery (Under 2yrs) ……...Back of Worship Center Preschool—4th Grade………...Children go to classrooms downstairs NOTE: Class begins 10 min. prior to service time (11:20am) Pastoral Staff Lead Pastor Student Ministries Pastor Associate Pastor, Teaching & Discipleship Kelly Hadlich John Grafton Dr. Chris Jakway Children’s Ministries Pastor Matt Smith Dir. Little Friends Child Care Laura Zingaretti Worship Coordinator Don Worthington Administrative Assistant Amy Peet Coord. Of Campus Operations Tom Price Urgent Prayer Requests: If you need to start the “Prayer Chain” with an urgent request, you may call: Marcia Redfield @ 965-4868 or Janet Wygant @ 962-3549 or E-mail: deweese.beth@yahoo.com or Church Office @ 968-9376 (9:00-3:00 Mon-Th) Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00-3:00 (Closed Fridays) 968-9376 1305 Olive St., Battle Creek, MI 49014 Email: office @bcfriends.org Website: www.bcfriends.org Family Scripture Memory Club—2:30pm @ 1391 E. Michigan Ave. every third Sunday every month. All ages welcome. We’d love to have you join us getting God’s Word in our hearts! Teens & Kids can earn points for great prizes. Questions? Call or text Shellie 269924-7934 OR Linda 269-788-7189 You are invited to a baby shower!!!! Anchor’s Away A Baby Girl is on the Way! Rick & Kim Berning are having a baby! Ladies Prayer Coffee will be Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:30-11:30 in the BC Friends Hub Divorce Care Class Divorce Care is a weekly support group for people going through separation or divorce. Starting 5-18-15, classes meet Mondays 6:308:30pm at the Love Thy Neighbor building located at 1391 Michigan Ave. E. Attendance is free!! Email DCTheGathering@aol.com. Website www.divorcecare.org Questions? Call 269-719-2422 Explore Fellowship Share—Men’s Group meets every Thursday at the church @ 7:00pm in Room 2 downstairs. Please contact Roy Smith with questions 269-578-3569 Date: May 16, 2015 Time: 1:00pm Place: BC Friends Church 1305 Olive St, RSVP: 330-432-6601 Lindsay Rick and Kim are registered at Target and have a nautical nursery theme in hot pink and sea-foam teal. Creative Hands!! 5-16-15 @ 9:30 we will be learning how to make painted glassware, Button Pins and Bird Baths! This is a great day to bring school age children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews! Please join us at the Love Thy Neighbor building. Please RSVP to Kyle Keller. 968-1209
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