AACS 2015 Spring Executive Retreat

AACS 2015 Spring Executive Retreat
May 1 – 4, 2015 ~ Phoenix, AZ
Sponsorship Opportunities
Mark those opportunities you’d like to sponsor and fax to 480-905-0993.
For questions please call Lisa x103 or Elouise x 102
Evening Reception on Sunday, May 3, 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm. You will host a reception for attendees, including newly
arrived financial aid staff attending the Financial Aid Workshop. Includes signage, light appetizers and one drink ticket:
Commercial Loop: AACS has incorporated digital signs at events. You can provide up to two static slides that will go
in rotation on a digital sign in a prominent location during the Spring Executive Retreat and Financial Aid Workshop:
WiFi Sponsorship: Your company name will be the WiFi password for guests in the Connection Lounge. Includes
signage as the WiFi sponsor and WiFi service for 100 logins for the entire weekend: $5,000
VIP Owner Dinner Table Sponsorship: on Friday, May 1 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm beauty and wellness school
owners are invited to an owners only dinner to hear AACS general counsel, Ed Cramp share the latest legal update with
school owners. Table sponsor will have one representative at the dinner to sit with nine school owners to hear the
presentation and join in the networking that will take place after the presentation over dinner: $500
Hosted Resort Activities NEW! AACS Vendors have the opportunity to host resort activities for school
owners/managers to enjoy on Friday and Sunday afternoon of the Spring Executive Retreat. AACS will share registered
attendees contact information (including email addresses) and activity interest with each activity host. Host will invite
attendees to participate as their guest. For further details visit: http://beautyschools.org/2015-spring-hosted-activitiessponsor-details/ $1,000
Golf (8)
Segway Nature Stroll (4)
Off the Beaten Path 4x4 Adventure (6)
Vino Van Gogh Painting Class (5)
50 Minute Aji Massage (5)
Horseback Riding (8)
Bordeau Blending Class (4)
Email Blast Email Blasts prior to Spring Executive Retreat: AACS will send a one‐time pre‐marketing email blast to
all members featuring up to six listings. This email will feature up to six exhibitor “ads” (limit 50 words) highlighting a
special new service or feature or improvement about their company with a hyperlink to each of the companies’ websites:
Badge Holder: Have every attendee walking around with your brand around their neck for the entire weekend.
Includes your company logo on the badges for the Spring Executive Retreat & Financial Aid Workshop: $5,000
Event Site Ad: Your ad will appear on the AACS Spring Executive Retreat page of the website to be seen by all
members looking for further information on the event and to register online. Includes ability to link from ad to the
webpage of your choice: $1,500 (three available)
Cowboy Games Package: Includes Buckin’s Barrel, Roller Roper, Quick Draw, Loco Bola and signage at the
Saturday night BBQ for all attendees and exhibitors: $4,000
Corn Hole Game Sponsor: Includes corn hole game set up with branded company logo on the boards and signage at
the Saturday night BBQ for all attendees and exhibitors: $2,000
Room drop: You provide the item that gets delivered to guest rooms: $2,500
Name: _______________________________________ Company: ___________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Amount of Payment: ____________
Method of Payment:
Name on Credit Card: ____________________________________________________________________CVV: _____________
Credit Card Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ____________
Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
9927 E. Bell Rd., Ste. 110, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 ~ 800-831-1086 ~ Fax 480-905-0993 ~ www.beautyschools.org ~ info@beautyschools.org