Beaver-Butler Presbytery Memo DATE: March 17, 2015 TO: Church Secretaries, Ministers and other Friends of Beaver-Butler Presbytery FROM: Rev. David Byers, Stated Clerk RE: Packets for Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Trinity Presbyterian Church, 107 Staley Avenue, Butler, PA 16001 Beaver-Butler Presbytery meeting information packets are available to help your commissioner(s) prepare for the meeting. Please distribute to your Minister(s) and voting Elder(s). Duplicates of this material will be available at the meeting for visitors only. Presbytery Meeting Registration will begin at 5:30 PM Presbytery Meeting will begin at 6:00 PM Participants arriving after 6:30 PM will be recorded as absent. Packets are now available as attached or on our website at: If you do not choose to print the entire packet, remember, duplicates will be available at the meeting for visitors only! Please don’t hesitate to call Barbara Paff at the Presbytery office 724-452-7515 if you have problems downloading. To Request Child Care call the Trinity church at: 724-287-7464 Reminder: A time of “Good News” will be celebrated at the Presbytery Meeting. We are asking that the Elder Commissioner representing your church take one minute or less to share the good things happening in your church. Please plan this in advance. Thank You, David Byers, Stated Clerk All Elder Commissioners, Ministers and Church Secretaries need to receive copies of the information distributed in this meeting packet. Please communicate to your congregation. REPORTS TO BEAVER-BUTLER PRESBYTERY Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Trinity Presbyterian Church 107 Staley Avenue Butler, PA 16001 Worship Pastor: Rev. Connie Frierson Renewal Pastor: Rev. Dr. Tammy Wiens Coordinating Pastor: Rev. Dr. Graham Standish Registration 5:30 PM Business Meeting 6:00 PM OFFICERS OF THE PRESBYTERY Moderator: …………………...…. Vice Moderator: ………………… Coordinating Team Chair: ……. Stated Clerk: ……………………. Treasurer: ……………………….. Asst. Stated Clerk: …………….. Elder James Ihlenfeld Rev. Mary Kitchen Rev. Randall Clow Rev. David D. Byers Elder James Gray Rev. Dennis Burnett HISTORICAL SKETCH TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Trinity Church began in 1949 when three devoted churchmen, Dr. George C. Miller, the Rev. Vincent T. Ross, and the Rev. J. Cyrus Smith canvassed the community and found a number of families interested in the possibility of beginning a church in Butler Township. What was then Butler Presbytery agreed to sponsor a Sunday School and appointed Rev. J. Cyrus Smith to direct the school on a part-time basis. On Sunday afternoon February 5, 1950, the first service was held in the basement of the Lyndora Manse. Thirty-seven children and six adults were present. After meeting in the manse basement for a time, Butler Presbytery purchased the threeacre site, where a church could be built—our present church. A large tent was erected on the property on October 22, 195O, and a dedication service was held. There were 115 charter members. After much.-planning, groundbreaking ceremonies were held April 21, 1952. The first service in the new sanctuary, which seated 150 people, was held on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1952. The Rev. Homer G. Becker was called in April, 1957, to be the pastor. By this time chairs were used in all the aisles of the sanctuary at the morning service, and it was apparent that a larger building was necessary. On November 5, 1967, groundbreaking for the new sanctuary was accomplished. The first worship service was held in the completed church on March 16, 1969. Dr. James G. Manor delivered the sermon of dedication. The new sanctuary and the education unit is the culmination of a congregation, which grew from 115 members. Page 1 of 33 The sanctuary is designed to give all a welcome feeling and although the rough-sawn rugged cross dominates the lighter section of the stained glass window, the sky-light calls people’s attention upward toward God and sheds a white light on the communion table directly below symbolizing the death of Christ, the call of God, and the presence of the HoIy Spirit. As the 21st century dawned, Trinity Church went through a crisis after hiring a new pastor, which led to a dramatic reduction in the congregation. This crisis shook the church to its core, and stripped the church of many of it’s families and members. With help from Beaver Butler Presbytery, Trinity Church began to consider ways to revitalize itself and create a healthy, growing congregation again. Also, the leaders of Trinity Church became determined to ground themselves in Christ and seek God’s way to greater health and revitalization. In the Spring of 2014, Trinity Church entered into a partnership with Calvin Presbyterian Church of Zelienople to help the church grow. Under the guidance of the Rev. Connie Frierson and the Rev. Dr. Graham Standish from Calvin Church, and also with the help of the Rev. Dr. Tammy Wiens of Pittsburgh Presbytery, Trinity Church began to revamp our sanctuary, our worship, and the way we approach ministry, seeking a more spiritual way of doing ministry. Over the past six months we have seen our worship attendance grow, and we have begun adding new members to the church. We are looking forward to our renewal, and we welcome the members of Beaver Butler Presbytery to our spiritual home. Page 2 of 33 Directions to Trinity Presbyterian Church (107 Staley Avenue, Butler, PA 16001) From the North: Take route 8 south towards Butler and make a right exit onto route 422 going west. Take the Lyndora exit and at the light turn left onto 356 (New Castle Road).Past shopping center at the Target light, turn right onto South Duffy Road. Roughly atop the small rise in the hill (about ¼ mile) turn left onto Staley Ave. Church parking lot sits on the left. From the East: Take route 422 toward Butler and take the Lyndora exit. At the light, turn left and pass shopping centers on the left. At the light just passed Target, turn right onto South Duffy Road. Roughly ¼ mile (rise of small hill), turn left onto Staley Ave and church parking lot sits to the left. From the West: Take route 68 west into Butler Township and make a left turn onto South Duffy Road. Go roughly ½ -3/4 mile and turn right onto Staley Ave. Church parking lot sits on your left. From the South: Take route 356 north and follow it all the way into Butler Township, up the hill. Turn left at the intersection of 356 and South Duffy Road (Walgreens, Target and VA Hospital are at that intersection). Roughly ¼ mile turn left onto Staley Ave. and church parking lot sits on your left. Elder in Charge of Arrangements: Ron Champ Prayer Room: Church Library (off the Narthex) Registration: Fellowship Hall Page 3 of 33 PRESBYTERY MEETING LEGAL ACTIONS March 24, 2015 CONSENT AGENDA Receive the following reports: Coordinating Team Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2015 Pg. 13-16, Stated Clerk Pg. 17, Treasurer Pg. 13-16, Executive Presbyter, Presbytery Moderators, Minutes of the Previous Presbytery Meeting: January 24, 2015 pg. 21-32 and grant voice to participating visitors. 1. The Committee on Ministry recommends that the Presbytery dismiss the Rev. Maurice Smith to the Presbytery of Scioto Valley, effective March 24, 2015, where he is a Chaplain Serving Other Institutions. FLOOR ACTIONS Coordinating Team 1. That the Presbytery concur with the request of the Congregational Mission Unit and Peacemaking Committee to present "Five Peacemaking Affirmations for Presbytery Deliberations" as a First reading; to establish Table Talks in April for discussion; and to vote to adopt the "Affirmations" at the May meeting of the Presbytery. Pg. 6-10 Committee on Preparation for Ministry 1. That special accommodations be granted to Matthew Grubbs (Under Care) for Senior Ordination Exams. special accommodations for Matthew Grubbs. The accommodations are: a. An extension of time, not to exceed ‘time and a half. b. A grammarian, chosen by CPM, to proofread with Mr. Grubbs for syntactical clarity only. Nominating Committee 1. Election of Elder Denise Hobaugh - Concord/Hooker (COM-2017) 2. Election of Elder Lois Pacillo - The Galilean/New Galilee (Financial Planning - 2016) 3. Election of Elder Bea Welsh - The Hill/Butler (Personnel - 2017) Committee on Ministry 2. That the Presbytery concur with the action of the Committee on Ministry to dissolve the pastoral relationship between the Rev. Nathan Weller and the Mill Creek Church, Hookstown effective February 22, 2015. 3. That the Presbytery approve the 2015 Terms of Call. Pg. 11-12 Page 4 of 33 FOR INFORMATION Coordinating Team 2. The Coordinating Team approved the recommendation of the Financial Planning Committee to reallocate funds $15,000 from the Temporarily Restricted Fund, $10,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund and $5,000 from the Technology Fund to meet the needs of Mission Budget requests. - Min Partnership Unit ($9,100) - Congregational Mission Unit ($3,600) - Congregational Development & Leadership Unit ($2,300) Committee on Ministry The COM took the following actions on behalf of the Presbytery on February 7, 2015: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dismissed the Rev. Kimberly Merrill to ECO at her request. Effective 2/7/15. Approved Jordan Rimmer’s contract renewal with Westminster Church/New Brighton. Appointed the Rev. Steve Franklin as Moderator of Mt. Chestnut/Butler effective 3/1/15. Conducted an exit interview with Jeff Curtis. Appointed the Rev. Allison Bauer as Moderator at Mill Creek Church, effective 2/23/15. Authorized Steffin Hill/Beaver Falls to form a PNC and begin a mission study. Appointed CRE Eva Marie Barr as Moderator of the Service church, Aliquippa. Appointed Rev. Andy Shaffer as Moderator of the Mt. Pleasant church, Darlington. Committee on Preparation for Ministry 2. Received a letter from Aaron Price, Inquirer under care, asking to be removed from the ordination process. 3. Received request from Glade Run church to enroll one of their elders, Dave Somers, as a CRE Candidate under care. Directed Pastor Greg Wiest to have Dave complete and return to BBP office the old CLP application and encouraged Dave to begin CRE classes on-line through Duquesne Seminary. Page 5 of 33 Announcing Upcoming… TABLE TALK ! ! The General Assembly (2014) is seeking feedback from each presbytery for the five affirmations constructed as part of the years’ long process of peacemaking discernment. These statements are NOT policy but propositions for discussion, debate, feedback and an advisory vote by each presbytery. ! In this packet you will find the five affirmations (bottom of pg. 1) and a brief rationale for each (pgs. 2-4). We do not expect unanimous agreement. After the advisory vote at the May presbytery meeting, the vote, responses, and suggested revisions will be sent to the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy to help guide the preparation of a report on peacemaking directions for the 222nd General Assembly (2016). ! Most of us generally agree that peacemaking is the calling of all believers, but we differ about what means of peacemaking are faithful to Jesus’ life and witness. Some believe that violence can never be a faithful, Christian response to conflict and injustice; others believe that violence can be justified in restraining evil forces and defending the innocent. ! To help teaching and ruling elders who will be voting on each of these affirmations at the May Presbytery meeting, the Peacemaking Committee is organizing two Table Talks. The purpose of these Talks is to encourage faithful debate that provides insights and allows for varied perspectives in an atmosphere of trust and regard. The Table Talks will be on Tuesday, April 14th at 7PM and Wednesday, April 15th at 10:00 AM in the conference room at the Presbytery Center. Even if you are not voting, we welcome your input. Please pre-register for one or both of the talks by calling Barb Paff at the Presbytery Office. ! Please be sure to share the affirmations document and information on the Talks with Ruling Elders who will be voting at the May presbytery meeting. ! Page 6 of 33 Page 7 of 33 Page 8 of 33 Page 9 of 33 Page 10 of 33 OTHER CODE: B - Book Allowance C - Cell Phone D - Dental Insurance FSA - Flexible Spending Account LI - Life Insurance Location-Church LTC - Long Term Care Ins. HA - Housing Allowance HRA-Health Reimb. Acct. HSA - Health Savings Account ME- Manse Equity Allowance MI - Medical Insurance Yoked 2013 Membership MM - Medical Deductible Reimbursement O - Optical ODB - Optional Death Benefit P - Personal Days PE - Professional Expense S - Study Leave Exp. Reimburse Pastor Status 2014 Salary 2015 STATUS CODE: SC - Salary Continuation SS - Social Security Supplement T - Manse Telephone Pd TDA - Tax Deferred Annuity V - Vacation Utilities 2014 2015 Housing 2014 2015 Auto Allow 2014 2015 Aliquippa-New Bethlehem 223 Rev. Randall Clow FT 39,122 40,688 Paid Paid Manse Manse IRS Rate IRS Rate Aliquippa-Ohio 261 Rev. Nick Marlatt FT 37,342 38,276 Paid Paid Manse Manse IRS Rate IRS Rate Aliquippa-Raccoon 27 Rev. Keith Black TS Aliquippa-Service 43 Vacant TS 0 Ambridge-UPC 87 Rev. John B. Dickey PT 23,844 25,036 0 Baden-Concord 143 Rev. John Wiebe FT Beaver-Park 360 Rev. Mark A. Boyd FT 0 25,400 35,000 31,900 14,400 0 - 0 0 IRS Rate 0 0 700 None 2wks/500 1,300 30,000 30,000 4,250 11,640 12,000 - Manse Manse 1,454 2,266 2wks/500 V-5wks 2wks/1200 2wks/2100 4,250 TS - Temporary Supply RP-Renewal Pastor M-Meal Expenses No Terms of Call Submitted Vacant - Terms? Other Study/Weeks 2014 2014 2015 2-6wks/ 2-6wks/ BA-250, MM-1649, SS-3241, PE-250, BA-250, MM-1712, SS-3370, PE-250, 1200-3600 1200-3600 ME-1500, T, V-4wks ME-1500, T, V-4wks 2-6wks/ 1200-3600 2 wks/1200 SS - 7.65%, V-One Month SS - 2,928, V- 4wks - 700 24,000 DP - Designated Pastor HR - Honorably Retired PT - Part Time FT - Full Time SS - Stated Supply 2wks/2100 SS-4755, TDA-2400, SS-4755, V-4wks Professional office in church - 4800, V- 4wks MM-2500, SS-2679, LI-180, D-1468,V2wks/1696 4wks, PE-783 V-5wks HRA-2000, SS-3779, M-3500,PE-280 SS-4755, TDA-2400, SS-4755, V-4wks, D-128 Beaver Falls-Calvary 36 Rev. Paul Holland, H.R. TS 6,600 6,840 0 Beaver Falls-First 181 Rev. Christopher Noyes FT 35,020 35,755 8,198 8,370 Beaver Falls-Steffin Hill 129 Rev. Daniel Callahan Interim 56,375 32,196 0 0 0 22,000 Butler-Covenant 57 Rev. Jim Swanson FT 35,284 38,359 0 0 26,000 26,000 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 MM-2000, TDA-600, V-4wks Butler-Faith 94 Rev. Donald Aull Interim 23,993 24,496 0 0 22,000 Butler-Meridian 285 Rev. Stephen M. Franklin FT 39,340 42,260 Paid Paid Manse Butler-Mt Chestnut 282 Vacant FT 18,222 53,051 0 0 24,000 0 IRS Rate 2wks/900 3wks/see PE 2-6wks/ 1200-3600 1wks/450 V-4wks, SS - 3975 V-4wks, SS - 2029 3wks/see C, D, LI, ME - 2400, PE - 8000, V-4wks, C, D, LI, ME - 2400, PE - 9000, V-4wks, PE SS-3980 SS-3427 MM-2500, SS-4500, TDA-6000, PE-500, 0 V-One Month Butler-Saint Andrews 153 Rev. Merry Meloy FT 36,416 38,126 0 0 15,545 15,645 IRS Rate Butler-The Hill 350 Rev. Clark Sawyer FT 39,986 39,986 0 0 23,440 23,440 Butler-Trinity 35 Rev. Tammy Wiens RP N/A Callery-Crestview 97 Rev. Robert Goossen FT 29,460 Cherry Valley-East Unity 39 Dr. . Paul Shaefer Supply 83 Rev. Mary S. Kitchen PT 25,272 26,526 0 0 Clintonville-Union 56 Rev. Anthony Catullo FT 37,688 38,126 Paid Paid Manse Manse IRS Rate IRS Rate Connoq.-WhiteOakSprings 66 Rev. W. Lee Dreyer FT 43,619 44,535 Paid Paid Manse Manse .555/mile 57.5/mile Conway-Conway 37 Rev. Deane Lavender TS 18,000 18,000 0 0 0 0 Cranberry Community 528 Rev. James M. Moran FT 25,854 25,854 0 44,815 44,815 IRS Rate IRS Rate 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 PE-800, SS-7553, V-5wks Rev. Dena Roy PT 9,093 9,284 0 16,877 17,242 IRS Rate IRS Rate 1 wk/1000 V-3 wks, SS-1611 PE-800, SS-7553, V-5wks V-3 wks, SS-1645, Maternity-12wks, 100% 64 R. Mark Plumb, CRE CRE 35,000 104 Rev. Derek Marotta FT 38,016 IRS Rate 2wks/1200 2-6wks/ IRS 1200-3600 V-5wks 2-6wks/ 1200-3600 D/0-900, SS-2908, V-4wks D/0-1300, SS-2947, V-4wks 70 PT Pulpit Supply 15,125 IRS Rate less.05 2wks/600 SS-2008,V-4wks, PE - 1200 76 Rev. C.F. Hoffman Robert Saul, M.Div. (Not Ordained) 13,000 15,000 0 0 97 Rev. Mary S. Kitchen PT 25,272 26,526 0 0 Eau Claire-Eau Claire 39 Charles Cline, CRE TS Ellwood City-Knox 57 Rev. Elizabeth Wallace FT Chicora-North Butler Y Cranberry Community Cranberry-Fountain Park Cranberry-Plains Darlington-First Y Darlington-Mt Pleasant East Butler Y N/A 31,056 1,500 38,520 Paid 0 Paid 22,000 Housing Manse Allowance Manse - IRS Rate 34,356 Manse 0 0 Housing Manse Allowance 2wks/1200 IRS/2500 0 Vacant FT 36,023 183 Rev. Tom Harmon FT 35,500 36,565 Fombell-Camp Run 53 Rev. Andrew C. Shaffer FT 20,968 33,051 FrankfortSprings-Frankfort 69 Rev. Allison Bauer FT 39,500 40,500 Freedom-First 36 Rev. Ronald Kronk TS 10,920 1,300 N/A 126 Rev. James R. Steiner Interim 0 Paid Paid 14,618 14,925 1,250 - Manse 2wks/600 1 wk/1000 0 2 wks/600 0 2 wks/600 V-4wks V-4wks 2wks 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 SS-3692, V-4wks B - 500, HSA - 2500, SS-2756, T, V4wks 2-6wks/ C-600, LI-302, SS-2716, TDA-1000, V1200-3600 4wks, BOP Pastoral Renewal 1-wk SS-3770, V-4wks 2,500 2wks /1850 2-6wks/ 1200-3600 2,500 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 HRA-4300,SS-3692, TDA-3000, V-4wks HRA, TDA, V-4wks 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 T, V-4 wks 2,700 Manse 0 0 20,000 20,000 Paid Paid Manse Manse IRS Rate IRS Rate 2,460 N/A 6,340 N/A 1,080 2 wks Page 11 of 33 V-4wks - Manse N/A see NW 2wks/600 D, V-4wks 2wks/1200 B-300, HRA-2750, SS-3337, T, V-31days B-300, HRA-2750, SS-3407, T, V-31days Paid N/A see NW SS-4058+A1, V-4wks V- 4wks - - 2,500 2wks/1200 SS-3974, V-4wks 2wks/1200 1,250 IRS Rate MM-1100, SS-4852, V-4wks, D-854 N/A 2wks/1200 V-4wks - IRS Rate MM-2000, V-2wks 2wks/1200 1,250 IRS Rate 2wks/1000 MM-1100, SS-4852, V-4wks, D-735 N/A - 11,125 1wk/600 B-50, SS-4669, P-5 days, V-6wks N/A IRS Rate 134 N/A see NW 2wks/1000 N/A 1,250 Professional office in church - 4600 MM-2500, SS-2735, LI-180, D-1632,V4wks, PE-799, T, ME-3689 2-6wks/ 2wks/1200- MM-800, PE-750, SS-1500, V-4 wks, Ed. MM-800, PE-750, SS-1500, V-4 wks, Ed. 1200-3600 3600 Sabatical-3Mo/5Yr, Sick - 1day/90 days Sabatical-3Mo/5Yr, Sick - 12/90 IRS Rate 80.00/wk 33,650 2wks/1200 - - 0 0 EvansCity-Westminster Y-60% 21,000 IRS Rate N/A N/A 0 Ellwood- North Sewickley Hooker-Concord 0 2wks/2915 3,600 3,600 300/mo. + 225/mo+IR 0 IRS Rates Vouchered Vouchered see PE see PE Manse N/A N/A 7,200 1,485 N/A see NW 2 wks V-4 wks N/A see NW N/A C-600, LI-302, SS-2797, TDA-1000, V4wks T, V-4 wks V-4 wks see NW OTHER CODE: B - Book Allowance C - Cell Phone D - Dental Insurance FSA - Flexible Spending Account LI - Life Insurance Location-Church LTC - Long Term Care Ins. HA - Housing Allowance HRA-Health Reimb. Acct. HSA - Health Savings Account ME- Manse Equity Allowance MI - Medical Insurance Yoked 2013 Membership MM - Medical Deductible Reimbursement O - Optical ODB - Optional Death Benefit P - Personal Days PE - Professional Expense S - Study Leave Exp. Reimburse Pastor Status 2014 Salary Utilities 2014 2015 2015 STATUS CODE: SC - Salary Continuation SS - Social Security Supplement T - Manse Telephone Pd TDA - Tax Deferred Annuity V - Vacation Housing 2014 2015 Auto Allow 2014 2015 DP - Designated Pastor HR - Honorably Retired PT - Part Time FT - Full Time SS - Stated Supply 130 Vacant FT 38,526 Mars-Mars UPC 285 Rev. Nathan Esser FT 31,234 31,890 0 0 33,550 34,255 3,000 3,000 2wks Mars-Old Union 201 Rev. Peter de Vries FT 35,234 34,402 Paid Paid Manse Manse 2,500 2,500 2wks/1200 Midland-First 14 Vacant Midland-New Salem 56 Jeff Marquis, CRE TS 19,770 N/A 1,200 1,200 1wk/400 Monaca-First 136 Rev. Beth Wierman SS 13,790 Monaca-North Branch 120 Rev. Andrew Beery FT 31,176 31,830 N/A N/A 20,784 21,220 IRS Rate New Brighton-First 73 Rev. John Dickey PT 22,465 16,858 0 0 0 6,720 IRS Rate New Brighton-Westminster 116 Rev. Jordan Rimmer TS 36,325 35,209 Paid Paid Manse Manse IRS Rate IRS Rate 2wks/1200 .50/mile .50/mile Paid N/A Manse N/A 19,770 N/A 1,800 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 21,375 Y 49 Rev. C.F. Hoffman PT 14,098 14,779 0 0 12,625 12,504 North Washington Y-40% 54 Rev. James R. Steiner Interim 12,269 37,000 N/A N/A 2,000 15,000 77 Chuck Cline, CRE PT 18,160 12,000 Paid 0 Manse N/A 17,320 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 34,640 N/A 0 N/A 0 Parker-First Prospect-Mt Nebo Y 55 Rev. Jim Boos Interim Prospect-PC Y IRS Rate IRS Rate 2,000 N/A IRS Rate N/A IRS Rate 71 Rev. Jim Boos Interim Rochester-First 40 Rev. Lee Bittner SS Rochester-New Sewickley 122 Rev. Dennis Burnett Interim 35,692 23,009 0 0 20,000 21,540 Sarver-Buffalo 69 Rev. Jean Smith SS 20,184 20,608 0 0 7,000 7,000 Saxonburg-Clinton 44 Rev. Jason Sinagra PT 24,277 24277 1,500 1,500 Manse Manse 2,500+ 0.56 > 10K miles 2,500+ 0.56 > 10K miles Saxonburg-Jefferson Ctr 140 Rev. Jonathan West FT 30,545 27,145 0 0 20,000 20,000 IRS Rate IRS Rate Saxonburg Memorial 589 Rev. David Brewer-Vacant SS/HR 31,556 33,019 6,540 6,443 38,944 41,072 Car+Gas Carmen Shullo, CRE CRE 0 IRS Rate Saxonburg Memorial 0 12,420 0 Saxonburg-Westminster 99 Rev. Deborah Huffmyer SS 36,372 37,136 0 15,915 15,588 Shippingport-Bethlehem 13 Rev. Robert Kennedy TS 3,900 3,900 0 0 0 2,000/year 0 2wks/1200 V - One Month 2wks/600 2wks/600 D-150, V-5wks N/A 2wks/1200 N/A 2wks/1200 N/A V-1mon B-250, V-4wks 1,600 Car IRS Rate 260 2wks/600 MM-1400, PE-200, SS-2200, V-4wks 2wks/600 1wk/500 T, V-2 wks 1wk/500 2wks/1200 B-250, C-600, SS-3860, V-4 wks 2wks/1200 V-5wks, Sick Leave-1 wk/yr of service 2wks/ 1,2000 - PE-600 2wks/ 1,2000 PE-600, TDA-1000, V-4 wks 24,526 0 0 30,321 31,231 272 287 0 0 25,000 26,420 Slippery Rock-Highland 101 Rev. Doug Turner Interim 12,000 Valencia-Glade Run 318 Rev. Gregory Wiest FT 49,435 52,424 0 0 19,121 19,503 4,000 4,000 Valencia-Valencia 138 Rev. Jim Kirk FT 35,476 36,339 2,158 2,558 10,643 10,902 IRS Rate IRS Rate Vanport-Vanport 179 Rev. David D Byers FT 50,975 52,504 Paid Paid Manse Manse 2,500 2,500 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 MM-1900, SS-3900, V-4wks W. Sunbury-WSunbury 195 Rev. Jeffrey Lang FT 35,910 33,810 3,816 Paid 10,500 10,143 - - 2wks/1200 2wks PE-7000, SS-3362, V-4 wks Zelienople-Calvin 497 Total Membership 133 1,350 T, V-2 wks B-250, SS-3912, TDA-4000, V-4 wks 2 wks/1200 2 wks/1200 V-5wks, Sick Leave-1 wk/yr of service 23,812 3,600 MM-1400, PE-200, SS-2200, V-4wks V-3 wks DP IRS Rate MM-900, PE-300, B-300, V-6wks 2 wks/1145 2 wks/1145 ODB-630, V-4 wks FT Zelienople-Park B-500, V-2wks N/A V-1mon Rev. Donna Yanosy Zelienople-Calvin V-4 wks 1 wk/600 Transitioning to half-time Rev. William Mumaw 12,000 PE-1200, SS-2087, V-4wks 2wks/480 2 wks/1200 C-440, B-200, ME-2000, SS-1040 80 0 D-150, V-5wks V-4wks; B-400; SS-2917 2wks/600 PE-1200, SS-2044, V-4wks 2wks/600 179 3,600 V - 4wks 2wks/1200 V-4wks Slippery Rock-Center Slippery Rock - Friendship Parish, Bethel, West Liberty & Wolf Creek IRS Rate V-4 wks 2,000 2wks/1200 1.5wks/900 MM, SC, SS, V-5wks 1,600 260 2wks/1200 2 wks/800 IRS Rate C-600, D-1632, PE-800, V- 4wks D-905, FSA-2500, HA-5000, SS-4300, PE-1700, V-5 wks SS-2690, V-4wks 2-6wks / 1200 - 3600 IRS Rate 2015 N/A 1wk/400 V-4 wks 2wks/780 2,400 2,400 IRS Rate 2wks/1000 C-600, D-1540, PE-800, V- 4wks D-854, FSA-2500, HA-5000, SS-4300, 2wks/1200 PE-1400, V-5 wks N/A - New Galilee-The Galilean Other 2014 RCA Benefits BOP-5952, HA-1800,MM21,696, V-4wks Study/Weeks 2014 2-6wks /1200 Hookstown-Mill Creek TS - Temporary Supply RP-Renewal Pastor M-Meal Expenses No Terms of Call Submitted Vacant - Terms? 2wks/1200 2wks/1200 P-2 Sundays, V-2wks PE-600, TDA-1000, V-4 wks V-4wks V-4wks 2wks/600 2 wks/2768 2 wks/2768 MM-4084, V-4wks 2wks/1200 PE-600 2wks/1200 TDA deduction, SS-3693, V-4wks MM-2166, V-4wks TDA deduction, SS-3580, V-4wks MM-1500, SS-4017, V-4wks Rev. Graham Standish FT 44,594 44,594 0 0 5,463 20,332 4,484 4,484 2wks/500 2wks/500 SS-6822, V-4wks Rev. Connie Frierson PT 15,913 16,390 0 0 5,304 5,463 2,000 2,060 1wk/ 300 Rev. Paul Merrill FT 36,325 37,992 Paid Paid 11,647 12,148 5,000 5,000 2wks 1wk/ 300 N/A SS-2160, V-3wks, MM-2500, SS-2779, T, V- 4 wks, PE MM-2500, SS-2906, T, V- 4 wks, PE included in Study Leave included in Study Leave 9,133 Page 12 of 33 SS-6822, V-4wks Beaver-Butler Presbytery Coordinating Team Minutes-March 4, 2015 7:00 PM – Business Meeting The Coordinating Team met at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, in the Presbytery Center for regular business. The Rev. Alan Adams, Executive Presbyter, called the meeting to order with a reading from 1Cor. 1:18-25, reflection, and prayer. Present: Ralph Miller, Sally Pavlina, John Laudenslager, Connie Frierson, Sharon Sonnett (via Skype), Tom Harmon, Jim Gray (Treasurer), Mary Kitchen (Presb. V. Moderator), Dan Callahan Ex-Officio: Alan Adams (Executive Presbyter), David Byers (Stated Clerk), Excused: Randall Clow (Chair), Jim Ihlenfeld (Presb. Moderator), Debra McCowin, Chris Noyes, Andrew Beery Absent: 1. Approval of the Coordinating Team Minutes: January 7, 2015, 2014 and February 6 & 7, 2015 M/S/P that the CT Minutes of January 7, 2015 and CT Retreat of February 6 & 7, 2015 were approved as presented. 2. Review of Presbytery Minutes: January 24, 2015 The Minutes of the Presbytery for January 24, 2015 were received and will be submitted to the Presbytery for approval in the consent agenda. 3. Report of the Stated Clerk: David Byers a. Received the written report of the Stated Clerk for the period of 1/1/152/26/15. b. Approved the request of the Stated Clerk for 5 minutes of docket time for the Rev. Carl Baughman to share information concerning the Child Protection Law and various workshops. 4. Report of the Executive Presbyter: Alan Adams a. The written report of the Executive Presbyter was received including the work with Kiskiminetas and Lackawanna Presbyteries, update on the WFMC Task Force, improvements to the Presbytery Office. b. Prayers for the William Doyle Family, Deb Huffmyer surgery recovery, the Jan Silver family, the Jack Howard family, Ralph Miller, the Lee Kummer family, Mary Kitchen, Barb Paff and David Byers. c. M/S/P, if the way be clear, to allocate money for web site development from the Technology Fund. d. M/S/P to approve a gas lease requested by the Mt. Nebo Church. e. M/S/P, that if the way be clear, to request a matching grant from the Board of Pensions, the Presbytery funds to come from Help for pastor and family funds to assist Linda Doyle. f. Approved the request for docket time for Rev. Liddy Barlow, Executive Minister of the Christian Associates to speak. Page 13 of 33 g. 19 people have expressed interest in the trip to Israel with Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh (Fall of 2015 at an estimated cost of $3,500. Grants from Jewish Federation, Synod and Presbytery may be available). 5. Report of the Coordinating Team Moderator: Rev. Randall Clow a. Update of PRT’s - request withdrawn: First/Beaver Falls 6. Report of the Presbytery Moderator: Ruling Elder Jim Ihlenfeld No report. 7. Report of the Vice Moderator: Rev. Mary Kitchen No report. 8. Report of the Treasurer, Jim Gray/John Laudenslager Received the Balanced Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement January through December 2014 and the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2014, with a $125,000 deficit. 9. Review Items Referred from Presbytery Meeting: None. 10. Review of Trustee Issues: None. 11. Reports of Committees: -Financial Planning Committee: (John Laudenslager) M/S/A the recommendation of the Financial Planning Committee to reallocate funds $15,000 from the Temporary Restricted Fund, $10,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund, and $5,000 from the Technology Fund to meet the needs of Mission Budget requests: Mission Partnership Unit: $9,100 Congregational Mission Unit: $3,600 Congregational Development and Leadership Unit: $2,300. Concurred with the recommendation that the banking system be switched to Northwest Bank. -Personnel Committee: No Report -Committee on Ministry Legal Actions (Consent) -Committee on Preparation: Concurred with the recommendation of the CPM that special accommodations be granted to Matthew Grubbs (Under Care) for Senior Ordination Exams. The accommodations are: An extension of time, not to exceed “time and a half”; A grammarian, chosen by CPM, to proofread with Mr. Grubbs for syntactical clarity only. Page 14 of 33 -Committee on Representation No report -Nominating Committee Received the written report and request for docket time. (5 minutes) Election of Elder Denise Hobaugh- Concord/Hooker (COM-2017 Election of Elder Lois Pacillo-The Galilean/New Galilee (Financial Planning2016) Election of Elder Bea Welsh-Hill/Butler (Personnel-2017) 12. Reports of Presbytery Units: -Ministry Partnership Unit (formerly Congregational Collaboration): Request reallocation of funds to support the Resource Center and Youth Ministry expenses for 2015 Request for 10 minutes of docket time. -Congregational Development and Leadership: No report -Congregational Mission Unit and Peacemaking Committee: (Dave Householder/Jim Kirk) Received the written report. M/S/P to concur with the request to present “Five Peacemaking Affirmations For Presbytery Deliberations” as a First Reading, to establish Table Talks in April and to vote at the May meeting of the Presbytery. Request for 10 minutes of docket to announce Peacemaking assignment and 2015 Mission Grants -Presbytery Administrative and Engagement Unit No report. 13. Requests for Display Space/Video: None 14. Formation and Approval of the Docket: March 24, 2015 M/S/P that the Presbytery Meeting Task Force be granted authority to formulate the docket. 15. Old Business: None 16. New Business: None Adjournment: M/S/P to adjourn at 8:02 PM. The meeting was closed with prayer by Dan Callahan. Respectfully submitted, David D. Byers Stated Clerk Next Meeting: Visioning Meeting: April 1, 2015 LEGAL Action: Consent The Minutes of the Presbytery for January 24, 2015. The Report of the Stated Clerk for the period of 1/1/15-2/26/15. Page 15 of 33 LEGAL ACTION: Floor 1. The Coordinating Team recommends that the Presbytery concur with the request of Congregational Mission Unit and Peacemaking Committee to present “Five Peacemaking Affirmations For Presbytery Deliberations” as a First Reading, to establish Table Talks in April and to vote to adopt at the May meeting of the Presbytery. 2. The Coordinating Team recommends that the Presbytery concur with the request of the Committee on Preparation that special accommodations be granted to Matthew Grubbs (Under Care) for Senior Ordination Exams. The accommodations are: An extension of time, not to exceed “time and a half” A grammarian, chosen by CPM, to proofread with Mr. Grubbs for syntactical clarity only. Exceptions require a 2/3 vote. For Information: The Coordinating team approved the recommendation of the Financial Planning Committee to reallocate funds $15,000 from the Temporary Restricted Fund, $10,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund, and $5,000 from the Technology Fund to meet the needs of Mission Budget requests: Ministry Partnership Unit: $9,100 Congregational Mission Unit: $3,600 Congregational Development and Leadership Unit: $2,300. Page 16 of 33 Clerk’s Report January 1, 2015 - February 26, 2015 1. 1/5/15 attended the COM Meeting at the Presbytery Center 2. 1/7/15 received the request of the Park Church, Zelienople to remit per capita in quarterly payments to the Presbytery and any funds received directed to the Synod and GA will be listed in the remittance form. Forwarded to the Treasurer. 3. 1/7/15 attended the Coordinating Team meeting at the Presbytery Center. 4. 1/7/15 forwarded to the treasurer the request of the Park UP Church. Zelienople to quarterly payments of per capita, submitting inly the per capita paid by individual members to the OGA and Synod. 5. 1/7/15 forwarded to the Treasurer the request of the New Bethlehem Church, Aliquippa for quarterly per capita payments. 6. 1/17/15 forwarded to the Treasurer the request of the New Salem Church, Midland to six per capita payments. 7. 1/19/15 received verification that the Rev. Kimberly Merrill was received into the ECO by the Great Lakes Presbytery as a Transitional Pastor. Forwarded to the COM. 8. 1/18/15 forwarded to the Treasurer the request of the Session of the Calvin Church Zelienople for distribution of per capita that the amount for designated for the Presbytery will be applied to the General Assembly and the Designation for the General Assembly will be credited to the Presbytery. Their action is based upon the disagreement with the present Per Capita policy of the Presbytery. 9. 1/24/15 attended the Presbytery Meeting at the Concord Church, Hooker, PA. 10. 1/27/15 submitted to the OGA, Synod of the Trinity and the Board of Pensions the actions of the Presbytery concerning: a. The closing of the College Hill Church, Beaver Falls; b. Dissolving the Pastoral relationship between the College Hill Church and the Rev. Dennis Burnett; c. The appointment of the Rev. Dennis Burnett as Interim of the New Sewickley Church, Rochester; d. The dissolution of the pastoral relationship between the Rev. Jeff Curtis and the Mt. Chestnut Church Butler; e. The dissolution of the pastoral relationship between the Rev. Mauri Smith and the North Sewickley Church, Ellwood City; f. The dissolution of the pastoral relationship between the Rev. David Brewer and the Saxonburg Memorial Church, Saxonburg. 11. 1/27/15 faxed to Kay Moore, OGA, the actions taken by the Presbytery on January 24, 2015 concerning the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution. 12. 1/28/15 received a copy of the request from the Valencia Church, Valencia stating that 2015 per capita will be paid only as members contribute dated 11/28/2014. This correspondence was not included the Clerk’s Report for the January meeting, but had been received by the Treasurer. 13. 1/6-7/15 attended the Coordinating Team Retreat at Camp Crestfield, Slippery Rock. 14. 2/15/15 forwarded to the Treasurer, the request of the Hill Church, Butler for quarterly payments of per capita, with an immediate payment of $7,000. 15. 2/25/15 attended Unholy Secrets at Pittsburgh Seminary sponsored by Samaritan Counseling and Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute regarding Child Protection standards. Page 17 of 33 10:53 AM 03/02/15 Cash Basis Beaver-Butler Presbytery Profit & Loss by Class January through December 2014 Administrative Mission Restricted TOTAL Ordinary Income/Expense Income 51102 · Per Capita Apportionment 215,939.16 0.00 0.00 215,939.16 52105 · Rev.Mission Causes-Budget 62.00 170,368.19 0.00 170,430.19 52110 · Rev. Mission Causes-Other 0.00 416.00 0.00 416.00 53112 · Tinker Trust - PNC Bank 713.80 0.00 0.00 713.80 53113 · ESB Checking Interest 444.53 0.00 0.00 444.53 53305 · Savings NexTier 6472-A 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.24 53310 · Savings NexTier 6566-C 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.28 1,333.22 0.00 0.00 1,333.22 118.24 0.00 0.00 118.24 55120 · Interest Note Rec.-Minist 51.97 0.00 0.00 51.97 55195 · Interest Note Rec.-Other 481.79 0.00 0.00 481.79 56105 · Rent KASH 7,200.00 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 56110 · Rent Complete Travel 8,001.50 0.00 0.00 8,001.50 56115 · Rent Excel 1,260.00 0.00 0.00 1,260.00 27,304.48 780.46 2,448.43 30,533.37 57106 · Bulk Order Receipts 1,035.50 0.00 0.00 1,035.50 57107 · BOP Pastor Training 132.60 0.00 0.00 132.60 264,079.31 171,564.65 2,448.43 438,092.39 37,761.87 0.00 0.00 37,761.87 7,537.73 0.00 0.00 7,537.73 0.00 119,005.14 0.00 119,005.14 53816 · Presby. Invest and Loan Income 53999 · Investment Income Other 57105 · Miscellaneous Income Total Income Expense 71105 · Per Capita Expense GA 71110 · Per Capita Expense Synod 72105 · Mission Causes Exp- Synod/GA 72110 · Mission Causes Exp- Other 0.00 3,455.63 40,000.00 43,455.63 191,558.30 2,387.67 1,901.71 195,847.68 74000 · Units/Officers 6,590.88 82,330.65 1,188.65 90,110.18 75100 · Cost of Space 25,576.24 0.00 0.00 25,576.24 6,561.99 0.00 0.00 6,561.99 13,183.97 0.00 0.00 13,183.97 73000 · Salary/Wage/Benefits 75200 · Communications 75300 · Furniture and Equipment 75400 · Office Expense 75500 · Training and Professional 0.00 0.00 6,626.16 862.84 0.00 0.00 862.84 75600 · Travel Expense 6,698.59 1,216.77 0.00 7,915.36 75700 · Conferences/Meetings 1,410.52 0.00 0.00 1,410.52 75800 · Purchased Services 4,610.00 0.00 0.00 4,610.00 75900 · Miscellaneous Expense 529.42 0.00 0.00 529.42 75907 · Bulk Order Expenditures 1,085.85 0.00 0.00 1,085.85 75910 · Wash 1,291.77 500.00 0.00 1,791.77 311,886.13 208,895.86 43,090.36 563,872.35 -47,806.82 -37,331.21 -40,641.93 -125,779.96 -47,806.82 -37,331.21 -40,641.93 -125,779.96 Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 6,626.16 Page 18 of 33 Page 1 of 1 10:54 AM 03/02/15 Cash Basis Beaver-Butler Presbytery Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2014 Dec 31, 14 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 10000 · Cash 10107 · ESB Bank 388,013.91 10115 · Petty Cash 100.00 Total 10000 · Cash 388,113.91 10200 · Tenant Deposit Account 10205 · Savings NexTier 6472-A 469.29 10210 · Savings NexTier 6566-C 529.56 Total 10200 · Tenant Deposit Account 998.85 10300 · Investments 10511 · Presbyterian Investment & Loan 10512 · PILP Fixed Term Note 10520 · Ecumenical Cooperative Total 10300 · Investments Total Checking/Savings 292,951.25 99,604.12 1,500.00 394,055.37 783,168.13 Accounts Receivable 12125 · A/R Faith to Faith Total Accounts Receivable Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS 11,702.67 11,702.67 794,870.80 794,870.80 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 21000 · Payroll Liabilities 160.85 21100 · Direct Deposit Liabilities 416.66 Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities 577.51 577.51 Long Term Liabilities 28001 · Deferred Mortgage Income Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities 7,525.99 7,525.99 8,103.50 Page 19 of 33 Page 1 of 2 10:54 AM 03/02/15 Cash Basis Beaver-Butler Presbytery Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2014 Dec 31, 14 Equity 29000 · Restricted Funds 29100 · Temporarily Restricted 29105 · Peacemaking Fund 8,426.57 29120 · Capital Improvement Fund 20,000.00 29125 · New Church Development Fund 29130 · Church Re-Development Fund 516,920.12 120.72 29135 · Technological Advancement Fund 29140 · Support of Candidates Fund 8.33 3,592.00 29145 · Leadership Training Fund 20,000.00 29150 · Contingency Fund 11,157.27 29155 · WFM Development Fund -5,675.42 Total 29100 · Temporarily Restricted 574,549.59 29200 · Permanently Restricted 29205 · Endowment Fund 29210 · Lyndora Scholarship Fund 2,575.09 20,003.58 29220 · Church Development 315,419.00 Total 29200 · Permanently Restricted 337,997.67 Total 29000 · Restricted Funds Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 912,547.26 -125,779.96 786,767.30 794,870.80 Page 20 of 33 Page 2 of 2 Minutes Beaver-Butler Presbytery January 24, 2015 The Beaver-Butler Presbytery held a stated meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 24, 2015 in the Concord Presbyterian Church, Hooker, where the Rev. James Steiner serves as Interim Pastor. WELCOME: At 10:00 a.m. our Vice Moderator, Teaching Elder Mary Kitchen, welcomed the presbyters and offered prayer. Teaching and Ruling Elders attending a Presbytery meeting for the first time were introduced. The Rev. Carl Baughman, Director of the Samaritan Counseling Center, a member of the Church of the Brethren, was welcomed and seated as a corresponding member. The presbyters were welcomed by a representative of our host church, Ruling Elder Dave Hazlet, who provided essential information. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Rev. Carl Baughman announced that the Samaritan Counseling Center is starting a Clergy Support Group, to meet on the first Tuesday of every month beginning March 3rd, 9:30 a.m. – noon, at the Presbytery office in Zelienople. Rev. Baughman also noted the pastor’s breakfast/workshop on Sexual Abuse in the Church at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary on Wednesday, January 28th at 9:00 a.m. The Rev. Jeffrey Lang, chairperson of the Ministry Partnership Unit, publicized the visit to our Presbytery by the Rev. Mark Koenig of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. Rev. Koenig will present a workshop on our denomination’s witness and ministry at the U.N. at the Presbytery office on Monday, February 23rd, 10-11:30 a.m., followed by lunch. Sidney Fisher, Resource Center Director, promoted a VBS Preview to be held at the Plains Presbyterian Church on February 14th, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She also noted that the Presbytery’s eBlurb (e-mail and website news) has been reactivated. It includes information about the VBS Preview and more. Diana Mermon, Presbytery Youth Coordinator, alerted the presbyters about changes to state law regarding child abuse/protection. Clearances are now required for anyone (church employees or volunteers) having contact with those under age 18, and must now be renewed every 36 months. In addition, the new law makes all such persons mandatory reporters. Diana Mermon also publicized up-coming events for church youth. The Rev. Jim Kirk, co-chair of the Congregational Mission Unit, reported on his experiences during a mission trip to Vietnam in October 2014 organized by World Mission Initiative. The trip was in partnership with the United Presbyterian Church of Page 21 of 33 Vietnam, which has 120 congregations and is growing. When they arrived, cultural and economic differences were immediately apparent, but so were the faith connections among the Cham people. Rev. Kirk described a visit by the Vietnamese police to ensure that they were not worshipping or praying with their Vietnamese hosts. He noted these learnings: (1) Faith grows when it is threatened. (2) God’s love is stronger than fear. (3) They are praying for us; we should be praying for them. Our Vice Moderator, Teaching Elder Mary Kitchen, responded by offering prayer. The Rev. Dr. Peter deVries publicized a discussion about issues related to problem gambling, to be held at the Old Union Presbyterian Church on January 28th, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. ITEMS OF GOOD NEWS: An opportunity was provided for ruling elders of congregations to present stories of the good news within their congregational life. Several did so. • The Westminster Presbyterian Church, New Brighton, is celebrating 50 years in its present location (after a fire destroyed their previous building), and completed installation of a new roof, boiler and sound system. • The Glade Run Presbyterian Church is having a prominent sports figure, Robert Koch, as a speaker at an event for the 150 youth who are participating in the church’s basketball outreach program. • On February 14th at 7:00 p.m. the North and East Butler churches will be hosting a concert by the Farm Hands Quartet, an award-winning bluegrass gospel group. They are coming for the second time. The concert will be at the East Butler church. The above preliminary matters having been addressed, the formal stated meeting began at 10:30 a.m. Our Moderator, Ruling Elder James Ihlenfeld, now presiding. “OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME…” MEETING PART ONE: OPENING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Moderator offered an opening prayer. A gathering hymn, The Solid Rock, was sung. The presbyters then offered a unison Prayer of Blessing and prayed The Lord’s Prayer together. “THY KINGDOM COME…” MEETING PART TWO: SEEKING GOD’S KINGDOM TOGETHER PRESBYTERY REFLECTIONS: John 6:22-34 was read by our Moderator, who then delivered a homily on this Gospel text. He noted that even though Jesus had been very busy himself, when asked “What shall we do?” Jesus responded by teaching that the work of God is to believe in Him whom God sent. Faith in Christ is our essential work; it is our very life. While doing a good job at work may lead to a promotion or a raise, the outcome of the “work of faith” is promotion to the church triumphant. Page 22 of 33 A time of silent reflection was provided. Presbyters were given a brief opportunity to discuss in small groups what they heard from God in the Scripture and homily. ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE: An anthem, How Great is our God/How Great Thou Art, was offered by the choir of the Concord/Hooker church. The Presbytery entered a Time of Remembrance which included the commemoration of those teaching elders, ruling elders, deacons and trustees of the Presbytery who died during 2014. The service concluded with prayer and an extended Passing of the Peace. “THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN…” MEETING PART THREE: SEEKING AS ONE TO DISCERN AND DO GOD’S WILL Our Vice Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Mary Kitchen, now presiding. Our Stated Clerk, the Rev. David D. Byers, attested to the presence of a quorum. A full record of attendance at this meeting may be found at Attachment A. The Stated Clerk also provided, through the meeting packet, the Presbytery Statistical Report for 2014 (Attachment J) regarding the changes in the numbers of ministers and churches in the Presbytery. RECEPTION AND APPROVAL OF THE OMNIBUS MOTION (CONSENT AGENDA): The Moderator provided an opportunity to request removal of items from the consent agenda. There were none. A motion was made and seconded to approve the following matters by common consent: 1. Receive the Report of the Coordinating Team in the form of the minutes of its January 7, 2015 business meeting (Attachment B). The following matters reflected in the Report of the Coordinating Team are entered into the Minutes of this Stated Presbytery Meeting: a. Revised Schedule of 2015 Stated Presbytery Meetings and Holidays (Attachment C). b. A protest of the actions of the 221st General Assembly in approving of same-sex weddings, from the Session of the Mt. Chestnut Presbyterian Church (Attachment D). c. A protest of the actions of the 221st General Assembly in approving of same-sex weddings, from the Session of the Valencia Presbyterian Church (Attachment E). 2. Receive the Report of the Stated Clerk for the period October 19, 2014 through December 31, 2014 (Attachment F). 3. Receive the Report of the Treasurer in the form of the Profit and Loss Statement by Class for January through November 2014 and the Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2014 (Attachment G). 4. Receive the Reports of the Executive Presbyter and the Presbytery Moderator. 5. Approve the Minutes of the November 18, 2014 stated Presbytery meeting. 6. Grant voice to participating visitors. Page 23 of 33 7. Approve the following recommendation of the Committee on Ministry: a. That the Presbytery concur with the request of the Rev. Jeff Curtis and the Mt. Chestnut Church that the pastoral relationship be dissolved effective February 28, 2015. b. That the Presbytery concur with the request of the Rev. David Brewer and the Saxonburg Memorial Church that the pastoral relationship be dissolved effective January 31, 2015. c. That the Presbytery concur with the request of the Rev. Dr. Mauri Smith and the North Sewickley Church that the pastoral relationship be dissolved effective January 19, 2015. d. That the Presbytery concur with the recommendation that the Rev. Dennis Burnett be appointed as Moderator of the North Sewickley Church effective January 19, 2015. e. That the Presbytery approve that the College Hill Presbyterian Church, 3400 Fifth Avenue, Beaver Falls, be dissolved, effective December 31, 2014. (The Corporation remains in existence.) f That the pastoral relationship between the College Hill Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Dennis Burnett be dissolved, effective December 31, 2014. g. That the Presbytery approve the appointment of the Rev. Dennis Burnett as Interim Pastor and Moderator of the New Sewickley Church effective January 5, 2015. The Interim Contract was received and approved for one year. h. That the Presbytery approve the appointment of the Rev. Greg Wiest as Moderator of the Saxonburg Memorial Church, effective February 1, 2015. The motion was approved. PRAYERFUL DISCERNMENT OF PRESBYTERY MATTERS: Our Moderator, Ruling Elder James Ihlenfeld, now presiding. ACTIONS FROM THE COORDINATING TEAM: Teaching Elder Randall Clow, Moderator of the Coordinating Team, moved on behalf of the Coordinating Team that the Presbytery approve the proposed 2015 Mission and Ministry Budget as a Second Reading. It was moved and seconded that the Congregational Mission Unit’s budget be amended by restoring it to $12,000, with any deficit to be made up from the Presbytery’s Contingency Fund. It was noted that no Contingency funds remain available, having been expended in prior years to cover deficits. The proposed amendment was defeated. It was moved and seconded that the Mission Partnership Unit’s budget be amended by adding $7,430 to a new total of $51,430. The proposed amendment was defeated. It was moved and seconded that $200,000 be transferred from the funds designated for new church development from departing churches. It was moved and seconded to refer the preceding motion to the Coordinating Team. The motion to refer was approved. Page 24 of 33 The motion to approve the 2015 Mission and Ministry Budget (as originally presented) was then approved. The 2015 Mission and Ministry Budget as adopted is provided at Attachment H. Teaching Elder Randall Clow, on behalf of the Coordinating Team, then nominated the Rev. Donna Yanosy to serve on the Nominating Committee. The Moderator provided an opportunity for nominations from the floor. There were none. The presbyters then elected Rev. Donna Yanosy to the Nominating Committee. EXECUTIVE PRESBYTER CONSIDERATIONS: Our Executive Presbyter, the Rev. Alan Adams, reported the following: 1. State law has established a new requirement for background checks for everyone who works with children under the age of 18. For those who have lived in Pennsylvania continuously for the past 10 years, the cost will be $20. It will be higher for those who have not lived in-state for 10 years. Information on the clearance process is on the Presbytery’s web site. In addition: a. Those who are cleared/certified also need to be trained regarding mandatory reporting. b. Every session must have a policy on child abuse/protection. It is recommended that these policies “start from scratch” rather than amend prior sexual misconduct policies. 2. The Worship, Faith and Mission Center feasibility study team, having decided to not build a new facility, is seeking to determine what ideas identified during the study can be done out of the existing Presbytery office. The team needs several new participants. Those interested should contact the Executive Presbyter. 3. Follow-up conversations with the Jewish Federation have resulted in an invitation to participate in an interfaith trip to Israel. Dates and costs are not yet known, but in order to gauge interest the Presbytery needs to hear promptly from those who may be interested in participating. VOTING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION: In preparation for discerning the Presbytery’s responses to the proposed amendments, the Moderator called upon the Rev. Dr. Graham Standish to speak about how to pray in a discerning way that aids our sense of God’s will. Discernment is not searching for problems; it is searching for opportunities and nuggets of God’s movement. The Stated Clerk explained that motions on each proposed amendments need to be motions to accept, so that it will be clear that “yes” votes approve amendments, and “no” votes disapprove amendments. 14-1 Inclusion of the Confession of Belhar in the Book of Confessions. No recommendation was provided. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. The result of voting by written ballot was 24 Yes and 48 No. The Presbytery did not accept the amendment. 14-A Renunciation of Jurisdiction (G-2.0509) The Committee on Ministry recommended a “no” vote. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. By voice vote the Presbytery did not accept the amendment. Page 25 of 33 14-B Special Committees to Review Preparation for Ministry Process and Standard Ordination Exams (G-2.0607 and G-2.0610) The Committee on Preparation for Ministry recommended a “yes” vote. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. By voice vote the Presbytery accepted the amendment. 14-C Child Protection Policy (G-3.0106) The Coordinating Team recommended a “yes” vote. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. By voice vote the Presbytery accepted the amendment. 14-D Minimum Composition of a Presbytery (G-3.0301) The Coordinating Team recommended a “yes” vote. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. By voice vote the Presbytery accepted the amendment. 14-E Interreligious Stance (G-5.0102) The Administration/Engagement Unit recommended a “yes” vote. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. By voice vote the Presbytery accepted the amendment. SIT AT TABLE TOGETHER: At 12:20 p.m. our Moderator called upon the Rev. Robert V. Mathias, H.R., former pastor of the Concord church. Rev. Mathias shared with the presbyters about the history of the Moniteau Community Food Pantry, and offered our mealtime prayer. The meeting was then recessed so that the presbyters could share in fellowship during a lunch featuring a variety of delicious soups and sandwiches prepared by our host church. At 1:20 p.m. the meeting was called back to order by our Moderator, Ruling Elder Jim Ihlenfeld, now presiding. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Jim Steiner, the Concord church’s Interim Pastor. PRAYERFUL DISCERNMENT OF PRESBYTERY MATTERS (CONTINUED): VOTING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (CONTINUED): The Presbytery resumed consideration of the proposed amendments to the Constitution: 14-F Marriage (W-4.9000) No recommendation was provided. A motion was made and seconded to accept the amendment. It was moved, seconded and approved to cut off debate. The result of voting by written ballot was 22 Yes and 49 No. The Presbytery did not accept the amendment. ACTIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE ON PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY: The Rev. Nicholas Marlatt, chairperson of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry, explained that when a presbytery examines a person for Candidacy, the following three area of questioning are appropriate: Page 26 of 33 (1) Questions regarding the Inquirer’s Christian faith, (2) Questions regarding forms of Christian service the Inquirer has undertaken, and (3) Questions regarding the Inquirer’s motives for seeking ordered Christian ministry. The Rev. Nicholas Marlatt presented Mr. Matt Grubbs, noting that he is a member of the Saxonburg Memorial church, has graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and is now serving as a youth pastor at the Korean Presbyterian Church in the Pittsburgh area. The Rev. Marlatt then moved, on behalf of the Committee, that Mr. Matt Grubbs be approved as a Candidate under care of the Presbytery. It was moved, seconded and approved that the examination be arrested. Action on the main motion was deferred until after a second person’s Candidacy was considered. The Rev. Nicholas Marlatt also presented Mr. Maxwell Muska, noting that he is a member of the Westminster Presbyterian church, New Brighton; and is in his final year at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The Rev. Marlatt then moved, on behalf of the Committee, that Mr. Maxwell Muska be approved as a Candidate under care of the Presbytery. It was moved, seconded and approved that the examination be arrested. Both potential candidates were escorted from the floor. The Presbytery acted favorably to receive Mr. Matt Grubbs as a Candidate under care of Beaver-Butler Presbytery. The Presbytery then acted favorably to receive Mr. Max Muska as a Candidate under care of Beaver-Butler Presbytery. The two Candidates were returned to the meeting area. The Moderator invited representatives of their congregations to come forward. They both answered affirmatively the appropriate questions asked of them by the Moderator. Our Moderator then charged them. Pastoral prayers were offered for each candidate. ACTIONS FROM THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Rev. Greg Wiest, chairperson of the Nominating Committee, nominated on behalf of the Committee Ruling Elder Jack McMichael (Park, Zelienople) to serve on the Ministry Partnership Unit. The Moderator provided an opportunity for nominations from the floor. There were none. Mr. McMichael was then elected by the Presbytery to serve on the Ministry Partnership Unit. ACTIONS FROM THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENGAGEMENT UNIT: The Rev. Greg Wiest, chairperson of the Administration and Engagement Unit, presented the Hamas-Israel Resolution for its Second Reading, and moved that the Resolution, as revised by the Unit, be approved. The original resolution had been presented as New Business (First Reading) at the July 15, 2014 Presbytery meeting, and was referred by action of the Presbytery to the Administration and Engagement Unit. Page 27 of 33 The resolution was approved by the Presbytery by voice vote. The following persons requested that their opposition to the resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Presbytery meeting: The Rev. Jim Swanson, the Rev. Chris Noyes, and the Rev. Jeff Lang. The Hamas-Israel Resolution, as adopted by the Presbytery, is provided at Attachment I. ACTIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE ON MINISTRY: The Rev. Dr. Peter deVries, chairperson of the Committee on Ministry, called upon our Executive Presbyter, who by means of comments, liturgy and prayer, led the Presbytery in a recognition of the mission and ministry of the College Hill Presbyterian Church, Beaver Falls, now dissolved. The Rev. Dr. Peter deVries noted that a number of churches of the Presbytery are entering times of transition, including: • The New Sewickley Presbyterian Church (beginning an interim pastorate) • The North Sewickley Presbyterian Church (from which the Rev. Dr. Mauri Smith has just departed, going to serve as chaplain at a retirement community in Ohio) • The Saxonburg Memorial Presbyterian Church (from which the Rev. David Brewer will soon be retiring), • The Mount Chestnut Presbyterian Church. (from which the Rev. Jeff Curtis will soon be retiring). The presbyters were encouraged to remember these congregations in prayer. OTHER MATTERS OF THE PRESBYTERY: There was no new business. There was no old business. “GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS. LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL” MEETING PART FOUR: RESPONDING TO GOD’S GRACE TOGETHER The presbyters shared together in Communion, served by intinction. The Rev. Jim Steiner presided at the Lord’s Table. The hymn Here I Am, Lord was then sung. “FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER. AMEN.” MEETING PART FIVE: GOING IN GOD’S GRACE: Our Moderator, Ruling Elder Jim Ihlenfeld, now presiding. Attendance at this Presbytery meeting was as follows: 37 Ruling Elder Commissioners representing 30 churches 6 Officers, Coordinating Team members, or Unit chairpersons Page 28 of 33 37 1 30 111 Teaching Elders (Ministers of Word and Sacrament) Corresponding Member Visitors, including 10 Visitors present specifically for the memorial service Total Attendance at this meeting A motion was made, seconded and approved to express the presbyters’ appreciation to the people and pastor of the Concord church for hosting this meeting. A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed. The presbyters shared in a Sending Litany based upon the Lord’s Prayer; Adjournment took place at 2:50 p.m. The next stated meeting of Beaver-Butler Presbytery will be at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at the Trinity Presbyterian Church, Butler, where the Rev. Dr. Tammy Wiens is serving as Renewal Pastor. Respectfully submitted, Dennis D. Burnett, Assistant Stated Clerk David D. Byers, Stated Clerk TABLE OF ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 2015 PRESBYTERY MEETING: A Record of Attendance on January 24, 2015 B Report of the Coordinating Team (Minutes of its January 7, 2015 meeting) C Revised Schedule of 2015 Stated Presbytery Meetings and Holidays D A Protest of the actions of the 221st General Assembly in approving of same-sex weddings, from the Session of the Mt. Chestnut Presbyterian Church E A Protest of the actions of the 221st General Assembly in approving of same-sex weddings, from the Session of the Valencia Presbyterian Church F Report of the Stated Clerk for October 19, 2014 through December 31, 2014 G Report of the Treasurer (Profit & Loss Statement by Class for January through November 2014 and Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2014) H 2015 Mission and Ministry Budget, As Adopted I Hamas-Israel Resolution, As Adopted J Statistical Report of Beaver-Butler Presbytery Page 29 of 33 ATTENDANCE TEACHING ELDERS Adams, Alan Angleberger, A. Gary H.R. Angleberger, Judy A. Angleberger, Kelley Anschutz, Richard David Aull, Donald Bauer, Allison Beery, Andrew Bittner, Lee Black, Keith Boos, James H.R. Boyd, Mark Brewer, David R. Burnett, Dennis D. Byers, David D. Callahan, Daniel Campbell, James W. H.R. Catullo, Anthony A. Churchill, Frank R. H.R. *Cline, Charles Clow, Randall Clyde, Tom H. R. Crusan, Deborah Curtis, Jeffrey A. de Vries, Peter C. Dickey, John B. Doyle, William H. R. Dreyer, W. Lee Dunn, Connie Erwin, Kirk H.R. Esser, Nathan Franklin, Stephen Frierson, Connie Goossen, Robert Haddox, Jennifer Harmon, Tom Heller, F. Edwin H.R. Hoffman, C. F. Holland, Paul L. H.R. Horstman, Katherine A. L. Huffmyer, Deborah E. Jackson, Bill Jamieson, William A. H. R. Kennedy, Robert W. H.R. Kennedy, Vicki Kirk, Jim Kitchen, Mary (Sickels) Kronk, Ronald Kummer, Rosalyn S. H. R. Lang, Jeffrey Lavender, Deane F. H. R. Marlatt, Nicholas Marotta, Derek ATTACHEMENT A P EXC EXC A A P P A A EXC P P EXC P P EXC P P EXC P P EXC EXC P P P EXC A P EXC A A P A EXC A EXC A EXC A EXC A P EXC A P P P EXC P EXC P P *Marquis, Jeff Mathias, Robert V. McElwain, John C. Meloy, Merry Merrill, Kimberly Merrill, Paul Mihm, Rebecca Moran, James M. Mumaw, William Noyes, Chris Opitz, Donald D. Parker, Howard O. Peterson, John C. Plumb, Mark Porter, John W. *Prosser, Tom Rimmer, Jordan Rowe, Richard F. Roy, Dena *Saul, Robert Paul Sawyer, Clark T. *Schaefer, Paul Severance, T. Neil Shaffer, Andrew C. Shettel, John Shullo, Carmen Sinagra, Jason Smith, Jean Smith, Maurice Snyder, Donald F. Standish, N. Graham Steiner, Jim Stoops, Leland (Terry) R. Stuart, Albert Swanson, James Tuft, John T. Tuft, Thomas D. Turner, Doug Wallace, Elizabeth West, Jonathan Weston, Gary L. Wiebe, John M. Wierman, Beth Wierman, Paul D. Wiest, Gregory Winship, Michael Yanosy, Donna H.R. H. R. H. R. H.R. H.R. H.R. H. R. H.R. H. R. H.R. A P A EXC A P A EXC P P A EXC EXC A A A P A EXC A A A A A EXC A P P A A P P EXC A P A EXC P A P EXC A A EXC P EXC P RULING ELDERS Aliquippa New Bethlehem (2 votes) Ohio (2 votes) Page 30 of 33 Diana Mermon Ed Helms Raccoon Service Ambridge Ambridge U.P. Baden Concord John Laudenslager Beaver Park Jack Walker (2 votes) Beaver Falls Calvary College Hill First Irene Carson (2 votes) Steffin Hill Glenn Wooley Butler Covenant Ione Mathias Faith EXC Meridian (2 votes) Mt Chestnut Kay Curtis (2 votes) Saint Andrews The Hill (2 votes) Trinity Callery Crestview Cherry Valley E. Unity Chicora North Butler Allen Kitchen Clintonville Union Connoquenessing White Oak Springs Conway Conway Cranberry Cranberry Community (2 votes) Fountain Park Plains Susan Reed Darlington First Kevin Vosler Mt. Pleasant East Butler East Butler Eau Claire Eau Claire Ellwood City Knox North Sewickley Evans City Westminster Ruth Pickett (2 votes) Susan Verba Fombell Camp Run Frankfort Springs Frankfort Freedom First Wynne Hromanik Harrisville Harmony Hooker Concord Denise Hobaugh Hookstown Mill Creek Mars Mars United Lorene Winner (2 votes) Dottie Gifford Old Union (2 votes) Midland First New Salem Monaca First North Branch New Brighton First Westminster Frank Ripper New Galilee Galilean N. Washington N. Washington Beverly E. Bishop Parker First Petrolia Fairview Prospect Mt Nebo Randy Bieber P. C. Prospect Mark Johnson Rochester First Presb. New Sewickley Raymond Beatty Sarver Buffalo Linda Mareney Saxonburg Clinton Debbie Gottshall Jefferson Center Saxonburg Mem. Chuck McCorkle (2 votes) Roger Emmonds Westminster Dan Quick Shippingport Bethlehem Slippery Rock Bethel Center Mary Hines-Formeck Highland West Liberty Wolf Creek Sarah Datt Page 31 of 33 Valencia VISITORS Glade Run (2 votes) Valencia Dave Somers Wiliam Pearson Vanport Vanport West Sunbury West Sunbury (2 votes) Zelienople Calvin (2 votes) Park Excused Suzanne Reese David Shidemantle Alecia McKee Rich Kaiser CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Name Carl Baughman Presbytery/Affiliation Samaritan Counseling ELDER MEMBERS WHO ARE: OFFICER, COORDINATING TEAM, OR UNIT CHAIR Name James Ihlenfeld Jim Gray Sharon Sonnett David Householder Ralph M. Miller John Laudenslager Presbytery/Affiliation Moderator Treasurer CT CMU CT Financial Planning Name Joyce Boos Carla Adams Annamary McMullen Virginia Shirey Donald Shirey Doug Martin Jack McMichael Matthew D. Grubbs George Muska Laura Muska Laura Robinson Jane Wright Mary Rae Thompson Sue Confer Kathleen Krill Maxwell Muska Ron Fox Tega Swann Joaquim Anabe-Lopez John Ivanak Necrology Service Only Sharon McKee Judy Stewart Jerry Sefton Alan Sefton Barb Fail` Betty Hazlet Haun Edna Kemerer Dunn Muth Page 32 of 33 Church Mt. Nebo, Prospect Park, Zelienople Valencia, Valencia Buffalo, Sarver Buffalo, Sarver First, Rochester Park, Zelienople Saxonburg Memorial Westminster, N. Bright. Westminster, N. Bright. New Sewickley, Roch. New Sewickley, Roch. Meridian, Butler North Washington First, Parker Westminster, N. Bright. Park, Zelienople Aliquippa, PA Old Union, Mars Plains, Cranberry Twp. Hill, Butler Concord, Hooker Westminster, Sarver Westminster, Sarver Concord, Hooker Concord, Hooker New Sewickley Roch. Valencia, Valencia BEAVER-BUTLER PRESBYTERY 2015 Presbytery Meetings The Office Will Close Early On These Dates Saturday, January 24 Tuesday, March 24 Tuesday, May 26 Tuesday, July 28 Tuesday, September 22 Tuesday, November 17 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Concord, Hooker Trinity, Butler Calvin, Zelienople North Branch, Monaca Plains, Cranberry Park, Beaver (Tentative) 2015 Holiday Schedule The Office Will Be Closed New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day President’s Day Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas/New Years January 1 (Thursday) January 19 (Monday) February 16 (Monday) April 3 (Friday) May 25 (Monday) July 3 (Friday) September 7 (Monday) November 11 (Wednesday) November 26 (Thursday) November 27 (Friday) December 24 (Thursday) December 25 – Jan 1 (Friday – Friday) Page 33 of 33
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